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r-- <br />,.._ <br />. '" ~ • v a V ~ T V E -Form No. 3ba <br />~fjf~ ~ICDe~ture, bfadr and Executed this.. ;% ~ ~ day of ~Ql~'"7 A. Lt, ~JU <br />by and Detwem RUTH E. HARRINGTON, aOHN A. HARRINGTON, SUE ANN FITZPATRICK, UGENE FITZFATRICK, <br />DOUGLAS E. HARRINGTON ALL INDIVIDUALS <br />party nt the oral. part, <br />aa+l Y'hr Uuu,lw NatU,nst Bank, A National Banking Assoc. , and AGCO Corporation party "r the verand part. <br />>;"rrt, that the as;d party ar the Brat part, tar and !n consideration at f a 4, 507,QQfl ,Four mi 11 i nn <br />five hundred thousand and noll D <br />--------------------------- <br />-11T7',,,....... n~n,, y~~{ y~-rt~ , TT.,,,rr 1(`2a t(71t(~1~~ q~ttyy ~ <br />qy ei~wttet`ebLt ~`fteYrb Fiit7c11ordl~gE^d, h65'grhStY~' ~i11lxd, s2STdd.. n thes-z a~~ ~O. <br />~3p~L`I~ Bell and ma ey, ants said Y presen s, <br />party of the sec and part. the fallowing described teat property situate in the <br />Gottatyi 85 833ffdln-.8 Hdll ._- end State M hehraska, to-wtt: <br />.See attached Exhibit "A" vthich by this-reference t5,_.nzorRprated...herein... __. .. <br />ta;rri3,rr with all the LrnemenLa. nereditaments an3 appurtetsa aces to the same belanging, and all the estate, title, dower <br />rig?st art hamesiead, claims and drmand_v w•6ats,xcer r>f the sa td party of the first part of, in ar to said premises ar any part, <br />thrmz: and said party crf the first part does hereby crvrnant, that said party of the ti; st part is law[uI:Y seized of said prem- <br />faea, thai said prrtnv es are free ftx+;n tai^umbranre a.^.+1 that said party of the first part wtll warrant and defend the title to satd <br />premises agatast LDr' Iaw-tu'. r!a3ms sad demands of all perstna whemaoer•er <br />FRi)iZDEP ALSI`ATC, arn~d th,r.xpp~pzeyyae~~n~~ts~{~5an TuTp~~~~~n th~aeafnta caNn~ditll`cvltul~}~ ~~ Q <br />WHEliERS. ~7lIS1pF71RX'b7(S ~xel~ tiTiddd e'IfGrered~ id The sa'~ paK a~ tha ae~d part 51 X <br />~Yrs as follows, to sit.: Harrington Feed..Yards,_Inc: Omaha National Bank-Hate for <br />S1,S75,fl'tn da±ed `day 2d, 3973, due on demand plus interest at ON8's national prime rate <br />talus 2% unpaid since 7L31J79. AgCo Corporation Hate of S1;T25;~Yt1O-dated May 24, T97ti, <br />due nn d~ftd plus interQSt at AuCO Cnrpora'tyons bast rate {2°` unpaid since 7t3Tt7°. <br />~rrinnton Lafa! t4 Cattle il~ha !iat?onal Dank ante for- 5312,x3(1 dated Feb: 28, 1979, due <br />t)fl demand plus-intEr-eat at the rate of (>NB's natiorraT prilfie rate plus 2=-unpaid since <br />t}11f7~, a»fl L3a:riha. !3a2inna7 Bank rlotE far 5625.ODD.da>_ed !Say 2~, 1.91s-, due. an demand. (cont'd) <br />~ rrbrrraa, fist party of iDe first par; has agxed to krrp the Duildittga, if any-, upon said ptYm:~rs, Insured sn ::+n:e c rs- On <br />pony ar r-~r:,naates appraa~rd Dy sa:d party of LDe srrantl pan, i cr the full insursDlr value ega: nst lass Dy 4re and w-sndstarm wrh <br />rsrtrmied raverage and «eiir•er to scud party of Lhe atn'u!d part the polity er polities tentasn:ra, s siandsrd °rartgnge c!a; se witG back ) <br />ibe iaas pryat,lt to said paztr of 4* a aecan6 part, ar assigns, ar,sf has agreed to pay all t.Q,ces and assessment aass:ut said i?ren~- <br />tsr3, brtcar t3+e same, by law, became delittgtunt, sad bas agreed that if said party ~+t the first part daes not pn t•ide such <br />irsurarscr, ar fails to pay all taxes as aica•taatd, then said party cd the second part. rs .balder :trreaf, may par such insurance <br />ar.d tsars. rw either o,- Ihrm, sad all amatmts sa paxd by said party of it;e second part shall bear irterrst at the :a:e of rsne <br />per rent par annum 3rom the ,ate of payzaent, and 2Lssn mortgage shall statxi as srtuniy therefor, and said su.n r,-:al~ be <br />added to fix amotart of the mortgage debt, and the same rerar•ered as s part tlsrrro;. \cw, ~f the said party of :he nrsi pari <br />alaall +relt ar+d lrtily pay ar cause t.: be paid the sa..t sum ai maney t+s said only . nsenttune3. w:t.^. nntarest thrrran ac.^ord- <br />irsg sa 23e tracer aced rIIrM aI said soft _. and shat aerp said buddtngs insured as aferesasd, sad sfsall keep aU taxes and <br />asscaarr<ems and shal3 duly weep, ace.? prrtvm sli t_~e Sher corenan:s and agrrer.;rrrts hereto : untamed, then thcsa <br />pt9r~nta to ,`x alai and 1~uid. Btu :# said ausn a money <~r ar:y par^, u.erenf. ar any : irrest tetrmn. .~ rat Rand when the same <br />is fix. ax if said tatildtzsgs shall sat ter iept insured as afat•esa hf, cr if .he taxes and aasessmrnta sga m>~ sa.d pren.tses are <br />txu paid at or befarr the tixar ihr same 6rcamr by law dallaquent, ar L said gea rt} nt the first }art sL3ii fail ;~ keep ano <br />prrfarta any ea>?ertnnLS heron rotuatncv3 the haldes hereof sha31 har•e the aptinrt to drtiarr tl:r wftDte at sai3 i,drMedness due a^d <br />jny'abie et grey tithe xftez such fa1;°,re :a default, and may stain Lain sn artian at Saw w rutty to r-reai•rr the same, and Ne rnr.:, <br />vaetxrtaeatt of auifir actxva shaA Dr the snip z,atice aP the raex2 ise of said Dpttan re ~itfmi. <br />.l2xL .^_' '.~ 't'=sm"fi€'R P-R4 : ~£i ~i ~i, :.G^..z£r '?. i~,.eu the >aid :daxii;ngar aits!i and w-iii pay ali :aszs ie+•tad upare tests ~. <br />~ ~' t~ ~ht a£rur,~d i~rrtrr. ?rgether• with any atlxr tatcea nr[a v+tuch may br ler•4ed w3drr [he Iat:°a cf <br />Nelraaiq,, aaalast the aced ffivtga%ee ca the legal hnldrr at the said ptioe;pa3 tea - za•, acmu.~tt of t.1is in.•+.eMectnesa. <br />~~ ~~iiflit~ ~~eTGOf, we have hereunto set-our hands .this day and year first <br />abtrve writtd'f1. <br />~H PRE^~+~`s'~ t?F <br />~~ ~~ <br />8T'A3~. L'tF Afe'F32 ar ', I~I~ ~ _ ~ lf,~` t-itf' '.` . <br />• - ttn thU 1 ^ - ~.. day of. _ ~ j ~~. -A.. D. 18 ll•r~ 7 <br />~~ r <br />eS of - .I~#l~~ai5. , before vr, a tv Diary 7'ublir !n and tar the said Ck,ttaty petYnttally came the aesor'e <br />named .Ruth. E, HarringLona_ John_A, iiarrinz}ton,-. Sue_ Ann <br />Fitzpatrick, Eugene Fitzpatrick,-Doug]-as E, Harrington <br />* gezacm _ ~ Lobr.arLhE i.r peraos:ally mown to me <br />~ to hr t3ae ldrrttiral S whase nsmr -S. dyE . .affixed to the shore Instrument <br />w~~~.1.1N1 as grantc,r and arkaatwledgrd said L:sxWm ~ y~antarY n~,t'yna deRa. <br />K'I7^y'ES_r.. my Stand sad 'ratans, t` _dat sat a~v(yCJ~ { rt~y' -` <br />~'` f~ . <br />Steven F. McWhorter Vo~'Y ~Dba. <br />a:y cammt.aiwt ~tprrra October 9, 1981 <br />