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} <br />~ _. _. <br />REAL PROPERTY MORTGAGE <br />NAMES AND ADDRE556S OP ALL MORTGAGORS: MORTGAGEE: C.I.T. FINANCIAL SERVICES. INC. <br />Bonal.d F. A!iller" ' ' <br />2b?3 Jan 5t. ADORESS:~fl2 N. Locuat <br />Grand Island Ne. 688Q1 P.O. Box 1385 <br /> Grand Island 22'e. b88flt <br /> <br />LOAN NUMBER <br />DATE evert a«wwaa aarr«s ro <br />'iu: <br />s <br />nv <br />u <br />~ <br />H NUMBER OF DATE DUE EACH UNIT CHARGE <br /> a <br />u <br />u <br />u-r <br />re PAYMENTS MONTH <br />2~3b49$9 o2-zb-8o o3-e3-~o aH o3 jt23 <br />DATE FIRST AMOUNT OF FIRST AMOUNT OF OTHER DATE FINAL TOTAL OF AMOUNT FINANCED <br />PAYMENT DVE PAYMENT PAYMENTS PAYMENT DUE PAYMENTS <br />oa-o3-.80 ~93.0o s~3.oa o3-03-8 s4~bd.~ s3oo9.53 <br />THlS MORTGAGE SECURES FUTURE ADVANCES <br />MAXIMUM OUTSTANDING - 515,0 <br />THE WOR!% "l." "ME" AND "MY" REFER TO ALL MORTGAGORS INDEBTED ON THE NOTE SECURED BV THIS MORTGAGE. <br />THE VYOROS "YOU" AND "YOUR" REFER TO MORTGAGEE. <br />To aervrs Payment of a ctos which i sigmd today Promising to pay you the above Total of Payments and to secure all my other and future ohligations to <br />you, the fiMxunurn putsnasding at arty given time cw[ to exceed the amount stated above, each of the undersigned grants, bargains, sails acrd mnwYS to you tM <br />rYi es'aee daecribed below. and at1 prsaarct and future "nnprovemsnts on ma real astare, which is fixated in Nsbrsska, County of ......_ ..............................................: <br />I.o# t~1b in Block ~"! .in Jenicinson Sub-Division being a part o£ the South t/2 0£ <br />Bast 1f2 of Southeast quarter o£ Sect3Gn #2, tarmship 11. Vo., Range 10 West of <br />the bth. P.7?., In Hall County Ne. <br />y aa~! pay the acs atcvnd W ms mortgage aaosdirrg to is terms, and "rf i do. then this mortgage will become tnttl and void. <br />f esa~ Pay atl ass., !terse, asmRans, abligatiorrs, encvmtxancec and any offer charges against the reel estas and maintain insurance an the real sstan in <br />yav 4vtcr br a form eM ancasrrst tatisiaetory to You- You may pay am! such tax. lien. asasatarst, obligation. enamWance or otlmr cttsrgs or purdas such in- <br />aasaets it xsww orw near, if 1 fa8 to do eo_ ltu arrwunt Yov PN wit! bear intereti at the h-mast Lawful nte, will be an additional IiM on the real estate amt may <br />Y aMerrad a»d co0eesd in tine salty manner as any attar abiiSstion teewed l=Y this mortgage. <br />ff tqa are snared aaY tax aritieg Pram xt a Waal astas. s ~raa to pny tnat nasarnant in addition to anV Pthar ammnant which 1 am n~uirad to pay. <br />3# t am tme +n ttrtig any part of any paymarct, 3 am in default. In that case. You may ar+d me a notcx }wing ma 20 days to eliminate the defaui., except <br />ys7a d Yam atraedy tsaw face ar a notice far a preYroof rlafwlt, Vou Woad not rind ma arwther notice. if 1 ai'ar.:us the default, t have the right to rontintn mating <br />Beytrrerra ft t tkt tare aiiesirsate the defaerh, ttrn ifr foil amount !owe. less iM portion of the `.. .~ ' .an,7e vvhiM You haw not Yet earned, wrli bxoma due if <br />Ytw daaire, aritwoia Your advaxg me. The proceeds of the sale will be credited is mV unpasd br once. li any money is left over attar Vou haw applied the Procaeclt <br />a sty taste oefgatiou, it wiN be paid is ma. bmt if any money it sty" avr'+n8. ! apse to pay Y'-+ tM balance owing. it permitted try NsDratka law. <br />7Afs se'rrl'~a w0i eased, ct.ecwfithaa and rener arty csatug mortgpe Wtvseen u. on the above real ease. <br />5e4'r of the uaaders®ned egress that tra ettansian of tiara w other variation ai any oerfigetion aeuvred by the mortgage v+iN afisct any omen aWigatiorn under <br />tact mae~e- . <br />Eactr of t!r utxtrmgnad seaivs ed rrstrisl rights, hortrssad exsmptiosc and a~ other axamptians urMer Natxasks taw. <br />fA liIfTNE55 tMlEflEUf the undersigned fha-bevel sat 1#sia-irr-tnair7 hand/si/an{d aaN~"is~l mil - _.. -~,.~t.. dry of ...- ........,,~~.k~.......__..._.. 19 s. `.-..... <br />.... _T : . _... _....._.... . <br />~... j_: ~'..'T~ f...._'~......._............__._.. <br />sxaa'e D~ »~A <br /> <br /> <br />