<br />$~_. ~;~8 MORTGAGE
<br />THIS INDF,NTURE. taaaL this aid -day of Tfarrh .-------- 19 ~Q_, by and between
<br />StPVe*a n- x„rora an[i Ter~ca M. ICtsgra• s an~and wife. each in his and her own rixht
<br />ss spouse of the other
<br />~ ---I}g}} Co[mty. Nebraska, as nmrrgagor_~, and Grand Island lkust Compagv of Grand Iatetxl. a catpotstion
<br />and eris[mg under [ire laws of lVetxaska with its priatapat of6m and plain of busitaess at Gtaad Istartd. Nabrasska, as-mortgage:.
<br />WI73v).~."?SETH: That said mortgagor S _ . for and in consideration of the sum of - -
<br />3~us:c--Thousand-Th;rteen ~Irtlare and 00/lQ6 **********:t*****~'*~~Vllarq~ t.
<br />the receipt of which is hereby attmvwledged, do __, by [have prevents mnrtgage and warrant mw seidvta8'f~ageeiite'sueta~sis sad assigns.
<br />forever. all ibe {ollovviag described teal carafe, situated in ttm County of .-_--. Hall __~. _
<br />and Slate of Nebraska, to-tmit:
<br />Lot Teo {?) in Western Heights Third Subdivision
<br />Hall County, \ebraska,
<br />TagesLer wish al! heatixtg. air mnditioniag, UBhting. sad plumbing at7uipmeot and fsstures, including srs~ns, an-Wings. sz.orm ziadar•s and
<br />doors. sad srmdos~ shadev ~ hliads. need oa rs in mnnertaoa a7ih said groparty, ,riraher the same am now l.~catea9 oa said property ar heaaaher
<br />l~ .
<br />TO IiAV£ !.\D TO HOLD THE SALSE, togethr w~tie aL sad sitaFular the temrmca[s. lsavetiitarramts and appurtatssncts zhereumo hr
<br />ar is savsria~re- ap~}+a'taiaing. ftnea~, sad warrant the title to the same- Said mtargagot 5.... he[ebc am-etwnt _. __. with aid
<br />»sast&+~es' that ..._._-ne 4 -- 82e , at the defivesr hereof, tine lawful aw-ner _.' of the premises alkive runveyed and descrihrtf,
<br />amd._,.__3i>:-- seised ed a goal and iaddaasihle [slate of iaheritanY tbetrtn. free sad c.4ear a€ al! eucumhrance±.. and :Sa[ .~._ are _y._..~ili
<br />seamsaa anel delaad the title ti>mew fisever against the claims and denssrafs n3 aS peas-n[:a w}~msor.•ts.
<br />PkpV3D£D XLR'AYS, agd [his iavtrnmeat h ezecuied sad delivertd to sea[re the paymcn[ of the sum of ~--
<br />1°~nt+r Tivanrane3 T},; rippyZ_ dn7 I arc _arar] n,'If I flfl ~Ratis*##>tir#,F,l:,kakat I?afia[s iS .._L nip? ~,nn ,.
<br />sith iataeei thea+ea. iegeth[a arilh such tdasrges sad advances as asst' hr due sad parab)r m said mottgegee under the terms and rnnditinns
<br />~rhe ~t~a}~ aeee~ etwe da:-. w.~aet~~ sad s"~ad hs~•, e; ~_...[r~ by sass: ~^.gagar _5___. to saw :;,gas-~. pa_a~ as azp:rsst;,
<br />s rind srafa, sad to sersae the pmfmmsmax n# ail tJx lez¢s sad ronditmas caaiaiged tta3ein. Tine toms of said note are hexebr iacorporeted
<br />kaeeia br raw tefseoae.
<br />Its the fataation sad agranaesei of fire partiaa lresvto [.hat this mar[gage stssll s}so secure as>' futrne sdvanres made to said mortgagor ~ _.
<br />63' asfd • sad asst' sad ail imdebt+atiaeas to addttam to slat atnoaar,t abaar stated rlai~, said ma[tgst~rs. ar an}' o€ them. awy ore to
<br />said aootY,gagec, hoaaevra aadeao,d, a~haaLar bs sore, laoula acrouat c r ath,3raise. This [aurtb~age shall re[aair: is full forte and effa[ betwet`n
<br />the.pattim i+metn sad they heirs, pts~aa+oal rep[ceeatatiaR.s, sueixsscua sad ass,gas, ua[il all naaaunts setvrad hereunder, including futurr
<br />adeaalae.are paid m fur wah .
<br />Tia mo[tgagax ~__. bmeby swalga ..__ [n l rmvtgagea all meats sad ituYame arssitts at any and all times #ram said pmpcsty a~
<br />hareisp rathteae sad n's'r'tpiiFee a us agemt, nt ss opting, upon dataaaft, tx. take daatge of said pre petty sad collar all mats and income
<br />the sad app7p the same to the pav'ment of i[rt~eet.. priesc~al. immraace pretnivms, rases, asse~tvaatc, tepeirs or imptovegaen[s
<br />aaoesseg 3a kee@ sdlf }[appals m ica~rk aieaditias. ar m rnhm xfnrges ac payments prorid,d fur hmeia [u m the trace h[aeby weaved. This
<br />tins a a~ eanrieee s 3aacz ~ the wtpaid fasslaaaazn# said note ig fnl}y paid. The raking of possession heretmder shall in ao maGner
<br />}aweel[ ar sstsa$ acid aastgyan s the eoiactiaa ei sad a~a b; Sasadowre ar ulacsva~ee.
<br />T]e hdh¢e ~ ~ to assort. say of i~ rg+dta Sm~taier ai say time shall ~t l>e tnnattvad as n aaivts of its right to assert. the
<br />name ai sm9 Li` fiat. sad m iaeiR npaa and strict wide eIl riss terms and prm•isinns rd said gore and of this mor[gage.
<br />If said mast(a~C S shaE rata to be pad to said ma¢tgstgee the errs~ire eangat d[x it hereunder, and auder tfea terms cad pmvisians
<br />aE said sale hssiry aecmed, irr3a~g fatwsa advances.. sad say ezserlsicsns ear [mescals tite,eof in accordalaaf witf+ the terr[ss and ptvvisions
<br />thssasf, and $ said rars~er S >~ eav~als wi<L al3 the Ivovi4ioas of said mfe and of utus maaty~cga~ [ben these presen[s sha11 tae a•oid:
<br />r3~etrwise sazsanroea fa f~ Imsa aqd ttteax. sad acid>See naafi ba arrsuied to rha p[v:asssiaa of all of said prgaerty. and may, at its option.
<br />eh~dsase ~a abets ~ said aaie send ad rnla~aseued thtu+aiay to foe immadsteiy due sad payable, sad may foretlnse [his mortgage
<br />as nlirs sap' err Iegal aeriim to panes[ its t~hl. Appsaiae~em. vraived.
<br />Thra maaspgs shall ba a~an and ahd! esrme to the hma€d mr the hems, easauWrs, adatiniatrators, sarxesenm and assigns of the
<br />saline TaaRiae ice.
<br />tact Wt3Nl?95 Vt'IiERHxTF
<br />»-,
<br />said htati;plgor&-. b•+•a _ ~eugto sue, _ th..i r______ }tend s.__. the day and year f"u5t aix..~e
<br />St~ven D. Kure
<br />- k~.-~'.G''._~y~---'-'
<br />Teresa M. Kucera
<br />L
<br />