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~Q-- "~~~ <br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO_ ~~_2_3_,6~8~_9_ <br />Subject to Lir 22,55© -- i <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESEPRESEN7S: That Ll ova W, Wagnitz and Susan L, Wagnitz, each i n his and <br />her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in considention of Wt sum of <br />Seven Thousand and No/100--------------------------------------------------------- ooLLARs <br />loaned to recta moAgagor by The Equitable Building and Loart Asocia[ion of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagce, upon 70 sbares of stocJc of <br />said ASSOCiAT10N, Certificate No. L 23,b89 , do herob}• gr>nt, wnvey std tnortgagr tmto the said ASSOCIA't70N the following <br />described real estate, situated in fiaB County, Nebtask-a: <br />NORTH EIGHTY EFGHT FEET (88') OF LOT ONE (1) BLOCK TWENTY ONE <br />(21) ORIGINAL TOWN, NOW CITY, OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA <br />Subject to prior mortgage to the mortgagee herein, in the principal amount of Twenty- <br />two Thousand Four ;lundred (522,400.00) dated February 25, 1977. <br />to¢ther witfi all the itrxments, ixrrduarnents and appurttttaoxs thrrcun[a bekingirtg, including attachtd tlaor rnvetittgs, 1U window tcamis. <br />window slsade2, blinds, siartn windaas, awautgs, hratutg_ sir careditianatg,and plttmbixtr, and water eyttiptnent and aaxssorits thereto, pumps, staves, <br />reh¢erators,. and otlttr firtures and tquipment now ar hercattrr atiatbrd to or ;rsed in i ~nnecuon with std :eat tstate. <br /> svberns ifx said ru-wtgagar tray ngrrtd xsid dots herrby a~rre th r the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes acrd esmssmenis levied or <br />assaed sspoa slid prcmors and upon itris rttnrissge and the ltd ~~tred }~t~re};v, before zht same sftall become dtliagtteni; to ftnaish approssd <br />iesaxmce upon xht btaldings on sad ptc mist-s sixusic_+ an the sum of S J , ~J[7 • Utl payable w said ASSOClA7•ION snd to dtliver to said <br />ASSOClA770N for po}tors fiu stud insttrance; and rKit ::i vmmit ar pnrmt say waste on or about said premises; <br />in osc of defateh m the performance of any' i~f fist trrtns and vnditrons of this rnartgagt ar t~ r band secured htreby, the moripaigee sball, <br />m demand, be etevtl:d to immediate passtssmn of thr mortgaged premises and the marigagar +~-.tby aattgtrs, transfers and sets aver to tx <br />morxlp~ee all the r~u, vxsvnxtrs and inalme to Dt denx~i from ilx monpagtd premises dtr^^' _..u tinx as the martpage indebttdrxss shag retttain <br />im{oi:i; acrd i}re taDtxgap2e shall hax the paarcs is app n[ any agtnt or agents it may dtg• : far the ptnpose of repairing aid premises sad rrntug <br />thr wane sad the rtats, rovenxres zad income. and it may pay out of sad intvrtr . all expenses of rtpairing said premises std neeemty <br />. sad ta}wesrs sacurrtd in :rnisng and rrnteaging itte same and of cnikct~- g rentals thrrcfrom; the balance tetoaiatittg, if any, to be <br />appi4d toward tax dischar~*e a! sad imirtgagt atdcbttdaess_ .htsr resets of the moat ge° nay br exercixd at any time during the ezistence of such <br />dt~. irsesptrlivc• ai any trmporan• waster ati the same. <br />7hrae Prctxais, ik?wrl'L', arc [span the f-oredrtsan, That sf fix card Mc,rigsiar stall rrpay saal lssn oa ar btforr t_he treturity of said charts by <br />pay7neert: pay asonth}y to sxai ASSII['IATtDN .~i ttx sum sptctfscd in the &.nd se_ura3 herrby as interest :rni print- ~ on said h,an, on or before <br />for 7tvtaiie•ih day . #'rs.:lt atrt3 every rrxuuh, unto svd l.rtm is fisBy pad_ pa}' all tarts sad assrsvnrnts lrviett a_Cairest said ptermses and rm ibis Mortgage <br />sad ifx• Hand stwrtd itxrrh}, briirrr dtturyr~tr ~ .furnish appevvtd insuranrY spats the 6teildings [hereon m thr sum of S 7 , OOD, Qa payable <br />to said A590C1.A33U'r: repay to rasa ASCt1C'1ATlON septet demand akl rmuxv by it pard fw rude races, assessrrxreu aced irtsuraner with intertst a* <br />tht >mzimum itgal care thesesm from dais at payzarnt art a: w•ivch Moneagar herrbc agrees ro pay : permit no water an said pteeieisis; ktep std eatnply <br />a~ aeH ~r rpa'ormenu.uut ,xw,dtiiara of tix Boad fw 1 7 D00 , DD this day gr*en h} ene s:~id Mongagor to ad ASSOCIATION, std txuttply <br />with aH the itgttaentraexs of t#x Corestifution sand Hy-Laws a~saai A~OC'IATIUN: tMn ttxst prtsrnts shall btaome ntili and raid, aihtrwise they <br />shall t~a't m fnH f~tx acrd cosy be faredosrd at ihr option of the saal ASSOCIATION aftr int7wt tar three mawths w crake any of said <br />payaaerts eQ be t3rwe tamiths at nxesss rn r:mkiag sad xaunih}y payax. is, .w w irrp arsd conrpiy with t1x aereemrnu and txsadilitms of said Bond: <br />anti Mort~pv [a hart a rrtzsvtr appuunttal farihvigt m soar ium~asvre paocteding.. <br />tf tltesc• ax say r3taagr as owaersbsp of the rut estatt ntortgalyed hnrtin, by sale ar ottxrwrae, then the tntrre remaining indebtrdaess hereby <br />sawtad ~It, xt the ap[im of the I~grirtabk $itddatg std l.nan Assocranmt of Grand tsnad, Nrbtuka, becotm imntediattly due and payable without <br />fa¢ttd sasirs, and qtr amoeai rtttramitig due order sad bond, aa$ any ottxt bond fat any additinstal atixattcts asarfe xhertuumr, shalt. from ehe <br />r~ of easa'tar of raid aptitw, boa intttrst a ilx rrra:tmtrm ][gal raxr. std this srwigregc maY then be fartdaaed m satisfy the attwunt due oa said <br />birad.aad aary isctxa hood fm additiaael advancts, taq~thtr with all arms paid by said Tbt Eywublc Btrilditrg std Lawn Astxrcntioo of Grand 1sWd, <br />Nehq~a tot . taws and a.3its>,~rirta, arr8 abstraetaag eziCnail-ui duties, wah mttrest thereon, tram date of payment at the rnaxirne .a <br />~~. <br />As prxradem ~ thr Rood strure.Kl ixreDy, w9ai'le tiffs rntutpa~e rttrssins in rt7ea;t the marngagte rosy hriea=ter advznce additional sums is :lu <br />sinkers ai said lima, t6cir ar a9set: smss u+ mterrst, whidx sums sing be within the ~avriey of this mrrrtgage the sane as tht funds atigirtstty <br />tawtad liter. i6e total aatatmi of ptinapa! titAt sot to tz.recd at say time the orgrnai amauat of this mortgage. <br />t;,.arat~ }5th dayuf February A.IY.,l9 50 <br />~-~~"° t!-=-c~ :~-,;+--ice <br />Susa>y L. Wat,~I~ tz fl <br />sr1I,7~.A~ ~ ~. Oro ihts 25tH :isy of Febrilars' 19 $0 ,before me, <br />11 tht ussdrrsignetl, a Nafary Prt6$c in snd faa said Catmty, persoinlly tirrre <br />Floyd W. Wagnitz at+d Susan L. Wagnitz, each i n his and her own ri ~ w~d and as ~p~ ou~y ~fwn is <br />each other are <br />ae m he tht ideaatiral petatta S whax acme S are atTudf to the above inatrutrxnt as aeortgagar 5 and then stvxrally <br />the atal ireatraaratet to br their wluntary a~-! and area, <br />wi7NFCS ray bawl sad Natant Stal the mfr sfareasid_ , <br />My Co~rra trcpaes _____ 1 •_- "s <br />'~.u'at}T Public <br />eaaaaat to ~ ____ ,__..._,_, '.. <br />,l Wl <br />