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80- <br />THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER C04-ENANTS AND AGREES; <br />That~the tNtutgsggr will pay the indebtedness as hereinhefore• provided _ <br />That the-Mortgagor is fha f5rvner oC said properly in fee simple and has goad right and law-tul authority to sell and <br />convey the sameand that. the tatttz4 is ftec~+ ~t}d,cleac of any lien o'r egcum7irsince: and that-Mortgagor will warrant snit defend"the -• <br />title to said pretsiises against the claims 'ef all- persons whomsoever. - <br />Ta pRy itrtmediately when due and payahie all getietat taxes, special saxes, special assrssmcnt , water charges, sewer serv- <br />ice charges, and other lases and charges against raid pn petty, and all taxes lees ~d on the ri~bt secured hereby. nrtd to [u rnish Lhrz <br />Sfartgagee, upon mgrta-r, .azth 3hr.originaE,br duplicate n*ceipts theref;,r, The Mortgagor agrees that there shall he added to ~-. <br />-h mtmih7y payar+enL xcgvircd hereunder ax- under the evidence uC dchL securrxi hrrt~}- nn amount estimatt•t3 }+y the \iortgagee <br />io be so$icient fo enahle" the !Nortgagt'e to pay. as they bt•eom<• due. at! Laxes, acsesvnen[s, and .irnilar charges upon the prem• - <br />ises subject therntn; any de7icieac}~ 7xrsose at the insufficiency c~f such additiansl lrar~ments .hall FY tnrthwith -de35asited by the <br />.rifortgagar witiv the- ~f.,rtRagee ulan demand h} the \ir.rtgager :1ny ,letax:!i under this pa rs,;raph .hall ku• deemett a :iefault in <br />payment of lases, assaxe:ments, nr simi3ar chsrges rwquinrrt hereunder. <br />The 1i,+regag<>r agntYS thac ttrerY shai7 a3so tx• added t.~ each rn,•nih3y !ia}ment of p: i!:cxpal and intemst required hem• <br />under an anx,uni r-stin:atevi by the Tvf„rt gager tr. M' .sufficient t;, <~nahl:• -th,• \i.,ttRar•,• to p;r}" a-: ,; !x•romc•s due. the tnsu ranee <br />~. ^••rnium xa ary insura ax• 7xr3;ra" ,3elrvered to iF.e '.tit,>~ .;.•fici,~.u~ Fx"-:ta:::.• ,:f ihr rnsutiict,-n:. of sue}: additxonai pay- <br />tiren[s shs3t 3x~ forihwzth del>,rit~' h}' the 'vT~•rtgagor vvit3; the \Terrragr~ :;3x,n demand h}- the Mnrtgagr,• Any defsu3i under this <br />paragraph shall }a. det•med a defau3i in t3;e pavm.•n: c,f irnxrsm-e ^remi:+mc tC the• 3u,3icv ::r Pahcies c3ep.vsi!ed are such as fn:me~ <br />owners or s31 risk ~hce,-=, and ihr ,ir;w.aita arc insuffrirnt to ,~ac th,~ :"n?r. ,• p , vum- ih.• ~Toriyagta• xnac a;r{,h- the tie!xi ~t tc <br />Srac premium=- on +n3c required t:, he inwrr+± ht' t};es mnrt;•a~..= <br />1'a~ments made krv the -lie:rfpsenr order ;hr at*r:,e p::ira^. rh< r:ay. at t.,. -,lion ;,f :he \tattx;agee, M held by it and <br />~xnmv~3e,9 with ashes su.~h tunr# or i#; „wn fun4s for the as rnte-nT of zwh itea» uan,}~untit >r• spplied, svrh paymer+t. are hareh_r <br />p3elgad ss m-arity for the unpaid haian,-.r nT tha m.,rtar;e. rr,.i<~htrcnes <br />Ti* ,r.x u;r. ,teL, rr r~ and , ia!-^. r - ti:. R ..... \i .rt,„~. r.~ - .. t3!r t- of t}:i: ; - t_-a;:e .,rp;nal Pn<:c:rs and <br />___- - ec7 at :~-3ct '.r~fur.~ tn,. - -- a,n .r.< ,. „ vt: x „. acat~tst !, n• sad ,shat insu rah3e <br />hazards, rasu_,+tiies,tsndrn nlingenci~ as ;tie AinrL;aRn• *• - ~ rtyuirr--, in an amou ni equsi to ihr• indehtedneats secvrnt by thi <br />Mr,sig~a~k ~. xa,-? in :sn;pan,r.:air<•f,td:3;,• !„ r}-.<~ \T„r, ~.. i.,, . ;.a} at~l,- clau..~ ;r..... r ,:t an,i to t.,rn: acre;rta3+le t:, ;ht• \ir» tr,a- <br />In the meat a , ,,.?ir. .- .... rrne:.,•,i < r3. <br />- •>*., „r Le~+rr t<...-..tpi:au:,n- rk,r ~TULt53R.'r rsay <br />+ '~ ~ - i•nw ore r';.urant-,-.,n the <br />rrn,pronm~ni>, pay the grenvsm iherrtor and ~:,:: h :.,._ .hail :,-<_ .. .. a•,?: slid •. ..a<• and l:ay atilt aiQ: :n4-reu at thv ra;<- art <br />ftvth in mid Hate ante - .. aai3 shall kx .z-.un-.: k,> the= -,,.- t:age-<Faiiu rr r;t t..- pan ,d the S1nrt Eagr.r rc £a rntsh crrh renrwa3g <br />as are hrxt•:n rcyatmti ur Iai7ur.= v pxv anc st._._c ad. aaa~i Vin. ,..... ,:salt at t'~,e .. c. .. .~ Ft:•rzyagee, r:.nsLtuta a tie Cauft <br />~~•r ttrr- :rra~ „# thi> r.:c rx~~ ~ i }~ , ~ _ x ~ii. .. _.r.....t <.r s, - . -_,t,ate a, asst; a,mr~• ? thF <br />earnest Pre-mi••,*+ ., <br />_~np same w~-i,<•' h}• the ".i+,r;.:at•.- `, .. is;-~.n -:~. ~ ,.: t ri:::na;-;e in.urr:9 acatr..:, may !x- r.~isi n,-~.-i by th<- \:.... r.:aR+'e <br />sad apP1i.~ toxarx3 ihr Aarnx°rt n# ~e drbf h.- ~,vu ,-: at xtir ,. piton ,•f the Al ~rt~age-e..uc^ .um- .-ether .a:<.iSr +,r xn <br />{sari tna} kx• paid .,iYr xc the \S.~rr,aR,•r i,= it j rv~na _.h "~ -1 tinev n- .r: hui':d nrx huildrns- ~ t'+.-, ,,fa.•r .~.. f.:r anv <br />at'_+er put+zv-~~ or rrL,;aet eat+~is°tnr. t<. -}or Li,.r a~ w:tt~-:a a$c-ct ..x,~ ;..-n iF.,-r;oncae,-t-r t~ u. s....~ ,. ~---r 1,.-xe~ <br />i„y twiuae wch pa}-meat err imk place <br />T.~ prx>mpt}v reparr- resi~"+re ,.r r:~u8d any }r~il,i,r.};- +•r xrr,7;rin,•ment n .. ,~ ,terra;ter ,a, the premise-> mhos msv }1e- <br />~ruare• damagad or desirtn~ed: to leap still prams>r> :n Rona con It u.~n :end n~3,axr -.,;i tn~.~ tr,:n: an} tr:<•: ham's leer ,.r t•the~r !;:~n :,r <br />~m cct fxn not eaprcs_ds ~w}xardinai6t3 u-, the her+ hr. eav- r.;,t to ~u$rr ~r {x-r n,x s_, unlawful use of :,r anti maisanti~ to rxtst in <br />stud pregrerta nru ie+ }utzait -r,~v>7.r rt sax3 ,'rreri.~. n., .,::i,~ and :,thee a.-~ .. hr-rfi,; ,,,.- 3,rc:twrtti hr rr}~~~ :rn,.•}e.-1 .ha?t fvcame <br />leas ,-altrabie. rxiar t., d+mina.#t ~.~r srxxt.axr it }slur h~ a- _, act .. .,..,,.,,•. ,., act. .: .. ,!:!,'•..:th :ai3 r.quirrmr:,r. !aw• with re..r~i <br />tar i7re mr :}gage d Ptemii~s and LM: u~ trsrritrf <br />7"}rat e.fri.xrtd the txra•+.r:,_+.•-, ... - {wn the-.,,I 'tx- taw.,.:~r .,,ma;; ; +"n .... ., ,•f .,, ..,. ,mpr.. .rust :. .,,,:., <br />(arraeesi:ng..:x tr+de+~ 23x rght ea r.~n::+rrr :t:,.:-.a+:...,r :;. ar<: ~t:ter ;nann.{r. :t,r \7,~: °;;at.-<-t.t:ai i,r r.-ntxili•d nt.~ aiI .~ra-tx}xr.+at+artc. <br />aararda, awed say r+ttrer payrnrs+t :,r rx•7iet therwt..r. and shat he enlisted. aL itc c~piion. tr, mmmence, apfaar is and prmmrie in its <br />a g age ~i n .*r t.rrng. ; _ _ , ~r ._ __ _ .n.n+ise :..r ~-t:S°m: =:t _.. , .,,,r. ..,,r....,,: s,,.7, -krnR tr riamr:Ke..~3i .uch <br />aasx+~. :•€. zrg3+f cdr arty grad, prxx•+eatds arc nerehy assigr+ed~tn t#nr ?.lo -t};agteY who may-. after dettuctitrg <br />t3aaeefstsm i# its anrpesn>+e~ r~easa• ~¥ money-s s.o re+eeit d 6;- rx e,r app#q the wme .n any rttrkrt t>?rinr.~, ururrd hereby. The .'.dart- <br />p>paa gisee ur ttsccnte such inzttt:er aaaif{rsirirnu of any c:xm#xn,+ai+an, awards. damagt-s, anti rtght:.:i acfiun ane# prnrrEVis as lire <br />ttaiFg ' <br />That is rase rri tailuxe w peafc+rxa any o7 ihr r[sverrants .he rein. the ASr.rtgagrr rr+ay dt, !rn the \Sc•rigagor c }+ehalf everv~[hing <br />a Vii: tAu tilt Martggpee racy .afrrn dr+ any art :t may da•rm tiex`estian~ to pmtert the 3ien t}rerrrf. that the !yortgaRor will <br />trepap at!pae Ae ~w rmareys Said ar distarrae!d by lire llorti;agre for any rd tixe starve and such mnirzvs together with <br />iatt~a+esR tireaxaa tit tTx rate pmaidad in said mAe ahal! ~rarre sx. mucfi a,#diitona7 imlebt.cdneas t:rrrb>- sHr•ur~ed and tnay fw :n. x -. <br />t to tgry decmee fm+olosng f3+ a rocnigage acrd t+r paid a+t of the trots r-.r prct-.t;ds e,t .air o! wid i.rc!rtuaes if not nif+en ~ise t~.'~ <br />~; ikiY ii sdu?3 rxst #• erNtjaioru "t,t}.nn the ?.7c,rtgagee to ;yt~,uim ,nt,, xhe a~aix,a,ia t.t an= t+rn. e-n.^u°s!:: a:.rrs. ;,. eta+nx in ad- <br />tateaastg waeegt as adwre aWlwrsaed, hot natlria+g t+ezt>;a tnnbir+rd >3ruil #ie cowfstz:sed as rct{uiring the Martgagee to advance any (~":. <br />ra~o;far aey trpr}r ~ aar fn sb ffi+y a~a trere+zntter; and that ?llartga~xs-r sirs!! rr;+f incur any Pers+:rral hahiliiy t+ecausr of any- <br />'~ it rtaHgf ~a e+r-ate tot ~ hesa+ander. <br />In >the eveatt of The deeFautt bg Ms?atga6or in tTre payment of app instattment, as .required by ihr \ote saxsrrrri hrrebv. or <br />is t3re.pla[.r of ikre rrhliga~wm im ti+is rtzotttgatvr zrr =n the rrote srx-ttred t3Hp-rch~.-. the Mortgagor .hail fir rot:t}:-d to ,1PC3arr t}+e <br />dtttht aerNaed laera~ dire and pa2:ahffi without rraiice. and sir rvirrtRay:-e s}u+13 tom-- rnuilrd at ,ts <.Ptann. wiehc>ut n.,rui-. either hg- itself <br />at. ~r.a tx+aei*.ea' IIrr'br apgip+nt+ed by Ilse snort t4rrrrro#, rsnd wiflrottt regar$ fo tree atiegtra:cy of :ay sexvrrty far t3+e irdebttvtneas se- <br />eeiae,t Lr mtrr-rtastta awed TalRe potisre~itm td-tire marlga~d Premises, and In taiket and rrxeivr the rents. issues and pr,rftts <br />tleaeat.~ amd apply the aaane, i~ casts of opeera:liiin and <ol}.xet. ion, upon the iadeheedaess snrnted by this mortgage: said rents. <br />i~ata~ard Ind Aeea~iey fo lire Ii$tvrtgagee as fnrtlwr secure#Y Iar ihr payment of alt imirbtrdness sea-tired hrrvt,y <br />Tire' #laa3gstge+e airaif base life power to appwrrt any agent or agents it may desire Car the purpe+a+• of repairing sa+d nrrm~ <br />sacra; Seri tJLe.x>lmet: C iise reach, eeventtes acrd itrcoine; and it may pay tmt nt said rr+mme all expense,. rr+tvrred to rcnt- <br />iaL sad- the aatafe sad oC culle+ciirg fire reatais theref ram. '17+e halanc< mmai Wing. if any, shell tx• apir3ied aiwsrd the <br />d the idneae 77sis aasigatsrrent is tr, 2erminatr and Lxrrune Hui! and void upon release nt this mortgage. <br /> <br />