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<br />80~ +92~ MORTGAGE <br />THIS MORTGAGE is made this........... 27th..:......... day of ......February ............. . <br />1~0..,6etwetantheMtutgagar, He..raauth.Ti._StahF..attd.G~TOlyPR..R...$tphr,,husband.~nd,wife,, each <br />in .hsisu~d^peTh~~aw~t~ie~,ht .and ss ... (herein "Borrower"!, and the Mortgagee, Home Federal <br />Savt~ga and`~oan Assoc>atton, a corporation organized and eaistiag tinder the laws of The United States of <br />America; whose address is 221 South Locust Street, Grand Island, Nebraska (herein "Lender"l. <br />Wxe1e>:,ss„ Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of..&TBT~- .T,IiR~~'1A. ~ .QQl1p9-~: <br />___________ ________ ______ _________ ,____.. Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower s note <br />dated...Febxwtxy. ,2I, .19$51. ` .. (herein "Note'"), providing far monthly installments of principal and interest, <br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if trot sooner paid, dt~ aztd payable on...... 1~TSb. 1,..~QQ4......... <br />To SEC1rttE to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the <br />payment of all other sums, with interest thereon, sdvansid in accordan:e herewith to protect the security of this <br />Mortgage, and the perfotmattce of the rnvenants and agreements of Borrower herein contains-d, and (b) the repayment <br />of any ftttttre advances, with interest thereon, made to Harrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein <br />°Futttre Advances"), Borrower does hereby mongage, grant and coneey [o Lender the following described property <br />located is the County af ...... . ..... . .. AA1J+......................, State of Nebraska: <br />Lot Seven (7), 81ock One (i) Dale ;;Dash Subdivison, is Hall County, Nebraska, in <br />East Half of Lhe Southwest Quarter (S~SW~ of Section Fourteen (14), Tosrnship Eleven <br />(11) lbrth, Range Ten (10) West of the bth P.Pf, in Hall County, ittebraska. <br />lsa the addrsss ~_ ... _ .. 13Q .dsspAitRe ........ . ............. . .....Grand .Is lead.......... , <br />isveeq teal <br />.. ~ ...ft88t11....... (hereaa "Property Addttss°); <br />ixwe nett ru <br />Tttcaraaa ?~h all tht improvemenei tww or Ixreafter eracitd an the property, and all easements, rights, <br />~, resh, t»yalties, mineral, ct7 and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water steel, and all <br />fitttYrrs awr or beatratdf~ attadtad to the praperty, all of which, including replacements aid additions thereto, chat[ t+e <br />dt>eat~ed to be asd tratairt a ~ of the property roverest by this Mozigagc; and all of the faregaing, together with said <br />property (er ttse leasehold estate if this Mortgage is an a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Propeny". <br />Bctrrosvee aavcnaats chat Borrower is law#utly srisetl of rite estate twteby ranveyed and has the right to mortgage, <br />grant aad convey ~e Property, that rite Property is utzencumbered, and that Horrower will warrant and defend <br />gt~aalty the title to the Prsrpeaty tgaitr&t all cfairrts and demands, subject m any des.Iarations, easetrtents or restrictions <br />listed in a schedule of a=ceptions to coverage in any title insurance- policy insuring f.ender's interest in the Property. <br />-i t6 i faa+iii--£i 3§--~fMIR~iNtMt; ~fw1p~11I <br />