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80° O~tl~g MORTGAGE <br />THIS INDENTURE. made this.- 4th ----__ _. day of _ March __--___-----_,_-, 19 _80 _, 6y and between <br />Roger D. Wilson and Sheila M. Wilson, husband and wife, each in his and her own <br />right and as spouse of the other, _ <br />of ~l'I' County, ;`iebraska, as rttortgagor 6 _, end Grand Island Trust Company of Grand lslartd, a corporation <br />organized and ev,9ting miter tbe laws of Nebraska with its prindpal office and pSace of business at Graced Is}aad, Nebraska, as mortgagee: <br />WITNESSSI'H: That said mortgagor- ,for aced in tmsideretian of the sum of -,_.___ - <br />Two Thousand Three Hundred Fifteen dollars and 001100. _~~,~ ,;T~;;e,~~5~A0 ~ <br />,,,.,w w..: ' <br />the receipt of which is Imreby aaintowledged, do - by these presents mortgage and warrant untpaald'itsb~agee:'its supoiasots and assigns. <br />Hal' ---- ~ -. ,~.' ~ ...~.. - <br />foretar, all the following described real estate, situated in the County of -_ __. - --- - _--` <br />aced State of Nebraska, Uo-wit: <br />Lot Nineteen (19), Block Four (4), in replat of Riverside Acres, and addition <br />to the City of Crand Island, Haii County, Nebraska, according to the <br />recorded Plat Thereof. <br />Together stab all Ming, air eondit.ituring, lighting, sod plumbing equrpmearc and fixtures. including screens. awning, storm windows and <br />p peaty, whether the same are now list d nn said property nr h: r~fi er <br />detoas, and:-indanr shades o; dads. used on m m ccuttrertian with said ro ~ <br />1~ . <br />I TO HAVE AND T'O HOLD TH£ S~.NE, tad ether with all and singular the tenements, hertditamen[s and appurtenances thert+rnto be- <br />kwgcag, au in anywise apPstaining, faee~rer, and warrant the title to the same. Seat morgagor S- hereby tnvenaat R.. with said <br />mmYgrtgee tfuc __t. he ~.__. _. _a?'2._ -. -- . at the delivery hereof, the lawful owaer.s_..._. v the premises abn•. a conveyed and describe[!. <br />wad __dLe.__.. ___ seised of s goad sad :,vi.Sn«ci{tje estate of inheritance themin, fine sad clear of all encumbrances, aced chat _.She~ will <br />waneat wad dtde:td L}ee tir3e ihereta fnret•~ sgatnst the rtetma and demands of all peasons w-hum>oecxr- <br />PRUV it)£.D ALII'AYS, ate this ~~~•^+~^* is sacttted and delivered m secure the payment of the sum of _ <br />„___~,iq T#tnteaartrl 7'IrrpP tmdr d F9f a n do113=fi. and fTf)/1Q~#nllars !$ ?,'il 5_nn _l, <br />E with iN+eresl thereon. together with such ohargrs std adrances es may be due and payable m said raorzgegee utter the ternts and conditions <br />i'~ tarry ~ a£ ~.ett Ufa h~eaah wad sxir.~u may, ezxt:ed by snit t~,a"~S~•.- _S_.._ to sa:Yl am^g~~. payslt~ ss expressed <br />a arced aata, wad m aerate the p>liosrsu+ne of all the terms aced ctmdiiims contained theaeia. 't'its terms of said rote are he[ebv incorporated <br />haaa ir"P Lida - <br />It is tiMe iateeaanand agtemrmt tsfthe pmtueshereto that this mottgaRe dull also secure any future adt^ances made to said mtvtgagar.S- <br />hy Said manaaipee, end nay wad nit in~tetftusa is additnvr w t}~ amount ab<..w sucad wh.M3. said mnrtgagars, ar any of t2eem, may owe to <br />said tnarte, however avideatsd, wts~x b• rtote, bunk account or ntSaax-ise. This taartgatte shall remain in full €nn~e and effect between <br />the pattiae hereso wad their ledta, parscarai rePreaentsrSvte;, surresaors and assigns, until all amounts sontrod hereunder, including Future <br />I advaanat, are paid ~ ftt+. with inxaest. <br />7'tae -~-- heaefty assign _-- _ ca seal tnutg;gee all rents wad income ar-:sing s[ any and all times from said property wad <br />hereby autieetime said mortgagee tr its tt~, at irs cgrtim, uptm deSault, to take charge of slid property atui tnllect all rents and irrcnme <br />tieadtem aged ~ the aetee to the paymestt. of iattlata, princryul, snsurenoe gremirrms, sates. asseasmwts, repairs or imPmvements <br />aettreatry L! keep faid!»s m fettantabk OnOdii!!ffi. Ca•18 nYlre! Charms W ~VlneatS prYn'Idad f0r in'lE'in DI in the ante herehr secured- This <br />tent aa~sat akafi coatirmre is tome taersl the unpaid hahoee of said rote is fatty Paid. The salting ai possession heretrnder shall in ao manner <br />leaegt tie trrfanti raid m the mWtsioa d acid ssima by Imer3osure err ethea*rit+e- <br />lSe ht>ime aE the ntetes~pe m anent say of its rights Letearrdea at ~X. tzme shall not be conserved as a waives of its right to assert the <br />same m +ny Ialar aims. sett to imia5 s:p<fa sad attlorce strict tamglieace wii6 all the terms aced ptoviskra of said note and of this tmrtgage. <br />u said » 8 ahdf o>tae ro 6a pair! ro aaifl mortgagee the eatz3tr atmm~u due it hereunder, and wades the terms and pmvisiaas <br />rd laud Dale hreaby aaaaad, find inture attvanrra. and anp exteaeioas or rerrewaLs theeeo! is scrnrdarux wish the trams and precisions <br />rLsasi, wad if awed _~- shall tmlPty with all the pmt•feiaas of said note and of this mortgagr. then abase prestrr4a stall be tout; <br />alhleteris to ~ m fidiiaren and ~, and aid eaer~gaeahati be entitled to the pnsaeaeioa of ail of said property. aced may. et lice nptir+n. <br />daclaee the arltahr of ttttid ~ wad all ~ repeeamtsad thereby m ba itmnadiaFrJX duce and payable, wad may forecime this rtwrigage <br />- ee taha arty tiddler irigai suttSieO to prraart ire t16ht. Apprtriaement waived. <br />Tie tears;ap tdtag he hiadiaR upon wad shalt setae w the benefit of lira hairs, axactrrnrs, administrators. sucvssaors aruf astigns of the <br />~ 4'+~ - <br />- IN WITNESS WIIEIREUP, raid ~nTeiaBm $-. ... lu are .. heetstrvo set _.___-.their. -... hand s-_ the day and year Carat abacc <br />ertittan.. `~ <br />,y <br />Roge ~ ~' so <br />.hails H. Wilson <br />