<br />~~,..; ~,~a MGRTGAGE
<br />9'HIS - INDENTCTRE, made Uhia 28th _.T.. day of February _ __-_ ,_ _i_ , 19 2g by and between
<br />SoAnn M.-Worthen, a single perSt?n,__,.
<br />~- Aa1 3 Cotutty. Ntdrraska, as mwtgagtlr._._.. and Grard Iatand Trust Cdrarpany t'1 Gratd-.Islasxl, a eorparatsna
<br />orgasieEd and Ming [order the Lws of Nebraska with its prineipsl office and place of business a[ Grand Island. Nebtaslu, u mortgagee:
<br />WfTTl£SSETH~ 7~at aaidmesrgagor _.~ , for amf in cmniderratian of the sum of .~ - _- ---~--~^'-•~••~-~
<br />Four Thausatr3 Fifteen dollars and OOf100 ****************a+~'k "~4I~.
<br />site rrrr~t of whisk ~ hereby at:kxtow4edged. do -~ by these presents ma*t8age ana w-arti~iEdaf$ s71fU>1~^E4}'~Lis end asttrvns.
<br />Hall
<br />faevea, ail the fntlocing rxava,ihed r~3 tratate, sitttatad in the C.aunty of .... ...........--_.__-- ---.._.______~____
<br />and State of Ntrbrasi;a, to-wit:
<br />Lot Five (5) in Socktttann First Subdivision described as
<br />a tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest
<br />Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SWIiSW~) of Section
<br />Eleven (11), township Eleven (11), Range Ten (10) West
<br />of the bth P.H., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Ttgetha~ with all Canting, air tnaditurrrurg, lightittlt. and pfumhtrsi[ equtpmtmt and fu[rrres. includirt~ screens. aw-nta~, s[orm windows and
<br />datrn, sad w~doa~ shadm Ms Minds. ustcl rm or m trrnoecia~n with seed propaZ.y, wbetker the same are now itw,ated nn said propene cr hereafter
<br />~ .
<br />S'U It,Ot`E AND Tt3 HOf.D TH£ SAME, ttrgeattes ~rttk all and sittgtrlar the t~amrnts. heteditaneuts and appurxenantws t6errunta be-
<br />~+ShtB, cr is arrywiae ap9rmtainmg. fae~wr. and a-arraat the title ca the same. Said mtrrgaltnr _.., hembv covenaW. _.. _ -with said
<br />snx3g~e that -_-_$e-,~.5._._--.-.-.--. . at the ridrverc• hemuf. tke kwiui oazter- . ___ of Ike pmsaist~s abate mnveyed and rlescrihed,
<br />and__._ ~~_.__.. rtt~d of a gttead sad mdetartaibts estate trf ~ r..,,;r t£retean. See std rear cf ati etacumfuances, and [;rat _3he __wi0
<br />aartaat and de#ati the iitie th~az+esa loreu~ against the claims sad tletrtands at all ptssaas whimsaer~.
<br />£A01'1DED ALtiti AYS, asd this iasssvrnmt is ez~trted and delit•ared to secure the pa}~ent of the sum of _.-_ .-- ----
<br />Four 'Tliousattd Fifteen dollars and OOJ1fl0 ___.- Dollatst3__'t101~.t10 -_---
<br />salt iasaast. tlraara, tagaha with neck = and adramns as may 6e dtx and pa}•atrk w said mnnl;aitee under the [arms end etmdetrons
<br />d The pemiva~ ttde ~ even date haea~itk aMf rsrrired htuehr. eza-utad h}• sad ma'tgagaT -._ to said rmrtg+tptr. payable a eapreasc.#
<br />iti acid aeon, and &r segue the pse~faasaace of all tiw Ltnma sad rorditians tivriaiaaad tltxrein. i"he terms of said note are trereh}' incorporated
<br />hneeia by ihia trist~ne_
<br />Ix s the aeaartitaa aed at{tee®etot td the parties htreetn that tkn mrrrtgsgr skall alga serum nay fututa advanma rrmde to said mottKaK.v __.
<br />u+ acid • sad nay anti all hdeixednaes m additkm to the atanant abntr stated w h~l. Bait! mortgagors. ar m- of them. may owe to
<br />acid aaaetgayere. heweva revideeaed, aaaher by torte, btrtrk accatrat rr a[iresw'tse Th>= mnr't£aP,e shall remain ut fu31 furry acrd effect ixxwarn
<br />the pnrtae bases sad thkr fines. penxul represmtstitae^., satrassors sad assigns. until all amounts stxvred htsZ-vendNr, istcltafiag futurr
<br />adaaeoes., as: ,pad is ftxi: ar61t iateteta..
<br />Tie APT- haeb!c saga -_._._. u, frail mwiga(tar all rrmu and ittcaae easing nt any and nit tunas from said property acrd
<br />haebp autiaeiae said merisa~m ra nor Yom, at its nQGm, uptta tietatilt, to take charge of said prcr;rerty and rnlloct alt rears and inttrme
<br />lid t®d app}e the coma La tie payment cd it, prsacgal, iasttraru+e premftua_s, razes. assessments, rcpaits or improvements
<br />Daiasp nail pea¢ety is treeseaa;abk madaiaa. +or to nthar char8es a paymrstis provided iar lxreia or in the m[e hereby secured. This
<br />tors slain naeitrmae is lone tad the traprad bsisrce d sttud rrerce is fully paid, 'Tbe taking of pasvssiaa hereunder shall in no menrrcr
<br />psswst t.raltnd acid im tie tas9stsi.t of said emaa bl feeetiosme or r>tihetw~e.
<br />T1e fib atf ttae to aruat sag ~ its hattemti~ ¢ soy time shall tux lw crmstrved as a waiver of its right to assert the
<br />tare at aaq Lsr tie, nail m ittevi trpse sad tmioe:e eta7Ct r~aoce witty aQ tie terms and prmtisitrns of said note aril ni this nrungage.
<br />if acid shill nme to he paid xo said rntaiggsez cite satire atrtaum. due ii fremunder. and rttder [its terms and pmviyions
<br />d sad nom haaby armed, iada3ety ir»ffie advames, sad toy txteo®ions or renewals thread is atrnrdanca with i-tre terms and ptnvisions
<br />'thearf, and t'fard saatd~syer - rie~ taxsspfy wiitth elf the pawisiapa tai said testa sad td tftia trrtgtgage, bran time presents sbail he yard:
<br />atlswiwtetmriaia~3ntasasdadfrac,ardraidaao<r~ayeaahallheeotitied tothapos~semionof ell of said property, and rosy. at iw option.
<br />rSse3ns lie sriesl d tisid atrsa and all repeserRed tfaa'ebY w fre iranmdisWy dra nod pnytshk, and cosy fnrecktee [his rnongage
<br />a trtia a~ atisst hpt aesiva pa psaoety. ~ riEit~ Appaais~ waived..
<br />]'his moett@ARp tdaaN he LisdaM apse asaf abaci ertae to xtm btmeftt of the hairs..~....,e,,.o, ttdministrai..us, sucoeesurs acrd aasigna of the
<br />•»
<br />iN YY177tIE65 r1THEiiIEflF, said Mattgagm-- ha ;l---haeuattr set---~C~---_-_.__ hand .--the day and yonr first abme
<br />tsrftia!<.
<br />_ ~`..~1L~ rt j
<br />.loAnn~hl. Worthen
<br />L,_..
<br />