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<br />Ux>fottM Covex~xts. Borrower and Lettder covenant and agree as follows: <br />I. Pttymwt of Ptiec~al aed Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />itidebtedness evidencxd 6y the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided In the No[e, and the pr#ncipal of and interest <br />oa any Future Advances sxetrred by this Mortgage. <br />2. Feeds for Toes trod Imetaece. abject to applicable law or ro a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />m Lender on the day monthty installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, <br />a sum fhereio "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of ?he yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus .ute-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus orte-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all ac reasonably estimated initially and from <br />tires to time by Leader on the basis of assessments and bilk and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Ftmds shall be held in an inststution the deposits or acrnunts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institutionl. Lender shat) apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessrnmts, <br />itssttr~ce premiums and ground rerzts. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account, <br />or verifying attd xmpiling said assessirtents and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Leader to make stab a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of ex~tition of this <br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreemem u made ar applicable taw <br />requires stech interest to be paid, Leader shalt net 6e required to pay Borrower an}' interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shag give to Borrower, wwithout charge. an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are gledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If the at»otmi oI the Funds held by Corder, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the dix dates of taxes, asseesntents, itsurance premiums and ground rnntc, shall eticecd the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />atsessotents, insurance premitttns and ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall bc, at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on manthiy installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender' shall oat 6e sufficient io pay ta_ees. a~~+++ents, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, <br />Borrower shalt pay to Lender any arrrotmi necessan io make up the deficiency within 30 da}y from the date notice is mai}ed <br />by Leader zo Bartower regtttsiirag pa}meat thereof. <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this hlongage, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Leader. If undo paragraph 78 hereof the Propeny is said or the Pmpeny is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />~u a~". >m ia~r ~nan :i:s-,,.l. prior vu im sate of ~`'c °i gcny -- a yu :tip, by Lc„uc., asy Fu.~'..s held by <br />Leader at the titae of application at a ct~tdit against the sums seuuted byat~hts~lilongage. <br />3. A~catioe of p+lYmeate. Linic~s applicable law provides otheruist, alt payments received M' Lender under the <br />Hatt aad patagraplts i astd 3 hercrvt shall be applied by 1_endcr first in payment of amounts payable [n Lender b}' Bonower <br />urMier pangtaph .'•. hereof, thin to interest payable an the Ntua then to the principal of the Note, and then to interest and <br />grittdpal on any Futuu: Advances. <br />A '.lent Borrower shall pay alt razes, assessmenu and ether charges, fines and imposition at[ributahle to <br />the Property which may attain a priority over this Mortgage, and lea~hold paymenu ar ground rents, if any, in the manner <br />provided tinder paragraph ? heroof or. if not paid in such manner, l,p Borrower making paymem, when due, directly to the <br />payee thereof_ BarNwer shall prampilv furnish to Lender all notices of amounts due under this paragraph, and is the event <br />Borrowv shall make payment directl}', $nrraaaer shall promptly fumuh zo Lender receipts evidencing such payments. <br />Harrower shall pn~ptly discharge any lien v+hi.;: has priority over this Mortgage: pmvtded, that Bonnwcr shall not be <br />regt»ted to discharge any such kicn so fang as Borrower shall agree in writing to the pa}'mem of the obligation secured by <br />such fim is a manner' atxeptatile to Leader, ar shall is good faith contest such lien by, nr defend enforcement of such lien in, <br />legal panoc~ings which operate to proven the en#eroetncat of the hen or forfeiture of the ProPem• of env part thareor. <br />S, Bvstd Itatataaeee. Botrnwer shalt keep the improvements nou existing ar hereat'[ar rrectc`d an the Properly insured <br />loss by file, hazards included within [rte term "exttnded coverage", and such other hazards as Lender may require <br />sod m such amounts and fur sitrh periods at Linder -a}' requrre; grovided, that Lender shall not require that the amount of <br />st:clr wxerage excaxd [Eger amount of cmtiragr requrrtxl m pay the sums secured by this hiattgage. <br />'ITae iasuranx rattier providing the insuranee shall be ~rosen by Borrower subjeet to approval br Lender, provided, <br />tttaz ~h approval shag tiro lie ttarrasonai+ly withheld. All ptraniums an insurance policit~ shall he paid ;:~ the manner <br />ptowtded txndtr paragraph 2 heaeo2 at, iI oat paid in such mantxr, lay Borrower making paytrtent, when due. ~fue=ily to the <br />iaatraece t~rtiv. <br />Ail iestvaace galicees aad retaewas thrar;f shall t?e in intro a;xeptsble w Lender and shall include a standard mongage <br />rlatae ie favor of and in form at>xptabk ru Leader. Lender shall bare the right tea hold the policies and renewals thet>rof, <br />aed Bastower shalt nrotsatlv fut'ttish to Leader all aenewal notices and a31 tav-eirts of paid taremium~. In the event of lass, <br />l sha71 gsse ptotnlx t~~tt to tlrr insurat~ rsrrier aatt Lender. Lru±cr may :Hale Pram of loss if aa± made pmmp[l ; <br />by 13or3~. <br />Unkas Leadtx and $ottnever atherx~ise agree in wriung, insurance gn~reads shall be applied to restararion or repair u# <br />the Pnxprtty dtmaged, provitfod sttc~t restaratian nr repair is rconamically feasible and [he security of this Mortgage is <br />ttoi tJ>a~y isnpaiaad. if such testttratiam or repair is nix erotaamirally feasible ur it the security of this hlongage would <br />be i~aired, ttte iatna'atue ptxxaeds shall be applied to the solos secured by this Muttgage, with the excess, if any, Paid <br />m Borrmver. If the Ptapet7}' is alaauduncd b} B.umwu, or ii Harrower tails io respond to l.:tader wuhin 3t1 days from the <br />date aoaitx is rnai4ed by l.tedv to Hntrowat that the ittsurntace carrier offers to settle a claim far insurance benefits, Lender <br />is stuhrniaed m txtllect and app~h' tlfe ininraa+^r protxeds st Leader: option either w restarstion or repair of the Property <br />~ as ttte tarots set~tred by this Mmtga;gz, <br />U Lets~x and Bartt+xxr othetxvtse agree m writing, an} such aPplicaunn of pnx~eeds to princapai shalt nut extend <br />ar potapaoe the due dax o1 the marrthh i,.a:3ta,.,.au referred to in garagmphs 3 and :hereof or changz the anwum at <br />stx'h iasut$tae~ If uads pttragtalt6 18 heteaf the Prapen} u acquueci b;' Lender, all right, tide and intuest of Borrower <br />is sad Ut any ittwtrasce polieia aad in aad [a the pr~oueods therrnf resulting from damage to the Properly prior to the sale <br />or atq shall pass to Lettde to the extent of the surds secured lay this Mongagc immeduttel}' Prior to such sale ar <br />4 1l9teaKaa~ae aed MaiaReeaeoe of .Propen3; I.easeLolds; Coadareiaiums; Pbaaed Unit Deselopteentt Borrower <br />ahtdl keep the Ptttperty in good repair aad shall tttu t:ommit waste ur permit impairment or deterioration n# [he Properly <br />and >~ comply wi$t the ptovi~s of any lease tf this Mungage is Gn a leasetuald. If [his Mortgage is on a unit in a <br />cnedotmi~tm ~ a pdaaned utut rkvelapttteat, Borrower sha8 perform all of Borrowers obligations under the dedaratton <br />tg tdv+enanris creating ore govma~g the raodcxmtrtitun er planned unit develaptrtent, the by-laws and regula[inns of the <br />caodomi~ie[a ter planned tma devolo}uoeni. sntl con,ti{cent documzms. If a .+~ndaminium or planned unit deveiopmznt <br />ttder u execwed by Bnrtownr and rm~otalod together w,tlt this Moflgagz, the covenants sod agreements of >ctrh rider <br />tdr~ be i Ito atul shall att~ arxt sixpFlantent the covenants and agreements of this Mortgage as !I the rider <br />rr~a'a a part hastsof, <br />7, 1!"aeaatt~ at' I,enia'a If Borrower fails is Perform the rnvenants and agreements contained in this <br />7tdattpye, to if any action ~ proceeding is camtmenxd which mareriall_v affects Lender's interest in the Properly. <br />ig, but ~t limited tq exaittettr dotrsaia, insolvency, code enforcement, or arrangements ar gruceedings involving a <br />bankntpt or dexa~att, them Ltnrdu at Leader's option, upon notice to Borrower, may make such appearances. disburse such <br />sums and take latch actin as is tteccesssary to prozrxt Lender's interest, tnrludmg, but oat limned w, disbursemem of <br />reaapaahk atiaaaey'x foes and eauy upon the Properly ?n make repair, if mender required mongage insurance as a <br />cartdilitm of [aakittg the loan teetued by ihts Mortgage. Borrower skwll pay the premiums requtrod to maintaw such <br />itttaaance in ef~ci until such time as the requirement for such instuance germinates in accordance with Borrower's and <br />