<br />_ TRUST DEED
<br />SO-
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made and entered into this 19th day oi-February , 1 ~Q_
<br />by and between ROBffitT BUSH AIv'D IlEBRA BUSH. ,Trustor, andGoaaaonwealth Land and Title Ins ,Trustee,
<br />Husband and Wife Company
<br />and Postal Finance Company, a Nebraska Corporation, $eneficiary.
<br />1VITNESSETH: That the Trustor do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, Canvey and confirm with Power of Sale
<br />ante the Trustee the following described Real Estate including all t>uildings, improvements, and fixtures of every kind now
<br />ar hereafter erected or placed on the teat estate, situated in Hal-1 County, in the State of Nebraska:
<br />Lot 5, Block i, in Sothnaan's Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska
<br />and poasesaon of said. premises now delivered unto said Trustee:
<br />TO HAVE AND'TO HOLD the same, with alt tights, privileges, and appurtenances thereto belonging ante the "trustee.
<br />his :.~,:~=tots, adznirticrrarn,, t,e,n 3n,3 ~~._4rrs fnrrvrr_ _snd the Trustor herebe cxpresslr° waives, releases, and relinquishes
<br />ttntasthe Trustee all tight. title, claim, interest, hrneiit, and estate whatrver_ in and to rite ahot~=-des~rihed premises and
<br />each and every pare therenf, which i5 given hv' or result: from air l.arvs of the State of .\ebraska pertaining to the exemption
<br />of homestead. And the Trustor ranvenanis with the Trustee that he will forever warrant and defend the title to the same
<br />against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />Lti TRtiST N{)ti'E!'ER. far the fallau~irtg described pumr~;es: t~'HERLAS. the Trustor did an this date execute a
<br />prami~iarr note evidencing a loan for the principal sntouni of ~~rttitt-R7 _ ____ __.--- _. --.-_._-__ and interest
<br />thereon according to the tomes of the Hate: seed note heang paahie in eouai mor~lah' :nsiallntents at =~' afore of the
<br />luraefirian; and final payment being due on t:nt,r,.,___.~_+-~.__~.,^s -.lgg~-_---- -_- , 1 ~-
<br />it is agzred by and betwrer. parries hereto tits: until thine of Nottre u.f Default, the Tru:tar stroll: [ i) pay alt present
<br />arsd future taxi- atxi? asp:menu, general and special. agam~ teed prupeny hrfore tSre same herarnes delinquent or
<br />artiattable; #. i keep ail impmremenxs erected an the Sand inszarrd as mad' tse required from tt,ne t:' time h}° brnetirian~
<br />agairasi lass hp t"try and ether hazards, .asualties snd tan=.in~encies, in such amatmts and for such perods a_i are reasonable
<br />arzd rsaay ~ t~uired k}, i+enefician'. and to keep all poll, ies ni sorb insurance in force or eafect anon the praperty herein
<br />desrrihrd ~otaszantly assipaed snd delivered to 1>enetictary, t3 a pa} and cnmply with alt the terns and canditians of ar.~°
<br />iiera. ciziitn ~ mdc~irtedness that may he sourer to ar take precedence of this i rust Deed as soon as any such payment on t>r
<br />,a,~ n u,.o ~ keep ans• sa.~ agreements, enell~ ate
<br />of r~a.a"c r~~;~:. ~.= ar~l,it~Iness :hat; ;-i,,..,~ du. ..nvt , testa..: t Tr' .._ : t h ..
<br />ana}' pair suzit tax, par far su~-h msarant~ r,r } a} t,ff +a.lt liens ar .laims or indebtedness as the rase mat' hc, and the
<br />mtaney so eapendcai with inzrrts-t si't'= pct annum shall he .e.urt',i by thzs Tru_:t De rd, snd the ?~rustar 3grers to rrpa~ the
<br />satne upon dtrtaand, card upaa failure is do sa the i>aian Y of the atta=•hcxt note shall 1*eirome immediately due and payable
<br />a3 rise opitan of z}tr berseftciar}°; t't# spt~-it?.ally confer open the Trustee the pauet ai sett as provided in \ebraska Iaw:
<br />tS1 reiairt gcnxrssitsrt of the premises and collect the rents and revenues ihrre[`rom.
<br />Upos3 pavtneat of all the sum. sectored by tht~ Trust Died, the $eneti.'txn -.hall request the Trwtet to rrromr} rite
<br />property tend slar[ll surrersder than Trust Drell grad alt antes evideneing ind=^btednr;s iesured h} this Trutt Der:, to the
<br />Tnzstse_ Trustee snail rea^anvey the property vaithaut uatr2nty xa the person ur persons legally entitled theretia; but ti
<br />d+efatilt 1~ tn~r th tlae payrrsent of said crate or any part thereof ar any of the interest thereon when due ur in the faathful
<br />ptrfarananre of any or either of sard agr~ments as afar;asaid, then the whole of said Hate shall become due and be paid as
<br />iarateina#'~er provided, and this dcrci shall mmttin in farce: the trustee nr his attorney may proceed to sell the property m
<br />its entirety err in parxls ai the apxian of the xrszsxee iaereint?efare descrihrd at puhli~ ast~tion, rc= [hr itizhe,i #,id~ier. : -
<br />~. }~aprever, the mower of sale herein conferred upon the tnastcx shall nut be exercised until t I f the truster: shall first
<br />E~ I'or t$cotxi, in Lhe crff:>x of the tegiszer of deeds of each county wherein the trust praperty or same part or parcel
<br />t3sueof is situated, a eoi[itx of default, identifying the tzu~• by stating the names of the Lrustor and names therein anti
<br />~jtvgtg the isaok and pale where the same is reonrded, a description of the trust property, and containing a statement that
<br />d. bTCACIa of an aisllgatian far which the trust pruperi}~ was onveyed as security has arcuried, and setting for[h the nsutrr
<br />of SuCdi btexdt arut of his election to sell ar came to be sold such praperty to satisfy the obligation; and i_'t afi'ter the lapse
<br />taf neat Iess than arse month, the trustee shall give native of sale as provided by Nebraska law_ After notice of default and
<br />lagae of not 4sss than one month, the trustee shall give written notice of the time and Elate of sale particuiariy describing
<br />fife property to be saki by publication of such notice, at least rive times, once a week for rove ronserutivr wrrks, [he last
<br />a eta be at least 1iJ dogs but Hat mare than 30 Jays prior to the sale, in some newspaper having a general
<br />>arculatian in eac„t county in which the property xo bt sold, or some pan thereof, is situated. Upon such sale, the tru,ter
<br />siaall execute atsd deliver a deed of conveyance of the property sold to the purchaser ar purchases thereof and any
<br />statenaeat or recital of fact in such dead in rotation to the exercise of the power of sale and stile of the praperty describe)
<br />26tli {N£ r ~.4 g...
<br />