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r-- <br />MORTGAGE _ <br />MaRTr.Ar.ELOANNa. L 23,690 <br />itIVOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That games S. Cummings and Coi 1 een K. Cummings , each i n hi s <br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />_-__----- Mortgagor, wtxther osee or morr_ia rsmvdentioa of the atma of <br />Forty Thousand and No(100----------------- _ ----------------- ---_nati.Atts <br />k»d to said tttortgagor by'iTr Eytstabk Botid-,ttg arul Lunn Atsxaation ot'Gtand Island, Nrhradta, Mortgagee, upon 400 sham of ssodt of <br />said ASSOCiATiON, Crttifiate No. L 23 690 , do hereby grant, catvey and muregage wto the said ASSOCIATION the fo6ow®g <br />destxi6ed tell elate, situated in hail Counry, Nebraska: <br />LOT TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-EIGHT (228}, EXCEPTING THE <br />NORTHERLY SIX FEET (N6'} THEREOF, AND ALL OF LOT <br />TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-NINE (229}, IN "BELMONT", AN <br />ADDITION TO TriE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA. <br />togthtt with a9 the tesrrtneats, heTWitamens and appunenan,rs thzrruntn br4utsgmg, inrJudittg attacticd tTtwt caver#ttgs, all window , <br />sainidtsw >hadts-. E-.linds, sicxsn w-ioadows_ awtti[tes, hratrm„ air vvditiunirt¢, and plumbing and water ttluipment and nc¢suties therzto, pmtWs,stova, <br />refrigsators, assd usher #iximes nerd apxiptarnt ;mw u hrrrafier attached to or used m ;annctitton with sedd real estate. <br />And +'hesru ihr said mpTigagur has agfrcd and dues ferrets} agree that :'.zr munragur Shall and wit! pay all taxes and aaestanenis levied nt <br />.mened apm said prri~txs and upon this taurtgsge aril the txvtd sr:aird ttmebs- befor. the same shall b-come delingtrnt; to ftrtrtish appra»ed <br />irasteaate opera the httdd;tag .sn said prrmaa-s situated ut the smn of S 40 , DD't~. DD payable to ~~ ASSOCtATIQ*1 nerd to deliser to said <br />ASSilC~..A710N the polices Cor raid insirraxtce:. and na tows-tom: or permit erns- waur nn ur about said premixs; <br />in cane of defiuh m the pufat~tamr .Sant of thr• t-t„s sad +xvtditxxtts of thu rrxxrigagr ur the ttotxl srcurod hereby, the lrtertgagee shall, <br />as detaaad, br tntitkd us irsmtediate p+.ct-svar..3t ahe ;x;ip~cd prrmacc. and the tt+ort~o: hrx:br xsstgns, ttattsfrrs an:# sets osct to the <br />> all the tents. restaurs nerd im-artac to be drrixd from xfx itxxngaged premm during suit tune as the mungagt• mdrbtrdness shalt rrtaain <br />timid; ae.l the a»ttpaget stall hair the power u+ appoint any agent or agrnts tt may dzsitr int the propose of repairing said prcmsa and renting <br />tLe same nerd act9~easag ihr seats rcvtnars and snatmc, and a may pay out of aid in,vmr all expenses of repairing aid ptrtniars and necessary <br />east amd ~~ mriured is rrntsng and managng elr ame and of calketwg rrntais therefrom: the baiancr rcmainu»g, if any, to lr <br />snarard iir dist3urar of card xtaxtgage ua3ektcdness. these tilehu of t!a tnortfieltrr mas ht rteerctaed at any titre dtirvrg the existence of auh <br />~ ~ any iC~pfYar;' A'ailll ill Lhe ilite. <br />T!r'.s 3lrseats, )3u.rweaer, xrr rtpiuo tree Curtditran, That S the aid Mortgagor sIIsa31 repay aid loan un err deform the snat:suy of said shares by <br />pay>aeat; pay Asustl<ly to saai ASSiX7 ATlCtN .+f tdr sum spm-tried ut the &t~nd vermrd hntt+y as mta-sx and pnnaPat an sand kiae, t:o or before <br />tk'f`~swtipih day of eadt ssgi rare} rrantit, turtii sans kxan rs frdiy° paid; pay all reran and aaessncau irvird agaitrst said }aettuses and on this lAurtpge <br />aed ffie Sc+nd seethed ttrtrhy, before drlmgsrncy, furas#r appmsrti insnrana upon xdr huddmgs idetrun m the sum of S 4D , DDO. DD PaY~~ <br />w sad ASSOC7ATIaN: repay to said ASStX'iAT7aN upon deaaad a!! mor#y dy a paid #ot sacd taacs, asscs~enta and insutanGe write interest at <br />1ffi ~ rate ihescon ftvm date serf paytarnt a31 rS wliicit Mungagut detrby- agrees so pay: prrmsi tw waste <ut aid pmmris; keep and avmply <br />srah aR ~s aatsata3 ~xt.r~,~>S +tx ~~ fx 5 40 ,OOD. DDthis day gtrza h}~ ahr mx: lt4srrt~.v t., said ASSO4'LiTIaN, and avttpl_v <br />arsth a8 tar sarp~trnis tsf #Arc Ctsvarxtttarat and BY-lawx of saiid ASSoClAT1DN: then t+aese pteserzu sttall trzx~+ae null anti rtsid, alherwise xlsey <br />nLB rostaie tit fad farax and truly Ir #ztro:4itrd nt ihr :apuun cd the saxi .~SSOCIATIi}4i after f><iit,rr fur three nwn[Ixs to miler soy of and <br />payrmae ~ #,e i~rr mnai}n in arrrarz m ntal:ine saai tamih#y Iayrrxnts, x to keep and cutnpiy wi[d tix agrxrmenu and vnditiotn of mid Bond: <br />atad apres ro have a receiaa appovtted fxuthwtitd su ssui7 fsrectassrre proirrdirigs. <br />ii there a nay ' io aaartsitip of iht• Tell tatatt rnrxtfiap¢si Irsria, dY ale or athetwir, tarn the ratxe tr.+•••x+iwo iadebtednesa hereby <br />teaateA ia8, ~ tfse c,ptine of 71r EpuitrhY Brdldmg and Lom Asisaeirirm ad Grand ish~ard, Nebtasta, besaurc untsiediateiy due and payable withnxrt <br />fartitr aance. nerd the atmsaa tewravta~ due under said lsc+nd. and nay .rher Irusad fun arty atidtttorsa! advaatcs Slade thereunder, shall. ttmn Ilse <br />aiybt serf eaatise rd rand optitaa., hear interest n the tsrarimuat iKri rate, and thn toortitaiae may tlrn bt £oreeloaed in ratitiy the amount due an acid <br />irs+ed,aed arty oalty head &a atldvxmal advatares, tt~thes tayth ~ aama pvawi t+y rand The F.grs#4bir Buildwp xnd Lawn Association of Gram it#sad, <br />13ebeadta fall , tanner and mesamsdrts, snd absaaxtirsg rataanart atuepcs, wird interest tlGrrn'ut, from date of payttrn[ at tfte mattimam <br />~ ~- <br />As paweAnd is the Band aesurtd heaylty, w9uTr ihir ~ remsirrs m effrrt the tauctgagcr rtny hrreaftxr advatta• additiraml soma xo the <br />raakua of said 9uad, thrc amts or arctrtssatts is imcrzs. which sores shall de within the secmi[y of this rnxtgagz the sear as the funsis ortynaily <br />.. t6~tity, tie totM mauat of ptiardpal debt trot to es:oned at any rimy tlr original aaouat oC thrs naattytge. <br />ohs day of hl~arch .~ ty . 19 $0 <br />~` t <br />~~. n 3r^ <br />Ctilleell ~.. Ciir~ings . <br />STATE OF NSA, <br />c~nltNr~ iiF aAi.l. ~. f~ rim 3rd d+Y ~# March 1980 . berorz ter, <br />2hc tmdersagned, a Notary Attdlic m and for said County. perwna0y nine <br />ala®es S_ Ctalmings and Colleen K. Cummings, each in his and her own~ight, and a~s~ use to <br />of each other .LL,=~-=:•:;.,~ are <br />tom' ~ ~ ~ itleaaSc~ P' 5 ~ tlraae''S`'- _ afrtncd 3o tie above instrutaent as nnrrtgagssr S arui they sesrralty <br />~ the tad instrament ~ ~ as and deed. <br />1YiTP3F5S taY ayar}arnq>~syytr=tY ~'t .>r<a~. ~, <br />I <br />Notary Public <br />.aasatatu .... r , <br />