<br />80--~~83i
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made and entered into this ?Sth_ day oL-Februar3r , 19,._gQ__
<br />by and between CARMEN SANTOS AND ELIJIO SANTOS Trustor, and CQ?440NWEALTH LAND AND TITLE INS Trustee,
<br />Husband and Wife COPlPANY
<br />and Postal Finance Company, a Nebraska Corl.oration, Beneficiary.
<br />WITNESSETH: That thz Trustor do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm with Power of Sate
<br />unto the Trustee the foIlawing described Real Estate including all buildings, improvements, and fixtures of every kind now
<br />or hereafter erected or placed on the real estate, situated in Hall County, in the State of Nebraska:
<br />The Easterly Ninety-Trap and Five Tenths (92.5) Feet of Lot One (i} and the Easterly
<br />ninety-ttro and Five Tenths (92.5} Feet of Lot Three (3), except for the Southerly
<br />Fourteen (14) Feet thereof, in Block Four {4), in Dniversity Place, and addition to
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />and possession of said premises now delivered unto said Trustee;
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with alt rights, privileges, and appurtenances thereto bzlonging unto the Trustee,
<br />ex z::tats, ~s'u.~t.atut~, hz;t° ";:'. ass.~,n tore;.r. Anal Lh< Trttst^r h:ret,=. °xpressly :;elves, release end relin;,u~~hzs
<br />unto the Ttustee~all right, title, .laim, interest, heneiit, and esta[r whatever, inFand to the shave,described premises and
<br />earl[ and every part thereof, which is given h}' ar results fmm all la.s°s of the State of Nebraska pertaining to the exemption
<br />of horrtestead. Aml the Trustor comznanta with the Trustee that he will forever warrant and defend the title to the same
<br />against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />IN TRUST HOWTVER, for the tollo-wing described purposes: 11'HEREAS, the Truster aid on this date zaecutz a
<br />promissory nose evidencing. a loan far the principal amount of ~_b99.9..i?___-_.__-._.__..__-___ __ and interest
<br />thereon acrntci}ng to thz terms ai the note: sa;d note bring payable in equal monthly instalimenrs at the ofticr of the
<br />beneficiary: and ftnai payment bein. due on Fehrnarv 28, 1989 _ .-_ , Imo.
<br />It is agtt~ea7 by and beiwezn parties hereto th°=_ until filing of N~ucr of Drfattlt, the Crustor >hall: t 1 !pay all present
<br />and future taxes and as;es~rtents, general and special, against ss,d prapert> before the same becomes delinquent or
<br />actionable; f'1 keep all imprcn'entrnts erected an the land insured as ma} hr required fmm ti~na° t,~ time h}' brnrticiary
<br />against losi by Tire and ether hazards. casualties 2nd cantingrncies, in such amounte and for such prnods as ire rrasoaahtr
<br />attd may Ixe required by heneiician•, and to keep all policies of sua3t ittsurance in !Deer ar effect upon the pmperty herein
<br />dr cubed constantly ~sigrtr~ and delivered to beneficiary, t~l pay and comply with all thz temts geld conditions of any
<br />lien, claim or indritetinrss that may be senior to ar take preczdenoe of tins Trust Deed a. aeon as any sue h payment on er
<br />of stmt %~ri_ ~ai"trt ar in>iebtednes ,nail I:ecame due; and Upon failure of TrUSiir to keep an}" said agrzemrnr, hrnrtirian°
<br />may pay sutir tax. pay far such insurancz ar pay atT such liens or claims or indebrrdness as the case may br, and the
<br />trroney so expended with interzst at y~% peranntun iltall bz secure,; ey this Trust Deed. gad thz Trustor agrvrs to repay thz
<br />same apart demand, aril upon faiitue to do sa the balance of [tie attached Harr ;hall hra~ame immediatrh due and payable
<br />at the op+fioA of the beneficiar3 ~ t31 specifically confer upon the Truster the power of sale s~ pravtded in !~ebraska Taw:
<br />(S } teisin possession of rite premises and collect the rents and rrvrnuzs ihrretrom.
<br />Lipon pay~sttent of all the sums nrctrrcd h}' thin Trust Deed, the Benefifician shall request the Trustee ro recamey the
<br />property and shall strrr+ertder thds ;'rrtst Dry and all notes ev~encing indrht~dness srcurd h}. *.Itis Trust tYrd to the
<br />Trr~a. Trttsiee shad recanvey the property without warranty to the person ar persons Irgall} rmitlyd tl;rrrta: I.ut it
<br />default be made in the payment of said Wort air an} part therzaf ar an} of thi• iota°rest thereon when du~• ~~r in tl5e faithful
<br />of any or either ai ;aid agreetttents as aforesaid, then the whale of said Harr shall became due and be paid as
<br />hrrrinafter provided, and tins deed shall trrrtain in force; the trustee or his attorney may proceed to sell the propeny in
<br />its tattirety or eft parcels aI the option of the trustee hereinbefare described at public auction. to the highest bidder, for
<br />t'xslr. However, the power of sale hzrzin conferred upon the [rustee shall no-[ he zxrrci_crd until t 1 1 rite tntster shall tint
<br />~e for retard, is the office of the rr~ster of deeds of each county wherein the trust property or some part ar parer!
<br />#lgereof is situated, a troticx of default, identifying the legatee by statmg the names af' the tntstor and names therein and
<br />,wing rite ba4k and page where the satng is re~rrded, a description of the Trust prapzrty', and eantaining a statrmrnt that
<br />a breach of an oidigatiaQt far which rite trttsi property was: anveyed as security has accurrrd, and setting forth the nature
<br />of sgclr bresJt asd of ails election to sell or cause to be sold such property to satisfy the obligation; and t2) after the lapse
<br />of Ant leas than gate moatit, the trustee shall give nonce of sale as ptavided by Nebraska law. After notice of default and
<br />IR;pae of Hat less than one month, the trustee shall give written notice of the time and p'aee o'i sale particularly describing
<br />#he;tatparty to he sold by pulriic$tian of such notice, ai least flue times, once a week far tier conszcutivr weeks, the last
<br />~Ieat~r io ba at least lt3 days bttt not mare titan 3p days prior to the sale, in same newspaper having a general
<br />rarruhtsi~at in each r~rnty in whidt the pmperty to he sold, or some pan tlterrof, is situated. L~pcm such sale, the trustee
<br />shall. ertecttte arm deliver a deal of conveyance of the property sold w the purchaser ar punhasrts thereof and any
<br />statement ar reeiia] of fact in such deed in rc-~atian to the exercise of the pvwer of sale and sale ai the property described
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