~O--G(~5~:~ MORTGAGE
<br />THIS INDENTU$E, made this 2.7th day of EPb~3'.~r~v...__,_._--_.--_-, 29 _.S.Q_. by and between
<br />7~+•ric R Mot anima an(1 $ae~_ Mnlgcta,.y hty~banri anri '.rifa• ash in hie an.i 1,<r p~.~j~y_.~
<br />and as spouse of the other,
<br />~ Hall Ctamty, Nebnaka, ae mortgagor S ,and Grand Island Ttvst Company of Grartd Island, a trotporatioa
<br />orgnafred sad esistitrg txrtder the Iaws of .'Nebraska with its principal office and place of business at Grattd Island, Nebraska, sa mortgagee;
<br />WITNESSETFi: That said taoetgagor-.~... ,for and in twnsid~atioa of the snm of .... .. ;. ~. ;
<br />Three Thousand One HtutSL;ed Sigtip Nyne dollars and ~$J100 *****+Ylolia~ {s~ 3. 7 6~l" 2~ 1,
<br />the r+reeipt of whitb is hereby acfmowledged, do _. by thane presents mortgage and wattani urtio said tmttgagee, iZS suttessnrs and assigns
<br />forever, aii the ioftowittg described rani estate. situated is the County of _ Hal l --.__- -
<br />and State of Nebraska. to-wft:
<br />Lot Twelve (12) in Island Acres, Number Seven (7),
<br />a Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />'tom wa.6 all hestittg, air oosditlonmg. 3ibhting, and yhtmbittg erptiptncnt and fistutrs. ttrtluding screens. atcnistgs. starts u~indaws and
<br />daps, and ariad~w shades or btinda, used nor a is txa:aeetion with said prc {carts, whether the same aK mew locetad w said pmpert~- ~v net~fter
<br />pfd .
<br />tcQ i3At~ 3V i)'IC) Ift11.D TIIE 5_AME, tegessher with all and sittgulsr the tettemenis, hereditament; and appunenancrs tbarntnw !~
<br />[, ar is asy~ir appgtaiaiag, forever. and erarraax the title to the snore. Said margagor _.3.- Garaby cotrennnt -,._ with seal
<br />sis¢ t. he _.X___.3E~'__- , at the deliver- hereof, the kw-hil awner__. S of tba pr+esnisac shave canvayed and >~srrihcd.
<br />sad g;~- ntised of a ga+d atad •~~ ~~ esters of -r~^^+a*+~ therein, fsae and clear of all snrumhrantrs, and that L he ~ wiEl
<br />astsaat sad defend sLe tttk tbeeat 3annKa against the maims and demands of all pastors whmn3aa.•~_
<br />P'3!(3LTILt£i) ALWAYS, sad this instramtsft is tsetvttd asd delictmd to secure the pay meat of ibe sum of _ _..._ . _
<br />T#tree l4~ounand {Aie 3luxsdred. Sixty Nine dollars and 28 IOtI*}~,~,a{~_ 3s164,28 _._____. ,.
<br />ssE- iaSetast t3eeaeq., with each rbnrgrJ and advances as may ba dtte end peyabk to said rnattg~agee undar the terms sad ttmditiaas
<br />~! the paveaisaaey aaa ~ swan data ireaswith sad aseuted bets hy. esatvted by said mortgagar _S ._. to said mortgagee. payable as etpressetf
<br />ss asie siaae, sae to seems the pssQmaam of at7 the trams ato c+mdizamn e~ntaasa<i ets~ein. 33s i~ of s~ torte ate t~r~v :rr~rraatzd
<br />hetsi b9 dtis e~afsease_
<br />If aLke vtseaeisaaadaipeemmf of the prrties lttseto thu lion rnartgage shall aMo seatrr nay future advanms made xo said mnrtgat¢ar ~
<br />by sod mrarps0ee. ac3 nay and ae s o addition to the eacotmt shave stated whirl, said man ,~mrs. ur any cti them, may awe to
<br />and anrt~tra. itmaavar ecidmtad, wbet3xr by mss, box+k ac~auat ar tuhet+'tse. This retwtgage 'shall remain in fuq £oze~ and rffa~t t*ztwee•n
<br />iie }alias his~ms sad Heir ieirs. pertagaal tga.is-ns. snixeaaors and asst~as, untii all smaunu srxvtcd heraundar. including futurx
<br />admaaod. nets }add m fnG +rith iritasa[.
<br />lAe --a- Ldaby ssse~n - ~ said all xaetts sad itreceta• ariaiag nt any and all timm from said property attd
<br />hata§f aoshtaeSae sod a its agaat, nt sss apzbatt, uptm depntk, to ukr that7ge of said prtpa2y atul caller afl seats sad iruotrxa
<br />s!~ smd apply she sseu to tie psymaett cd interms, print~fal. inatirsacs ptaafuars. rases. sgsessrnerta, repairs ar imptnvemrarts
<br />aanesatry m Ive@ cod pes}tatty ffi 7.aossacaBfe camd"nitm. tt[ to atha' charges ~ pa> meals prosidad £ar hrsoin w in the min hereby seavred. This
<br />emtaaril~anuat slteldooafiaoeip fesm traf>t the tteyrasd baiaaoeef said mu is Ivgq paid. Tire takiR6 of paasessinn bacazoa shall in m manner
<br />pwataae arasf~d said ~trl~a fg tie eaflseslaa d said noes hY iareelasms tz atfsasiee.
<br />TLe fa~maai rie agstprdee io •asett ass aA its rigffis beseuader a¢ nay taae shag rat be ctmoaued ss a waiver o£ its right w assert xhe
<br />name aci trey letrr'i~4 sad m iasoss, open awl ~ncs strict with ni! i]se terms atuf Sam'iaioas of aatitf rate and of this mortgage.
<br />- Yiasid> g ttha$ eavse m hs paid m acid taaar~gee the enter amount lira it heteuarler, awl trader the terms and pmvfsiona
<br />d alai rata lere`ly aacaad. fobue adasrmea, sad any semmians +A rmewa}a ihexeof is arctrdantr with the terms sad pnovisians
<br />tiraef, earl if acid metdyys _£ _ sha8 naeo;dy wah aft the paavisiaee of sad rate sad of this mortgage. tires tlwee prraents shall be void:
<br />atisnoir is teasaiaia ~faaroadnSlet, earl aaicf ranr~ptsaasidl be aecIIled to tie posam®oa of all of said property, aad may, at its option.
<br />dariaw tin aipissi.wid atrtte std i~ rspeseaaad tirmdry to tea immsdiataly dos and payable, and may tweclose the tmrrgnge
<br />a laiw~ rsq antra' fapi replica trs plsprx ixa:ri~t. tcsived.
<br />71is > 1thaN Ir iNadit~ aitas earl ahdl aaaa u the beesfft ~ the heirs, esewrora, admiaistrntots, successors acrd asaigas of the
<br />Piiyes ieefa.
<br />fN Wt'IRtIES~ W_ IiEREx}F, grid -6-_ )m ~.._. heleu~a sat ____ ~~ig -head --.g-.--rhea day and year ftrst abase
<br />R,
<br />A.
<br />i~
<br />