80--j , ~pf~p'~9~
<br />~4~1~•,..+. _.._ .
<br />That the Mortgagor will pay the in{iebtedtiess as hereini?efere provided.
<br />That the Mortgagor. is the owner of said property in fee simple and has Ford right and lawtui authority to sell an<i
<br />convey the same and that rhr same is free and clear of any lien or encumbrance; and that M1iortgagar will warrant and defend the
<br />title to said premises against the ciait~ of ai! persona whuixzsoever.
<br />To pay immediately when due and payable all general taxes, special lase., special accessment.:. water :barges, sewer crrv~
<br />lee charger, and other taxes-and charges against slid properly, and alI taxes levied an the debt srntr+d hereb.~, end to iurnish tfie
<br />MI mortgagee. upon request, tc'i3lt the original nr du{r3iratr rea-eipts ihrra•fur. The !1<, rtga;;or ns;nex that there ehal! k>e added to
<br />each rm+nikl> pag+m>'nt required ix reunder ear under ±he rvi3enec -,f :iehi sevurcd beech. ar, amrunt r:[imatrd by the lfor%gagee
<br />in t,e sutTicieat tsi-~eneble the-?hiarigagre ta} 7aaa, as fM }- ?~-c-c:r±ta° ziur. at1 taxes. as?z.4rnents, and aim ifar-charges uium the pmm-
<br />ises ~bjecf ihereies; any-drfic~iancy he:~ause of the t:;~;utFci,°ncy ?` >uch act.titionai payments shall ~ forthwith deposited }*p She
<br />Mortgagor with the AizrrtFagee rtiz~n :iemand '-- the Ai,:t:~agr. Ann ri:iautt vrd.•r this !?a rag r,+ph shall he ,iermert a default in
<br />paymeziL of txxec, av~-Laments, nr ..imilar :h2 rKra e<'Vuz n'd h<.r<';;ndrr
<br />TI•:.r :11ar~ageu agn~s that aarrr >hatl a,.,, tae adatal t.' rash n:.u,ihi: paym<mt of prinegml and intern:.! r~vi ra~a here-
<br />under sn saxes nt c•aimatrd ny fhe tfortgagee :o fa• <utFlrirnt •.., rnah!r :he \tor:>a,:oe t., pac, a< it Fr.;.msrc du<-, itre rnau sanir
<br />preznierttt :rn anyr itx.urancY policti de]ia-eyed %o it;r ll"rt{a{;ee ins ;ieti~ta~r.. }~ hr.:ausr :.f the to<u~cirnr}- =,t such additi.,nal pav.
<br />zaenic shad he forthwith depE~sited hr ihr ~inrigag«r ,.~sth the \i„rtt~aprr upon iemand hy- the \fortga;;<a~ AtYy default under :fns
<br />paws-ram shall lw :ieemid s -a ~axdt it. the psvtm.~ni a` :; -nrancr P=remiums 7f the }mlSve nr poL•cies dE=;=u:fted arc wrh az imme-
<br />..w•ners ur al! risk {>nlici<s. an., the dernvit- ase .. nufi„.a~n~, <. - .,.: a,t:rr ,-mnrm, the \tarigap«- mn: .tppiy the :i<-paw t br
<br />pa•' prnmi3ms ,an risks n~u,red in he~ ins:r rr<i by ?hi. n:=~rt.>_.~
<br />F'a)-mrnLS made by the >t++rtgacrr under the s~ ee ,•ar:tr=;*hs map. a: the option of th;• \frri5agec, h-~ held by :, and
<br />,raingin.-3 zru;t <>ihrr =a+-S fvnda ..- it: ru;x t red. f_ r the 7>a_. meet .•, su.h .rems_ and untiS .n applied. :urh papnwntc are frrrrh.~
<br />:led grd as arctznh' inn the Y:repaid ir::ianr , ~ *.~he n:urtr;.zFr :....ehtednrs
<br />To pn'+•ure. 3rii..- „- ~.._ n.._. .... .c ,-. ... • <a, .i, .. _.<~ <i,a . ...':a s6s~ hte of tta~mnrt_a«~ _. rr rrnu! poLr;,•<and
<br />n; se wa.~ 'urt-:.~. 'eh:<~~,., as .+. .<,_ .ar ,t..... ., u~.> ,1,~!~. -~.n. rr< n ;. aea~nst ;r,~ :md „thtr •:.+u rahle
<br />.~ixa:v. raauaiires, and ronzznirncrECa 8: tit:- ii.;r~ac<-t n --- rXaluia. :- :.r ..iri i =y;; ... <.,r „gin„<-<....~, :-..-.va<t, a..,~
<br />`<for•.gsgr_ and in n:mi,anrr~ :,.~rl't~lzr • - ..< Ai. rxca:,r <.... ., v*: rah:, -.ar..--- -.1 fa~.r ....,: .+ . .t a'. _uanlr n ..<• Ak~rga-
<br />ga-e. In t,+te e-.eai an} 7+^l:.. .~ .,,,. .. .. ,. ,n ., .<. .+.... t. .rptra?+,n it„. 17 r r-r x•ur.~ .n,usanre. ~ :rte
<br />amytrcnr=aezzs, ps: the r•n ...: .4. ra..-.r .tn.: ~. ..n.. <s ~rnr rmtas,3 r.at.-;c ~tr,<~ -ani _ a<1< ih ...bv.'s, .3t '„ rue .<•t
<br />~sth to said n<.L a_n~i :.ar.. anu h:n:' i-. ,.zuc .I :-. -,.Y. z.t_acr Fs: h•:>~, n , ti par..:; t. t. U::ri;;ag.., .lrra:.h <u. ``' n~nrara3c
<br />~ a:Y herein rt•rut*~'. :. .a.,L S< - _<ny .~_...+„~.-an: ••d i. r«under ,!:a:i, at ihr of-t>.,r ;d :7~ 11.-rt ga,,a~ .:•ncniurr .. default
<br />ar...z, r tt;e trrnzs of rhr. r-s . aprT ~< -ir .~ , ~, . .. ., : ,a!I - .ee <... n, i Pe=a, n.. ,.t t ' n a, - ;;nmenr <,f the un~
<br />rsnxd prerarutn
<br />~..^.x vrtas rr:'ri. r_: ^- .'rr li::rpap.t- i. .. ;E. r.n .: )„*? ~.. ~.,^,apr . n- red spar::.. ma.- -^n - ,a.,.. ~i by the \l.+rtgaper
<br />and a{aplird tow•ani the 7*++: ment ,u .~ 'K~ht J.~ -„: r- +. at :he <:ptum\.r.f th.' <i-r.paa;rr. ,~ ! .ums <sthrr .a h,ui}~ .rr to
<br />earl SL'9s -t,e pard [. .. ,n- \S r _ _-. ,. . -e •. '•.P31r . j.h :lt.iur„~ .: ... },'3:1.i-a ,~ ...- - .. :i.,, .._,.- - . .
<br />,,.}ice purpcne :.r ah)t•[t'~...;~t 3. ~, Cr ."e 11, -. .., ...ut Y:'tr,~i: n.; ±h. .:„ ,i. .) r „ _, .....a:.. ....t .,.<:i ~hrre
<br />ba' h<-fcat-e wr}t psyxnent nrr i.aa.i. ;,la,e•
<br />Tti, prcaatSYly Tepall, rr~{arrz' :.' h•I.u:id any irn,lii; n;;+ .n:pn .rmrrY t. ....+< . . ..~.. :1;'T r.t S1:E' per nri,s•a as hlh Riay hr~
<br />name :3am~ed cu .cram>cd. to i.F<p ,asd pr<vm„r> in, w. a. $na:n nn.t r<•pa:r and Frro tr„n rc hdnra=n hen <¢ other lien ur
<br />rias_*n a;f lien ne.t esprresi? nuianrt3ina*.rd tE, the' 1:rn 6r r,.,,t ::::t t,. :ufier ..r p:-rmit a :.nlaw'.rl u-sr o. s an, m;aana~ tro <aist ou
<br />~S prnne'rty rnt t +rzzrut aas4 « sand perm isx., n•~r i ._._ .~_ =,thrr ad ~.. h<•r. ~h ,.,e p. ya~rh' hereby <nna-r.ed ahatl hetrome
<br />kyu x~iuitdr, ncsr t:, diavnidt c.r im}>atr rt aa; ur nt x i art :=r ,mto,',r.,;, t,. ,.<~t t,....mpla ,.uh a.. rr~yurrr.n....nr.: i !aw wilt= r< ;,ect
<br />in the arortgaged prrmiar+ and ihr ua• t:+rre-oi
<br />That ~iEOUId tree p>r<-r3,r~~ - • .,n: pea tr,.-a.-,i }....nom. , _r :~.,::,:.a, "r . _... , : . ., .. ..., .,. .. ~ ....., ,._:., ..,
<br />prea~2a3ir~..~t under ihr ghi of rmarrrnt t.4anain, <.r +a ant +*thrt mann:•r the l1- rtgage<• =hall be iitirr3 ic+ nll rumpettsations,
<br />avarda.. and soy ot}ec-a }aa;~mrn! r,r rr]tef therrfar. vnd sha11 tze eati23rd st rls n{ iv.~n. fo rc mn*rrme, apik'ar in noel pri::erutr in its
<br />canxf narrlip nay aclim tr prc,r:'ailing. •rr io make ant- c+.,m}rr.~nt>r ,"r :rtt3<~atrnt sn ..~:rne•cix+.n with wrh tal+ng :rr damasr :<3! .ua•h
<br />aaarda, damacrc. rigitt of ac4.inn azxt i>=~~ xi. are tYC~r~t+Y a~:zgne i ir< ihr 31:.zigagre. a+fiEr map. a#ter dezlrtcung
<br />~~ a~ ~ rslt~ex, relrasa any mtaneya ~ zxx+€:+x+9 hs rt nr a#;rpiv rhr satta= a.n any' indehtednrss srcurori hereby. The \irr{-
<br />.ra asar~ to esre~ie Snell ¢artlrrr aacignmc-rte rd nay M.m}.rraaat+<rn, award.. damakr.. azxi nt;htn E,i as°tu.n and prua•<~:'ri> a+ rhr
<br />t®ay tatQtttia•,
<br />Tla3 m rai<r ii ¢aaturr t<q R-rfarm arty of t7~ .<nrx,n~~!.. b<rr,n. th<~ ]l..ngaa;.a.~ may =7„ .m rho }foriga$+, r'n twbali e.rn_-thing
<br />ao rxwvatanred; that vie Motgagre rnav atac+ da any act :t nuy deem rmvvary' t,• 7:,n.:ei•t fir-- hen t?x-rrasf that ti.r \lnrlgags.r wii3
<br />Lr'Pe%9 de:iartd nay mrneys paid +u dzsbursed bt the M<rrtgae+-. fc,r xn!:~ <,ri !}u• aha,ve irs r7xxk`. and .uch mrrnE•rs nrga•thrr with
<br />ister+errt e4a ~ tine rata previdad in said mate atoll taarcune so much addiLnnat indt'htwlrav. h~ rrby e.rrurrd and may iae in-
<br />dO~ Itd any dnna,r for~aag tiffs mur(gagr and bt 3«ard wi at tSae re~nta :~r i;ruc<.n. is td gate E,i land premrrtrs zf mtt uthena-tse
<br />}rtrt~ tiara d aiali rtat }re ctdigatzuy upon ttar `+farigsugc.r isa enquire int+: tt,e .'aixdily of any Iten. rmumbratxr.. +rc ciatm to •d-
<br />+~e+at{ rte aatltgl^imt#. but nuttarrg trcr+rin ccxrrirard ~atl tat a'<.ratcrued as rrquinng ttar 'stcartgagrr to advancer any
<br />; ¢rrr any >~ pnr~uuaR aarf Ice do any act l14`SaUAd2r: nail ttrst \i?cartgagce Sisail txl 9rtC+li any (k rs+..nal Iitibri#ty t><•cau.r ni an4-
<br />tltietC it taay do w tacit 4e s-a txa~sdea.
<br />is Ihr r14Cat rzf the default hu 13~uriaag;3r ;n rtes ;nay arn: c»S a y rn~tafirnrn:, as r<y,,:red by th.- lore «<ra n-d hrrrhy~. nr
<br />is tie ~ zai rhr ubliiaticm in thin riwrtgagr a;r ,n for note tracur+d thrarby. ittis• \tr•rtgag<-< .irali h<• rnuttrd tc dye Tarr rhr
<br />neftt aR(.snnd Sarts+tr3` d>:r rw' va„~-~ wt~.w--i ~.;e:.:.• » t~ M~tgaE~ =t:al! '--+e rrstail ~ xt bn upiivn_ ~ itMxut n,:ttce. either by itsnlt
<br /><.r try a Ya39t'rr Ltn !+r appcgratrd 3y tree ~xrr1 Lhrm+f, nail rr'ittwut regard to the tuttxlsrae'y o3 ar,y securit, f,ar the indebirdneas sn.
<br />rvted 2.'ta z?tir:r apna amt sake pec8rsirm =sf ttsr arc,rtg-ugaxd pressiarx. and %., roil '•{ noel re <r vsr- z+rt>. rs~sv,-. and F,rnfi%s
<br />tt~:t<ad, JalLl tiaa ra%tffi, xte ctyrda cd ehxrsiias and n>?iea'tion. +rpun tke itilie%+t,r.f n<-+-s +.~K'urrd'hw :hia m:,rtgagr wi,i rrnix.
<br />irtaas-aatt¢~et6ae 6uigi t~r~+Y a to the M..rytapre as funtwr w.zvnty fros rhr pn~. cnr:+t of nit indrtstrdnrss n<-.•;rrrr3 herrirv
<br />TM kiar0.tagee ++itali Larx• 24ar lxawer t„ ap;++,ini an>~ aZrr.. ur agrr,t~r it mat rlr*sre iw rhr purpirci• [rf repairing w,d pfr~am~
<br />rrta; 4nAE!w{ eke -aaa~; ~ t~Yxt zrrtta_ mtiYrura sari inrvr+z arx¢ it nay pay +,ut azt ;.n+:t ran ,:ar. nit <-Yr., r:,- - r+=ti .r =. ,a
<br />4%tR ar>d 1Wtirt~rltg the aanrY rHril ~ ixalleetiat ihr ern%ali ttwr+-tr,ms_ TM t;aJarar rornauung, t( an} shall hr t i i r i t„ward tha
<br />>~, yj Lire ~ ~, "T1m sarvtgnfnent =. ra, irrminatt axed ta!.vunr nui% and ~ rid utaan rrtra,r• ,rf thin mrr%Ratee
<br />..,~,. .J
<br />
<br />