8Q-r ~~38
<br />E L E C T R I C E A S E M E N T
<br />George B. O'Brien and Irene A. O`Brien, husband and wife, herein called
<br />Grantor, in consideration of (^_: ~.~_~dLL. ~!-~
<br />receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants and conveys unto the
<br />a municipal cerporatian in Hall Cnunty, Nebraska, herein called Grantee, a per-
<br />manent and perpetual easement and right-of-way to survey, construct, inspect, main-
<br />tain, repair, replace, and operate thereon one high voltage underground electric
<br />utility cable and other appurtenances connected therewith. Said utility shall be
<br />located as close as practicable to the westerly line of a tract of land, more par-
<br />ticularly described as follows:
<br />A tract of land five (5) feet wide, the westerly line of said tract
<br />uescrib~„ a~ fallu,.~:
<br />Beginning at the Northeast comer of Lai Five (5) of Heritage Acres
<br />Subdivision, a subdivision in the Ciiy of Grand Island, Nebraska;
<br />thence running northerly along the westerly line of the Southeast
<br />quarter (SE 1JL) of Section Twenty-One (21), Toc,-ciship Eleven (ll)
<br />North, Range nine (4) West, for a distance of two hundred eight (208)
<br />feet. Said Tract containing 0.02 acres, more or less, as shown en
<br />the plat dated 2/27j80, marked £uhibit "A" and attached hereto and
<br />incorporated herein by reference.
<br />together with the fallowing rights:
<br />Unrestricted ingress and egress to the above described tract of land for
<br />instailaiien, maintenance, operation and removal of such utility and appurtenances.
<br />Such rights of ixsgress and egress shall include ail rights necessary for the
<br />foil and complete use, occupation and enjoyment of the easement herein granted,
<br />iaeiudiag the right to excavate and refill ditches and trenches, to remove, clear,
<br />mad keep clear trees, bushes, hedges, undergsawih, and other obstructians inter-
<br />fering with the surveying, construction, inspretion, maintenance, repair, replacement,
<br />or operation of such utility. No improvements, structures, ar buildings of any kind
<br />arhatEOevez shall be allewed in, upon, above, along, across, underneath, or through
<br />the easement herein granted.
<br />..Ail electric uiilitp cables and other appurtenances connected therewith, placed
<br />in, along, across, underneath, and through such eanement shall remain the graperty
<br />of the Grantee and mmay be r~aoved or replaced at nay time.
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