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8c`~--~l;r91)0 EXPANDABLE MORTGAGE <br />ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS Loan Na. _822490_5 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY TN`eSE PRESENTS: That James D, Heinz ZI a(n(d Corcetta M. Heinz, husband and xife. <br />Fift ~ two thousand one hundred dollars and No/lOQhereinafter calico the Mortgagors) in consi~e~ration of the sur~~af <br />S - - Dollars (S 52,100.00 ) <br />loaners to Mortgagors, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of Omaha, <br />Nebraska, (hereinafter called "Commercial"), its successors and assigns. the fallowing described real estate, situated in the County of, <br />~~ State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />---Lot Eleven (11), Nest 5e1 Air Fifth Subdivision, ir. the City of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska.--- <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SA1iE with the appurtenances thereunto be!dnging. unto Commercial. its successors and assrgns. forever. <br />Sara Mo;igagdrs hereby t:venant arbh said Commercial. its suctessors and assigns. tliat Mortgagors are !awfuliu seized df said prem!ses. that <br />they are free from rncumbrantes. and fiat they wit; forever warrant and defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of alt persons <br />whs^saewr. <br />Prdvraett, never~etess these presents are upDn the fn!lowing tdad:Ldns: <br />Ttrai wt!ereas the saitl Lkdrtgagors as a:embers f Ca^rnercia! haw ibis date executed a nett evidert!ng such Ivan and agreeing to repay care <br />s,u, .# m grey, w;ih interest, m nay-en*.s as set iari~ in said note and have agreed to abide >N the terms Df said nilte and Charter and Bu-Laws of <br />Cilrnmercial. <br />That wfrereas this mortgage shall severe anp addifrdnai advances, with interest, which may, ai the option df L'am,nerc,ai, be made by Con <br />,ercta! #o the u,~ersi~ed Morigar •rs nr ?heu suttessYrs in Dtio fer any oumose- at any tine before the release and cancellation of thrs mar~age. <br />ta,i PROVIDED. HOR'EVER, at no time shall Ghe ag;:agate nrinc+pa! amount secured by this mortgage. hero; L'!e amount due at ant bme nn said <br />~iarui nciz and any add,tional aduantes mad>- ~.ct ed an amdunl equal to li0 perce.^,i Dt the amaant of the original Hate. but ,n nc evYnt stall <br />card nom ext?ed rite naxiaum amau-?t peritied 7e 'eve, and PROVIDED, HOYtEVER tiat nDdring herein cdniatned shah bd Considered as i:m,tin, <br />th<. amat:r,t r~tal snail Se saluted hereby when advanced i~~ ilrdtet*. the so:.u!,ty ilr ,n ardrdance with covenants c:atained ,n fie r^origa~_ <br />Now. rt the said 53<;.rjpagar snail ~y or rise id be 1>3io the card S<'ms nt ;nemey when due. as set forth In sa,d Hate and any other note far <br />affiiIi~a3 a~va'ices ~.ade anti! said debt !s tally Wald w'ihi :nteieSt. dien *d!eS? resents snail ~ 4mid' ethersise. to De and rema.n :n E`u!: iatce aan <br />*te[r ;~, ii default shecid he made: .. <br />~a ~ in 3!R dt ffie payments du? an said Hate. and anp . that nnl2 fDi add:irtr'la' advances matle. aS m=te,n agreed to "_2 :".ode tut t1re? morfi5, d~ <br />,`~ 3n ?;eeping L'rE ia?prove,meft on sa,a premises insured a;a„st Inns by reason of fire ;i~;tniirg, dad tine! hazards :r,;.i;:ded +n extended <br />tdu~ray~. in~raice ,n an amD!nRt not !ess i#an me un^_id ~tanco df sa+d mortgage iaan, :n a tnm,•any o• Car~nies acceptable to Crtn- <br />mtvtra:, ~ arig?nai of s=~ti pa!:ty nr o<,haes to ba held tn~ Cammertiai. and w,th a mortgage cacse attacned ^a said cat:Cy er pdUCies <br />an favor ill Commercial; x <br />_: #n tit=_ ~vmmif f tares and asse,.,:..,r:ts :ev.ed uoDn said eres:;ses. _: an ifr:; ma'?gage. kta?e dies a;e oei nr;,u, tt: <br />dr tf flier- ~s any change r mr ilwn~ti:p of z',e tea. estate mortgage„ herein. 6v ;a+= e•,thet aetnrht ;= dr =one ton?Tact. or 2v assrgnmeai of <br />any In~res2 Lhesepn ilr dYerwre: <br />*.t~n- it any ti ~ at~:w set-fry erenti *.he who;: :r~eniednass Dere?ty serurEtt shell- at me on^;r. ~' 'C:~~:r;er. c;as ,need+aiely [iodine dse anC <br />payable wrth6ui fu!thcr nofms, antl the 3IDDUnf tlue under sa:d acae and any other Hate ?>r addii,azai advances ~a~de saatl, `rem me :ate `f d+e ezxuse <br />df said nF*an, hear inieiesi at the. maziman. iegai rate per annum. sod >s,s mortgage may then t>z *c;reciosrc ;a sat;siy rte anau~t due :,, card note, and <br />wry nit>zr Hate far addit,dnaf advances, tagetner with a+± i_rsS ;a,C by° Co;nuae!rrai for :nsurante. lazes assessm~ts a:=d,astrse? -,ii,s,on cnargas- <br />a'a2n ,merest fieTeon ti>xa the date of payment a? fie naxrmu~~ regal rate <br />PRD4'iDf- that in da event, e!Viei Deidlo ar afiei deiaui?. shat: the ~.nterest due under sa,d n;: re and ;i:~s ^a•tgage one any ;tier note fr ad- <br />ilit:anal aduanres ?Wade ex:-eed the maximum ~awtu! :merest -at?. <br />PROVIDED. iurLler ?ha: i~^ the eremt that deta_.r e:c:;ic .n ~ -u.k,ng nt the pavn,~±s ;.ae ,n sa.:, :, -- _ _,. anti ~. h,r =,,,,? f~ aad,ta,~ a <br />avranm aS trtere,n agreed td D2 ma]e ,; aeeFtng »,e r'eT:Ses :ns_ren, aS dove p-ov!deil 'at'i 'Jd °•oe , ^`? „v)ti, menr ~~ the `lies <br />5r 3SSe53?ReniS ieYted iron tit pr 9: , ~... ,.DCY2 Dc's ;tYC ~r ;;,^,an ?h75 "31tKa Pe, A'iDrC th£> 3;F - ':3R 72~ rt.,4 t ...' , ,.': bn3 ~'.= 7r r.+t'.-.rG <br />to the ;mmedrata possession Gt ~e pra-iises atx?w dastt:irec together with a ! rer!is ;rrdceeds znc ~sSn2s a $ x::. ne ~ .mues.....~ ca, <br />rn ,.> disrre*an vse the rer;ts so far as a deers necessary far the purpas~ of Pairing rapers vppc r:e sem sas and iDr *r ,~v,~era of rosy+anca <br />T ettrir.~:s.. Ines antl assessments vp<,n sum premises. and for netessary expenses in~rrer. ;n tenting sa:d ,;er,ses and tc-i,e:t;ng ten! ihereir;~,,r=: ant <br />to apply same do sa,d nn?e and env notes evidmrting fuwte advares fre,eusder anti! Gre sndebteoiess setsre;::s'u+ly pa: d: one lot stn cu,^~oses. <br />~,,. ,>n~, !~ n..4a ,.... sign set Ds ^r ~~+ tr~:sie ,:n~ ~~.m,~rt °! air sf sa;d ;c:.':s,v':mss ,u ,,,..°es ,--. - ng s:y !- n£rait <br />~~sis more drrfx-s n; dry th'ct :rvtaraes of a!ry~ ?y-pc' r~a;suec~r tram said pr~rty L. be a.~;--.led ~ ~me ~ates'aDD~ -"?s[nC+ed4 ~t paid <br />yrciai snarl iA An rase ire Isah`:'e k7i the i?IIE~ 3e ~f6Cyre tawnts_ k ~!18ti mats- Jr in ptGStC~:$ 3cBDr?S 1C t€z<==~~= i,~'mess: an :?! s3,? iz;ei??tses- <br />?'he te~rtg3gars tarfhet appoint i,nmtttetcial at Omaha, ~iebraska_ ihe,r attorney in tart, giving said attorney p9we: r,avneahiy ?;Cher nD its Han <br />name nr tdartgggors' names to take ail necessary sIapS Snr procoad!ngs !n cart x dtherwrs2, to rouse sa,d preri+ses 5 be vacated. t, tt,;iec? ientais <br />ar d2her rnexnes due, antl a vacant. fi reset the same. h trace ail ~asonabie :e,~xiirs and tuav laves nut of sa.d cents pmiits, cantsact catments ar <br />mta~s and to rio ~atl sucA Rungs e!&ret by its awn z~ificers ~ by+ oilier ;rashes tluty auYha!,zei1 and appo,nted'~ a as its agen±. tti sa:d pci,nse a. <br />.d <br />to tdtarge ~dr pay a t~sdimhVt te'r tn? suUr setancas, all nt irie atwve ~ ffi dove a: curb Ames and :n svtn manner and on such terms as to the:! sane <br />attorney may n bes'~ with ft,ii ~wr€~ c1 su$Yti,iron_ <br />The ~ neraiq agrrca that n Onmm~ jai 2:ttrei riuni3 iiy a -ru ?unIar,,y L+etvees or : ~ an c3Y to = s ~!, t ai - ~r~o,ng ~e;~!,re <br />to the trerwutgefore tlescrrhpd red! estate a '^:s morgage pf sa,d Hate .- notes. dt'!ei tt!an ? tie_ .,sire ,,,st G,te,. try t,ari eri., , tiilr,gage?s w <br />?tii6$*n'sf +C~riert!a' tar ail reg5(nrabt2 t:.s t5 :=:"-,CWreC! by t,]Hrmer:.iai .Fl Said Stli', 0= pra:e9dinF The 4tarigagdrS fcr#ne' igree tt!at .f the n?rF::ibeti~re <br />!$s~:.: tr@tt foal eStaTP P' any' part thereilf tf2 tdrrda1nr12{! under ?h:> i't+jW2? .i? a=:.:nen? aama:n. ,r is Dnierwa SP atqu,ied ii+r 3 public •.>e. ^.. _~~^.ageS <br />awae4ea. bye pm~ns trot lire t~+.qg, artd tnr ttre cans:roerat:~ foi such atsu:sai~, to >ne esteni of the iuli a^rGunt ci the !ana.ning unLard rnoebied- <br />~ netl by 1'ers ~rt$a~:c, he. dad tirtw nett try ar€, assr~ fa Canmart:ai and Shalt t>p paid torthw:ih tc Commercial Sd be applied tin acitunt of <br />the ixst rt!aturrsg,astaarnerst5 of corn indehtedrurss- <br />'+~p1Et+YsisA ~~'~'_-~.*larl tr3__=~L`b3`#3d~'"L-_.___. ^i_~w r <br />, <br />t 1 f~ f° <br />----,-v~--•--- -- <br />ff '~ James D, Heinz II r <br />-- ___ -- <br />STriTEDFNEBRASKA Cancetta M, Heinz <br />ss. __-.----_____---__ __.__.. _-- <br />DDtiNTY DF HALL <br />On (iris . 28th __._ - day erf Fefiruar~ 6U <br />.. _ -_ h ,_,_ Defora tae, a nntarq pubta ,nand for card County. {Xrstinallp came <br />the a~vt+~ramat <br />3ases D. Heinz Ii avui Conaetta N, Heinz, husband and rife. <br />W me weal #nowr, tri be foe rdenhp! person or p^;soas whose name is or names ,e alinaG to ;`+e above a;mlgage as g;antsr nr g:anfors ono racy. +r,° <br />or she. se~ralfy aekaowiedge the card ms;raQ ~ eir vo'uri!ary act~nd 6eee. <br />r ._ <br />W3TgESS my hand aria Ngtar:a! Sea: kris da ~ ~~~ ~ 1 , ~ <br />_ ,.. <br />k4y CDmTiss::,ri fc:,irf 5 an the r_`~ "ay rf _.° ~" 'Tt ~"_ I ':1 `,; <br />