not extend or postpone the due date of the monthl}- installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br />ehsngethe smount of such installments.
<br />10. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the time. for pa}•meut. or modification of amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this \iortgage granted b}• Lender to env successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release.
<br />in spy msnner, the liability of the original Borratcrr :md Borrower's successors in interest, Lender shall not be
<br />required to commence proceedings against cuzlt successor or refuse to extend time for payment, or othernise modify
<br />amortization of the sums secured b}• this \(artgagc ~~ ressou of spy demand made by the original Borrower and
<br />Bormwer's successors in interest.
<br />il. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver, avy iorbearsnca tn- Lender in exercising any right. or remedy
<br />hereunder, or othenrise siforded be applicslile law, sitaH not ire a wai~•er of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br />ar remedy ]rerewader- The procurement of insurance or tl:e payment of taxes or other liens ar charges by Lender
<br />~ shall not be a tvait-er of Lender: right to accelertfe tL•r maturii_y ei the. indebtedness secured by this \iortgage.
<br />14. Remedies Cumulative. ill remedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct snd cumulative to any other
<br />~~ right or remedy under this \iortgage or affart9ed b}- Jan or equir~`, snd msy be exercised concurrently, independ-
<br />~ entlt• or successit•ely.
<br />"~ 13. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Captions. The covenants and agreements
<br />herein ~ronisiated shall Lind, and the rights hereunder shsii inure to. tlrc respective successors and assigns of Lender
<br />snd Harrower, suhjert to the urovisions ai }>angrsph l: hercai.:lll covenmtts snd agreement of Borrower shall
<br />0 ~ be joini anti serersl. The espiions snd headings ai the paragraphs of this \iortgage. are for ronvenieuce Drily and
<br />}b are not to be aL~ to interpret. or define the. provisions hereof.
<br />i4. Notice. any notice to Borrower pravidcd for In this \tvrtgsae shall he given by mailing such not-ice by
<br />cartirieci mail addn~eci to Borrower at tl:~• Yritperty .lddress stated below, except for snv notice ntquired under
<br />parsgraplr 1S hereof to be giver: ;a Bermwer rn tiu• rnat:ner prescrihr~t h_v spl~licsble iaw.:lny notice provided
<br />far in this \iartgage shall he cieen;e~i to ha•.-e : 'en giv. n to Bormwer .chest ;ivy°u m the manner desi;nsted herein.
<br />i5. Uniform Mortgage; Governing LawaSeverability. 'Chic ionn of nrort~age combines uniform covenants
<br />for tastional use and non-unifarm rocenants with iintite,i rariatians ilr jurisdiction to canstitute a uniform secu-
<br />rity instrument revering real properly. This \Iorgsge shall Le for,-•rn~l b~- the late of the ;urisdietion in wF.ich
<br />the Pmpertt• is located. In the event that any nmcisian or clause of titi~ Mortga;e ar the \ote conflicts with
<br />supliesble lea-, such conflict ;hall not aTMect other ltmvisians of this Morr~age er the \pte n•hich can be given
<br />e#Yect without rite pmvisian, :an.i to this end the ,rovisiotrs ai rite Mortgage :anti the Tote are deciartti
<br />to be ~verable.
<br />16. Aoaawar•sCopy. Barmwershall he furnished .r canfonred t'opy of this \iortgage at the time of execu-
<br />taon or $tter rerardstion itereoi-
<br />17. 2rmnsfer of the Property: Assumption. li :all or any ;=set of the Property or an interest (herein is sold
<br />or tzsnsierrcd by Harrower withaut Lender's pear written rarsent. excluding ~a? the erestiar. at a Lien or eneum-
<br />brantesubordinste to tLis Mongage- rb~ rile rrestian of :t :::trchsse money securit}' interest for iaowehold sppli-
<br />ante`. ;tj a trat3aler by devi_a. descent c=r by operation <,: is=t alx=: the death of s ioint tenant or i dl the grant of
<br />~ 3 ]e~hold interest o: three years ar lc=, not Yontainit:~ :.r: option to 1=urchase. Lender msv st Lender's option,
<br />B~dnerlare x13 the stun, sc-•ruredoy th \iortgage to l,r n:t.n:vtatri~- slur sntl 1=sti•:aitle. 1
<br />If Lender esemi_as such vptmn **-a nrceierar•. LerFder shall :llati Borrower nottrz• ai arteirratior: in acconiante
<br />tinth map#r 18 her<vi_ .~~ch zxtt;rr all 1=rurt,ir s ?=c-_*to,i ui not i _x than ,itF ,is~-~ inuu t l:,• ...,.,~ the notice it
<br />mailed uittrin whirls Bormcrir ,nay }~zv tix~ sutra.. ,Icrixn•d du~•- If Bornnct-r ,. -. ;•:tti ,ucil .-.:rr tenor to the
<br />tapirst=icur tti such perind, L<•uder ntYti. =vni:UUt iunl:rr notte,~ ar -irmanti ;~.: B~ rrt=.iz-r..... el:e :stat• mnc~iies per-
<br />mitt~ be paragraph 3$ hetc+ai.
<br />'inv-i wiFnw;a ('nv~htx~ $e,r-s-ou'rr snd Lender- ?nrtiter c~avrnatu :and acne' a> roll.=ws:
<br />:$. 3~~4-•'inis~: $rs4~..iES L'3r: j+t _ ..... , .- t : ... -- - . ., i{,., r.,?a a - hr_ .,i vttt.
<br />G3Y'EY7$tn a7 a~rt~'nlefrt Ol 1~36rrilA tr l'5 ?717 SIt1r°~Y a ..,, : 1 .i,~~ ~ . ` t=i i :zf.'.t ~,q 1~ 1 +a,7F _ln} lln.- ~~'=nrt t
<br />.. ..t rs'Or
<br />tii tht3 lfnrtgage- l-#'.nrr °:r:ur *t= a<-x^c tr.:t 1i~F; - ~,:...:e.~ t.t>?tc .' *.a, IiO::t:=~.': ". .ti,t-,,.i• - - -.Y7:i.-r.3 t=:; 14 is • -
<br />i~ti*yiug: ilt the ttrYnri,, ,'2t tlr ar•iran n-,{•at~n•.i tt' ~~an~ ~uci; ;-~-t"n,~.. ,3~ ., ::;<t,~ ru: ~_.> sitar, thrtty ,lay-
<br />from t4~ date tine rxtiz< :_ tlt~lcd to Btrrte,?=,~, . Ly =,!,:r:, >,n is b_.....:;:u-t t ..,,. .... : }, ,.;:,t iaiiurY to ~ tires
<br />bmach oa ar hrian ti•m ~atr ~acrFt.ctz n: t1i¢ :;ntr,ti• ntxr re.ult ar srrrYr7stror, ,,, rLY >l.ut• -truce+i l:~ tnis
<br />~dcatg~ :wd -:ale of 13~ir I'n;+rrty- 4i 23tr !=n-xcl: i> ?lt~,t rutrti ot: ,>r heiorr the ,late =4n~.-ttir,i rn tlrr~ t:,=t ice, l.en,3rr
<br />st Lenders option arc dre-isrs~ al' ;; t'trr wut- .tx°:rtini ltv ?lux 1lartgage t .. unrnr:trat,-h~ due au,i =sysuie
<br />aritsxuu 7ur[.heraietsL4lna~ atxi rna} t.=t<~::[rK' ....: AiongaFkk- lay au,lr, inl .irex~cv,nE bent?+r.!,~li tK~ ,_,tnla-d to rollbet
<br />}7~.Ar3th pratsx+ttnlg all ti7i*r:l+[o 1, ~i: tt'(!il-•, ra. ,.H i.+.lStti .=rat 1101 .'.i1.!t~vt?. an.. .., - h.t:f,t' r31' t•t';~:rF':eY.
<br />SISSt~iC`.i -terse( t:le 4'i"gj:3ti~
<br />3g, Dano~sr's S'bg>ht to $~a~. _tioiettu~tsa-itng Lendet'> aec•rit•rauo?, r,i ta„- -reel= srcurYu hr this
<br />Mot#Sage, Beun~cerahall here the right ra itar<~ ~,~~ }at~eznviing, lakna i:~- 1.ta:aer n, eutomt• tl;t> Mortgng~• ~L~-
<br />tontirttiad et spy tm$e prior to entn of a u,lnntet:t rniWCrng tlu~ 'liongaer- :.- ~ Barruutr l,a4s l,ruder ail
<br />e'nmeac ttou-kf br there iltae under thi .liasrtga~x. !t:.• \ote vu.l noze~ .,-c:it~ng Fmur, .it?tenet--. li ant-. had no
<br />~arlaatSon oeturre3; rbt f'3tvma~rr cure- uC7 t,re;,,~ht> , : -env other rer.,•r::.r,t, or :~ •r,rrnenL ,;i Burrower eou-
<br />tui~nod in this ?altertgage; tct $orroart lwy= ail ra-s.~nst,l<~ rspe~n.r- ruc;,rn•,t 1,~~ 1_e~t,=3t~i n; , uinn:ug rite rot enaata
<br />sett,' its of $armmer rantained in teus M~:tngagr and r enlo -tng i.,-r„i~ r . 1~-1,:.•,3ii•~ :~ }+rr=t;<trd ul i,ar:.-
<br />gra~ i5lxnvf, nneludssg, iut rare, iinutrd tom. rr~t,t;,.tir ztee+rneti~- iec>- :=n,f ui: BurruN~..r F:,sr, .u,•h acuon as
<br />L~der tnarj' reaaonahly regtum xo ns~t~ R,nt the lae~n trf tin, Morgar;t- LcFt,irr'~ uacrY>t :n the Yropeny and
<br />;i3ortrnetx'e obltgatiou to paS ibe a'irms ~.r1~ br rUi> ][oltgag.~ rl,uii rumn;u,- unm,ynrrrYl- 1 pan such puvnu~u±
<br />wad care by Bortvw•er, rhea ]!wt{tepc urd tl+- ublignrr~st- >rcure>i lu t,dtt' rl:a+l :, n:zerr; to f,:li iur,•r :rn,l t41.x't a, tf
<br />no sa+cimstaan htA9 orcurmd.
<br />29. Ai1ye~ d Es4b: Afrpamti~nt of A~eeiv~; Lender is Possession. :S, a,lcluurnal seeunty- herr-
<br />ttodex, $or:oa`rr heathy srwigtss to Ixrxlrr the nnt~ ai for Proptng` '.ro: itiYel tl~st I3urron:-r shall- }trier to arreler-
<br />a3irus under paragaaps IS he~a# or st+sturrt,t of stt,- Nmt>rrt}'. i~rtt. tfar ri}i,t to eo•.ltrt and r<-rain str,•Ir rent.
<br />it t~4Cy bEE{Nne dtiE 4ri,0 pAyfiTie
<br />['pmr st'rekrstion trtxlkt ]trrxgra,a: 131 ken=;ri .. aita;;tinnr„t r;r , . ..,, t'ral.rrt) 1„ n,ir! le; pYr-un, Its akrut
<br />err by }udieitA}y eppaYerted mteiver ~*teoll kr r:rutlri tr• c:ntxr su•en ,-~:w. ;,, .n,t :n:,t:u};o tilt Yntl,erte
<br />snd to ~+ollrsi t~ renur of t~ Proixtrt~°. rrttitld-irg tkz~r= ;syt =tut- 4;~~r, ~rn~-• ,,,:Ices„C i~t l.<~narr ,;r rl,r mr,~tu-r
<br />rhrli Lr sLrpliei fitsi to paYrarat of rim aY~tn of ntan~rtns•nt of +Lt~ f'n•,~crtc -:.. , r~ib~: t„~;. o . -..-.-- ..,,du,r+s,~. V,~,a
<br />net ii~mttzd tc3, re%a-fix'er',. feet`, jrrrrn<itt^t t a~ rr=~, ~«t-. iM•r:•S• 1t:.r : t a . -,. h:, -.- c, : .~ , -. ,.t -~~ r , tt,e t..- ,
<br />!te~trn$ by thre Sicrtt~age lxtatcr xnd ; }-„t. re-re•rt r y!Y t„ ! , k'1. „ :e ~.:.. .. .. .t ~-t .:,. _ ., : ~ _
<br />