<br />11iis Mortgage k entered into between Ai~7~ J SI3Yi]ER, and IfXJ At~T SNYI)ER
<br />(herein "Mortgagor") and
<br />2HE t7VERLAI+fi ?3ATIQrIIAL BAIti'K OF :iRAiltl IS7 42IIID (herein `•Mactga~{ee„).
<br />Mortgagor is indebted to Mortgagee in the principal sum of ~ 10 000.00 ,evidenced by Mortgagors note-
<br />-.- dated' ~/~}80 (herein'•Note's) providing for payments of principal and intermit, with the b8lance of the
<br />inriebtedaesq°~ p due and FaYaele ~ S/29 J8D
<br />t, _x ,
<br />4b aiprsyerent of the Note, with interest as provided therein, #re payment of ell other sums, with interest,
<br />advanced protect the security of this Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreetneata of
<br />the ~ ` herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the Edlowiag described
<br />property located is S8~ ~ County, Nebraska:.
<br />Iot Seven 1~3, in Slock lwo t~? of Southern 9cres Addition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />'fbgrtiser veith art bu8~, improvements, futures, streets, alleys, Passageways, easements. rights, Privileges and
<br />appm0eoaooes located thereon aria anywise pertamiag thereto, and the rents issues and profits, reversions and remainders
<br />thereof; iadauii~, bat not lirnited to, haatmg and coding equipment and wcb personal property that is attached to the
<br />iaapaoeemeots so a to aasdtatr a fixture: ~! of which, indudiag replacements and additions thereto, is hereby dedered
<br />in tse a pant ~ fire red sstate secured by fire lien of Ibis Mortgage and all of the foregoing being referred to herein as the
<br />._~.-
<br />firRbcr ooaveaants and aP~. vrith Mortgagee. $ fellows:
<br />L R~mmt To pary t>re ~ and rite interest thereon as provided in this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />Z 7geie. > as the owner of the Property, has the nghi and an#hority CO mortgage the Property, noel
<br />vpa~ts that fire 1iw rseamd lseeeby is a fffit and prior lien on the Property, except as may othrrvri.;e be sri [Drib herein.
<br />D YAe Tloperly is snbjrct to a wherein
<br />as fire ~rlae, tmordad a Book ,Page of the Mortgage Records of _ County,
<br />iV~saiir, is a prior to the ties Heated hereby.
<br />fl t'idrea panr iksu
<br />3i. Tadwq Aarsaaaerrec 7b pay wtp'Ar dne nit farces, tents sad all other charges apinst the Property
<br />aed. rpm w>stiee ~d bS ', to add to the pgymenti required undo the Nate setvrred hereby. snot amount as
<br />~ #p bo eeahie tiro'> w pap* wch tazss, assaacm~enta or other charges as they became due.
<br />d. 19f+ keep tlar ierC n~ or keteatiar toeatrd on the real ~ta;r described herein insured
<br />a/stui ~ ~ ~ aapl asoh ot~ at Mos3eyaa may require, in amounts rod. with companies amptable to the
<br />i~pe, sad witA ins payable is rise iioctpgee- ~ axe of lass under sorb palieies the Moriga~e is authorized m
<br />a~ naAert aaul oowrpeoawe, ie its diaa~iaa, aU thereunder at its sole option. authorized to ri W er apply the
<br />ptaoeeda to fire esieaGm of the rimy or upon the indebLedtress secured hereby. but payments bemunder stun con-
<br />#ilAe >atd~aam~aaoaedtaecby sae l~ in tail.
<br />3. i3 _Fre~nw Fora 34aC anti 2a~re. anyt9inL c+orrtairred in paragraphs 3 and d bereo# to the
<br />7ine#pBee ~I tray trr fire at the dme of paying the raoatbty insiagaaents a# principal cad interest,
<br />al~rlprt ~ rise ysldy tauraa, aaas, bawsd ir~sc4 preeaiwm, acrd groaod rents {'if soy} vvhirh may attain a
<br />~t #~aii~= ~ iF ~ ~ i~a W tip by the Maetgr~ee-'ilre amauats sa paid sAal! 6e
<br />htid ~ il+e witlrcart jatiseatt surd apptind to the pagmant of the items in rtspert to which such amounts were
<br />;1#rr a~iraF plod to I/ostpae irmearrder ore played u additiaeal aecudty far the indebtedness secured by this
<br />)litjitla~yp, 2ios~or#i~B pal to ilieal~yse the araonnt art anY deficiency between the aatual fazes, aaseasments, insurance
<br />pawi•S abd ¢girsd ~ apt the slgrositic ipveunder vrith}n ?ti days after demand is made upon Mortgagor requesting
<br />1-- --
<br />- i,, i~t,~attd dhe, 'Po praaapdy re}wir, restorer or rebuild any buddrngs or improvements Haw or
<br />Yaaaalielr oa ihe'~ap~e~; to, ipep fire }lopertg in;rgd mnditiar and rrpair, without wastr, and tree from mechurir's or
<br />olhx$ss aa~o salaa~wted to lire lino hxx:Afi; not !a nuke, suffer or permit any nuisance to erdat, nor W dimin-
<br />iirar ~ tnvfige ~ itsa Property by nay act ar amisian to act; and to comply with al! requirearents of law with
<br />sespeai to tide- i!sspe:ty.
<br />