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,---~ <br />f f <br />#. 52.A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-(With Tax Ciause)_(Revised 1962) P 7te auHman Geoarnt <br />Lineoln_ Nebr. <br />KNOW ALL MEN D`I THESE PRESENTS: That RICKY W. DAVIS AND DEBRA A. DAYIS, HUSBAND AND WI1~E <br />€ ~ HALL Counts, and State of NEBRASKA , irs consideration of the stem of ~ ,' <br />TWO THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100 {$2,500.00) °------------------I20LLARS # .: <br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL sad CONVEY unto <br />~' r I.R. MIDDAGH AND ELEANOR G.MIDDAGH, HUSBAND ANA WIFE } <br />( of HALL County, State of NEBRASKA the following described premises situated 1 ' <br />- in HALL County. and State of NEBRASKA , to-wit: - - <br />LOT TWC (2) IN BLOCK FOURTEEN (14) IN WALI.ICHS ADDITION TO THE CITY <br />QF GRAAiD ISLAND, HALL COUNTY', NEBRASKA. <br />Known as: 1309 West 7th, Grand Island, NE <br />The iakerstioa being to trsnsgy hembr an ahvdute title in fee simple, including all the rights of home>tead and dawer_ <br />TO HAVE AND TCl HOLD the pr+:mises atware decribed, with all the aplsurtenances thereunto Mlanging, unto the said <br />mortgagee(s) and to his, her or their heirs and assi~ fore+~e r, psn~~ided alR~aya a~ these presents are upon the ezpress <br />condition thC2 if ttse said mortgagwjs)- his, her or their baits, esecutar, sdministrators or assign¢ shall pay or cassse to be <br />paid to the said mortgaere(sl, his, her oz their heirs, ezeastots, adauaistratars or assigns, the principal sum of S2 , 500.00 <br />i Dnvalfle as f.~tovcs, Ta xdt: <br />En=ire balance dtte and payable upon sale of the residence at 1309 West 7th, <br />Grand Island, NE <br />issirt+rst aaeordirsg to ihr ieuur and eSa2 of the mortgagnry written promissery• note hearing area date rith those presents <br />- sad shall pay all Laces and asse_asments les~ed upon said real state, and all other fazes, let~es and asaesstnenrs fes~ed ulxw this <br />- ur the naate'w~litcA ttsis mortgage is gicrn to setvre, he#om the same tKi omas delinquent, and keep the buildings on <br />- road gaestises issure+d f©r tlx• sum r.~f $ ~S,DC?0.~ low, if any, Payable to ttm mid mortgagee, thou these presents <br />w tae void. eathenvisr to be aad tcmain is full force. - <br />` 3"~° iS F'f.s"'RTifER AGiiEED (li That ii the said mrrgsgar shaf3 fa;1 to Pa's ~• ta-:es ra 'vim°ure stab in~rranze, the <br />saiel ' essay gay such razes sad psutxtre such iwasraace; and the sum ~ adranced, with interest at i2 l`e per <br />raft, s~-d5e rcysaid tiy° said aFc+r, arm this mortgage shall rfiaad as setssrity for the same. (P} Thai a failstre to pay any - <br />of said messes, dthrr #uirscapel or intere>i, when the same bccoaaes dne, or a Faitum to eoenply with any of the foregoing - <br />agsemsemu, shall carsrse the whede sum of xa.mey herein secured w htxome dot and collectible at once at the option of the <br />-, ~ r„aA.m. ,"' ~ c <br />13~ned this /~~ day of j . 1'l d~F ~~,/' <br />Ri' ' W ~riic - - -...-. __._. __.._... <br />-- - - -- ~;a a pis-- -- - --- - ___ -- - - - <br />-- ---- <br />fm~_ , <br />j Si'a1~ ~ .__..~~~fY~-.__ ................. Coasaty d 1_.{_~/f.._......_._.__-.__--_...-: <br />y" ~ait~e mR • aagt3' pnltiic QuNi>3,ad for said cauatp, penmaBy came , . .. - - <br />:.~ 7 ii. ilnvis aad Dt3bra A. Davis, Httsband and Wife - _, - z <br />1 lmaiwn >b imr to be t3se ideaticaf pensm ar persoas who signed the foregoing irs~rtsmenk an0 ackaowkd~. ~'ie _e4sg <br />~f is Le . ~ as tlredr wbutOerq act snd deed. -' - _._ _~ <br />' tai lsmd ~ ~ ~s1eat ~ ~~r~€itS.t~.~. 13.~..~J^`7 _ ........_ 19 4 " . -..r. - <br />33y eosmigdaa _ •, - ~.~Z.,x!'c~..... - ., 29A,./-.. ia"-IU~.21L`~.. ~f~~ .... .........Notary Pul+lic. <br />~' <br />i $3'AT8 {~F....._......_._.__...-__,__..._-__._-.-.~., ~_ Petered m nume•iral isdez aad fileaf Icr remxl <br />C __...._.___,..-_- _._..__.._ .._..___..-_._.-_....._.~>d is ilea Register tS Deeds OfBee of said Cauaty the <br />. ,: _~.,_..-_., o(...... ._ ...._.. ..._. _.._......-, 19_.,,__,,, at.._ ..............._...._o'r4ock atsd..._-.___..........-._minutes .-_....._..__...A9., <br />. sad rauaedeid ~ Rao3t..._..........,_.__,_..__._._-........tsi....~....--.._..-._.° fsage-_..,......_. ...._..__-. <br />.` _ .. .---.--... _.._..__.._..--- __......... _. _........-_.. Reg. of Deeds <br />- ~ - By..__.-... _- - ...__ ..___._.. _.... - .. - .... -Deputy <br />