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80-=tT~:~'~'t~ <br />NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lentler (urtlaer rnvenmt and agree as follows: <br />77. AccNeration; Remedies. Upon Borrower's lxeach of any covenant or agreement of Bon awer in this Mortgage, <br />including the wvenarns to paY when due any sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender prior to acceleration shad mail notice <br />to borrower as provided in paragraph to hereof apecifytng: (1) the breech; (Z) the action required to cure such breach; t2J <br />a dau rat iqs then provided Tor by Neu uw from tM date the etotka 4 maiud to Borrower. W whkh loch breach must ba cured; arW l43 <br />riot lttatae m tam etch 6reaeh an or before tM dau specified in tM notke may raeuk in aaceleratian at the soma aecwed by thG <br />Mortpsgs and seta of tIV PtopsnY. N tir breech ~ tart rand on err before the tfah specified In tM notiq, Lender N Letdars option mry <br />dadare aR of the sums eeaured by th4 Mptpepe u W imrrtetliatsN due alai pryeble wkttout further demen0 and may foractor tide <br />hbrtpege by I~al pronsdinp tender aM9 be anthled to maact in such pro[asditq ell espemn of forecbwn, irrcWdhp, let rot <br />iinaua, to aerie eT doatrneraeetr evtdertu, ebetraeu std tkle repom end teesombta anomry's Peas permmiited W appiieabb Itw. <br />t ~.. Borrower's Right b Reirotate. Notwiihsundirg Lender's xttleration of the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />Borrowrer shall Nve the right b Yseve my proceedings begun by lender to enforce this Mortgage discontinued st any tithe <br />prior to entry oT a judgment snbrcirtg this Mortgage lT: {a) Bw'rower pays Lert~r all sums which would be then due under <br />this Ytx'tgage, the Note attd noes sacuririg Future Advances, if any, had no acceleration otturred; (bi Borrower cures all <br />lareacires of any other aovenaRtb err' agraetnwtts of Borrower canuinetl in this Mortgage: (sj Borrower pays all roasonttbie ex- <br />penm incurred by Lender in enTordrrg ihx covarwnts grad agreements of Borrower contained in this Mortgage and in enforcing <br />Letuier's remedies a provided in paragraph al hereof, including, but rat limited to, reaswtabte attornay'a fees: and (dj Borrower <br />taires rach action as Lender rtoay ratsnnably ret2ttire to aswse that the lien of this Mortgage, Larder's interest in the Property <br />and Borrower's bbtigation to WY the soots secured by this Mortgage shad txntinue unimpaired. Upon such payment and cure <br />by Borrower, Utis Mor~age and the abtigations secured hereby shalt reamin in fait torte and effect as tf ra atxeleratitrn tMd <br />occurred. <br />29. Auignetent of Rents: Appoitttttten4 of Rtceiver; Lender in Possession. As additional security hereunder, Bor- <br />rower hereby asiegns to Lender the rents d rite Property, provided that Borrower shalt, prior to acceleration order paragraph <br />77 hereof w abarrdorttticrtt of the Property, have the right m collect and retain such rents as they become due and payable. <br />Upon at:eeieraUon under paragraph 17 imeof or abartdontnmt of the Property, Lender, in person, by agent or lay judicially <br />appoinbd nceiv~ strait be entitled to artier ttpaa, take possession of and manage tt+e Property and b mitect the rants of the Pro- <br />perty incitdirtq Those past due. A11 rents collected by Lender or the receiver shall be applied Tirst to payment of the costs of <br />menegeweM of tfte Property acrd taaltection of renu. including, but rat #imited to, receiver's tees, prt»tittms on receiver's bonds <br />and rasanable attorney's tees and thrvt to the sums secured by this Mortgage. Lender and the receiver shall be liable to account <br />for those rants aclutity received, <br />T8, Release. upon paymatti a! alt staas severed by this Mortgage, Lender shat) 'Neese this Mortgage without charge <br />b Borratwr, Bar'r'osrar shall pay alt msis of recorcatian, it any. <br />S2. Fuhtro Advatn~. Upon request of Borrower, l.ent#r, at Lender's option prior b 'Neese o/ this MorltY9e, may make <br />Ftrhtro Advances b 8orrawer. Such Future Atdvarrces with interest elaereon, shall Sae secured by this Mortgage when evidaacec <br />by ~Y ra~ib- dwi yeti rams ..~ s ~arw'o her ~y . <br />22. ierrwwwrY irNiirtg Address. Nan addrw is aMered aAer Borrower's raeane m the first page hereof, tTOtiras from <br />t.esader is ibrs~soar wtsidt, pirattent b paragraph to iteraot, would Ae marled u the Borrower at tM Property Address. m.y at ttae <br />~ at Leedar, b tetteMd b trash's address. <br />iN RV'7]iESS rF. Oora'a:ar has ertecyde4 this alorigage. <br /> ."~ ~~ <br /> ,G-'T <br />Borrower 3" <br />BQLTZ <br /> '7 -J-'~} <br />'~, <br /> c <br /> Borrowu CUN2iIE B. BOLT2 r,J- <br />STATE OF »tASKA, Potwtfy of ss: <br />Ort Yale ~l`~ day of "- ~~ r~yy <br />~ ~ ., 24C~a9. bet e ^ si a ry ublic in <br />1 <br />and ter ei[id Potsrtty. 7TY tans i ~". ~ ~ , <br />~~.~ <br />paresrwf2y romans b ase b be idtmiirai - w hore acs area nd to then and bragoing their t as tnort- <br />~"a. atad t•dt adgnwieajed said ta~ rs ttr act and deed. <br />~r <br />> sty 2taed irad rbtafriet ever st T <br />~ the date last ve w 'titan - <br /> )' <br />~ 7' <br />sly Cawnissron sataires: <br />. #kfi: '#' - $!*6fA NrRary- Pub is <br />f._S F, r <br /> <br />UI-NEB-12s1i <br />fiYur~ <br />ONfiNal IE711Ai TO EtiANB FaaNiC1AL CORP.; 80RROYVER i~TAW COPY ~ ' f"• <br />