19 $0 ,between the A!artgagor,
<br />e , whose address is
<br />(:n7prgdn~rr.1II~S~._Cnlnrad(x $.Q907 ~_~_.._._ ,-_(herein "Lender").
<br />tVhz ear, Borrower and Ler>drr have eacecuted a Gurssiruchan Lean Agreement of-e n date- (herein "Agrecmm!") txtder
<br />which Lender has made io Borrxnver a loan in the FrinctpaF amcwnt atg~Ty_FIy,~THOUSAND AND NO ONfi
<br />HIINDRRDC-----_-_---_--__----------0allars (5 ~ jjOQ~pgj I"Loan Amount") for the express
<br />purpose of performing certain rmrk on the mortgaged premises described belt and
<br />Whereas, in comtect)wt with the Agreement ahd pursuant to its terms, Borrower Mas exa<uted a Note (herein "Note°)
<br />of xven date )rt the t.oan Arttount peyable to the lender whereby the Borrower obligated itself to pay to the Lender the
<br />amounts so advanced, plus irtterut as therein statM as (oltows: On the itrse tlay a[ .~C_LnI2BT _ F$Qand
<br />m, the first day o, xxh stxceeding month thereafter until March 1, 7-9$7 _tnterest on the daily batanms
<br />of the Lawn Anttturtt atttstanding (ahetaats dizt:ursed) during ti+e prior manM; a. ra tnereafter an ___~
<br />a fmad payot~,t in arnunt equal to the sum ae the follow,ng: autsWndin balance p£ the '
<br />Loan Atrount, interest on the deity balances of the Loan Amount outstanding during the prior monU and tm the daily
<br />balances of ttx Lawn A~mpoupett autstaridimt during the {,eridt comtnencrng tram ttre date of first disbursement to
<br />1a-.w~Q.__-__.
<br />-~lo sere is Linder ia) ttre repayment o`. the indebttdnxss a ced by the +1ute with interest thereon as set forth
<br />in 2tae dote,any exim:iwu and,~`ar renewals or moth ficatianz of such Natr, Ua paY~nt nl all other sutras with interest
<br />thereon advanced in xcerdance taerewtth to protect the s urtty of this 47artgage and the performance of the covenmats
<br />rand agrramenis aY the Borrower herein captain-d and conta,ned ,n rtte Agrexme:tt. and tb) the repayment of any tutors
<br />advances, wiU iMeresi thereon, made to Boraawer by Lender purswni is paragrapn hereof, herein °Futurc Advmces°
<br />aarrower does het~,y mortgage. grant, and cix* y to Lender. the fofiowing dezcrrurd property tocatM in the County
<br />of Aal l P___._and State at _.~~raS}Ca._-_
<br />PARCEL A: Lot Fiftp C50), Castle Estates Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />PARCEL B: Lot Five CS), in Block Eighteen (18), in Wallich's Addition to the
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall Cattnty, Nebraska.
<br />7agaat,tr wati+ at. the :,µ,rn ~e++eeMa rr~. =* !te.r,•atter ±reetrr..,rs et,e p..µ~~eny and at7 xasemenu. +`+ghu. appurtenances. rents.
<br />raysdt.ts, mme.at, .act arc: 3^ ~:g~,ts an .., ,.,. «... +-ester ~~~ t, >nd ..ester si.xk, and act fixtures now or t,ereaker attached
<br />10 the ,aprfgaget ptxamsH. a;r a w- u,., ., i:as•*ag : c~siaGt!*A!nt~ v,d :alt: s=ns tix,-S;7, ihai3 :',e seemed W SX and remain a par! of
<br />xhe property aas~rtd bt ttms Morgagx~ scot a:~ ~. .. a taregomq. hsgethxr .rtr. said praperty a e herein referred to as the 'Pnt,tertY'
<br />tda.uwer~ ca-w,nants issat Snn~ r ~s taw-'„tty ese«sed ai cnr estate ne.eby can.~yea and pas the r>gttt to tn~lgage. grant and
<br />convey t2te t~-.try, ftsri 3txe P,tµ,erty =s rn,tr,c:,moxrxd. and coat $arrawrr r~:5{ wa ant at+d dx~r+r# grnera)dy ttx tiik to the
<br />P+tite+'<y aqa"rst an cwur.s a+n 3emands. +eutnt tzr at.y easernznts ana .estr,~ians appro.tid by idtder in .rritir,g.
<br />itas375_ 6ura..er ana L.aader co.mant and agree as itaeows.
<br />t Pam of P+v,r-~,tu] anm tnter_t- 8w~r.»,ar st,att arompUr pay wircn due tfx pr:nc*pat of x,d ,merest to the tntiWUad-
<br />raess ew.dwtoapl ttt' aha ylefa and rye smar gas as pravrded rn itte Natx.
<br />2 Fsmds Tor 7atrp else )nsurix.crr Subyext to Lerxfiv's apirnrt under paragraphs + and 5 nxrxca. Bar rower shall pay to
<br />l.andarmiar iYfy t.orwdy `nfiilil#ser,t>:at pru0.capsl env enitnreat a=e payibie under tnc \ate. tmiri ttx bolt r3 patd in (=t17. a wm
<br />fAerara of+wek`) +qua: baro-'t+rtRn Pf tew ,za= ty tars x,d asussmenfs wni ~r maY atta+n prwnty user thts Mbrlgaga.. Pius
<br />ane-t+:ts9hT,at Me yaany p,wsn,n zgatadanw:st<- tar ha:ara anw.a+rce, add as reasnrut,dy estimattxi initially and from tioaa w time
<br />fyy t.ewoMt pn Nst Oaa.s d axfiagsmelYY Mid t"::, alld reasar,apie rst,orates C#atrent LetWer initl held 2n[ Fund, in an acav.,nt whrLh
<br />is uuaarrsra txy a fnGlerw ai> Stara aye~y anrx spa#E appiY tmr, #u:'+ps trvm sea, acrwnt w pay Bard taxes. assessmdsts. and
<br />rtxearafoe ~- Lax,atev sts.,-! aefs x c9tar3e ~r sa ?ta4S: ~ asK3 appfysstq ttte Farces. analyzrrig ;aid xcmtnt ar veri l+i''n9
<br />sod aaeptYyng saw assesarwa, axe ~-t;t $c. rpux.r grad Lmader may agree ,n wr=t:ng ~ are nme of ezeahon of thts Mortgagr
<br />tiaet 3etwsM tot U,e F•ett2a st,atA tie Aa+d tm Borrarer, and se+feu sorts agreemartt :s made. L~e~r soak na he required to pay
<br />barrarr any uawaat an the Funds- xxrsdrr sh:d: yy sv: w i1ar rower, .rtnwt charge. r x=nuai arcaunting of the Funds statnrtrg
<br />r.+ratlits sad daOnri W We Ft,e,da, '+nsaast. d any. paW 20 9arroasr .xa the Farads and tfw purpose for which exh Debit to the Ftnds
<br />was alaQe. ZdrR Fsast4 art, predgxd H iOCNl+artll veCUr-ztY tee-ar itte s=Anz iK'vrY'.d 6Y this 3lprtgage.
<br />#f ifie aatoYat i,4 FwMia t,eAd try irvoar_ v,yether ar.~ vyx future ~= La)t* ;rYSSait+~ertls c=t lands payatNe Peer to [Fx due Wier of
<br />mss, ass~starm. aqt inwrrae prapisnaf shskl eat;aed M,t amoaass rsqurrss tr Par sa+d gars. assesse:e,au and inwranrx
<br />premi.,w,t as clay faN SucA xaz ~s sYaau bx, at Br~r.w.r>~s nP2wn, cener prc:mpt;Y »a m Sarrawer nr crw:ted to
<br />eera•pwer r>n atwr@,ty 1r,sLdiiwarits :ef fytadx. tf inc annvnl a2 the f ands tw,fd by Lancer stud oat t>E 5ufficronl to pay case:.
<br />mavsatawes. sire inwnrx~.pra•wuaas as arty #dd due, Barruu,.rar sha+l wy to Lcder any amtrurw nececssry ra nuke up the
<br />'AeNc+esy willstn 3i ~ttgc a1Mr natkne Brow A.etrdar to 43prrowcr t'+4A+asrtt9 payment tt+xrenf.
<br />tlpan i,a)ln:i iw tuH pf at{ sows saw ed M 2MS t1o'tgage. Lender st,a7d praatpt±r reltmd W Barntwer any Furors he)d 6y
<br />l.ewbar .
<br />GM~~G£M-tt-)3
<br />fit153I
<br />ORIGtNaI RL7 URN .O EVAN$ FINA Ne.'AL C~nF., npk ROKEk pF7AIN COPY • -
<br />8~?- t~~'76t~ +_~irtufu1r
<br />