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<br /> <br />Lender's written agteemeat or applicable taw. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Leader pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shah become additional <br />indebiedtless of Borrower secured 6y this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from L.;nder to Harrower requesting pa}nttent thereof, and shall bear interest from the <br />dare of disbursement at the rate payable from time io time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />inr^~rest ai such rate would be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph ?shall require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />8. irsspeealm. Linder may make or cause to be made masonabie entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided <br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to am° such inspection specifying reasonable cause iheretor related to Lender's <br />imerest in the Pttrpem. <br />4. Goademaatton. The procxrds of am' award ar claim far damages, direct or consequential in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of ills Ptrpem', ar part thermf, or far con+'cyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />anti shall be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall rte applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the excess, if am•. paid to 13ctrmwer. in the event of a partial tal'ing of the Property, nnless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agrce in writing, there shall he applied is the vms secured by this'~tortgage such proportion of the ptxteeeds <br />as is equal 20 that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by ibis Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market sabre of the Property immediately' prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the pixtceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Propem is abandntzrd by Harrower, or if, after notice M• Lender to Harrower that the candcmnor offers to make <br />an award or stale a claim for damages, Harrower fails i„ respond to Lender within ±i) days after the date such nonce is <br />mailed, f_rrtdcr is autttarittd io wikst arld apply the proceeds. st Lendti s option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property ar to the sums sesttrcd by this \{ortgage. <br />L,Tnlrss Ltttder and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, am such application of prt><^erds to principal shalt nM extend <br />or p:',~tpone the due date of the nwnthly installments rrierred to in para.raphs 7 and ?hereof or chsngt the amount of <br />such itrsiailmettts. _ <br />I~ Borro.~a Noi Reiesnd. ccicr,sion of t#te tiros '- pay nir.~ii '- r. ~. -- .:,.... ,,,.,c , , .. ^f •!;v s...':ts s::.'ursd <br />by this Mortgage granted by Ltender to any successor in ilnterest of 8orrowrr shaliinot operate to release, in am' manner, <br />the IiaLtility of the original $orrowcr and Borrower's succesu~rs in interest. i.endtr shs)1 not be required io commentt <br />pmcxedmgs against such stta-essor ar reftz3e to extend time for payment or othrrw'ise modify amortization of the sums <br />sertrrtd M this Mortgage by teasran of any demand made by the original Borrow^er and Borrower's sncctssors in interest. <br />it. Ratitaraaee bs Leadv Not a Wafycr_ An}' fot'ttearance by' i_ender in aaercising any right or remedy hereunder. or <br />carhttisvise afforded by applicable law, shall trot t+e a waiver of or preclude the exercise of am' such right or remedy. <br />The pracuzesseaa of irtstaance ar the payment of taxes or nthtr liens or charges bsr Lender shall not 6e a waiver of I_tnder's <br />right to sccelgare tlx tttaGrritp of the indebtedtress secured by this }irtgage. <br />12 Beagles All remtdirs provided in this 1ortgage are dlstinCi and ctunulative to any other right or <br />rertte3y under ibis Mortgage or affnrdcd by law or squire, and rosy lee tcerciscd concurrend}', independentl}' or successively. <br />!1 Spcceasas sad Bound; 3eist awd SeYrral I.iaMlity; Captmas. The xvtnsnts atzd agreements herein <br />umzaintd shag bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure ta, the respectire su.-xssc*rs and a~igm of Lender and Borrower, <br />s'ubitxt io the prvovisioas of pat'agrapt; 1' hereof. .411 covenants and agreements of Harrower shalt he taint and scverai. <br />The captions aad headings of the para¢raphs of ibis Mnngage arc for a~meniertce .~nh and are rat to he used m <br />inzerprrt or de5tte the provisions txrcof. <br />li. Natiee, Faceepi far any itotiix required undo applicable law to lac given in another manner. (a) any notict io <br />Bai•rowa:r provided for in this Mortgage shall tr given Ity mailing such notice by czrrified mail addmssed w Borrower at <br />the lsxopesty Address ar at such atltcr address as i3arrawer may designate M' notice to Lender as provided herein, and <br />(Li} an~° ~~ to Lsstder shall he ¢is^crl hs' xrtifitd mail, return receipt ri`qucsttd, to Lenders address stated herein ar io <br />such attter address as Ltrtder may designate by pellet to Harrower as pma•idcd Herein. Any notice ptos'idtd far in this <br />Marzgttgt sha3i Ir dt>emed h't have Merit given to Hornwer or i..endrr when gi.rn in the manner designated herein. <br />IS. L?~ lNoa~aRe; Gcset>~ Law; SeYrraHBty. This form of martgagt rnmbines uniform covenants for national <br />use read recut-uttifomt covenants whit limited variations by jurisdiction m constitute a uniform stcunty irtsirument covering <br />reel pvppert}•. This Alturgage sltal3 be ghterned be ills law• :,f the jurisdiction in which the Pmptrty is located. In the <br />tvtmr that any psc~viratm ar clatrsr of this Mortgage ar the Noie conflicts wish applicable law, stash ctmftict shall pat affe.-t <br />other prttvissmts of tills Mnngage ar the Katz which ran tx given etTect uithotn the cantlicting provision, and to this <br />std the provisiom of the Mortgage and the \ate arc dselared to Ile sevtrable_ <br />IL. 1$ast~-crtt CaPy_ Borrower shalt be iurnlshed s . onforaled n~py of the Note and of this Mortgage at the time <br />of saecaninn ar after reena3atizst Itet~.n#. <br />17_ 'faaaia ~ Qe llapaet9; Aattuplttaa. li all ar any part of the Property or an interest therein is Bald or transferttd <br />by liarowra wiChaur Lender's pram writfcn rortscat, eaclitding fal the crtatian of a lien ar encumbratztt subordinate to <br />thin AlotrgaBe, (b) the etratintt a# a purtfitace mane= security inttreit for household appliam~es, ic) a transfer by deaise, <br />dmaatt ter 1r,4 apeaatitrtt of law open the death of a joint tenant or tdt the grant of any leasehold interest of three years or less <br />tan + alt option w pttrthast. tender may, ai I.,mder's aptitm, declare all the stems secured by this Mnngage to tx <br />itmsedirSety dire and pnyabk, Lutder shall have waived such a>ptian to ancelarate if, prior to the .ale ar transfer. Lender <br />rod the petmtt to whom the Property is a.o be sold ar itansfernd reach agteemen[ in writing that the credit of such person <br />s sstidu3ray to seder sad thu the utterzst payable ~ the sums secured by this Mortgage shell bz ai sorb rate as Lender <br />shall tom. If Lsatdu lets waived the aptirtn to «-etttratz provided ir, this paragraph 17, attd if Bartnwer's successor in <br />isda>t# has rttacttmd a tivs.>t~ ie® agrxmmt rtacepttd in writing by Lrndu, L.tnder shall release Hortower From ail <br />trader !hg Mettg#ae ~ the None. <br />if l.etrda r=+¢+-~~= streh caption to .'accelerate, Ltadcr shalt mail Bnrmw•er notice of acceleration in auordaace wish <br />panBraph i# het>xf. Such rtmitX shall provide a period of tzar tars than 3{) days tram the date the notice is marled within <br />whim 1i{oa7~ tray pay ttte seats declarod dire. If Borrawtr faits io pay such sums prior to the txpiratian i?f such period. <br />Ltmdu ~', without fratlxr taosite cn' dtinaod un Borrower. leveler env rctntdies ptrmirtrd by paragraph ] 8 hereof. <br />Naev-t}n'ttagefa {.`1twEtaat~ts_ $orrnw•ev' a>zd Lender further coyrnam amI agtu as follows: <br />].i. ~ 1lcaa~ea. Faea}t alt }resided » pa~raph 17 trercof, upon Bnrnowrr'c breaeh of say aroveaaet or <br />a~taeareN of ilarraitwr ~ tYs ~~• is the nfla'elaaats to pay wbea doe say wptt secared by tills Mortpee, <br />~~ ~ ~ aYfR wail aaficr M tlsrr9wrr 3S ProYided m paragraph ti hereof apecdyttq: til the blEatll; <br />(17 tAe atliate LaAitai b ceps wsi irncfp t3- a date, set leas rhea ~ drys from the dwe the oartiee h malted to Borrower. <br />tfy srhitit saidt bsesrlt aaasl he c~ apt NI >~ fdese to ctpe such 6reac6 on or before [he date specified in ibe notice <br />rite aa~tlt>5 attoefnsiaa et the sous ~ `Y the NortssKe, foreclsarx 6Y jadk5al protec.litq artd sate of the Prvptrfy- <br />T#e rttalits aMt (anther Isitlass 7aeaowrx d the rittht to reiasWe after arcNe»tion aed the right to aaoert to t~ foreclosure <br />pepeaaiis fire aap.eaiteeree of a defatdt m mY other defsttat of Borrower to sccekratioa aed foreclosure. iE the breach <br />V aai taaati a ar sitars LYe dace specified i• Hte aaai<e, leader at feeder's option may declare all of the sums secured by <br />tYs b 4 isseWefy else a4 plryable wkhast further demand sad may forecbse by judicial procredirg. Lender <br />atsil rte sadtled M cdett i arch > >i a:}eattes of fo:rclosrtre, iedading, but not lltnbed to, rotes of documentary <br />etrideaae. aYstraeo std igtfe «ptaAa. <br />~}, ]ssewesy gyp to " ' -- ~ Notwithstanding Lender's acctleratien of the sums srsurad by this Mortgage, <br />Barttzwer slta7l have the rjtMt to have any praceediags begun by lender to enforce this Mortgage discontinued at any time <br />