<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law- Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additions)
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to Mher terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the
<br />dare of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />inreres[ of such rate would be con[rary• to applicable taw, in which event such amounts shall bear inttrest at the highest rate
<br />permissr'ble under applicable law. Nothing contained in [his paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur aaY expense of take
<br />any action heretmder.
<br />& Itapection. Lender may make or cause is be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shall give Borrower oozier prior to am srr h inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor retated to Lender's
<br />interest in the Property,
<br />9. Coadeanatlon The praceedc of any award ur claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, ar pan thereof, nr for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lertder-
<br />In the extnt of a fofal taking of the Pmpem•. the prncteds shat! be applied M tin; sums secured by this 'vortgage.
<br />with the excess., if anv- paid to Bormwcr. in the went of a partial takin¢ of tht Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />-~ otherwise agree in writing. there shaft EY applied to the sums soured 6y this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal M that proportion which the amount _nf the sums s~.urrd by this Ainrtgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediateh prior to the date of taking, with the halance of the proceeds
<br />paid io Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abartdorted by Borrower, at if. afrer notice by isnder zn Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle s claim for damages 8arrnwer faits to respond to Lender within 30 dais after tht date such notice is
<br />mailed Lender t< audtoaized to anllcrt arn{ apple the prnnteds, at Lender's option, either to restotadon or repair of the
<br />Propem or to tht sums secvttd M- tha Mortgage.
<br />Unless under and Borrower orhetw•ise agree in writing, am such appliratinn of proceeds to principal shalt nM extend
<br />axe pastpoxte the due date nt itfe rtxrnthh• ittsiaiimtnts referred to in paragraphs 1 and ?hereof ar change the amount of
<br />stun ittstalttttents.
<br />IA. Bonoxrer Not IRekased. Et;tensta,n rf the t;r~ far pavtttettz nr mod~.-a=t;+•+ of a,,,.,..:_~,;,,.. ~ t,~ sums ~s w
<br />by this Mortgage granttl h}' Lender an atn• su.--ccssu in int'C;YSt of Borrowtt shall oat operate to release, in any manner.
<br />the liability of the avigittal Borrcwcr and $airtowtr-s suatssors in imcrat. lender shall not he required ro comtttence
<br />proceedings against such suMUa^essmr :rr refuse to extrnd time for payment nr otherwise mndifi• amortixatian of the sums
<br />stxttred ix}' this Masrtgagt t+v reason of acs} tltma-~ made ha~ the original Borrower and Bormw•et's successors in interest.
<br />lI. P'otTtea'att by Lawler Not a Rairra .ir>>} tart+earanct tn• Lrnder in exereisin¢ am ri¢ht ar retntdy hereunder, err
<br />otltcrvrix affandtd by applicable law. sha':l tint he a waiver of nr preclude the exercise of am' such right nr remedy,
<br />'fire }rtocvrtment of insuranxe or the pa}rrtenx of taxes er Yhtr liens ~~r charges M• Lender shalt oat be a waiver of tender's
<br />rrdtt to accslexaae the ttsaturity of the iirdehtedttess cured be this lfattgage.
<br />I2. l 4lraahd+rt. :jt3 rtvrttdies pm.~ded in this'ttortgage are distinct and cumuiazive to any nttm right nr
<br />reinedv uttda this Mortgage or afforded by law nr tquiz}. and ma}~ he eeercised cancurrtntly, independrnth• nr succesxivtly.
<br />t3. Snccxeaats ant was Botao~ ]ainr atl Several I.i~ty; Crtp[iorts. lire rnvenants and 3¢rcerrteats herein
<br />xntatntd shall bind, and tit rights l+ertuttder shall inure to, the resptctivt suncessors and assigns ni Ltmder and Borrower-
<br />_tbteet io the proxisicros of paragraph 1? heztof. •133 rnvenants and agrrtments of 3ornwcr shall he joint and sexual.
<br />Thee c+ptnnas and lttwdutgs of iht paragraphs of this Mnrigagt arc for ennvenienee Doty and are oat to Ir used to
<br />interpret zu ddrce the ptmtisinas irerca#.
<br />tt Notice. Lactxpa for nay txxice required under applicable taw in tx given in arn,thtr manmr, ta! anv notice !n.
<br />Borrxtger pro:-'idtd far in this Mtutgage shall he given by mailing such notice b} cettifm3 mail addrrsxtd to B.xmw•rr at
<br />t~ Ptoperrn Atidttss all ai such ovther address as Bnrrtw•er mac dtsignatt by rn ti.^e to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />~) any aatior to l.snder shag be given 6y rtrtifeed mail, mum rttYil,- rtgttested, to Lenders address stared heron nr an
<br />such cuhtr address as under may designate b_: ttnticc to Borrower az pmxided heron. Anc not%ce nmvided for in this
<br />Mtatgage shall bt damod to Itax,e kern given to lower ar Lender when given in the manrur designated `*erein.
<br />i5- LwiFora Mort age; GorcrtodaR Law: SesxratbiFdy. 7ltis farm of mangage cnmbints uniform covenants for national
<br />tree ate man-uniform tnvtuants with liatited xariatinns by jurisdicticm to cottstitutt a uniform stcurip• instrumttrt covering
<br />zeal '. -Iltis Mortgage sisal3 lee gavemed by the law of tt>< iurisdictian in which the Propery is located. In the
<br />watt that any provision tv nlause of this Mortgage ar the Nntt .canili-U with applicable taw. such conflict sFzatl not affext
<br />otlty provisions ~ this Alazxg;e» c_~ the Nrnt whin..;; can t+e g;.~:-, r.:r-t :F-Ehout the con~iictin€ proxisson. and to this
<br />card the proxi€iovs of tht M¢n•tgagt and rite titat are dedartd to rte severable.
<br />f!<. 7•asaRwrr`s Copy. Borrower shall be furnisht:d a ~anfotttrcd copy at the Nate and ni this Mortgage at the time
<br />of eaoattioo or ahr_ teeordanoe hermf.
<br />17- rr'~r of ~ A+s}eMY, If all nr am• part of the Propertv ar as imennst cheerio is sold ar transferred
<br />b3 Harrower without Leader's prior wrictta ~xns,<ot, tatludi»g tat tlu creation of a lien nr tnctunbrence subordinatt to
<br />t~ Itiordgarge, 'tis) the aptiaat oxf a ptttcltase money security intvar for hatrsehnid appliances. ie) a transfer by dexise,
<br />lesoatt or by operation of law tgtan the death of a joint unaar nr ids ztte gram of anp leasehold interest of three years or less
<br />aM m8 tin to putzrhase- Lender taay. nz Ltz>det's opiiat, declare all the sums ~curtd by this Mortgage !o ix
<br />ivataedsatdy ~ sal payable- Lender shall have waived sxuh a>}aton to accelerate if, peter to the sale ar transfer. Lentler
<br />awl tlae petste m urban the Propa•ty is is Ise sold or transferred mach agreement in whiting that ttx credit of such petxrn
<br />is ratiafattt~ ttt I..Gadzs cad that tiu imtsxst par-atriz on the stems scoured by this Mortgage shall bt nt stub rate as Lttuier
<br />tiro)) tom- If I mdv ~s xraiMd the aptioa to aa~:letatt provided in this paragraph I?, and if Borrower's successor in
<br />its ~ etd a wissriea tption agreement accepted its writing by Itnder, Lender shat) release Borrower from all
<br />trader t>th Mmt~e a~ad the Note-
<br />If I-amds etoucafles such Uption 3o atxekrate, Lender strati mail Btutower notice of accekratinn in accordance with
<br />p I# htaatsf. Strdr twtix shall provide a pennd of ttoa Iesx than 3+~ days from the state flit aoline is marled within
<br />>s'~ci Bttttowa trxay pay the ~ dxlatad doz. If Bntaowtr fails to pay such sums prior to the expiration of sunh period,
<br />I-'cta~' taa9. +viihurtt fiallter notice or dem:ad on Borrnwtr, inv~e any remedies ptrmined 4sy paragraph l a her~f.
<br />IJtsadltmattaas Catt*~utrtt: $turttser cad i-ttder further covenant and agRe as follows:
<br />~ ihaeaa~ ~~ ~ !w'r~ ~ ; I7 hereof, a!w Bortowelc breuit of cep covenant or
<br />a~uaataart ~ Baslwasar i• tlti . ~ ~ roaea~'fc fo pay when doe nay roan atcnred by thir More,
<br />fwti~ l~r ~ ~ ttlo'tl art ware a Eartarrer as provided ~ patapaph 14 6ast+of apeelfyittg: {1) t~ bnweb;
<br />f~ Ste seRr agaiaai r awe sari iaan>ir; {3) a bate, tsae t~ lbw 36 days fitoa the date tbs wort is mtnled to Borrower.
<br />~' arik# ttac- iacaci tta~l IYe cook tttrai {#1 tl<n faBae to twra sort brese6 oa or before the date
<br />specified to We wtiee
<br />art/ uatlil iV aoedtatlaa td $e aattc aetm~ed by ~ Merlpge, fwecloawe by jadidal Ptoce'edit'C and sde of the Property.
<br />'lie aratiee aid) f'~ 3liiana Barrrnwer d tie rift a teatshle after accdrtatioa and the right to aatert ~ the (oteclaerue
<br />paaeasii~ See aaaesirsoe d a ltiastM or nay enter defeare of Borrower rs aeeeleratba and forecioo@e. if the breach
<br />is art cssai an r ieEwe tic tote yterliei ~ rite antire. Lenip at L:adv s option may detbre a6 of the awns soured by
<br />tii)YIu{pBc to ie 6waiaedy ire oni ~ wititon [amber dmwd and may farati9ase by judkial procecziies. Lender
<br />alYaB ie attltlei to nlleet ii^ sari penceeiirtp ail ercpeaes of foreclnsate, iarludig. bnt cot NarRed to cods of documentary
<br />ettiisq, alsMeaeiY cad title rgaAr.
<br />Botro d' "><~)~ltl 1n ~tdealair- Nana'iiltstattding Ltttda's acceleration of ttte sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />~t to have any }ttooeedings begtm by Ltrtder to enforce this Mortgage discontinued at any nine
<br />