<br />sow ~ M O RT+~A G E Form ~a. ~.
<br />~G~jf~ ~n~eriturP, i~faae ana Exeet,tea thin. 23rd day or February..... __..A. n..19€s0
<br />by and 6etwetn RUTH E. F{ARRINarfDN> AN INDIVIDUAL;
<br />pw'ly •:t lhr scat luari,
<br />a,et ~l'hr t„natw Nau:•nai tl:u,kA National Banking Assoc., and AGCO Corporation party at the sc[~and part. .
<br />WiTNESSETH, that the said party of the first part, for and in eonsweration off $4., 5D.0,.000_._. -... _..l .FU.W ..~7.l,l.l..of1
<br />--.,..fwe_hpnf~red._t ousand }-and ooh 9--------------_------------- y a e n
<br />(l}r, ~~>. r.F~{~iS7',, __ e j
<br />~ggrttLGt't1`liti~c~a9"tfiD•eb}e$M:r. IeVgEd?h9Y'gYei3tLWY,'Oa7~S777Mt; ~sol[f'~~1~Sh(f15p"[h~~Eh~,C
<br />sell and cont'sy, tmtn said gamy ni the second part. the folloxzng described real property situate in the
<br />eannty of Hdll_ and Stateyo~f Nebr asks, to-xHf:
<br />.... -. ~~Xx~~~IH~~ `~~~~,~alx~~~~{~i~iK*~,Ut~~~~'X~~~~-~'~f~~~~x-~N~~~'~~~~e~)E~~c'~•~~~X............_... ...-.
<br />SEA NM9s and Slt~ NEB 23-11-10 _.._......-.-_ .- -.__ ... _.__ .._....--_._........---__._.._....._.__..-----_..___._...
<br />N~ Sltkt:_23-71-10. __ __ ___ -. _.__......_ __.._.._ ._-_..__ .___.._.
<br />NE; tilt9g and N1~; NE~a_23-11-10 _
<br />Y~ Sbiis SEAS 23-11-1Q
<br />NEB NE; 23=1T-10
<br />_.---,511 located to hall County
<br />.. ..
<br />together wrW s71 the tenements, bezediiamsnta and appttrtena noes to the same bekutgirtg, and aU the estate, LUe, dow+.r
<br />zfght of l,amsstead, clarttrs and demands whatsoever of the sa rd party of the first part of in or to said premises or any part,
<br />tbrreot: and said party of the first pars does hereby rarrnarrt. that said party of the fatal part >e lawhilic seized of said pzem-
<br />iaes. Thai said premises are tree from incttmbtsnce and that said party of zhe first part will warrant and defend the title to said
<br />y.:..-... a as..a.s..,,z m... o. ..,a...•s e.... ~..,mTna. .~f ~u ~___._ ;'n~~..~_-.
<br />LPiti)FIDED srIr.W'~AaYt'Sp, and these res ats are trpet these conditkxrs:
<br />1VIi8RE~Saaa3d~~daa esetirted and dslfiere+d to ihs said party of the aecoPd r~...$1X .
<br />promtsaor~•n~e5 as -fpl~pws,- l~Q-wit;. Harrington Feed YardS,Inc; ,. Omaha. Ndt.o.ndl_.~ank_ npLe for
<br />S?,875,000 dated May-_24, 1978, due nn demand alas interest at ONB's national prim rate
<br />_ _ -
<br />p?us 2~ unpaid since 7J3?/79. A6L0 Corporation-note of ~.i 125,000 dated May 2a> 1978,
<br />due_nil de~tand p1tAS in#eTest at Af,CO Corporation's base rate + 2~" unpaid since 7(3's{79.
<br />Harrington i.an~ & Cattle Co: Omaha Nat~anal Bank note fpr ~312,50D dated_feb. 28, 1979,
<br />dve nn demand alas interPSt at the rate of ON8's national prime rate plus 2'1 unpaid since
<br />party part P dings, 11 any. u premises, insured in .=on:e ccir,- tt.nn' i
<br />nod wirertss, ?are of tht rlrst tsaa agreed to Yes the boil ~~ peat sand r -
<br />Pant ar ~'Paa't-+ approved by said party of L.t atcond part *_ ar the 2u11+nsurabie value against lass by Lire and xZ.*,dsiorm w;s_h nn
<br />eate>#ird caveraltz sad delIser to said pasty of the t>tcartd Part Ih c policy nr pnhctn containing a standard mortgage rtavse wnh
<br />il>r loan pa}obis io said party of the sernad part., or assigns, and lass agreed t_~ pay all taxes sad asaeasment_: sga:ns: said pxen: baC k /
<br />firm before the soma, by taw, becoms delira;txni, acrd has e;reed that iS nod party of the first part does nut provxis such
<br />tamtxaacs, os fails io pay all taxes as afuresahi, thm said Party at the aecorrd part, nr holder hereof, may pay such insurance
<br />and hues, or eith+x or them, and sit arnwatta so paid by said party nt tbs avrond part shall bear interest s[ the ta:e nt n:ne
<br />per aem par annum from tbt Batt of pagmsnt, and 2it28 mortgage shall stud as Ytcunxy ihsnfor, and acid su:r. may bt
<br />added io the amwtai of the titottgags debt, tad 13se ame recav ersd a, a part thsreof. \nw, tf the said party ai the prat part
<br />shall wall ami ixtiiy pay ar cause 20 !x paid the said avm o! more}- iA said n:uz... -__menttaaed, x~th i~temsi thereon acccrd-
<br />iag to the x:,sor and Vert of said rate... _ - artd shall keep said bwldings iricrrred sa atoreasld, and shall keep 813 tazss and
<br />atussameats pasd, sad shall fluty keep. aai psr4arm aH the othsr covettan'~ a;3d agreemeata here:.t cn^tained, Lhen LGea.r
<br />fiats to he soil and void. Bat ii mid sttm of money .'+r any part thersot, or say mtue•d. thereon, is not .aid when the same
<br />is dtn+. ar if said taiitdinp~ aha21 zxu be kepi iastrrsd as aforasa id, or v the fazes and trasessments against said prer!itses are
<br />sot Paid at tic htSors tits Sime Ths aems bemats by law deltnyumt, ar it said Party of the firs! part shall fail to keep any
<br />ptrtarm arty covenants htrrin atmt.arned YLe hblder htrtnt shall have list option to dezlare the whale of said indebtedness due ana
<br />payable at saA time alter such failurs ar default, sad may math Lain an scups ai isw nr eyu[ty to recover the same, and the rnm-
<br />menasmeart of such at2i~s shall be thr aibly orrice at tht ezezr tae of mid option rtqutred.
<br />A_~ II' LS FC7R22iEFt PR276'i'l?ED A*ILt AL;R)fED, 1$et Lire saw Mortgagor shall and x-iii pay ail tames ;ei°it-d upon this
<br />ma,SgaaaFe sr late txh2 secttzed theretry, tt~ether a•iih say outer taxes ar nsae*=n,sn,. whuii may be Levied under [he Laws cY
<br />Neva, asaio~ iLa acid Yor•tEagee or the ltgal holdffi of the acid prvterpai note--- - _.nn account of this indehtedaea+.
<br />~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ b1e Have hereunto set ray hand this day_and year first
<br />abtYre rAr~c en.
<br />_ -
<br />_.
<br />-/ .'~.' ~
<br />.-..
<br />IN PR.E~B&NGL of -?r:~°. ~...~~.x.?-~~.~,~,~y'-,,
<br />-'Ruth E. Harrington -
<br />_... _ _. _ _ 1___ _ ._-
<br />3RAT)E SaF NEBR,iAYa 1 On this .. ~ ~ r f .. -. say ot. F R r K.•~ • 7 ..A. D. 79 ~' `'
<br />BOLA ? 35 f'ra . - _ .
<br />fir~iy a3 .~. .. ] 6etore me, a Notary Ptttsdte in and far the said County personally came the above
<br />somas Rl:th E, Hdrrirlgton - - - - .... - -
<br />__.-.
<br />- .. -- -. --.-. __ .- _-who... .. -).S-. -pettxnally known to ma
<br />to be the idemlml parson....--whore aroma -...,._ i S - he8itized to the above Instrument
<br />as Lr'an~' and ackmwied{sd nail iaatnrment to he _ voluntary act an6 deed.
<br />A'ITNESS my hand and Natanal Szal Lot toJieJtl afaresatd. I f
<br />~D -fasts A Yergy ........... - Notary f'ubll:.
<br />MY soasmtsoon ertPlrea ~~~MlE+.,J~~>~> ~ _
<br />