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<br />THE .MORTGAGOR FURTHER t70lrENANTS AND AGREES_ -. <br />That-the Murtgat:ar wilt pay the indeMednesv as hereintaefore provided. <br />Tha£ the Mprtgagor is the owner of said properly in fee simple and has goad right and lawful authority to sell and <br />ramay the sam2'and that the same is free find clear of any lien or encumbrance; and chat Mortgagor will warrant snd detend the <br />title to .said premises against the: dairtis of alI persons whomsoever. <br />To pay itnmediately when due and payahte ai! general tax's. special taxes, special assessments, water charges, sewer sen-~ <br />ice chargers, and other taxes and charges against said property. and alt tax+•s lewd nn the :ieltt secured hereby, and to furnish t'.ta <br />'ti_rkgagee, upori reque_N„ with the original ,:r duplicate receipt: therefor. The \iortgagor agrt4~s fhat there shat; he added to <br />each monthly payment required }:ereander o, umlor the ccidrrc,• of d:~ht secured !.. r.~6y an amount estim.^,ted by the .`.U+rtgagee <br />is, t>e sufficient to enable fhe Mortgagee i,t }!at-, as the.' hec~:,mr ,lul•, al! taxe=s. asa•..sments, and cimitar charges upon the prem~ <br />ices atbjeet thereto any ,ieficienc-c M><'ausr of tha- insu~eien<y .:f ,uch additianai pa~mant_c shat) he forthH~ith rlrpsifeA 6t' the <br />Siortgagnr 'w'ith the Aiortgagre a}r:~n :iemand =. t?u- 9htttgs;;ee Art' defnuh undre thi> pa r;tg raph shall hr d,•rmed a dofauh in <br />{=avment of trues, a~a~mtrnts, nr s,miiar ehargos t r+ai h. rrunder. <br />Thar Itlarigagor agree that there shat! aisn Ere sided to each momh!y paymr=nt of psi rcgtai amt mu=test ra~yulred here- <br />unc}_-r as xrtsun. <.,.^tanri by the Sfortgager i , ?,:, _uf&r=rrt }. _ nabio i!te \Tort gaca~~ t, pay. as it I~~e<,m-•. due, the nsuranre <br />pa~m:um ,:.. any ,. >asatxY tx lire deity, .red u, the \Sm gage+~ ~n~ der fi. i,~rc> lxcsun,• =f ;t„= r..uihcicncy :,f sueh ariditi, ntai l:ay. <br />mrn~e .ha1i !~ forthwith dep.~ited ! the Atort~agar .. ith the Ainrteagcr u!K, 3etnand ',, ,.IC Ai,trtgager -i m' +li~fauli rtnaer :his <br />;+ara„ a, i :icalE .. <•tat ~i ~ ,ir(au'.t ... ,. .' i..-u, ..<.• r. - r .... It the , : ,r ,,ai:.e. .!<•i.o.i r. i .ve• .ueh as ;-r .me <br />. x =,. , . a,i .. a ,s.!...o-_ 5r -ic } . tt. a ... u:fi; t. n: .. ..., , ., ., ~ u. u , \k-: 4 , ' ! i'1_;- the =lt=pr... , . <br />}+av i:rwmtums <n n i:s rcx;u:r:•d t.> l+e insunti by thts mortgaGe. <br />e- etn:. ntadr ~ .• • ~i-+rtcac~ r .. r.:i,-r .., .+k•~*a:- ,sea.::: y,h: •nae st ;hr• ,,, !t:r \inrlFa.. !~.• hrh. h. an.i <br />. ...a,ingi~.} ,.nh <Kiter .ua _. .unu. ..u. ....,.. r .-.It ,;; i-: .t -. ..,.,: . .. ., npt4i.•d. vwh ;.:}mrnts are h,~rrba <br />jetr3z „ ac .ct`(':lni\- .,Ir ti?r~ .:?!,;:p•: ... ,,i.... ... '1•, .~. ,rl _. ,,. -r-,.<~hn-:inn ,. <br />..', prs urr. ..., ..... ... ... .... .. -, .,. _ n ~iorigear _. ,t!'~<. ,t. -=t t - r;µ.a•-„n.';nal ; ,,, ... and <br />tenr++a!> tberxd, rA. ha,~r<•: a; ,,,.t ., .: ._-_. , .n,~ ,erut n~n ~i ,3n ..< ,. n,-1,•. ,n.e rnt„ +ca,r,t nr, sn+l ,•th,•r nsurat,le <br />hazard+. cn. suaItirs. and ,onting<•na'1.-. x, th< S1,:rtr•~:va~e• ~r,:t+.~ nquir~, ir. nn arnoun: <•qual !;, the ind,-bt,=d r..•s., .nK~urrd hy~ ifiis <br />3S:=riga~e, an:i :n tentparu,- a. . _. ,....,. \t• . -_, -.. ,, .a: -. >. p; b(e .tae-, ,a tu. „ err....,. „ r ,. a:<,~ptahh• r, vh., \E<,; rca <br />t„ <br />gea= in kite .rent am- _ .- ., .. .,. ,~. ,.. 1 ~. .,» ~ .. r>p, situ ,. ,,:,• V- tcy. i, ca ,=. ,. r, „ran.,,,., th.~ <br />;mp ovr'rrx~nt.., par ttte :.<n: .... -~---.~ ,: .u-• ., -.,.:_ ,:.:...r .., m.,,; at+:, L:< , r, , , i !. .. _. ... , , ,- <br />ii,tih ]n ::.lid ^,: ,It'. ~^I:, r,;..: '•. ,.... ,.. .~, ..r..~. .,, __ art .., .. .- ..... .. .... .... .n .l i- <br />• n <br />as are heresn ngmrc :r ,.r t_„u,< ... u.., ,.t a.. _. .. . .-•alt nt .. .,pa~~, ..,~ St n cage!- ..:. ttiute a ur, ,h <br />under '.err terim cal kke t= xr•.=t _ a;:+' -, ; :., r u ~•: ;° -,r-. _..:,1~ - •. ?he h ate. .. nor t,_r :,n a .ga;nrr,' .. -,. a., <br />earnr~i premtum- , ti <br />any wms ., r .. -... s. .. . _..... ,. ., . a nag<• n .. ,. s-r ..,a. r~,. -tatn.. .. ll. _ :. , <br />>,.. appiie<i 33".`the i:yame;,t .e .., ,,. t, r, 1., ..., r, ,, . sl .,:,!?tl:.i: ~fat`.i ~,it_1~a~_ .. ..~.. ,.l ,. .,)•, !:a t .. <br />'.art mat' he •pard , .r the \7. r t-;~.r -. r, .. ~,:d t. _,,.-l: ~utl„ln„~ ~,.r I,u':~1 n.~w ;.. i .r -,,- .-. : ... r i,~r any <br /> pur,u+se =. r ot,yect =att~faaary ,.~ t~-> A,. ,,,. , :,i~.:=ut stT<K n:re :h.• t,a ,: ta.= _ , _~. .,:.! a. , , .. ,, ,-.t- ., ,,,< <br />h+~ ?,-More su:$t ;+a+'m=•ni .+er t,>~ t ._a <br />T:a pri,tttptl v' .ail r. e~st,~tx' .. re i,;::i,. ..... .. . . },tt•+e'mt'.^.t~ . _ ,-. -~ .^a..• . -., ... }.Ir f.l±e~ a, t: ii!t ?;. ~rt <br />t-+>re ~aanasr.+-c <v da~tm;rv+_ t., 1:-c;l .~~,i . .. ... __ ~ „-..:a at„n and r. pa r ant f.rt ~,nt ir,a z r. 1-:,anx ~~ it-n rr „t n.,r ~rn ,:r <br />riaim :>. };en n:x expressla suix,rdtaaosi to tuc ..+.a ... .-. .,...~, ~ ., >udcr ,. .tea-ttt~i .aa+ ,.... u+.. ui .... ,. ~.a .... ..-t,am'<~ .. , !a a., <br />said pn+;aertr .tor , }xrm+t .+~as;t ,.n ,... ,,. rr, .. ,. a^ nta. ~•, ..,. ... ,.}x•rt. .,.}n -,1 <ha:a -:v.a, <br />;ass +atush2r.. or .. dtmtzusix ~. ,rn}a. - . ,.. _ - - ., - rr._-. , : ~.. ,- . .-. . -n. a ..,.. .. • -.. <br />to tits' martgaged premises aadal he use ihem+f_ <br />?-, ,< + <br />`f-hat sinaulrl tyre prrmtsc~ , sn ~ ,err, - a rr:sf t. ,~,.< . r :.sntag:ti; i=, r. a .,, , . , ::x.prn=-. m. n! rR~-~rzsndr*;tlraii-ut <br />pzcrtx=dtng, or .xndrr s'x right c*i .~lf=lnrri .i:.mam, ,.r :n any ottacr manor r. the \l,rteaaa-,• .fia14 '„ <ntn lr,l t,. +tl •+:mF:rn;3n,,tts <br />axar1aG+, arR; any at.tsrr pa}=mint .,r rc;xf :h°re-+.=•....:.. shalt k, e...:iira. ai i_R ... ........ .......... ...... '>},~__. .,. _..:i .,.-;.-s-~ut,~ i., ._- <br />nxam rtarne any actiaat ;>r ptnc•Eti++2tng„ +,r t., r„as.:- an?,+ r.,n.p.crnt>r , r set*,ia mrniit.i ^:,r..u•r .ac.n -<tth ~ucr t,ter<:ts~ ,.. <iemagr .i1i .uch <br />etmaptm~Linn; s>vartia_ damrega±, r:gh1 cf taninn ai3d p:aeeais are }rex•hv aavgraei t.+ the >!==rtgx;tr.•. oho n+aj- after deal u~:lag <br />the#tdsr:m aid its tatpetatea. reieuae tiny mwaeys s.r r<s^euewi tr it err apply the carne +,n an> in+irih_nJnrsc st,-urrd :,ereh>• '1-hr \lart- <br />GaRr+r agsrec to rsetute sue}! further asstgnmrnta of any tt.rnt><'nsat+un.. aaaas:i>, .iamaga"s- aarti ri_. ii t_+ ... act e.,n an,f }>r:+r~.-enl: a.- the <br />?Nartt~r map rt~}autr. <br />T-hat sn rase d iai.luit ku t.rrFnrm any „t the :uarnan:.s !>titem. tir.• 1ior±ba};ar n:ta> .i„ +,n ilr.- \t,vy;agur', la•hait raers t;htng <br />.,® raa~enarrtzd, tiaa# the !aitutgagte may nice= ds+ any act tt may ;icrm neav-swra :e; pr,:t,•r-: Ih.• I:.~r: sht•ra•=,f: t! tt,e \l i,rkga;,.,r ~.i1! <br />rtpay ttpm demand any rrsoarys Pezd ur t`:>Frurse-d kn~ tlar ~ic.rtganrr ir,r an}~ of tfie attt,+~ pus;x,s~,. an.-f such me+nry+ tngrf tier ~+~xifi <br />s!!letasf thereart at lire raft 9r'eeadrd in said aaota• anal} kwrume c, m,urh shziitronat indebt.•dnes:; here-ha• +rrurta and may fH- i:t <br />;.u~d in asst' dtc:tt+e• iaree3aaing tI°a_-s ms:rtgage awl tar ,.sad :;at ::f then _ .,. prrxe••e,c1s •-t ta?e =-.€ >atd ;e!eme+?'--_ if n... crthetk~!~- <br />paid: t§ai ii siuii! rani tee a1r>ry upon She `alortr;age,e t<+ iraquare mtu'tkte :al+atly t:f an}' hen, etx•3mbraru•rs. ur claim to ad~ <br />mtmepa as alaw~e atttiaaaasetii. Imt matiittp hc*ratin rontainad shall br ttutsirued as n~quinng the Mortgagee iu a<1varK•.~ any- <br />suameye for any sarcrc~ pnrpnae nr to da any act htretander; and #ha# Itiortgagee shall ntn incur any personal Siabiti#y Fn=causc• :+f eny~- <br />ttNeC i#. may der en aufii to stn irerenader.. <br />Ia the taai•rsi d iltg de#auk by bdurtga8c>r vn lire paynaYni u5 any tnstaji.•nesit. as r:-quircif h; rhY ti:>ir srrured hrrr•by. cr <br />is !fie ptxiuuaaaaer cf the taiilfgatian in This mnr!ga~ge nr en the noit strutrd then,-'i+y. the hlar2gagre shall kN.• enntt+~d u> dxtare the <br />dsiK canoed hei+tby dae attet ~y-able wxthoart t'a>tux., an3 tfta ~icrtgagee shall be entitle3 at iu l,ption. Mitlauut nctirr, either by itself <br />w by a iroeitrr #ra he appointed by tip •txaart Yherruf, grad avitboui rtgart3 to the ndtquaty of anv security for ttte, indetatedneas se- <br />cttrad AeaeyS, in eerie=r npmt amt to#t paion rt Tt~ rrarrtgagrd premiraw. asd u+ calttY•t and r.'ceivr the yenta, ivsatrs and prcfifs <br />kiscaatd, and apply the uedr, lean r<sis a+i operation and c+atlectinn, upon the indrt+irdne:.rc +erui•cd try ihi: m<,rtgage: said rams, <br />itrasea and pra6ta hHag 3atrt't+Y atnitdtaed to the ]lSanaEagw+as further aa•tvrily for the payment art all indehtednesa srrur+'<i hereby. <br />Tbt .i4jart;ggea shat! have tltt lamer to aPtwint any agent nr agents at may desitrr fur :he pu rpuse of r,-f.+atring said prem- <br />itrs: mnta.ta= the same; toliscli>~ tlxr yenta. reveauea and inrame, and it ma}~ pay uui n€ satd mrume all exprnu•s tnrurred In rent- <br />ie~ amt inaaaaisre the tame and of ctdlc•ctir;g ihr rentals therefrom. The ttalance remaining. 1f any, shalt he applied urward the <br />drat~ttg ail` ttte ~taCr_ ~. 'This asaigttment is to termirtaie and Mr';+mr• null and +'uid upon re}ease ut this mortgage. <br /> <br />