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TRUST DEED <br />;~a- ~s <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made and entered into this 27xh _ day of February , tg 80 <br />by and between JAMESRUILSON AND AGNESRWILSON , Trustor, and ~019hfS~NtdEAi.TH LANs ANn TITT.F. rNS ,Trustee, <br />HUSHAND AND WIFE COMPANY <br />and Postal Finance Company, a Nebraska Corporstian, Beneticiary, <br />WITNESSETH: That the Trusior do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm with Power of Sale <br />unto the Trustee the following described Real Estate including all buildings, intpmvrments, and fixtures of every kind now <br />or hereafter erected or placed on the real estate, situated in Hall County, in the State of Nebraska: <br />Fr. Lot 2 Fr. Block 1L2 LI.P. Rallwap Co.'s 2nd Addition b its compl. Lot <br />Block 12 Russell Wheeler's Addition Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />and paa~sessian of said premises now delivered umo said Trustee: <br />TO HALE AND TO HOLD the same, with all rights. privileges, and sppurtenarcts Ntereto belonging unto the Tntstee, <br />his ext~utars, adminis[ratars, heirs, and asicns forever. And the l rustor htreb} expressly waives, releases, and relinquishes <br />unto \nc Tnt~cc sit n~ri, iiiic, iainr, intemi, r~cnetii, anU csieie whaie~tr, fir, and is ihc~ 3baYC-describeu p~rrnisc-~ and <br />each and a\~ry part thereof, which is given he or results fmm ai] laws of the State of Nebraska pertaining to the exemption <br />of haritestead, Atxi the Ttwiflr canvenants with the Truster that he will forever warrant and defend the title to the same <br />arRaitxit the lawful claims of all perms wl:omsaever. <br />Ile' TRUST HOR'El'ER, for ffie fallowing described purposes: ><+HEREAS, the Trustor .lid on this dart execute a <br />pitxttissor}° note evidencing a loan fcr the principal amount of ?sA9a _ 5? ---___-_ _._.---__-.__ and interest <br />thenar+ accotditag to the terms of the Harr; said Hate being payable in rouai monthh' imtaliments at the office of the <br />berteficiaxy;and fatal paymtni being due on March 3 1989 _ _ _ i 2.-,_ _ <br />It is agreed by and I+etwetn parties hemta that until riling of \atice of Default, the Truster shall: t 1 R pay all prestnt <br />and futtixr taxes and asstvments. genteel and special, against said property brlore tttr same becomes delinquent ar <br />actianaltk; q'1 keep alt impravcmrnt rrtcted on ttte land insured as may br required fmm time to time h} hrnrtician <br />ailairt>~ lass by fin anti other haaards, ;:asualties and contingencies, in such amounts and f-nr sucn Iteriad; as are reasonable <br />aad may be ttx7uin~d b}' btneftciary, and to keep all pnlicits of sorb in~tran:Y in forte or rffrrt upon the property herein <br />described ~^~utisraxtiiy assigttvd sttd deliverrai to ttrnrfciary, {;l pay and c€tmply with all thK tztms and conditions o! any <br />Iii, ~ itsdebtealrtz~ that may be senior to ar take precedence o£ [his Trust Deed as soon as anc ctcch pa}°ment on or <br />of sti,3i lieu, claittt or iadcbtetines shall beiomr dur, and upon failure of T:.tstar in keep am Said agrremtnts, hrnetician <br />ttiay pay At~t tax, pa}' ftx ; insuran x or pay at3 stttda liens ax .lain., or indrbtrdnrss as ttte raise may be, and the <br />rnema'y ~ e><peixlzd with inttrtst st `t ~ per annum Thal! be secured b}, this Trust Drrd, and ttte Truster age rs to repay the <br />sa~+e t:pex: 'iz'atisatd, and upon failure t~? da so the balance of the attached note shall became immadtatrl : dur and payable <br />~ the ogtittHi of !lie :r~liciar~°; ;3 t a~}+eciftraily confer upon the Trusnee the pcTwrr e,i' s:tlr a5 }~ra\ idrd ,n \rhrsska tow: <br />fSI ntairt Mira of t#te pretniscs and rttliect the rents sod n\°enues thertfront. <br />Upon ~'rsettt of aH the w'3Y3f9a ~ri~uifid hr this Trust Dted, the 9enet~ciary shall rtquest the rRt>tet to reconve} the <br />~ and ~~ ~ this Trust 1?rc~ oral all netts evidencing indebtedness stcured h} this Tn,st Dred t~ the <br />Tttr~r_ Tree sisal= .rcrori~}~ e prt~ertF wititour trrarrsnty to iht pera~n L~r pcrscns Ireally erntEtlcd thereto, but if <br />default be trtadt in tht payrrtrnt c~+f aatd a~~tr or art} part thereof or any of the ;ntrrrst thereon when dur or in the faithful <br />Iterlor of any r~ eftlier of said agtt:~tatents as atorYSatd, then the whole o! said note shall become due and bt paid as <br />heacinytttsr pt+irvidexl, and this dixxi shall retrain fit force; the trustee or his attarnt} may proceed to sell the property in <br />its C~ttiruty or iri p•~aals at the cEpraan c*f the trustee hereinbefflre des~-ribed at public auction, to the highest bidder, for <br />t~t_ l~ttre^~er, ilte paver of salt It~ein ;:anferreti upon the trustee shall Hai be extrctsrd until (1 l the trustee ,hall :first <br />fdt • rac+asd, in t~ af~t:e of rite rste_r of deeds of eai:It county wherein the trust praptrty ar some part ar parcel <br />Lbeatoaf ix aittisitd, a notisx ©f default, ieleattifyixig the irtrstee by stating the [tames of fire zrttstor and names therein and <br />the botdt and gaga where the sortie s ncflrded, a description of the trust property, and containing a statement Lhat <br />_ ~ of as titaa flit wrtich tlx trtt~ ~perty was c~rt~e}+cd a3 stx.triiy tt~ c~eUrrtt#, and sciting forth the nature <br />of t+7t~i breach and of Iris t#edipa to sell ar eaitse to lte said such proper[}' to satisfy the obligation; and t' t after [ht lapse <br />al' rtatdsas tme moadt, the trustee shall givt neatitr of sale as provided by Nebraska law. ACter notice of default and <br />lagela tsl' tMtt leas than oae mesrtth, the truster shall give written notice of the Lime and place of salt particularly describing <br />the ~tttY trs be sodd by pttltlication of su.3t rutace, at least five times, ante a week for five canseeutive wteks, the last <br />iea~3tttii to he at h-ast i© days but trot mare than 30 days prior to the sale, in some newspaper having a general <br />Mani in each ~irtty in which. the property to be sold, or some part !hereof, is situated. Upon such sale, the truster <br />sih~ exexute asd deliver a dead of conveyance af' the property sold to the purchaser or purchaser thereat and any <br />stateatient ~ recital esf fact in such deed in •-lation to the exercise of the power of sale and sale of the property described <br />zeartr+r~t.. ~.. <br />