<br />TEAS INDENTURE, made thv_ 20th _____ day of February._______-____ , 19 ~Q_, by and between
<br />Doulilas P. Cramer and Arlene A. Cramer, husband and wife, each in his and her own right
<br />ayyd ac p11M1SP of the nrharr,_ ___, _-, __T
<br />~ H8I1 County, Nebraska, as mortgagor.S __, and Grand Island Tntst Cnmpany of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organized and ezistittg under the laws of Nebraska with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska. as mortgagee:
<br />WITNESSETfI: That acid ttvortgagar _. $__ ,for and is wnsideration of the sus of _
<br />Five usand Thirt~+ig. dollars and 00/I00 _****************+'*~`*~~~g ~5` 01'~s00 1,
<br />the rereipt of whicfs ss hardy atdtmwfedgad. do ____.. b}- these presents mortgage and warrant unto said tnorfgegec fFs 8caors and assigns.
<br />forayer, aII the foLtowing described real errata, situated in the County of ..___ _. Hall _
<br />and State of Nebraska. io~wit.:
<br />Lot Sint (6) in Capital Heights Fifth Subdivision, apart of
<br />the Southwest Quarter of Section Two (2), Township Eleven <11)
<br />Isorth, Range Ten {10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall Count}, Nebraska.
<br />TogetLtr wiili all hnstiag, air coizfitioaing. lighting, sad p}umbing equipment arrd fist.ues, inducting romans, savings, storm w-iedows and
<br />doors, sad vciadox s1>ad~ au' blinds, erect os or in ccanettiaa with said property. whether tt~ same are now boated nn sold ptUperty er Lertafr~
<br />p~ ~.
<br />TO HAVE !R_ND TO HOLD THfi SA_1SE, togetLer wish aIl and singular the t.=rsements, hernditsrnent_s and _,rpurtenaiices themtm . be-
<br />foapttg. air is sa}sise nppettamasg, fmcatir, snd warrant iLe title ra the same. Said morgegar s _-, herby corenant --_ wuh said
<br />mort8+dee'~ -2 Ltd--,-----8re -_ . at the delia•~y hemof, tLe iaaful Dauer _ s-- of the premises aboa-e conveyed and described.
<br />sotd are_ aeiaed of s good ad iadattasiLle estate of iaharitance tharetn. bee sad clear of all enrumhrances. and that ~ he,~ will
<br />atursffi sad ddead L.Le title thzeto fmrvzt against tlse chums and demands of elf persons whomsoever.
<br />PHUI'IDED ALi3'AY'S, sad tLis iasirumeat is ezeeitted snd tle3ia•ered to serum the payment of the sum of _ -- ._-_- -._,.
<br />Fivt+ 'I'lsrn+ca,ad Thar~een dallarc anri Otl~t 40 t***~trxir**inr*at**bollanfs__ 5,11 'i_40 -----r.
<br />witL iatetra. i.6uaaa, tageaLer with sack r)vrges sad sdvat~s as tntp• Ix due and payable to said mortgagee under the terms and conditions
<br />~ tire ptami~y note of eves.. dale }atreaixL ai>d secured Leroy, ezetvtaxf by said mortgagor _~_- to said martgttgee. payable as espressed
<br />fa saw' attke. erect ~ sus Llta I+~ a; sLi t~ t aml :rn d^,.i~s •..._..:_ma themes=. The to ws of sate' note err 6emby ir-or,rc.~te;.
<br />Lats® fry tfas ram.
<br />It is t3a iataatitm earl rgree®®z ~ tLa patties Lt>rda that this mortgage shall aksc serum ear future adanaces made to said mortgagor_~._
<br />I*8 and mnetgaEee., and nay sad ell itsdebtadar>x~ is additiam to the amount above >tated whirl, said mort.gagnn, van}' of them. ma}' our to
<br />said mtaigggee, he>orvtr evidasad, a3a.her Ly tmir_ book account nr n#.herwzse. TLis taor;gsge sLefl remain in full force and efitct I>ztuca~n
<br />tare psttaes heraao sad tlsetr Lairs. petsotsal teQeeaantst9aY.s~. sitcoasstus sad sssigas. unsif al! amwmti >rcurn7 lterrunafer, including futurr
<br />rd++saces, etc pod in ittLr wilt iat®cat .
<br />Tin maa'tggor._g._ Latoty asaiga ---_ to strict martggg+ar all assts sad mtxtme aristtsg et say sad alt ttrziu~ from sand pxrprs[>~ and
<br />Itaeby aatL~e acid tneetgapaa ar aia agart, st its option. upon defatdt. to take urge of said pnaperty earl collxrt afl rents srni inrnme
<br />t >mat .appT9 Lire .setae m tiro payment of ~tmast. prinegnl, icstttanee piemitmu. rates, asweastneats, repairs or impros•enten. ,
<br />aeoesrr}• sa leap aid ptOpeety ~ taaariaiae cnsti~n, m tatatLie rbargac or pa;mc-eta pru+sided iw barren or m tine ante lecrchy secured. •fhss
<br />tat trr aLdltamtimre is Zane uttti7 the unpaid Lalaaoe td sad aofee a fully psid. The taking of poast~siun Lenundts shall in do manner
<br />peeraaR ar reread sand saoat~s ID tEsa mllaoton aF raid lama Ls fnratdaastre or netasriaa.
<br />T1ta eof tLa ttastgagre m asset ray of its tights itnesrndiu~ at any time altsfl ant be atristrves' as a waiter of its r>ght w asset the
<br />ame m nay Ler>r firm, red m insist upae and tasfmce stritx. xaPlieme with ef! rite terms and proisitws of said ante sad of this murtgage-
<br />ff aid tae¢t;ttger g alssli tsurge to be paid ro said a b.,e - tLe ¢astire amount dare it Letettnder, sad uades the terms a::d pray ismns
<br />o sao tuea ~aLy >eoatad, iarhtdtag Isrturc safyarcas, anti asy ttrtetfsoas a reacaals thereof in atrardsrae a-itks the ter:nn- and ianyisinas
<br />ihaad, srd ftodtnretje~nr ._a__ shrlf owaply wn3 n}i tLa peo-neioas of said >rae earl of this amngagF, then thmro presents shsif be aoid.
<br />raherwiea to taemda ie SaR tiara std af5eot, earl aid raoitgstgue staff Le eesiitJed w tlin posseasioa of alt of said propettl-, and rmy. at tts optwn.
<br />d fie ~ rsai; .eats red ~ r~~eatad thrervLS to t a icitturdLstoi due and Pelahfo, sad may foreclose tkia mortgage
<br />-; at tab say rt:Mr Iagal at3iat tr ptsaset for xigLt. Appi•'aiaamemt waived.
<br />Y4tia ttraeEga~e aLall Le Littdiag type std alai! ratttE to i!u braafet of the bars, ezatsitprx, administrators, sucoaeaors atb aaaigns of the
<br />+a ItaeNae hmaen,
<br />Lti MfTlefik~ ifr"HElil£if3F. said llatS~n 8- _ fro ~ . heasuato sax _~_ ._ .__ band ~_ the day sad >'esr tir+t afaaa r
<br />' l ~ _
<br />r' t r .. L'",~, ' ,5 \ - -t say _
<br />Aau¢~as P 'tenet
<br />Arlene A. Cramer
<br />
<br />