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8p~-`~~9 EXPANDABLE MORTGAGE <br />ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS Loan No. 50492-3 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY TNESE PRESENTS: That Mary Ann India a single person and Catherine India and Orville <br />Inds husband and wife, (hereinafter called the Mortgagors) in consideration of the sum of <br />Thir ht hoes d d 11 s and N 100------------------------------ Dollars{S**36 OOO.OOw~) <br />*Tr~an~~d Aior~gagors,ado Trere~y graa in , 6arga+n, se~~and convey unto GOMMERCIAL EEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOGIAi'ION of Omaha, <br />Nebraska, thereinafter called "Commercial"?, its successors and assigns, the following described real estate, situated in the County ol, <br />HAJ,L State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />--- Lot Four (4), Block Four (tF) in Normandy Estates, an Addition to the City o; <br />C~and Island, Hall County, Nebraska.--- <br />70 HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAr<E, wiffi the appurtenanczs thereunto belonging, cmto Cnmmerc+al. its successors and assigns, forever. <br />Said Mortgagors hereby covenant wifi said Commzrcial, ris sut[zssnrs and assigns.. that Mortgages are +awfully set?ed of said premises, that <br />ftrey are free from zrccumbrantes. aad that fhzy roil; for2vzr warrant and defend the htlz to said przmises against the !awful claims of al! persans <br />w9ramsoever. <br />Pravided, nerRtthefess, ihzse presents are upon the foildwing Lond~tidns; <br />fiat whetzas the said far+rtga~rs as members ai Cnr:,mereial have this date ezzcuted a rate ev!den[ing such Inan and agreeing to repay said <br />svYn of money, with int5'rzSt, ir. payments as set for#h in sand note and have agreed to abidz by the terms of said notz and ChaRZr and By~Laws nt <br />Ca!tmerciai. <br />Thal wtrereas ih+s mortgage shalt secure any additional advances. wim rnterzst. whiLh may, at the opbnn of Cnmmzrtial, bt made by Cem <br />inertial to the undersigned Mortgagors ar their su[czssn~s +n LUZ far any purpose. at any tsme beterz the release and cancellation of this mortgage. <br />but PROVIDED. HDk'EVER. ai na time shalt the aggregate prncipai amount secured by this mnrtgagz, being the amount due ai any time on sa+d <br />original note and any additional advances made. zzceed an amaun2 zT,uai to Ilv pzrcent of the amount of the original note. but +n no went shalt <br />said rroiz ezr~zd the maz;mum amount pzrmittzd fi law. and FRCViOEn, HOY~EVER, that nathing herz+n cantarnetl shall be Lor,sidzred as limrbng <br />Toe a~aount drat shall bz secured Ixrzby wt~r advantzd tc praieci the security ar :n acexdantz w!th cdvenants c:;ntained in the mortgage. <br />Now, rf thz said Morgtgors sha:'i pay ar cause to tx pare the said sums a± menzy when doz. as set for(h m said rote, and any :this note for <br />titmal advances made uniSi said d2bi is lofty paid write ~nterast then t1esz przsznts shat! be vo+d: otherxisz, to be and rema+n m tai! farce and <br />effect; but if ~fautt ~ouid ~ made: <br />fa+ in any ni thz paynaats tluz an sa+d Hate. and any other Holz for addiUdnal advances made, as thzreia agreed to be made for three months, or <br />,,h? in kzeping the improvt',menis do said przfl^ises insur~l against Inss by reason of tire, lighfi+ng, and ether hazards rnchidetl in extended <br />rnvaragz +rsurancz sn an amount oat less than *hz unpaid balance of said mortgage loan, ,n a company cr companrzs accep:adlz is Com <br />inertial the original dt sot p,;ity or ~lic+es fi 1>z held by CommzrLial, and with a mcrtgage L,'ausz atta[hzq to sa!d potty cr pdhnes. <br />in iawr df Cnmmerna!: nr <br />;[t }n ihz paym2rit of taxes and asserr„znts !ev,ed upor, laid przmises, ca on this r:artgage, bzfore'hey are dzlinquznt: ar <br />(di fi there is any change rn the ^wne;ship of the rzai zstatz marfgagzL hzrzin, by sate, either .uhight ar trv :antl contract ar br assrgnTznt of <br />arty ;n4ztest mereoa ~r oihenvisz~ <br />#.hen. !n arty of the ahnvz set-faith events. thz whole :ndzhfzdnzss hzrzby seturzd shaft. at the opt:nn o`. Ccmmzrc:a:. immed,atev iuLOTz duz and <br />payable wid,nut tutfi+er noUez, and the amauni due uadzr sasd note and any o6tier Holz ter add+Trara advances ^ane caa'+, *rem mz date _ mz zxerctsz <br />at said dptim+, truer n#errst zt ihz max+rnum toga; rate per annum. and thrs mortgage may thin be faretleszd to satis'•: the a~taant duz e said Holz. and <br />a?rv 'other ante for addif,tvrai advances, tngzbrer w1fi aN sums paid by Commerpaf ter insuran[e. taxes assessTenis and a,^~-street zxt~ns+an tnaigzs, <br />aa#h indresf fhzrenri frtxn thz date df payr,:ant at the maz,mum loge! rate. <br />Pi?OWBED that in nd event, z+d,er +xfarz ar of«r de*auit, snail the ;nterest due under card na±e and tn~s morigagz and any other natz icr ad- <br />di!i adtgnaes trade cxteed thz max+m!~m tawiu! !merest late <br />PitDV1OED, Parthzr that m the zr~nt '.oat de;aWi :ic~rs m the '~akrng of the paymetrts due nn sa,d nste ana a~ any _,«e: not? for add!hatral <br />advances, as ihzrzan agreed .~ nz made. nr .n t,eeptng ~ prac!ues insured. as a6ave ~evi6ea. or rf tzlau;t ix :,race ;:i :•~-~ payment t:e _rxes <br />n„ ~. <br />~ assessments levied upon inz premises a~r~z desL::beed of upor! d:,s e;arigagz. ~fn=z They me ~ caa deinquznt ~..--,tra snag' x zaritizd <br />in the immediate pnssessinr of drz &emrses abevz-dzscrtxd, iagziher write al's rents, ~t otezds and issues a:~srng cut ai me ptemisrs, and 23} <br />in ifs dscreb~ use ",he teats sa far as it ems a±~,esary is ~ ?urpe~ ni making repairs ufxrn fiz prem,ses artl for fie patmzr,i t~i :r,wrance <br />{ttemaruns, lazes and asszssments :Non such ,azzmises, antl for necessary expenses nt[urted .n rzatmg .a+d przr,::ses and co~.tetong rot therzirom. and <br />tit apply some nn ~+;. Hate and ink' tDf25 evltleriClflg fuWte atlvantes hereund-er unbi Lnf indebteu'ne5~ Sete+ed iS roil} paid; ald t^r SaLn pnrp]SeS, <br />the nnifersig~ does hereby sell, ass+~r, set over arsd 4snster unto Cnmmeraai ail si sa,d rants. pra[efi:s ana intames inciuarng agcy land canhact <br />pagac~ts the mtlrig~~z aa~s nr aay ett!zr ra[amec of airy N,pe whatsdever trtlrn said prapzrty ?o ~ applied an die notes atravz-dzst=ibzd: b:i saved <br />tbrnmarciaistaatirn no case be i:abrz tar the TaDUrz to procure tenants. to roirzti soots- nr to prse~iz a[bans to rzcuver possession of said premises. <br />The Msrfrs tutther appoint Cnmrnercrai di Naha, Nelvaska, tne,r atttlmzy m felt. g:v`ng >aid attdmzy power ntevotab?y. _^ Cher sn its ~,wn <br />rainYe ni 1niS' f+ame5 fi take ail tteCessary Steps ial prtxezdmgs ro COLil or afherwrSE t. LaUSe sera piemrS25 iJ ba vacated, to Lclfe[t tenta:s <br />~ ~ die, arni when asgnL, m re#et 1Je snore, to make all teasanable repairs and ~iy faxzs au2 dt sa.n rents, prniits, [miract p~ymants or <br />rnG?ares artd to do ail such things either fry itr awn nfftcers as ~ amer parties Holy authnrtzetl and appointed by ,i. as its agent far said purpose. antl <br />d nlarge ar pay a rrasnnatde fee inr such serwnzs, ati of fhe a~+vz to he tlanz at such rimes ana +.n such mannzr aad pn such terms as is thew said <br />ailnrady may test, Kith iu!!;rawer ni su~hhttrpn. <br />'~ Mpr~gors hereby a$~e mat ri Comnra;ai either vmtunt3ruy nr !nvnr~tar,ly aztcwras a tS madz a part' iu any gust at proteedmg rzfabng <br />in Me taeminbefr~, tlestrit+ad teat stare. nr T :' s mangage pr sand nc,te ~r mtes,w'hzr than a f_rx:osure rust+int~ try Gam,:ieicrai. id;rigagrs :viii <br />«,drese [rat fp: alt r~spnaa!e [n~s3 inc::..ed ~ r-n,.mem:[:a? as sa,d suit ~~ prn~„dag. n,e id!u(;a,o;s =;.,rahar agrze rrya, ;r yne pzrzir,nztare <br />i~ ~i estate ro any part +,t~reai be [endemned :ardzr tt,z pnwec ar eminent tomato. nr rs nihzrwrse acquired for a yvtalrL use. the damages <br />~wt8etl, ~ ptrceeCS ~ ~ taking. and ~ the c~v~rair~ 4w s:~.d; alas+isan ;he extant of thR ~'ii a^:aunt o! it:z rzmaimng uppa+q indebte>yc- <br />~ s8cuted ~ bus n+o~ge. TIE. ~~d itrery flnr~aby ate, assrg,cxi to [;nmmeraai and shall be paid inRnwr>r to Ccmmzr==:al to he applied on account r,i <br />Sae last mah:rtag rastaltmartis at sudr :ndeatss. <br />ibna ??!h tia} t F ;_r80 4 ti ,,: <br />. ~, rr ,{ a <br />1bf Y' ~ESfNt:E Df: ,,~_~ - '~,,"''f ,~ ~~~ __-~ !~-'~2"~-- - _ <br />'~r'"r ..c - "~' ---- -~ A.nn Ind <br />._~._.__ _ . _.__~_a_. _._ __ -__T_-- Orville India <br />STltiE O` %£$RASfIA r; , ~ <br />fAt}NTV ~1E I~l7It!` zs Cathe~d _ -t_-''__ ,~ _t A-_' _ _. <br />~ s . 2'$.tls....._ _ day of ~+e8t~ .,._. :9 .8O . ~fnte mz. a ni:-!art' puD6•- ~., _nd fur ;a.d Co.:iy_ rRrs:,i.arsv cae~e <br />ffie eve •nar :, <br />Uz~ille Iadra and Cat2terixu India as hngband and wife and Mary Ann India a <br />$t UC6t j~h45tin~0~Y pH5rin5 wh~sc namB is of na ~as 3r - st r i:~ R8 a0o v- i-,, gad- ... _ y.:i°..: ~ .,,,c i~•ry n, <br />nr 3:1y b f and the ~a[UftDn moron iG ,.ze ` 1 .aty 3C 's.,tl ~t.u <br />Y3 1r~ l11 v at•_. yea: test atrtvz wriitc^. ~~~. ,, J <br />• 2{#, IStij ' ~^r~"""~~iE'TG~"Ca+i~c.-" <br />.. ," <br />by -= z:r~~ ~. i r;; V -; ~~ ~ .-r., ~vtgx~pt ' t~l •_, . <br />~,., w .__ -. , <br />