<br />®~
<br />TiiIS DEED OF TRUST, made and entered into this 2?*+~ day of February 19 80
<br />by and between ETHE}rBROSS xFVaxar ~~ Trustor, and COt~PtOtVWSSt •rtt t aw-n non? mrmr 1: rnrcrma'i4„ACtee,
<br />CARL RSZABEK, Husband and Wife
<br />and Postal Finance Company, a Nebraska Corporation, Beneficiary.
<br />WITNESSETFi: That the Tnustor do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm with Power of Sale
<br />unto the Trustee the following described Real Estate including all buildings, improvements, and tixtures of every kind now
<br />or hereafter erected or placed on the real estate, situated in BALL County, in the State of Nebraska:
<br />The Northerly Fiftp-Sin and Tiro Ttlirds Feet of the Easterly Six Feet of Lot Seven and
<br />the Noztherly Fifty-Sin and Ttao Thirds Feet of Lot Eight (8), Block One Hundred Twenty-
<br />Seven (127) Koenig and Wiebe's Addition to Lhe city of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />and potssessian of said pr°mises Haw delivered unto said Trustee:
<br />TO IiAti E AND TO FiOLD the same, with ail right;, pr-m•Heges, and appurtenances thereto belonging unto [he Trustee,
<br />his executors, administrators, heirs, and assi>;rls forever. And the Trustor hereby expressh' walt•es, releases, and relinquishes
<br />unto the Trustee all t>„rht, title, .lain?. interest, hrneitt, and estate whatever, in and to the ai?ove-described premise and
<br />resit and every pare thercaf. which is given by ar results fn?m all laws of the State of'~ehraska prttaining to the exemption
<br />of homestead. Artd the Truster ct?m=tnants with the Trustee thaw he will ialrver uarrsnt and defend the title to the same
<br />against the lawful claims of ail pelv'?ns whomsoever.
<br />IN TRd.?ST HOYtt'EVER, far the fallowing described purposes ~HERE,AS. the Tnlsu~r did on this dart rtircute a
<br />promissory Wort evidencing a lean for the principal amount of ~ggg~------- __ _.._ ____ ..-_ --. __--,-_---.._ and interest
<br />thtreur accoading to the terns of the note: said Hate being payable in eoual monti?h mstallnlents at the afhcr of [hr
<br />beneFrciary:and final payment beinedue on February ?7, 1989 ___-_ ____. _ , l`_? .~.
<br />Ii is agreed by and betty=ern parties hereto that until ftling of !`Drier of Default, the Trustor shall: t 1 t pay all present
<br />and future taxes and assesartents, general and special, against said prr?prtty hrt`orr thc~ :amt br.'omrs delinquent or
<br />actionable: t'_t keep all improcrments rrrclyd on the land insured as nlay br rraulrrd in:tn tm?r ro urnr by brnefirian
<br />against kiss try firt and ether hazards, s asualtirs and :antingrncies, in suctl amounts grid for .ugh ;~_ rods as are rrasenable
<br />and may br xtquir~i b1, benefician, and u> keep all policies of sub insurance in far.'e i,r effect upon the property herein
<br />desrn7bed constantly assignri and ~rlivrred to beneticiarl, t+t pay and romph uiih all the iern?s and conditions of any
<br />Bert, claim ar indebtedness that may br senior to or take precedence of this 'Trust l3rrd a, soon as any such payment on t,r
<br />of ~tta'~7 lien. clairrl or indebtedness shall became due: and upon failure of Trustor to keep an> said aLrrrmrnts, hrnefician
<br />;slay pay ~cA toz, pay far su_-h tnsuranfe er pay off su:21 urns ar .lauats or mdet+trdness as the case ma}' he, and the
<br />tt~t3ney so espentied with inaetrst at q`" per annum st1aH hr aerated t±v this Trust Drrd_ anti the Trustcsr agree; to repay the
<br />same upon demand, and upon failure to da sa the balant~ of the ara~hed note shall l+rt~mr immediately due attd payable
<br />at the option i`f the btneftriary: 1.3) specitt:ally confer upi,rr the Trusarr the pt,wrr „f ;ale a. prcnidrd m \rhraska law:
<br />(5) stain p'iarr of th ~ premises and collect the trnu and revenues therefrom.
<br />Upon paymrnr of ail the sums secured lty this Trust Deed, [he Btnefraan shall request the Tnlstee to reconvey the
<br />pert}= rand shall ~rrrttdrr this Trust L3rv+ii and all notes evidencing indebtedness secured ht this Trust Derd to the
<br />Trustee. Tn~ee stroll recanvec ihr property witiloul warranty in the person or persons ieeaily entitled thereto; t,ut if
<br />deiattlt bt made in the payment of said Harr ar any part thereof ar any of the interest thereon when due or in the faithful
<br />perfottrtancx of arty ~ either of said agreements as aforesaid, then the whole of said Harr shall Income due sod br paid as
<br />~r psovitltd, and this dew shall remain in force; the trustee ar his aTtarney may proceed to sell the property in
<br />its trrtiuety or ~ patraels at the option of the trustee hereinbtfore described at public auction, to the highest bidder, for
<br />t~h_ Iiowevrr, the posers of salt herein conferred upon the trustee shall not be exercised until t 1) the trustee shall first
<br />filx for r~trd, in the vf3ice of the regisstrr of r;erds of each county wherein the trust property or some part or parcel
<br />theaetaf is situated, a ttcsiicx of default, identifying the truster by staling the names of the trvstor and names therei_,} and
<br />gvipg the book and page where the saute a rtcarded, a description of the trust property, and containing a statement that
<br />a breach of an obligation for which the tr9tsr property was canveyrd as security has occurred. and setting forth the nature
<br />of suelt breadt arai of hs tlection to sell or cause to be sold such property to satisfy the obligation; and (? 1 after the lapse
<br />of not kss one month, the iru,-tce shall give native of sale as provided by Nebraska law. After native of default and
<br />htp>ze of riot ~ rhea one month, tht trustee shall give written notice of the time and place of sale particularly describing
<br />rite p;:t~erty to let sold by pubiit~2ion of sucfi native, ai least five times, once a week for five consecutive weeks, the last
<br />patblirabtaa to ire at least 3U days but not more than 30 days prior to the sale, in some newspaper having a general
<br />tatxatlatiwr in eaclt county in which rfie property to he sold, ar some part thereof, is situated. Upon such sale, the tnrster
<br />shaII execute and deliver a deed of conveyance of the property sold to the purchaser or purchasers thereof and any
<br />statement ar rrrital of fact in such deed in -:-,lotion to the exercise of the power of sale and sale of the property described
<br />~di tfit£3 r ~«.-.
<br />