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<br /> . 17.T�I fiillfirYi'11�{��fY1(1f�P1�{H'fl O;CiM�IC�1i)II�AYY'ti1 III RUYIYINrt', f f xli ar a��t•�brt a,i� 'm{�en���w nn� ntrr�in it
<br /> i�snt�nr srntfcrmt tnr it':�t+�r.pli:•!o�+�++�+���►,• W�fl'�1KNY N w/�I�l�If�1iKIe�1'i-WI A1YI{{�Nh�K�'1'I�fMN M IMIUI'�)�Y►M411 W{IMMII
<br /> lA�ul:r'c pric�r w�rilt�:i cu�ur�u, l.c��Jrr n�y�, �t i�� ��tii�i�, rr�{uir. imn�:�li:ttc p;:ynk�u in 1'uU ��t uU �un�.� s::ur.�t hy thi� -
<br /> Scewit}� hut�uux�u.lluwc��c�. thi.�yul�N�.lwll�wu tk rxcnis�vl by l.c�rk�il�cx�rcl.r ix pu►Iiihil��1 hy lirkrcd law a�ol'it�c J�tc
<br /> uf'thi.r Security fi�.�tru�iknt.
<br /> If i.rtxk�czatci.c�Ihi�uMiun. I.r�wlcr�hrll ul�c &�rn�wrr iNdi��nf�.�Icratiun. i'hr n�,ticc.tull pru�•i.k:� �x ri�k1��f iwu -
<br />- I�u tlw� u1 d;i�� frum tlu d.►:r ll�c �wuir. i. J.1i►crc.l ur uuii«I ailhin whi.h ll,►rn�u.r mwt p:►y ull tiums k:ur�:i hy �hi.
<br />= Securit}• le�:tiun�:.nt.!f lkurna-rr f�il�to�u�•th:��u�►u pricu te►ttk e�piea�icue of�hi+peekxl.lxai.L:r nu�•ii�ti�a{,� w�y r���tieJies
<br />= pemull�vl bv this Sccuriy Iqstrun�cnt w•iUxwt f'unFur tu�IicC itt dcou�xl an[i��t'iva•er.
<br /> 16. Il�rrower's �tt�h! to Reltutatc. lf Bc�rruw•cr n►ccls ccrtain roixliliuns, doauWCr .lull hu�c thc riFht ti� havc
<br /> enf��r.�eroc,u af thiy Sccurity liulrunxitit �lixa�uinue.i ut uny �ink prior tu thc carlicr of: loi S days(i��such��thcr pericxi ae `
<br /> applicable law may �pecify far rci�utatenxnt)t+efon s�le nf th� Propeny- pursuunt to ;u�}• �x�w•cr of wlc cantuined in this
<br /> Securiry lnstrument;or(b)emry of A juci�n�ent enforcing this Security In�trun�ent.Thak:canditinas Are thnt IIorcow•ec (o)payc
<br /> l.er.der ull sums which then w�wld be due under this Saurit�• Instrununt und thc Note�c if►w arrelerution had accu�reii; (b)
<br /> cures uny default of any athcr co�•cnant� or agrcen�ents; (c)pays all expenses incurrad in enforcing this Sei;urity [nsciument,
<br /> includin�, hut nc�t limitt� to,reasonable attarneys'fees;and(d)takes auch action as l.ender may reasanat►ly reuuire cQ assure
<br /> that the lien af this Security Instrument, l.e�xier's rights in the Praperty and Borrower's obligution to pay the�sccured by
<br /> this Securit)• Instrument shall rnntinue un:,han�ai. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, thic Secur�ty P�uttument and the
<br />- c�bligations securetl her�;by shall remlin fully effeetive as if na acceleeatioa L�vecurn�l. Hawetier, this cight to reii►srrte sh•rl�
<br /> nat�pply in the ca,ce oP ucceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale of' Nate; Ctwn,�e of L�cwn Servieer. The Note or a partiaC icuerest in the l�ote (toge¢her with this Security
<br /> In�trumenF)may be swld one or�ix�re tin��w�ithoue prsvr nc�tice eo Surrow�er_ A s;ile rewy reic�lt ire a change in the entity(knawn
<br /> as the"i.aan Servicer"1 that collects nwnthly p•ryments due un,f�r the NIote 3r�ct this Serurity Ynctrument. There also may be one
<br /> or nwm changes�f the A.oan Servicee unrelatai tcr:�sale oF the l�ote. If tt�en:is a change of the l.oan Servicer.Borrow�er will be
<br /> given w�ritten notice of t�e change in accordanc�w•w;ir p�aragraph 14 abave and ap�licable taw�. The notice�;�1 state the name and
<br /> acldmss of the new•l.a�an Servieer and d�e�d�ctre��:;�,whi:.h p�ynu�us shoulct be m�de. The notic•.� wikl a,v�o�tixn4ain a�►k oiltier
<br /> infarn�rion requi�i by 2pplicable[aw.
<br /> 20. fi�rdot� Subcixnc�. f�r.rrrower sGzFt ek�i caau or�rmit the presence. uc�, �,iv�v;3, ti:.��.�.. or st:l;a:y:••��:anY
<br /> Hazar�ious Subuutxec on or in t'.<< [�topen�•. ���avwer s.'`.�11 :ti,K do, nar a!!ow anyo:�� •c1�. ,�? �;E�. �u:��thing affec[ing the
<br /> Propert�• �at is+ti �irf.,s.,�ion of;uz} Cirv�ro�me;,;,a7 paw.The}�:���eding tw�,r x�tences s:�[i n.x a��i;� :��:he presence. use. or
<br /> storage rr►the Pzc*�Y�c� ��£sma[i qua:tcities dTE�,i:a.-i3�us 5abstances tt�����e;:�rally recognized.o t!�:.�;�u�opriate to normal
<br /> reside�uial us�es r:n�,'t�;maiate�nce c*f�"+e Prc x:��.
<br /> 13aan:�We•r�ina�?•�r��ptly �e�e 1[�;.�,,;e7 K'[dC:�n noti�of a,c investigation. claim, demand, lawsuit or ot8er action by any
<br /> govetu�.m��:s.I er c��,�;��uory agency er�c:�ti•a:�n:,rv involving�..,Q�eperty and aay Hazan:a:s Substv�ce or Environmental Law
<br /> of w[ticP�iSorrower i:ws actual knowlcag:. Ir'$.�:avwer learns, �*�e:notific,� h.:any gove,r„rr,ental or re�u;atory authority. that
<br /> uny removal or other r.�:Knediation of any H:�,n�:��:s Substance:�Cf�Ytino t�c�ri�rty is necessary,Bam��,i:c�,F�11 promptly take
<br /> all necessary rtmodial actions in accordance witJx Lns�ironment�T II�w�.
<br /> As used in this paragraph Z0, "H�zsrdou�•`.iut�stances`arr.those substances dcfined as toxic or Its:z-.;r�f�s sub�s by
<br /> Environmental Law and the fallawing cubstance.�: gasoline, Y:crosene, other flammable or toxic petmleum products, toxic
<br /> pesticides and Iurbicides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or fom�aldehyde,and radioacdve materials.As used in
<br /> this paragraph 20. 'F.nvironmental I.uw" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where thc Propetty is located that
<br /> relate to health,safety or environnuntal pmtection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Botrau•er and Lender further covet�nt and agrce ac follows:
<br /> 21. Accele�atioo;Reraedies.Lendrr sl�ll glve notice to Borrower prior to s�aderatioa[olbwing Sorrower•s breach
<br /> - oi ap7 coveaan[ or a,�emeAt ia tf�is �ecarity [p5trulpint lDUt not ptior W �atiou under pora�raph 17 dale�
<br /> applicabk law provides otberwiac). The notice stwll specify: (a)the defadt: (b) tbe action requtred to cure We default;
<br /> (c)a dste,not less than 30 days from ttie date tbe notice ts given to Borrow�er,by whlch the defnult muq be cured;and
<br /> . (d)ths! fsUurt to cure tLe tiefAWt on or before tbe dAte specltiM in the not!ce msy re.wlt in �ecda�'tton of tLe sums
<br /> savred by t!�Security Inctrumtnt and ssile oF:6e Property. 'i'he notice slwll furt6er infam Bon�ower af tbe rt�ht to
<br /> retastate�fter aecda�tlon and tbe right to bring a c�wrl actlon W assert t6e � ot a defsult or any dhn�
<br /> defease of Bu�rower to acoderation And sak. It the defsult is not cured o0 or 6e[ore the date spedfkd in the nadee,
<br /> Len�ler, At its optlon, may requlre immedlste p�ymeat in fuil ot all sumc saw�ed by thls Security I�durnent wit6out
<br /> turtlxr dnnand and may iavoice th�power ot safe and any otber nmedies pertnittal by applk�We law.Lender sbW1 be
<br /> eatitkd ta ooRect aU expeasec incurred in pursucng t6e re�aedies provided in tWs P�*s�raPb 21.iacludi��,bui not limikd
<br /> to,reasonaWe sttonKys'fees aad casts ot tltle evideoce.
<br /> It tbe power ot s�1e tc invoked, Tn�,ctee stwtl record� uotioe ot defaWt in exb caiaty in wbkl�apy p4rt of the
<br /> ProperiY is lo�ted stnd s6aU a�ail rnpks of such notke in the manner pnscribed by applicaWe law to BaroKer and to
<br /> t1u otber pe+sons ptr.scribed by applkaWe law..4R�r tbe time r+eQutred by appik�bk law,'l�vsta siwll give pnWtc notice
<br /> ot saie to the pasons and in t�e maaner pnscribed by applicable law.Tn�.stce, witboui demand on Bon+ower.sbdl sdl
<br />� the Propaty st pn611c suction to the highest bidder at the ttme and pl�+e�td under tLe tennc dalgn�tetl in tbe ratke af
<br />• sak in ooe or more paneds And iu any order Tructcx determines. T�uctee waY P�Po�sale ot all or any p�red ot the
<br /> � �Y �►Y P��armouooemeat at the ttme �rad plaoe of sa,y prevIo�sly scheduled sa1e. Ixodee or its desit��Y
<br /> p�u+ch��tbe Propaty 9t aqy sate.
<br /> ' Fo.e�3osa w�o
<br /> •• FYpr 5 d 6
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