<br />NORTC,AGE LOAN N0. L 23 687
<br />RNOWALLMINBYTHf•SEPRES£N7S:That Joseph E. Setlik and Dorothy M. Setlik, each in his and
<br />her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether oat or more, in coadderation of the arm of
<br />Fifty-two Thousand Eight Hundred and NoLlOO-- ---------------------------------- nau.ARs
<br />barred to said mortgagor by 31tr F,gttitabk Building and Loan A_anciatn,n of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 528 sfiares of stodt of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certifince No. L 23,6$7 , do hemby grant, ivnvey and mortgage uaro the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />dtsa'ibed rxal tstate, situated en Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />tttgetbtr with all the tenements, hetrduamcnis and appmtenancrs thrmumo l,<`lungirtg. rtu:tuditrg attached poor aavetmgs, all window scteera,
<br />wiadoar shades, blia~, storm wmdaiws, awnxae~. ltrattag, air conditioning, and plumbing sad water equipuxnt and accessories ther!to, pumps, stovers,
<br />refrigerators, ~ orbs fixttats and equiprr>ra1 rrow or hereafter attached to or used m conrrtction wiL'~ ;aid real taste.
<br />Arnf w~ress the said rmrtgagax itu agreed and does durtby agree titi`. ti'tr rnortgag,rt shall and w•ilE pay aIl taxes and assesnrtents kvitxl or
<br />s i uprxr said premises sad upoc $.s mortgagr asst thr busrd secured iz~-reby before tth. _eme shall become delinqueal; to famish approved
<br />i~nx afton the 6uikiNgs tin said prorai~s vtuatni ir. the sum of 1 52 , 8DD. DD payable to said ASSOCIATION and to dttim to said
<br />A~St3CiA710N rite polices for said insuranx, and nai ±c commit .,r permit a+.n waste an or abou± 3;eid pttmises:
<br />la tie of tkf:ult in thr perfotmanre of any ~,t the teams and a,nditxars of etas rmtrtga~°t• ar the tetnd s-cured hereby, ttx ere, 'gagee shall.
<br />oe demmd, be retitled to utuaednto passion of the murzggrd premises sad the mortgagor hereby assrgrts, iransierz and srts ~ ver [o the
<br />> a& the rests, reventra and invux ra be derived from ttx rrr~rtgagcd prcmrses during sudt [true ss the mortgage utdebttdmss s ail remain
<br />uagrsd; and the mortgagee shat! base t}x R'tw~ to appoint any apart at agrnts it ar:y desire fur the pur}xsse o1 tepsuing aid pttsists err. t tenting
<br />the sane and tax rents, trvmua sad rrtmme, sad it may pa}• oat of said innorrte aD exproses of rcpairntg aid preadsts and :tecc. sty
<br />ooeraaimoss sad expenses itt~rred in atntmt and mansgarg the same era! of colkctirtg rrntak therefrom: the b:tattce remaining, if any. to '~
<br />toward the disdratgo of said r»orzeagt atdnbitdexss, tlxso tithes of tier mortgagee rosy be ezorcisnf at any tune during tht existence of such
<br />, "atespectivr o{any torrpoary shrvcr ai the sine.
<br />Thtar t4esenrs, ixvrevet, err upon tM ti rmdrrrrtn, That if thr sax3 Mortgagor seal! rrpsy >atd toast or. or brfare thr tmturity of said shares by
<br />payment: fay r»aruA#y to sand ASStX'tA710N of thr win aras:il`ta3 in t'x Bond sr.<wrd hutby as iarrnu and }vincpsl :,n said lean, on or before
<br />Litt Tvcnticthtiay csf rac3a sad curs} taturtit,:mtil seed k-+aa ii ftilty paid; pay all rues arnf assr~iments kvxd agairtu said prtmtses and on this Mortgage
<br />aed the Road stinted thettte} ,inure drliatquenn: furnish approved inaurarxr upon the buildings thrrean in the sum of 3 52 , BDD. DD payable
<br />h, said ,LSSOCIATIO'.: rrpay to sad AS•SC)l"IATIf1N ttpcvr detrtand aB trxmey by tt paid tot such taxes, sssesstnrnts sad insuranx with interest at
<br />dx smairsnrmt kgrri ratz thetc+m farm deer of paysrrent nil of whir}, Lhortgaferr hereby agrees w pay: pesmrt tw waAr on said premises:keep and comply
<br />arh#r ~ the a~tstepxs and a-xtdrtrurs tat tYee &+rtd foe i 52 , ~D, f~(}thts day gran by [he card !t9origagot to aid .tiCSOCIATION, artd ,romPly
<br />whir ~ tlfe regdirrmrats of the t-'mtaiiutimt an3 It}'-Lays rN said ASSQCIATION; ilrett that prcwtu sftsll beasntt nuB sod void. uiixrwite they
<br />~ reserve in irtB Ctas and xray §m fuieek>sr+ct at tt,o ~tavt of thr said ASS1lC. LlTifiN a'ter failure fur thtx months to make any oC said
<br />paymrau to he elan mcartha m axsrars m ankir~ said minutely papsaeau, w to s:oep az+d ::nnph' with the agreernents and conditions of said Bond:
<br />send spats to reeve a reare,ver apgomtrd fartitwuh e: srsat (3rechisure pruixttilrrrgt
<br />if these is soy uauogt w orntrslup of'tix real estsdr mutgagrd herein, by sale or ottterwae, thm the ontae r indebtedrtesz hereby
<br />aocsnvd ~, st rho option of Tht [4unabk Buikting sad Loasr ASOCStiuu td Grand Island, Nebraska, itemart uumedia[ely due and payable tvitham
<br />faatha ratite, art8 the amount retaaistsrtg dun ands said heed, and any +.uhet bared fen zny Wditiutul adva[toes made thtrortader, stall, from the
<br />date of estauae of asid option.,, bear inrerest at the trraxitnnm irsi race, snot then trsmtgagr may then be ftnedoaed in attsfy the amount due on aid
<br />hosd,aad soy oihaa hoed far addmoaal adv+aces, tttgeilxr with at! satin pad by wd 7tx F:7uiubk Bstt~Sng sad Lawn Association of Grand talaad,
<br />Nehratta for irtsaaeoe, taxes uerl ssgeattxnts, as,d ahstratniag estouwn t3tugts, wti~ interrsi thetas, from date of payrrsent at the rrn-anttm
<br />~ ~.
<br />As plod m the Btrad teaurai hereby, wkile ~~ rn.u'tgagc remains in eSn-t rite mortgagee troy hertaRer advance additmnal soma to six
<br />ataLm taf aid $oed, ffieir» ur avttaatus in interest, w9dctt arms shag he within rho stemity of this t»ortgage the atete as tM funds uriginsBy
<br />s titirrhy, ~ 4ittael amnrrai of pi~~ deli sot to exceed sr arty :late iho ortg-,rsa7 artnzum of Utis mortgage.
<br />t~ oaaadths 2lst dayuf February A.O.. t4 8D
<br />f
<br />e ~--- --
<br />D[frot~ty !6.- tlik
<br />&irli~ OP ASlti-,1 ~ fie then 2l St day o1 February l~ 8Q , txforr me,
<br />rntrsix'r ~ ruttl_
<br />the undersgtted, a Naury Nubtic in and for said 1."ouuty, personalty cartax
<br />3oseph E, Setlik and Dorothy M, Setlik, each in his and her own ri~wfid and as Splrs~oruflyknuwo och
<br />other are
<br />s so Le the +Awtitai peezarly rrhtae names are affued to the above irrstctat¢•nrts mortgagor S ntd they severally
<br />adcaowMdged the aai+d iarasrtmmt >v be their valtmtaty as a~ deed. ~ ~..-.
<br />7VITNESS sty hand and Notartai Ssai the date aforesaid. ~
<br />fd}•Csmmi®aneapira -„ ~"`r~--~C.-(C~=JLL~~ '[""r "_'z-'1 _.
<br />--t"'~NotaryPubtic
<br />sassaarv r -
<br />ti i ~• ,r~--~. ~ rN _r.R.! t ~ Arr ±ate at Nebraska
<br />G ti , t: i7lSON
<br />(j `~`""_.. ,,,''-- i'ti irT,t'1. rip. t~OY. tip i"~.~
<br />