~o-. ~'
<br />Said promisaor}• note was a yen to secure a loan in which the Small Business Administration, an agency of the
<br />United. Staten of America, bas participated. In compliance, with section 10I1(d) of the Rules and Regulations of
<br />the Small Business Administration [13 C.P.R. 101.1idt ], this instrument is to be construed and enforced in acenrd-
<br />ante tritlt applicable Federal law.
<br />1. The mortgagor wvenants and agree as follows:
<br />n. He will promptly pay ihr. indebtedness esidenced by said promissory note at the times and in the
<br />ma®er therein provided.
<br />b. He wilt pay all fazes, assesamenta, watt/ Hies, and other governmental or m::tticipal ehatges, Goes, or
<br />itnpasitiotta, for which prnyiaion has not Item made hereinbefam, and will promptly deliver the ol6cial receipts
<br />therefor to tlta acid mortgagee.
<br />c. He a+ill pay auc6 e:peneea and fees a. may be incurred in the protection and maintenance of said
<br />ptapetYy, including the fern of any attorney employers by the mortgagee for the collection oC any nr all of
<br />the indebtedttras hereby secured, or forerlosum hr mortgagee's ;ale. or court proceedings, or in any otl\er
<br />litigation or proceeding affecting Raid property. Attorneys' free reasonably incurred in area other way :hall he
<br />paid be the mortgagor.
<br />d. Far bitter security of the indebtednsv-: hereby secured, upon the rryuest of the mortgagee, its
<br />tatrce~on or ari~ts, he shall execute and deliver a supplemental moriea;;e nr mori_ages rocrring any'
<br />additions, iraprocements, nr briterments made to the proprrty hrrcinahut+- described and all properly
<br />atquired b}' it after the date hereof : all in fornt satisfaetcry io mart~agee ~. Forthenunre, should mortgagor
<br />pa pr i+ •lu
<br />f ;l at/ ,.+a~ +lrfs:;ii ,: ihr .ten . +d' ..,: ... .rfr ..... ...... ::br...... .,.. !1:~ rr ,}r_, rihed !rt
<br />this InsiruntenL mortgagor hereby agree. to permit mortgagee to cure sorb default. but morigagec is not
<br />ob$gatrtl So da sa: and sorb adaances ,hall become part of the indrhU•dnes, -rrured by this in~tnnnrnt,
<br />subject to the same terms and tnnditians.
<br />r- Tltr rights created by this conrevanee -hall remain iu fu}}farce and rlfect +btrutg ens post ponrnn•nt
<br />or rxteayon of the lime of the payttteni of the iodrhlydnes- eyidrnred bs -aid lernmisson' note or ant part
<br />thereof secured hereby.
<br />J. He will eontiauously maintain banned insurance, of such type or types and in such amounts ae the
<br />mortgagee mar from time to time rr+yuire ou the imprut rn\rnt~ nos ur Lrrrafirr .,n -aid prop+-m, .aid
<br />will pay ptomptlc w-hm doe any premiums therefor..~lt insurance sital} be carried in companies acceptable
<br />to mortgagoe and the polities amt renerals Ihereoi Mall he held by mortgagee and have attached thereto
<br />loss payabk clause= in favor o3 and in form acceptable to the mortgagee. In et/ •nt of ]oss, mortgagor will give
<br />ime.ed~as. tbtia io w-riting to mortgagee, and mortgagee may make * ---..r • . loss if not made promptly by
<br />mortgagor, and rash insurance company rnntemed i~ herelty authori- rd and directed to make payment for Ruch
<br />lost directl}- to mortgagee instead of to mongagor and mortga; ~r jointly, and the insuratce proceeds, or any
<br />part thereof; may br applied by morigsger ai its option eith+r to the reduction of the indebtedness htrehy
<br />secoted nr to the tr~taratinn ar repair of ahr proprrty damaged nr destroyed. la went of sorec}osure of ibis
<br />mortgage, or other transfer of title to said property in eztinguishmeat of the indebtedness secured hereby, all
<br />righp title, sad iatrarat of the mortgagor is and to any insurance policies thin in fnm shalt pats to the
<br />purchaser nr tuarigagcr ar, at the optintt of the mortgagor, ins, i.+° ,urrrndrr+•+! it,r a refund.
<br />F- flr will keep all 1 •iltlit;gs sad athrr itnpr+tyeassrsat:i ast wi:l i°r+:p+•r it t+e e+~+d ,_ }:air a\::? cu:tditiots:
<br />will permit, rotumit, w su$rs no waxtt impairment, deterioratia+x .+t ui,i proprrt. +, au+ part thereof:
<br />is tht event of failure of tlx ntartgagor to keep the buildings on .aid l,trnl\.+-~ anli thn.r erected on said
<br />preatisrs, ar improvrasrrat+ tlserratt, in goal repair. ihr tnori#:ai;rr ttxa. waAr -nr}, rr}lairt a.- in it-discretion
<br />it away diem aecessarti~ for ihr prolix prrseraation thereof- do+I the full art+ouut ++f rarh anl} rtrrs •uch
<br />payarszatt shall be ititose+fiatrly .Inc and payable: ur+l shall hr ~ecurrd lss rile hen +.t chi.. mortra;:r.
<br />b. Ile sill not swismtarily orate of pesatit to hr rrratcd against the proprrty twbject to thin mortgage any
<br />lice or lieaas iafrrartr or superior to the lim of tbi. mortgage without the s+Tittrn canarnt of the mortgagee; and
<br />ftutlxrs tlW hr will kcty and maintain the aaulr fret from ihr yiaiu\ ++I al} p+rwn..++ppltins la}sor ur
<br />aaattrtials for ronsirttrtion of acts as:d all Isuilding> ++r itupru\rttn•ntt now Irritl~ .-era-ir•1 nr :+, hr errrtrd on
<br />said premises.
<br />i. He wil! not tint ar assign arse part of the rent of wid mortgaged pro p+rt+ or rlrmnlish, or rru\nl r.
<br />or suhstantialh alter ens buildi;ag without the wri itrn r++nseat of tl\e mortgay;rr.
<br />j. All awards of dattaattes in ronerciiop wit}t w» condenutatiau for public u+:r of or injure to ant nt tllr
<br />prcysrriti auhjra•t to thi+ mostgagr arc ttetrbv as,Fjgrtr+l and +ha}} br paid !u taurtKagrr, who may spell the
<br />.asst tr+ pny~usrnt of tltr iastallntrrtis id.t dui under raid Hair, and murtgat:ee is hrrrhs anihoriaes}, in the
<br />matte +af the maltlliatSor,ito leznarir and dlStsrr sand argtiltianre~ t}wrra( and to apl:ral iroryu~ ant .nth atrntd.
<br />~. ~~ stsartga;rr ,•liall halt the rtght to tnnlli`Ct ihP n\liri#;dt:eil preiniev'n al sill Ird snnnl\!r inlll'.
<br />2, flefanh is spy of fire eaaeaaah or ronditina- red this instrument or of the note ar loan agreement secured
<br />htat+ehtr shall termiaatr the mortgagor's right is fxwsesaioa, use, and enjaymmi ai the pwprrty, at ihr nptiun o{ the
<br />or lain aasiilrts i it heittg a#secd that the mottgaytor shall have such right anti} default 1. upon ant' such
<br />a~atth., the nmrie'r shall beromr tltr asesrs ~ all of the watts and profs t~ actrditt{t after drfauh an --erurit.
<br />fait the ~ srxurtrf hereby, with Ilse tidtt to emtt» ttpoia acid property for the l+urpoar of rollerting such
<br />rettpF p>~tumrnt a1saU operate as sat arigstneat of any rrntaL on said pra~prrty to that eztrnt.
<br />#-
<br />~ S'{i;E+r~t
<br />Saa 8;~'q+a aYa ;i.l tt
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