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.yI ;t�j � � ' - ;����+y'�.+ � � ;!� ,,,�����[xF�p+, � �r ..,��.�. !a' y�iFZtl — - <br /> �flfRMTFI i�'' , .. '�2;4 F tl• �°�.�L'�4��i' '" �� �— t � �-�• ' 'y�� ��b ...�`"'� — _� <br /> -�1�29��� i, �',1� {_ !� 1 tS4��C'i���i�+�v.r�!! -�� =r. .� - � <br /> , , �. <br /> �...�-� �.�.� ..r ` . - <br /> (7 /; �r� r"t•> - - - tr��..�....--_. ,,ti <br /> ,r�l�J, ,-� r ✓ n :�V� _ — <br /> �+ • ' . , _ +R-'�'�`,' ,µ _ __— <br /> . ��n.. .... - ^ri _ <br /> .nL�..���, . __." _., ��`_ <br /> _ '_x..��w� ��.�_.�.._....- <br /> - � .. v .� +�-�a^�1r�YJV.�.. � <br /> / _ _ - - �Y___ - ..L',._�. .__ -_.. <br /> �F:r11•�."�,� ;�:•�e `__'__-u__ <br /> r..�zr�� . �...^. 92—ioos�i =�_ <br /> ? ,�, ��� ��:=:�- <br /> u• � � � TO(3E7'HER WITH al!the improvementa now or hereaf�er ertr�ed cxi ihe prupcAy.und oll c�semcmx,appuncnances, <br /> '� "'�`ti'� � and tixturcs oow or hercafter a part of�he propeAy. All replacements and additi�►ns�hnll ulw be covered by Ihis Secuti�y r ~:��:'= - <br /> �_�4'��i t; +�"�� '' Inwumem. All uf the foregaing is rcferred to in ihfs Secu�ily Instrurtknt as Ihe"Hopcny." �.a.� <br /> �'" �o«-,����. BQRROWER COVENANTS�hat Borruwer is lawfully seised of Ihc ea�ute her+eby ratvcyed und hac the righ�ta grent =-_---- <br /> .-��,�•� �� and convey the Property und th�t the Propeny is unencumbered,except for encumbnmccx of record. Borrower wArrants und <br /> "Y '"'�" will defend enenll� che title to the Pro n a ainst all claims and denwnds,sub ect to an encumbrances of record. <br /> , :...;. , 8 Pe Y B j y �'=.���f.s.�-:---- <br /> � � THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combencs uniform covenunts for nntional usc Lnd non•unifarm covenanis wiU� °h- - <br /> - ; limited variauons by jurisdiction to conalitute a uniiarm necurity insaument covering nwl pruprny. _.- --- - - <br /> � "�''"''``''` UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lendercovenunt und agrce us folbws: � <br /> �'" <br /> . ' 1. P�ymeat of Principal and Interesl;Prepaymeal s�ad i.�te Ch�+rges. Borrowcr shall promptly pay�vhen due the �__-_-_-----{--� <br /> -� _ � principal of and interest on�he debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late chtuge�due under the Note. _— <br /> ;;�;; 2. F�nods for 7loxes Aad Insurnace. Subject to applicublc law or to n written waiver by Lendcr.Borrawer sh�ll pay to =_ <br /> __,�;ti,�; � Lender on the day monthiy payments nrc due undcr the Note,until the Note is paid in full,A sum("Funds')for.(u)yeorly v_ <br /> - � uues sind assessments which rnay attain priority rn•or thig Securi�y Instrument as a lien on thc Propeny;(b)yeurly leusehold _ ____�_ _ <br />';.',� � - payments or ground rents on the Piropeny, if any: (c) yeurly hozard or propeny insursnce premiums; (d) yearly Oaad — <br /> . • insurAnce premiums, if nny; (el ycarly mortgage insursuicc premiums,if nny; and �fl any sums payoble by Barrower to <br /> � Lender,in accordarue with titie provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment uP mongage insumnce premiumc. These �-` <br /> -; " - = items are called"Escrow Items." [.ender may.At any�ime.collect ond hold Fundb in m simount not to exceed�he muximum �_-_ <br /> m <br /> „,��. <br /> . amount A lender for a federally related mortgage loan may require for Borrawerk esct+ow pccount under the fedeml Re31 �__� �___ <br /> ° Estate Senlement Procedures Act of 197�3 as amended from lime to time,l 2 U.S.C.S4:601 e�sey.("RESPA"),unless anothcr �____ <br />_.. , . , . law thet applies to the Funds sets a lesser annou�t. IP so.l.ender uny tim�,collcc[and hold Fu�ds in an amount not to <br /> - . . eaceed the lesser amount. Lender muy estitrwle It�amount of Funds dua on the basis of current data and masonuble `„_,.___�_ .___ <br /> � . � ., esdmates of expenditures af future Escrow ltems or otherwise in accordance with applicable law. '°'`�' <br /> � 7'he Funds shall be held in an inatitution whosc deposits ure inwred by a federal ageacy,instrumentality,or entity �°�°— <br /> � (including Lender,if L.ender is such an insti�ution)or in any Federal Home Loan 8ank. L.cnder shnll apply thc Furtds to pay _ � <br /> ' . • the Escrow Items. Lender may not charRe Borrower for holding and applying the Funds, onnuully s�nalyzing the escrow �.u_�:�- <br /> � ° accoum, or�•erifying Ihe Escrow llems, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on 16e Funds �nd upplicable I�w pemiits -- <br />- L.ender to make such a charge. However, l.ender may require BoROwer tn pap a one-time charge for an independen�r�eal uv_•��- <br /> � . estete ttue reporti�g service used by Lender in connection with this loan,unless uppYicable taw pmvides othenvise. Unless An �s�:�_ <br /> Ag�eemenl is made ar applicable law requires interest co be pnid.Lender shull no�be required�o p�y Borrower nny imerest or _. <br /> • • eamings on the Funds. BoROwer and Lendcr may agree in writing,howcver,thAt interest shull be aid on thc Funds. Lender �'�'"• "'_- - <br /> . P :,s•__:._�_,_�.•• -- <br /> shall give to Bortower,without cha�c,an annunl accounting of the Fundr,shawinp creditx and debits ro the Funds:u�d the Q�.�- <br /> . '';,-t; purpose for which euch debit to the Funds was mute. The Funds are pledged us additional security for all sums secured by - <br /> :;jj this Securiry Inswment. �'���: <br /> � ,+ , If the Funds held by Lender exceed Ihe amounts permitted to be heid by appiicubic law, L2ild2i blidll a.cauot to �„��,�,�t,.� - - <br /> � ''� Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance with the reqwrements of applicabla!aa• !f Ihe nmount of the Fundc held by <br /> � ' Lender at any tima is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items w•hen due,Lender mAy sa notify Borrower in writing,w�d, in � � <br /> such case Bmrower shall pay to Lender the Amount necessary to muke up thc deficienay. Borrower shall make up the �„�,,,�,�_ =�=_� <br /> � deGciency in no more than twclve monthly p�yments,nt Lender'.s solc dircrctiun. �}�;;;'��.'�- <br /> • Upon payment in Cull of all sumti secured b�•this Sccurily Ins�rumcnt.Lcndcr shulb promptly refund to Borrower any ��-•'�-�`"=•-�, <br /> Funds held by L.ender. If,under paragrnph 21. Lender tihall ncyuire or sell the Property.L�nde�.prior to the acquisition or �,;�,�,,:,.�1. �'"}� <br /> sole of thc Property,shall apply s+ny Fund�hcld by Lender ut the time of ucquisitiun or sale s�s u credit agaimt the sums �-.;,�,r,�7�r— <br /> �_ secu�d by this Security Instrument. ��� "— <br /> ° 3. Application of Paymenls. Unlcss upplieuble law pro�•ides otherwise, all paymants teeeived by L.ender under ` ?�'"y;•'~�-- <br /> P R P • PP� Y P P Y S : p Y •,:.. ._,.:�, _ <br /> � ara m h5 I and 2 shull be u lied:Gr�t,to an m a ment char eti duc undcr Ihe Notc;xecand,to amounls a able under .;Y� <br /> � � paragraph 2;third,to inierest due;fouNh,to principal due;and last,to•rny lote churges dua under the Note. ���f.4�:'.°- <br /> . 4. Charges: Liens. Borrower shall p�y ull taxes. asu�ssmen�s, churges, �nos and fmpositions attributable to the � _.y <br /> ' Property which muy ullain priority over this Secutily InstNment.und Icasehuld payimntH or ground rcnts,if uny. Borrower - <br /> shall pay these obligntions in the mannrr pruvided in p3ragntph 2,or if not paid in thut munner, Sorrowcr shall pay them on �� �: <br /> , lime direcNy to�he person owcd payment. BoROwer shull promptly fumi,h to LenJet all iwtices of omounts to be paid under . __ <br /> . � , �his paragmph. If Bortower mokes thene payments direclly. Borrower shull prumptly fumish�o Lender receipta evidencing , '�� <br /> ' �� ���%` the payments. � .,~-� <br /> ,.���•,•,. : �'.'r: ' <br /> �.�:-:: <br /> .�'..,;;������ Borrower�hall promptly dischurge an}�lien which has priority avcr this Security Ine�trument unless Borrower:(a)agree� �• -: <br /> in writing to the payment of the obligation tiecured Dy the lien in•r manner acceptable ta L:ndcr,(bl contests in goad faith the � ; <br /> , � lien by,or defends against eni'orcement of the lien in.Icgal praeedings which in�hu l,t�idcr s opinion operote to prevent the ' , <br /> � ..:.;, , enforcement of the lien:cx(c)secures irom the holder ot the lien an ugreement:iatiHfactaty to Lender subordinating the lien t <br /> � ��'� to this Securiry Instrument. It Lender determines that any p:�rt of�he Property i+subjoct to a lien which may�ttain priority <br /> , � over this Security Instrument.Le�der may gi�•e Bnrcnwer a noticc iJcntifying thc li�n. C3orrower shall ya�i�fy thr lien or tAke � ___ <br /> . one or more of thc actions set fonh abovc within IU ds�ys o(thc giring of nuticc. � - <br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrow�r shall keep the improvrmemti nnu►�ezis�ing on c�reafter erected on the <br /> �� Property insured againct lars b}��re,hazards in�lud�d within thr lemi"ex�ended cuvrmgc"and any other h•rrard.,including � <br /> . flaods or flooding, for which Lender requites insurnnce. Thi, imurunre xhull tx� muintuined m thr amounts and for the <br /> , FormtY3K Y�90 �p�ar:�4n147t��+� . „ �;:, . <br /> < . . � <br /> 1 <br /> � y � -- ' _ _ <br />