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Utr>FOnai Covaxnxts. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as fo}lows: <br />1. Payment of Ptiodpal aed Lvterest Borrower shalt promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage. <br />Z. Itaads for Toes and Insvtavice. Subject m applicable law or to a written waiver by Leader, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of pnncipa] and interest are payahle under the No[e, until the Note is paid in full, <br />a stmt (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and grotmd rents on tlu Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premitun installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time io time by Leader on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />Tlx Funds shall be Geld in an institutian the deposiu or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal of <br />state agency (inchding Lender if Lender is such an institution }. Lender shalt apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />insurance p;emittms and ground rents. Lander may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said amount, <br />or vttifying and rnmpiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />peanits Linder to tttake Stich a charge. Harrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage [hat interest an the Funds shall 6e paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />trgtiites such interest to be paid, Lender shall na be required to pay Harrower any interest or eatttings an the Funds. Lender <br />shaII give to Harrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />pttrpase for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this Martgage. <br />L tlx attnotim of the Funds held 6y Linder, togethtr with the future manthiy installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, insurance grtmituns and ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall be, at Borrowei s option, either <br />promptly repaid io Borrower or credited to Borrower on manthiy installments of Fund;. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Leader shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, <br />Botttawer shall gay to Larder any amount netrssat}' to make up the drttciency within 30 days from the date natice is mailed <br />by Lettdu to Borrower requesting pa}'itum thereof . <br />Upon payment in full of all sumo sAUrrd ba' this Morteagr, I.endcr shall promptly refund to Barmw•er an}' Funds <br />heh9 by Lendu_ If under paragraph 7$ hereof the Pmpen. ,c ; ,Id or the Prayer} is atherwise acquired by Lender, Lander <br />shall apply, no infer than immediately prior to the salt of the Prapeny or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by <br />~'~ ai :~ ti;xt~ -.3i alga. a.aaw > - a:~c"''var ngaimr '~ norm t:cwcu hi' This iiiic~age. <br />3. A~Sryttiea of Prpaveag,~ L;n}css applicahki law provides othetxvisr, sl] payments received by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraphs 1 and 3 httrof shall br applied b}' I.endrr first in gaymtnt of amounts payable to Lender b}' Horrowtr <br />under pttrttgragh '_ hereof, then to interest pavabl. an the Mott, then m tht principal at the Note, and then to interest and <br />principal on any Farrar Adxatises, <br />L Iiieas. Bormwrr shall pay all taxes. assessmemts and other charges, fines and impositions attributable to <br />the Prnpaxy which tray attain a ptiorirv over this Mortgage. and leasehald payments ar ground rents, if any, in the tttanner <br />provided tmdtr paragraph 2 hereof or. tf not paid in such trzaner. b}' Borrower making payment, when due, ditrctly to the <br />p~ayne thatxi£ Borrower shall promgtfy famish to Lrnder all ntaiice~ of amaunts due under this paragraph, and in the event <br />Borrower shalt makt pa}°merit direct3y, Btur;~wtr shall promptly furnish to Linder receipts evidencing siuh gayments. <br />Borrower shall pr'omptl}° discliargt an}° iirn which has gnarin' oter this Mcxtgage; pm.•ided, that Bnrmwer shall. not be <br />squired xo discharge any stick ben so fang as Barrawtr shall agrrt ir. writing to the payment of ibt obligation secured by <br />Stich litix in a manner acttptahle to Lrndtr, or shall in gaud faith vntest such lien hy, a defend enf.+rcemtnt .+f such litre in, <br />legal patateee1ings wh~li operate to pmvent the ettlantmtn[ of the hen ar forfeiture of the Propem~ or any part thereiaf. <br />S, Naaat'd fo~,,..• Botrowrr shall keep the rmpmvemtnts now rsisting ar hutafter erected an the Praprey insured <br />againu lass by face, hazards included within flu term "extended coverage", and such other hazards as Linder may require <br />and in such amouttu and for such pttiads as trader may rtquire; pravidrd, that Lender shall oat require that the amount of <br />sirrlt coverage a:teed riser aniatmt of nneragr rrquttrd to pay the sums stsured h}' this Marigagr. <br />The iatasrance arxiv prnvidiag the ittsuranre shall be .:tit»en by Borrower subjeta to approval 6}' Lender. provided. <br />that Stich a¢provai shall six be utireawnably withheld. A]1 premiums on insurance galicies shall br {'aid .n the manner <br />gttevided undue pstagnpti 2 1[atxrf or, if txx paid in sxh tnanrier. by Bot'rowu malting payntatt, when due. ',tr.-tly to the <br />imttrs~ae artier. <br />A;3 itisuraace goLcses and rtmtwak thereat shall !x in farm acceptable to Leader and shall include a standard mongagt <br />s^3ause in favor of and in form ataxptahlt to Leader. L°ndrr shall havt the right to hra?d t}ir policies and reruwalc thereof, <br />~ Hotrvwer shall ptomgdy furnish to Linder all renewal notices and ail receipu of paid premiwms. In the event :floss. <br />8rattnvK shall nve nsompr mtiaY w flit ittsuratzct iaaitr and Lttider. Lrndtr r*_iay rnakr ;'rte r rs toss ;t n„r made promn!I. <br />!=y &xorr. ~ . <br />thtirrac Lsodrr a~ Borrotars othawtist agrrr in wriung, msuta[tt"e r ra-esds shalt br applied to rzstaratk n or rzpair .,f <br />ikt Property datatrgraf, ptavided such testoratian x repair :s tcaniuttically' frasihlr and the ><xurit}• ai this Mortgage :s <br />aol thereby impaizad. if suds rsst+nrat~u or :.,.air is oat e~rotxuutcally ftasrbk or a the secunty of this Mangagt wauld <br />be ifse itiwraape pzoi~a#s shall be applied is flu sums srcurrd b} thu Mattgagr, with the excess, if an}. paid <br />m 9ixrtw~ur. If the Pmgerty is aAandut[cd by $arrctwer, ar if Barrxnvrr farts t.s rtsptand to Lrndtr within ,t) day's tr.+m the <br />dale notice is mailed by Lader to Hortowrr that the insurarict :artier aflus to stttle a claim for insurancer henriits, Lrnder <br />is attthotimd to collect and apply the it:sutarier pnt~s at Lettdea's nptian either to rtstaration ar ropair of [hr Proprtt} <br />~ m the atsm aocitral trv t~s SNorigage. <br />Utskst Lertder and Btatower ~rwir agree t,~ wntigg. am such appli. alien of prc+cetds ro pnneipa! shall not txttnd <br />oa ptattpttot the due ~ ~ the ~ialithly ~~+au~ts r~ert~l ace in paragraphs :,:red 2 ',ureoi or change the amoum of <br />z~ ituLHenents. if tiadv paragraphs i$ hereof tht Pmpetty is acquired h} Lender, all right, uric and interest of Borrawtr <br />vt and tit any =m..nm.. polies earl is nail to flu pra,~•eait, thuraf resulting from damage to tht Pmpeny Prior to the salt <br />as ate shall pass to letdtr to iht tatwt of [be sums secured by tilts Mortgage immediately prior to such sate or <br />f. ?ran+aliaa atilt Milpntace of Pra~etiy: feaadtalds~ Coadaini>mtms; Pleased Unit [?e.•elopmeets. Berrnwer <br />_~ shall ktnp the Property m gsxd repair sad shall tint ot~mi[ w°astt or ptrmit impairmtm or detr,-ioration of the Pre{uny <br />sad ~a8 'tmmgpiY 'wgh life provisions of any least if this Morrtgage is on a leasehald. li this Marzgage v an a unit in a <br />ixmdp~aium or a played twit development, Borrower shall ptrfotm a!1 al Berrowei s obltgatians under the dtclaration <br />or eaveaasts ctuiiaa ar goveaniag the coadwninittm ar planned unit dtvelapnitnt the by-laws and regulations of the <br />. onadot~mu nt ghttrtaed trait dt:vtiaprfuatt, aid constituent documents. if a candominitrm ar planned unit des~eiopment <br />rider s txeaaed by Barirwa and rscnriled together with this Mangagr, the covtnanis and agreements of such rider <br />ttlpol he izsutpocaxrd itato a~ shall amend and stippiement the wvenatus aml agreements of this Mortgage as if the rider <br />w~ a gut hetet#. <br />7, !'tltlecr3ea of Isdet't Sru~tigr. If Borrower fails to perform flu covenxnis and agreemtnts contained in this <br />Dlasip!ge, or H any actin or proceeding is ~Yxmrnenceal whech materially affects Lendtr~s interest in the Property, <br />iat$rtdat[s, but not limited tq mlttsrat domain, ittsulvtnc}, code enfartrnunt, or arrangetnPntc of pnxeedings involving a <br />htminitpt ~ st, thffi L~der 6I Larder's tijaian, ugiut notitx to 8aanowtr, may makt such appearances, disburse such <br />N~ atxd late such atxioa as is tieeessaiy to protres Lender's mterrst, oncluding, but no[ limited to, disbursement of <br />rttasotiahle attotaey's fees and carry upon tbt Property to make repairs. If Lemdtr required mortgage insurance as a <br />cauditim of taatit>s the hwt sectued by ih': Mangage, Borrawer shall pay the premiums required to maintain such <br />i at effect until Stich tittle as the rrgttir'anent for Stich irssurance terminates in atxardance with Borrower s and <br />