<br />That the Mortgagar will pay the indebtedness as hereinhefare pro
<br />That the. Mortgagor 7s the --siwner of said property in fee simple and has Good rigfii aitd'-•lawfui authority to sell and
<br />cam-ey the same atxi-that-t)m same is-free and etrir of any lien ar etrc»mbratrm; and that &Iortgagar wilt warrant and defend the - '-
<br />title to said premises agaira+i the claims of a!1 persons wlrcxnvoever. -
<br />To pay irarnediateiy whan drte and payable all general taxes, special taxes, special ascrssmenis, water charges, sewer serv-
<br />ice charges. attd other taxes attd c}rargea against said property; and all taxes levier) on the debt secured hereby, and to furnish fhe
<br />_ Mortgagee, upon request, wdth the original ar dupficaie receipts therefor Tha htartgagor agree. that there shall be added to
<br />c+ach monthly pavrrxni required hereunder ar under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee
<br />to be s-ttffidenf to enahia the \iortgager in pay, a5 they become due. all taxes, scar.>ements, and similar charges ui~n the prem~
<br />ises subject, thereto; .arty deficiertcy t>Ha-auss^ of the insufCzs•_ienc}- of such additional poymPnts .hall be forthwith depctsileri ¢y )he
<br />Dtorlgagar wr-t!t the Mortgagee Hpon demand ba' the ~7 rti;ager. Any default under this paragraph shalt he deemed a,default in
<br />piiyment iaf taxes, acsessmenti, r r similar chs egos rrquirrd hereunder. - - -
<br />The Mortgagor agrtrs that there :hail start t,e added to sarfi month{}' payment ni principa{ and interest required here-
<br />' under an amtwnt estimates! by the Mortgagee G:, !x sut5cient to enable the Mortgagee to pay, as it bernmes due, the insurance
<br />1 ptvmium cue any r2.'uragtY policy delivered to tlir t.!lartgagee- Any deficit-ncy because of the insnlficiertcY of such additional pay-
<br />Q moot shall br k,rthw•itl* de}xxitevi by the Mortgagor u~ith the Mortgagee upon demand by the ;•3ortgagee. Any default under this
<br />paragraph shall M deemed a de£auli in the paym+^nt ui insurance prermums. If the paltry or policies depwited are such as home-
<br />, owners nr alt risk pelis9es, and the deposit am insufficient in pay the entire premium, the Mortgagee ma}' apply the depaeit to
<br />pay ptemitrms an ricks requited to he insu re'<i by this mnr:ga_e
<br />Pay-menlc made h}' t}:e Mortgagty under :he alxrvr paragraphs mac, at aha option a# the Mortgages, k,e held by it and
<br />commingled with artier such funds nr its Dort tam3s for ehe• payment „f such items, and until ,~= applied, such payments acv borsht'
<br />pledged as seeurh= far the unpaid balance ui the m[:ri.a_r indehtednecc
<br />To procure. deliver to. and maintain far the h.~n.-tit ::i the Murt~;at;re durint; the life „# ;tits martgat;e original ;x,hcir: and
<br />reneweic thereof, delivered at least ten da}, t.rfr.r ihr re},: rattan +,i an} such ;+nlici.^~. snwrtng against fir and utiter tnsurahle
<br />hazards, cawaities, and cwntingenries as the 4fnrtgagrr n, y ryquim, ir. sn attmunt equal to the inslrbtedrtt~ secured by t2ria
<br />Mortgage, sn6 in cnmpancr> a xvprafiie to - ~i oriaFr<•...,:_ - -. €,aya;.ir• ~ .. -*i tr, - ~- - .9nn ,s, .. r ar-.•~.,a:i,{e to ,nr ..,a~iFa-
<br />gee. In the event anp }xcliv-v is not rrnr ued<+,n ur !.~iut. *.rrt,ia~c ;,f :ts rxptravun. ithr !aiurtgag,~E• may perk-u rr insurance un the
<br />tmprovemenis, pay rite premium thrrri~+r. and such cum ~}e.ali hra~~me from iaatrly due and {+a}ab3r with tnirrrst at the tart let
<br />fsutit in aid note unzil paid and shat{ 1.' .x-un•d h, tht. ^t.,ri~aga Fat{utw un the part ,*f the Mortgagor to furnish wch renewals
<br />as are herein rrquitrd ur failur to pay any wms ativan: rci )trrrunnrr :hall, at the aptun of the Mortgagee, runstituu• a default
<br />utrder Llre terra c,i this mortgage. The delivrn~ ,tf cu<-h ;x;hrir. stu{{. :r, the :•.rni .,f ,iefault- .~s=nsttt ate- an ac tr;nn:ent of the un-
<br />earned pretnttm-
<br />Anr cams rcreitird by tha \tarit;agx•e h.~ rea.Yan ==i los, <„ ,iamaga :n-umd sFainst mat- he rtatne:i by the \turtgagee
<br />and applied tower-d zfie pa~~trirnt of the det+t herby s<•sv red. „r. at the option =+# the Mortgagee, :uch sums either whol3y ur in
<br />part rttay ire ;.aid .aver t.. the Vogt gat_ar t„ !.r uvi t. :r}ate ;u.,h but{rimes .,t t~~ hutld~nrw ]wi!din~s in their place ur tar an}'
<br />artier purpose nr atijsv^i .attsFas-tort' to the \i..rt~a;;+•r~ u-ath„ut ad.rnn;; th.~ tiro ~tn the- mortgahr fnr fhe lull amount .rru reel here
<br />by ttrtor+a sac}: pavtxient ra•rr imk place
<br />T.: pnunptly repatz nstu rr rrbuikd and },u;l~stni;~ •-.- tmpmvrments nuu „r hrsraitrr .•n the prrmtsc•a which may tie-
<br />sxme damaged ar destnyrd; tc i:c>i•}; sa td i,mmt.rs ;n _~: si n,nditicm and rr{,air and free imm any mn~twntr': hen .;r other lien ur
<br />swim td lri-n ant expressly sutiortiinatrd t.. the lien hes.•;.i. n+*t to :offer ..r {rrn:ut an}' un{au-tul use =,# or anv' nuisance to rvist un
<br />said praperty mu to prrmtt uastr un sa i.i prrmesr. our t,, .€.+ anv e.tiirr aa~t ahr n~ha the pn•}k-rty hr rrh} c,+mv~rd shall lur-artir
<br />less valuable, m:r tc, ciirrrimtdt c.r unpaiz its valor b~~ a,,. art ,~, ~..rn,sa,.n t,. as t.. rr=mph uiih aII rr•q utrrments ui {au with respect
<br />to tier mortgagee) premx5rs and the use thrmif
<br />3'hat ah,.-v:L9 ¢hr prrr,t~ , r aa,; {wra the-z.-„i Fz -akrn „r ,lamaFen h}• ;ca~~n r.f anti pahrr, +mpr+,.<:::rnt er rortdemnation
<br />prcnred:nt;- ++r antler i!w right .S e-mta:nt d[.rnain, ur :n en} ut her marnrr- the \i:•r?gagrr ^hatl tw <r:uii..: 7- nit c,wprnattuns,
<br />awards. and any .,tier payment r• relief thee<•f..r ant .hail hr .ten titled at its „pt.nn i,-..ti-.!nm•-r.~~ :.}=tear ~. •, .,o, r. s:.r•u r.• ;r..
<br />a~cn narrre sap action ar iuxics.•rriang, c,r i<, make any sv.~snProntie or seltlentent in sarineatrari with such zakirtg ur id>tmage Ali such
<br />co.~ipnoaaiiosy awzrdF. damages right m action and pnuaceds are hereby ss-aigrx+d to lira Martgagee, wha may- situ deducting
<br />;+~-r~r ~ ~ :s rx.;r~~, r+v3e~~ any m.~r~- cn r.+<~zta~xi ht- .i ur appl}~ the :smr ,.n an} indet+tedtiev .ecurri hereby 7'h.• \t[,rt
<br />~~is to aczeosUe ~ax~i Svxitter s~ugrtn,rsts ,,} any Wimps=-n.at:a:r. su.-ar=:c. darnaF.~, asr.: rsgts:c ::t a€t+;:n sari fxrnceecis as the
<br />;td¢~xgarft+e r„yay rcdrartti
<br />T3'm an cam of faSiyate ta+perfutm arts .,i fix= tY+yenants hereto- :h<• Mart$agrr mn; d.. un th<• }lcirigaMUr's tvhalt evergihit~
<br />an tx r~rteblr-d: t3~t f~ .l ar7gag~ map slat, do rtn art a tea rr de+rm rsrraar~' t., prutrr•t thc• JSra thereof that th:- llortgaFnr ui^
<br />naray rtpm slrs:iaad say ms+ryeys paid c,r dirhuread hy~ the `iortgagra tar snp r.# the aM•tr F,urpus<•o- and >uch tnunrys t,igethrr with
<br />ia4reat t6rrrrin at the rate Prsrzdrd in sand pate sits)) T,.x-.>mr sn mcxh asiciirtonat mdrbtrdtwsa hereby src~rt-d and ma} he in-
<br />~uded is ,say dtirree faret3rwitng this rnsarigage and tar paxi uui of Lha rents or }sec •~rfs tt natr nt >aid pzemises tf ncu othesut+:r
<br />gttid; tkax it t~sail tan ice oistizaLte•y open the Aieriga6ee to ttatutre anm the vahddv of anv lien rncumtuan[vs. i.r r!aim in ad~ r--
<br />v~ogg raaeeys is aitxiue aallrsvritae,d, but n:sthing he•rxtn .-ur~itaine±-{ shall M i'•.+nstrus-d m regal tae the Mort;;_ager to advart~^i~ :rrs}
<br />r~tipeps far any snch iwrfyosr tvor to do ana art hrr<•under. and that \f arz{gar;.-•e .hall nt2 inCUr sn~. peni..nai liability t,<-s-auv~ +,i ana ~ ~•
<br />s: ~ da aye caret do do 3iereuader-
<br />Ia ilre s~ai r$ for detauli by lltorigagnr in the }raymrrit c4 an} installment as t<W uirctl b. the time area red herv]n~
<br />is the perlnxttsantr art Lltr uhlr$atnttz in t#us tanrtgagr ur :n iti>- cute secured tlrrrb}'- the '.turtgag.~t~ sirs!) t+e .-natl.-.i t,; dre:azr fhe
<br />deth# aereattx+d hrraiw due and ps},•~+ia wrifyaut nniitr, and ttu A$-;rriga5re sha17 '.~c- rnzitir.i ttt s~ <rpu.•i>, uitht..ct nutter, tither by tt_u1!
<br />car }y s raturtser tci tie appainted by ttte escort thereof, and u•ithc+:it regard tr.:.hr adrquyra~ ,:f an; .:rurit, f"r the m<lrbte,fne:- ..
<br />1, m eater uprui sty Lake psiasevsioa s$ the m.utgaged premises, and to colk+ct and receive the- rent}. issue and {,r;:fits
<br />tlrryeoi, atad. aptply' the Fame. east sR apetatttan arxd .v,ilnKiur,. a}xxn the iniie4,ird nr;.- ,.,-< *~d :h:. t,,,.ctya{;. .~ ..::t,.
<br />laNrEF spd prv~rpt }rrjxig iyereby tesstgrwal to fhe '_.4r,r1ga5se ar fufthcr =r+~trit-: fc;r tke ;ra strant :xf a'.i to rt.; rr!ar,. ,ev u.-r:i her. F.;
<br />•fAt ~ a3+aN !~x• She psenrr trs n-prtiat aar scent or agents it may deafer for the yur}tosr• of reps. tying ;cud ;tr>`m.
<br />ices; reattr+8 the atuawr:; sxiflertirtg fare scats, rrcrrtuts and its-:me, and rt treat' pay out ai said income ail rx{irnses incurred in rent
<br />tag ad ttasalgiag Lhe sastoe sad rr! csdlbrliag the rentals therrfcrmt 'f'hr tuilsstcr rrmainsng, it arty' ,:all ta~ at+Phed toward tlw
<br />diadratt{=s sd the toartL+t$e Via. This aasignrrrent is za terminate and trtr umr null and void u{1;in release ui thi.v mart {;acs
<br />a
<br />
<br />