<br />~' - • li~i®RT"GAGE forn;}'4iRcrin7dt
<br />SECOND
<br />~~ji8 ~tndenture, Mnde ana r:Xeeutrd tniF lO~t, :1.t}' „r Jxnua:-,y- 2=cid tr
<br />by and Detwrrn 'tC~+3[ . ~_ aR~ JR?.POT7 K, J.^i~^, xa'1S'1' ,: . -, eE IICi
<br />lien C. McCon~;+rll an3 " ^,-^e R, McGc?nnell, i:itsla.rxl anti °.: I+arty of Uae oral ,lrtrt.
<br />.~t -~ i,'tn j122i.}h a^:d ?:t~'~- Tl. JfN.1t}l, ~lF~'Jr1nd ,rl fi:!fBt _ party atf the second purl.
<br />t WITNESSFTN, that the told party of thr Arst part, for and In ronst,lrrntlmr oft $ <v ~',~, ~'~.- i 2L'X1........
<br />(( -,.~-,...,--,..-., ~.~PQI.l.A1Lq, id A sold art of the
<br />'i'housaa~d . and._ci~; , - _., ..,., __ . < _ ~„_..~ pa Y p Y
<br />terond part, the receipt whereat fa hereby ackaowlydgod, has grunted, bargained, 'sold and com•eyed, nnA by these pmsrnis,
<br />- does great, bargexin, sell and eonrey, unto said party o! the sec and part. the following described ern] property altunte In the
<br />County o! 'trt i ~ - - -and State of Nebraska, to-wiL
<br />_0 ~ ..:ly ~l,= t is£ I.o* 1 zt3ne,, __~ ~ghu's, „_-:.~iicktts :ta~zt ,~._ _r
<br />~ City of Grand Island, 'e'arl Ccur+ty, ....: =.sic3.
<br />_-
<br />torether ttviih all the tettementa, hcreditamenla and nppurtrna area to the samr belonging, and all the ost¢lr, title, duavrr
<br />~t of hametiead, cltitnt tad demettds whatsoever of the tta W party of Ue Brat part uf, In nr to Faid )+reml9rs nr alt\' part,
<br />Lltaeeo[- and sn1J party of the Drat pert does herby covenant, that said party of the tJnt part la law[ully actxed n[ said pra•m-
<br />taaa, that aald premises are tm from Encumbrance and that avid party of the prat part wfU warrant and defend the title to said
<br />premLea against the latvtu! claims and demands of all prtaons whomsoever.
<br />pROVIDt3D ALVI'AYS, sad IAese presenl+ are upon these condltlor>9:
<br />W]'y'lsElgA,q, said party d the Brat part hu executed and de23vercd to the aald party of the scrond port
<br />prtamWory aotr _
<br />sad arlsrreaa, tits ptarly ~ ibe tlf•tt pzt't hat agr'rrd to keep the batlldtty;F, 11 nay. up,n said prcmLara, umuravl m s: u.. • cont•
<br />parry tar atmpvdra approved try tahf party of the ar«xid part, for the txdi msura4lr sntuc ut;:unst bass by tiro and av trdsGa,m w dh
<br />eaIradetf trovrrage and deliver io atf.l party o! the arcoiad part the padtrv ttr laallrtes Ca+ntaluang a standard mungage t'i:au: .` with
<br />the ka+s payatale to said party d the ara`othi part, or asaagra, amt bss al,-end to pay all tears and a9>rssntenis :a;;:ttn..t sa:.f ;~a rut-
<br />taea briers tar agate, bT taw, become dellraga>eaat, and has agreed that tf said party of the flr~t part dt+t•s ru ~t Prot-t. tr Furh
<br />iaattrataes or ;spa 20 pay all taxes as atoresafd, then egad park of the srrond part, ur holder hrrro[, may 11a}' such in>ur:lace
<br />sad taxes, ar either its' Them, and all amauntt so paid @y aald party t,i the srcau:d part stand t+car interest :at the a ~-,` a,t n,nr
<br />per cetR per arutttm frem the date d itaymrnt, and iht9 mart gage waail stAia,f as security t3trreior, and sai.i sutra rata}' be
<br />added to iris ammu+t d She xnertgsae drM, and tlx.• samr r rov rn•d ua n pvrt thrm+t. \axc. it the said l,artp rat the Sh a p.u t
<br />atoll ttreD sad taady pay or caux to Dr paid the saaA .um of rn onry in said ut,te mrnti.aned, with mla-rr+t Lha r,"+n arcord-
<br />~ to the ?carat arW dTeet o! rald aa.0.r and ntaal2 keep ae id bwldings to>ura•t1 es xtttrrsaid, and shall keep ..ta rrs prat
<br />tYeasmerdt paid, std ahaU duly keep, anal prrlaxrm ell th.' dhn rnrenanL amf agt'a•rntmis hvrran mrtx tn..i, thet tha-s~
<br />p~sar ;o br atilt and Xdd. BUt i3 Said ssan+ of morary ear Asp part thrra<+f, ar any inler+'st thrn~,ln, is not •»tl:i x~hrn Iht :. ear
<br />it darr,~or if aajal DatiidiKtl ahap taA l+r leapt lAan1.~! :.r Mf.Ya`aa l,l, M if IhC IHXC! and a!1; .'i'tltr.::a ._ :til<t s.,+,l * :,Its r,.1'i
<br />not paid at a brtwe tha tlme the acme become by taw deem quent, or if sat.: }arty of Star flr'a[ part shall t:x:a :n ~i:rep ....'
<br />praitartn say caarmanta lierela aoatakaed !ha hadaler herrad shall laaa~r Ihr npilon to drrlare the wh.+2r aa1 said andebtedr..•t.. due .an.t
<br />payalle d any Same arise attch tartars or +ietattlt, ataaf rony male Lain an artayn n11aw ..r :vlut2y to rcrnver She snnt,~, anal the a„n.
<br />niteaycrriaettt rd tStch aelftY! gall ha the only entire tat iris exrre L9r of Fatd eipttAh rrgttired.
<br />J1;i!! ;S' l8 F[IfRSt;SR pROVIDF,D AND AGFtF,F.D, That the aai8 Id.vtgagor shall and wilt pa}' ail tnxrs tecu~t utv+n this
<br />msleate ar the debt aecuted thrrrty, tasether trtih any aither tiara or axurs-cnaa~n:a nhfcia naay hr lrrt,~! urnlrr the l~wa .d
<br />°~ .~ ,a....u tu.,...,.~~. „r tar lr..t a.adrr ,af Lao said nrinrfreal note - on nccotm! of [has andeMrdntas
<br />ANl9 l'~ t5 FUIRTHER PROVfl31•-P AND #GFE3:li, chat the umf.~rat `nrd Mart-aa;,v~ aoa,•nrnt ru+d 6 r with the Atnrtc n~,•,
<br />tkat aaxe nt tiae cahadita,aaa !er aaaican; laxa 7uan is ttaai She M,anwaK. -. ,~» and ,.i~ . aua2anur t». +~a~n anA arcurv the al .t.:;,•
<br />anew flees-rxlyd as Lfir paiacaaat 'ate darlixtxa ! the autaeaao; s» rant; as tht~ n rteat;e ai the sand oats' srrurc.l hvrcha~, ~ar
<br />sty }tali xnX*eor, ¢etaaaaa mud art aw5 ixmr, a-halr +ae ri~~t~r is rtf,-,: aa.7 the n.,tr i.,r wha.h ahts n»ayf;at;t~ es Cis In as
<br />secant), +ar say pan me armaias maprad, afi- va~sctanr.+ . - 1. ,. ,^. ,.tr a rsta:r herein - s ... an+
<br />i~t beard, m prc ftart;:tassa d,i s„t haze : r crwse 't: h sfe- a il -a.2 r>aatr . _ twr+ tarrrn! c t i•rra ally
<br />arrtQy ale said slat eatat; v tfie musts drtet2 a zt tfi aaadt : to 1 ah a an any h . •nt9, the M,t thaSS..r ry t 12.
<br />MNSrea• drrlarr tfir aatpaitl anaritr3 aalamr, uxaaf xaaen i. a! the au+, ~„ux.t heresy d arty due nail p.a+ete-
<br />~~ ~~,t~tlllOA,p ftOf. .,:.;.~:1-. :, .,!^it^a ,.:~ .---~..4.. _._ - _ ., _._'~__. -.rd t:'_;•e
<br />•~-_
<br />~•? .:.e;x; ... ;~ ~,; ~.-:tzitaz+e ~. l~e~~r_r~t-': ~ , :, ~.~_::: ~ ;. _: ~: .
<br />Dv Plt~CFS4CX OF f:x:~~:. ~ ~i'~I ~ ~~1~:~~.Ci~-C,r.-.
<br />^+ I ! r
<br />RTAT$ t;F N#:AFtASItA, ~ t3sa ilia 1~?#,.f: day M ~a :..- ., ;•. D. to . -
<br />_ ta+
<br />CYa+aty d -~ ~ - 1 before teas, • Notary I`uialir ht aruf !or the laid County personally rnmr the aba+ve
<br />aamrd ~ _,.. . t4 j,4^:.!^nli ~n,i '.-. - .. .. .:::1? _r;.a
<br />ishn a;'~ personally known to mr
<br />io tar tar fda-atira7 persnn9 tvhuac names ~3.I'P. nRi+ird Sa the above instrument
<br />as yratrttx sad arktunrlratgett said instrvmrnt to tie tP8i2' voluntary act and deed.
<br />WfTNLrSS my hand sad Nut grist ~ni the date Inat atnrese
<br />' 1Votary I'ubUc.
<br />sty cmamMasra atpiref ~ Lrllprafv
<br />!~~ W-1lML ! 19b
<br />