i 31-02-0365 ~ This form is used in connec-
<br />- tion with mortgages insured
<br />MORTGAGE under the one- to four-family
<br />~~ ~'~ provisions of the National
<br />pp/(~~ Housing Act.
<br />TNJS MORTGAGE, made arrd executed this 18th day of February ,A. D.
<br />19 ~ ,byatidbetween Dawid J. Glenn and Cindy Glenn husband and wife
<br />of the Coun#y of X11 ,and State of Nebraska, party of the Cost part, hereinafter called
<br />thr Mortgagor` and Mortgage Plus Incorporated
<br />a corporation organizedattitexis6aguaderthelawsofthe 0nited States of America
<br />party of the second part. hereinafter callkd the Mortgagee,
<br />WITNESSFtH: That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty Eight Thousand Nine
<br />Hundred and 00/100ths------------------------ Dollars (S 38, 900.00 ), paid by the Mort-
<br />gagee, tde receipt of which is hertby acknowledged, has Granted and Soid and 6y these presents does Grant, l;ar-
<br />gain, Sefl, Convey arrd Confirm Hato the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the following-described
<br />real Mate, sit~ted in the County of Hall ,and State
<br />a{ Nebraska. to wit:
<br />Ttte Southerly 7§tirty-Eight t38) Feet or :.ot Eight (8) and the Northerly Twenty-Two
<br />f22) Beet of Lot Nine f9), Block Twelve (l2), in West Park, an Addition to the City
<br />a# grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />also ksayrn as. 1029 N. Hancock, Grand Is1and,NE 68801
<br />of the Px~c+y+al Meridian, cnarairot~ in all city Property acres according to G ,vern-
<br />rac5t StflYCy:
<br />2O HAY£ 3ND TO HOLD dre paremists above darn'bod, with aD the appurtenances thereunto hflonging and including
<br />~ lteatittg_ pluaah®g and l:glraagfixnurrsondequipment raw err hereafter attached to or used in tnnnei lion with said real estate
<br />tmsnflye , and to its strcoesstsrs arui assts, fauever. The Mortgagor represents ter, and covenants with, the hfottga-
<br />gee, tkat the Matt~os etas good tight so sell aad convey said premises; that they are fret from eocumbeance: and that the
<br />~' watraat a~ defend the same against the lawial claims of all per~as wfiomsotver; and the said Mortgagor here-
<br />l7y tdiaq~shcs alt ruts of ~ ~~ a~ all martial rights, either is law ortn estuity, sled all other cnatiagrnr interests of the
<br />is arrd to the wave-d~x~ grsmises. the iaieation beittg to convey herefiy as aitsolute title, in fee simple. incittd-
<br />iagai ti~tsof havestead, and other rights and interzsts as aforesaid-
<br />PROti 1LR'AYS, and t3KSt presents are extxuted atyd delivered apps the t RllOwtrtg CQndltanS, taw 1I:
<br />The Mac~tgOr rs ~ pay ur the Mortgagee. or , the ptirrr~! sum of Thirty Eight Thousand Nine Hundred
<br />asyd Om/l~ths - -- Dollarx {S 38, 900.00 }, with interest from
<br />d~ tl Rte tzar ~q~ 9e per centttm { l~ , p0 ^F) per annum oa
<br />the tta~tid'ce ~fptad- TAe aid ptncipal and interest shall be payabk at the office of
<br />Mortgage Plus incorporated
<br />~ Englewood, Colr3rado err ai such utlrcr plot as the holder of
<br />the note may dt is rr, is mora#ly itastallmeats of Four Hundred Twenty Eight and 68,/ 100ths ---
<br />Doiiars {S q~. {i8 ), cxwtme~ireg on the lust day of
<br />April . l9$0 , and oa the first clay of each month thereafter anus the principal and in-
<br />tratad are fgRy paid, except thu the ~ttl ppaatient of principal and interest, if out siwner paid. shall be due and
<br />payahie ere We fiat day of March 2000 ;all according to the toms of a certain promis-
<br />~Y sate cd eves daw ftmew'ie6 cxscu~d by tfie said Mcxtgegor.
<br />The Diets~#gas ~ tttare tts$y: ~ pratt~-t tip sxv~trity° of this Mortgr~e, agrees:
<br />I_ 'iraas he s~ ~y t3ye ~S, as iretrirrbefetFS prstvid~. Privtl~e is reserved to pay the tithe in whole, or in as
<br />aatw~ t~aral t4 one err rnase ttloaaAly paytdxnts oe the principal that are next duo as the Hate, en the first daY of any month
<br />tMtns b Y; t4tavided. ?4astti-ter. That wtittetr aotux of as itttetttion to exercise such privilege is given at least thirty 13t1)
<br />~ ~ ymrmt.
<br />? 7lut. to®ether will. rod is addition w, efts monthly paymetus of principal aad interest payable utufec the terms of the
<br />- ^ote scsw+al Itwelry, the wvi# pay to the Ma tgagx, on the first day of each month unlit the said rate is fully paid, [he
<br />_ tttHattyat stmrs=
<br />' {a) Atsaunt ~illeitmt to prvvk#e stye hdder hertof with funds to pay the trext mortgage insurance premium if this
<br />}. inurutaeat ~ the mnte tarrxtred #mttbYr ara inwred, or a monthly charge (in lieu ajn mongoge insurances pre-
<br />rnerersJ if they are held h"!' tha5ecxetary of t;ousutg atu! Urban Development, as follows:
<br />(T) ff aad w ltyrtg err said. ntxe of even date and this instrument are inwred or are reinsured under the pro-
<br />virfons 1!f the National Honsittg Act, Sn amount sufficient to accumulate in the hands of the hvlder one
<br />t~IallOYf t'~tU~t~ H0 :+'ai411b! FHA -y 143M t 10.77 )
<br />