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�— �_ <br /> �E -- -_- -- <br /> .��.:..�-�--.�• - - --•-•-•---._ .. . - _"--_ ' - . <br /> -..�.._- . . a.�.����..�.m,-,�.._..-._-.._.r .----- __ __- <br /> �rs[u�sr.=-_._ , — .._.__ <br /> � -�_...._ <br /> .-.-;�. ....., .... _. . ._r , <br /> ._ _. ..�.,.,;. . f • � ._i�.�t,'..;r <br />,F�;,.,....riu_._... ; : - �. .. i.r.:,.__. <br /> \ . .. ... ..� w�..� -..-._ .� ... ��N.1� ���'�.�J�•. . . .1=•... s�.d_h:Jtt�E:4�e_.. <br /> .�.i1.. i'NA.14�- <br /> ..uSASa�lal�ilf��.Y,.�1':7ff.Y��_� ��:'�_� _-- ..� -- —_ -- <br /> r I�.w�.�.��`�_ <br /> ���Y <br /> ' that may hereafter be due or belonq to aa iincl�d ng the r.ig�;t to <br /> inetitute aay action, ouit or legal nrc�esul:ing fur the rucovery of <br />: any auch property or any parC(�s) there�.��, to the paeeeeaa.on whereof <br /> we may be entit3ed), and to make, exeaute aud d�liver rec�ipes, <br /> raleaaes or other discharges therefor., under seal or otherwise. <br /> • To deEend� settle, adjuat. ccar�gound, submit ta arbitration <br /> arid eemproiniae a�l actions, suits, accounts, reckonings, elaims and <br /> demands whatseever with respect to the property that naw are, or <br /> hereafter shall be pending between us and ar�y gersou, firm, <br /> aesoeiation or corporation, in auch manner and in all respecta as <br /> our said Attorney shall �hirik fit. <br /> • To hire acceuntanta, attarneys at law, clerka, insp�c.t�s�s, <br /> appraisers, brokers� workmen and others, and to remove them, <br /> appoi.nt otYiers in their place, and to pay and allow to the peraona <br /> eo employed euch salaries, �ragea or other reuivneratiana(s�) , as our <br /> sai.cfl Attorney ahall think f it with �espect to the p��}�erty. <br /> • To conetitute and agpoint, in ita placa and stead, aatd as <br /> its substitute, one or rcr�re attorney(s), for ue, with €ull pcwer of <br /> - -- . ...._ _ _ .. ... . <br /> revocation. <br /> �. • To exercise auch other pewers as m�y be necessary or <br /> deeirable �rith respect to the sale, purchase, mortgage, <br /> dispoeition, n�g�ment a.a� control of said property, whethe� the <br /> same be like kind or character to those herein enume�ated ar nat, <br /> in particular, to enable the Attorney to ack under changed <br /> conrli�ic�nr�,_ the exact natwce of which cannct now be fore6ee�n, it <br /> beiag intended to vest in the Attor�ey, and we do hereby vest in <br /> the Attorney, full power to cantral an3 manage said praperty, <br /> : giving and granting to �ae Attorney-in-Fact full power and <br /> authority to do amd perform every act and thixvg �ahatsvever <br />