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8Q ~~~ <br />1MORTGAGE <br />MoRrf:ACELOANNO 23,688 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESEPI?ESENTS:That Linda K. Hoover, a single person <br />Mortgagor, whethtr one or more, in cansideration of the stun of <br />Twenty Thousand and Noj700---------------------'---------------------~------------noLLARs <br />Ironed io sad a¢ortgagor by The Ecfttital+Ic Snilding artd Lcmn Assrxiation ai Crartd Island, Nebraixa, hlnrtgagte, v n 200 shaza of stock of <br />sad ASSOCUtTfON, Certificate No. L 23,688 , do hereby grant, convey and enongage unto the said ASSOCIATION the folloetvrg <br />desaatbed tea estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />LOT SEVEN (7), IN 6LOCK TWENTY-ONE (21), IN PACKER AND BARR'S <br />SECOND ADDITION TO THE CITY OF uRAND ISLAND, NE6RASKA <br />tamer errith r3i the xeaearrerrts, ire[edetataeats acrd ap}>,srienanrts ilYreumo hrioaein;- including attachzA ilvr coverir~s, all vriadow u~eens, <br />eaiadow shades, bI®als, stoam ainifows, awmnn, blaring, air toadniani»g, and pfumbutg arxf sva[er equi}rtrent and accrssories thestm, pumps, coves, <br />rt5igeators, and atbrr fixtures and rquipmrnr now or hereafter attached to ar eyed v~ avnnea ton vith said rtal estate. <br />and tahtaras the sad trwrigagor has agreed and does heretic aGrrt rite meneaaor atfa}i sad wi[I pay a!1 taxes and assessments levied ar <br />aaraesl rrpoa sad prrmisrs and upon this tortgage sad thr bolt~d srcured thereby [teta:e the sacs strap become detina{urnt; to furnish approved <br />ieaeaane e~oe the bnddsrgs ua sad ~ ,~. sitiitrd m ti.e sum of 5 2D ,DDD . ~{~ hirable to said A.~OCIATION and to deliver w said <br />ASSOC3AIiON the polices far said ivsteraact: sad r:tv to cnmittii a p~atit any wash on ut chant card premuts, <br />l$ ~osr of drfardt er tht perfotttunx of nay o? the terns and ~ronditians of thu irnnfsge or tht t+und scarred hereby, tM tnortgsgee shat. <br />m dts>rmd, be entitled to immoitiatt possessirxr of the murtgteged premises and thr rrrxigagur hrrehy ssagns, uaasfrts amt sets are- to the <br />a8 the tents, rtveates and incutnc m Ix iirritsa9 linen the martyaged prrmiscs d^rmg su:h uttte u the mortgagt indebtedness shall reass® <br />raysad; cad the tnatggee LhyH Issue thr poevrr to appixiat any agent ur agenu a may dealt trn the ptnpcvre of repairing said premises and [eniing <br />the ~ sad ooLecxerg the teats, resesiues arul rmm~r, and it xis}~ pay° uW of sa,d irsasirtc aii rxpenaes ut irpairi[rg said ptemisea a>!d at00esuty <br />mmasisiatat and eapeases incauaaxi in tenting and tnanaginte. the scent and of ttiikctrieg rentak ihtaeirem; the hasacc rora»ttittg, if any, to be <br />toratd thr alisrlaarge of said mtvigage tndebttxlevess; these rats ,+i ire tntvtgagrr may be exacsed at any toter dwsag the ea:ee.~ of such <br />b, sretpeaiae of nay te~mprvsry waiver ~ the sense. <br />Tbrac Nrevenu, tvarevra, ssr upon lire Candiiion, That ff the sad Mortgagor arts!! rrpas' .ad loan an or teeiun the maturity of said shares by <br />payeatsrt; paq taaathly to and A5S(Y7_#'S30N crf the rata spnci€irti w tht Band SrL'aerr3 hrrrl+y as iatetm ax±d pivectpai ort said tom, on or befurc <br />the 7lmorth dry oaf e~ and rutty t»tmth, rmtil said loan s fully paid; pay all lasts ared ~~n++•~ts ]rsried against said prettastt and oa this Mortgage <br />cad Eht Lord xtwte~d tiercby, bef,vc detin$teacy trauisir approseet atmnantr open:, the buddmgs thereon m the arm of 5 20 ,ODD . OD pay:bte <br />~, tatid ASS(XIA710N_ =rlsaY to sod Aa"~CL#7K?N stpon dtmand ad tittary by n pad for sndt fasts, asstssmmu a~ itsurana with utterest at <br />the sass ~ rate tireaeum fttms dau of paYraea[ ag of a~tach Yarigagcv iereby agtxs ra pay; prttttit sat wasaron sac pretises;keep and comply <br />oath aR the : affir;xaad$xirs o! tlx Lewd f~ 3 2D ~. this dry gaca t,y thr sax lto,t>: to and ASSt)ClATION, a~ armpty <br />eta ~ tae news of the t'aaa.¢atiptt assd Bylaws of slid ASSOCIATION; then the ac preaeats shaft hanrae nrill and acid. otltarv.~ae !hw <br />t~ remain ~ ftbl faro std racy be ftaeckased u tine ayniua of the said ASStA:IAt'FON aitn farltue Irv [fuse tmnths to ttarke any of said <br />pymeatts to be baser moatls m aateRS iu raakitrg grid ttsuathfy pay°inrrits, ra to terp and .t,nspiy wi[h thr agrmtttettts and cwadltiaas of said Bad: <br />alai to hear a ret:eiser appuiatesl farthwrttr m such forrclosat ptucmitngs. <br />If theses ury ~ m award tvf the rral mate raratg,Lod hueia, by sak nt ottera,ir, then the ratirr retminmg iatkbtedaess hereby <br />siotrtad sbtH, tl the apsitn ~ 7'he Egaitaldr Ladi&ug and Larne Asrocmtioa of (..rand lshrerd, Nr6raska,~betasm iteuraedotrly dre and payable svphout <br />farther tawim, cad tae naaaett remaeieig die eitsdet said hoed, and nay athta bond fts nay additxxui advatwxs grade tirretmder, shall, from the <br />brae of eaa[tast ed'snd eptitea, brat iatsmst n ttu tnatcamam kge! roc, and the axxtgarpr tray xhen he faaetlaaad to randy the iuaatat due sea said <br />4aaa,aad nay tethar band fan addeiaaal adwam,, t„getlisv wall all amn paid by said The lxlustabk tlattbvq[ and Lars Aao~eiatioa t:i Grand Itlwd, <br />Naheaia iaa immtatx, talus and nae~aests, car.'. abnractiag eatensiana char}prs, with iattrrea thereon, fium dau of pararcnt at rite tte~.•m <br />~- <br />As petwided ie the Load strurod hecriry, wh'u this mtertRagt remains itr rtlext the rnxtptge our hereafter advarrrx additional sums to tht <br />sitsss oC said Attad.thea asctgns tx ~aaars iii imrerst, whw-h sums sha- be within the seruray of this ntatgage the natal as the funds urigia:tly <br />aesarad Y, the loud araatmt of priati}rI dtfit rust to excrnd at nay trine [ttr urrgimd amwnt of ttta mortgage. <br />ilmd~ 21st ~Y ~ February ~. ~., le 80 <br />'_~. °'~. fi.L ~K ~ _ <br />1.7nda ~'.. Ntxlver <br />sTS7E~f~ivl'EBLJ~IS~,~$. i3etlru 21st day,f February 1y 80 ,htfnrette, <br />rte wrdasggitd, a Notary Public in and is said fuuaty, persutrally caata <br />Linda iC. }kyotrer, a single person who is petaooallyknownto <br />sa Ia be tha pmaw wbOae ~ S affixad to the above tastry} [auttgagor and she !' <br />a~aaatbdgd the a®d imtttmt®t to br }ter vuhmw; ad turd. der i. <br />1RiINESS my land cad Ntetnrai Seal tbt dart atotcaid. / - ; <br />1{yioamvaameyares '~~-r.-r.-~~~._"~i''L' ~'~~>--ze__ <br />~~- <br />Notary Publik <br />tsa~arnt ~~~_ ~ _ _'~,,,Cr4FH ~ CJS At Sa. dNaWU1r <br />~ ~ r~~ say <br />~»"„'~ t,1} CcT~rr. la;; t.uv.:2, 1983 <br />