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i~ <br />`~~~! <br />$~~ ~~"~ <br />INDIVIDUAt_ <br />DUE ON SALE <br />Ea~D <br />FnpM No. ?2Q-474 <br />__ <br />Loan 1Vumber_ 44369 ___-__ 1 _____ 1 <br />TYPO 9ranc~ <br />M O R T G A G E <br />THIS \fflRTGAt1E, made gad executed this ...-~0tt?-..-..-----..... day of -...-F~r!?a?Y ............._. A.D., <br />Ls_ ~)..-. between the tifonga{;or, ._..._..Ra~er><..7.,_I~ie~e~~r_~d.N~?cY.L.-.[diet<~,er.,.-hus(?and..and.k~ife, <br />_as- jo~?t_tet?ant§._ tenants.. in._cc®on.. _-----..-.._..-....-.---.---- <br />of _-Crand_za~id._..... -, Count}• of .-.A-k3ll.._-._._-..-.-._..., State of --_a~ra.Skd.._.-.> hereinaftes referred <br />io as the $urrntver, and the ~fertgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAti'INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />LI\COL\, 1`?35 '17" Street. Lincoln, \ebraska fkS501, its succe,sors and assigns. hereinafter referred to <br />as Lender- <br />R rr*tFSS>:rx: That the said $ormwez for and in consideration of the sum of ._.._.-...--__..._........._-....- <br />S~1Y-FIVE-~DLSAI•ID-ARID-NDj10Q-_---.------------------.Doltars {Lt5 x....65,000_,00.,--.--=-----) <br />paid be said Lender, does heretic mortgage, gtattt and ranvey to Lender, its successors and assigns; the <br />follaw-ittg described property located in the County of -___ ~I._------.---------._. , St"Rte of Nebraska: <br />Lot Tiao (~) , Nabob Subdivision, liaii Cotaity, Nebraska, being a part of Int lt~erity <br />(20), Part of lots qty-Dale (21) and 'Itaenty-tsao (22} of the Cotaity Subdivision <br />of the West Half of the Saw3~st Quarter (tom) of Section Teri (10), Township <br />Elev~ (ll) North, Razige Nine (9) West of the 6th P,M., Hall Cotmty, Nebraska, acid <br />in part of ants One (l) and Ttao (2) anti ~iree (3), Block Four (4), Voitle's <br />~ddititxi, all in the Cit; of Yid Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />TccErxE$ with all the impracemenfs now ur hereafter erected nn the properh. and all easements, <br />righ# appttrtenanre~ renLS, rocalti~, mineral, oil and ~~as rights and profi's, u°aier, water rights, and <br />water stud;., and all fiaiures non or heFeafter attached m the propert~•, all of which, including replace- <br />tttertz,; and additions #hereto. shall be deeme-d to be and mmain a part of the pmpert~• covered b}• this <br />'13az#,~nge: and all of the fomgoing, together with .aid property tar the leasehold estate in the event this <br />'_4iorigage is on a leasehoidi am herein referred to as t'ie "Property". <br />I3arrow-er covenants that $ormwer is Iaw°iully seised of the estate herel:y com•eyed and has the right <br />to trxortn„age, grant and a~rtcey the Propet-ty. that the Property is unencumbered, and that Borrower will <br />warrant and defend generally the title to the Property against sll claims and demands, subject to am' <br />assements and rectnations iicted in a schedule of exceptions to aroyerage in any title insurance {wlicy tn- <br />;.ttring Lendea's interest in rise Pmperrc. nr r_? attorney`s opinion of title ira'om alacfract. o', fide certified <br />by bonded abstracter. <br />Paa-tcitoEO At.w:ayy, and ih pre=.ents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, agtre- <br />meats and obligations of *.he Borrower, to-n-it: <br />The 8c+rnos°er agree, to pay to the Linde-, or arder, the pnncic~l sum of <br />:~-~ 1~hID ANI) -a0j100. --- ------ --------I~Hars tl'S •. 65,0()0.00 --------1 <br />pataltle a3 prsvidsr3 in a rrtur executed and delivered, concuzrently herenith, the final payment of principal, <br />if trot Bonner paid on the first . day of i~i { ft 95 . <br />C?!~igt~u Cuvat-v~. P.ornewer and Lander K•+;yena;it and sgree as follow:: <br />L Papmetst ai Prmcipai acid latetesL I3orn3wer =hail pnomptly pay uhen due the principal ui and in- <br />i~t an t inclek>tt~nt-,,.. ryidenc~ by the '_>.+;~te, pre{;:xvment anej lacy c~narges as provided in the Smr, <br />2. Fvisds her Somas aid i„e,,......,s. Subjeet tv Lrnde-r'~ .,piton undo lutragrnph_c -t gad :; hert~;f. Bor- <br />tox~ shall pa}= to Lender csa the dac monthly in;tgllsra-tjts trf principal sod intetrst are payable under ihr <br />Nott; until the \ote i+ paid in foil, a Burn t hr,-rein --Fund,.. t ryua! t3+ t,n~-?x~ifth t=f the ~ early t. sr~:..nd <br />asaeastnextt~ u•3tich may attain pr>otitr ot~ir ih \lorttair. and ~*round r~•ret_; can the Pru{,erty. it a:;~ i~iu~ <br />Date-taelttlt of y~arl}° prrtnitutt ittsiailtrrtrtts far hayard inStrI'artar- plus ~,ne-ttct-ifth <~f yearh~ premium in- <br />atallments frr mortgage trt-curam+e, ii any- al] ss reast:na}aly estimated initislit _>tnd ftutti t;+ne- to time ha <br />IFttda on the basic of assessment:: and bill--: and reawnable estimatex therrt;f_ I~nder shall ap{,ly the F"units <br />to par said tuts, as_ 'c L5, insurance premiums and gn,und re-ntc. Lc=ndrr ;hall ntakr no , hargr t~,r so <br />8 and aching the Funs, or vetz;ying and ar,mpiling „aid a,.ss~.nn-ntc an:I hi{Lc. 3'he Ixttd«-r ,hall <br />give to the Borra>R~r, without chargn, an annual accounting of the Futtds showing credits and detaits t« tltr <br />wads and the purpose for which each debit to the FunrLc u~ac made. The Funds are plydgcd a additional <br />sLrurita far t#te stuta s€rtrretl by tltix llforYgage_ The Bort~wer agrees that ;3~ Fun:ls n;ay Lot hrrltl L,y the <br />bender and commingled with other #tnids and the Lendei s uw-n funds and the Lendi•r ntati fray cuch items <br />from its ow~t #unds atttl the Lender shall not. be liable fur interest or dividend, cm .u~ h Fund... <br />If the amount. of the Furtds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Funds <br />payable prior to t~ due dates of toes, n¢c~Yr.u=nj;,5, instuantR premiums and ground rrnt~:, ;hall exceed <br />the amount requited to Nay said tatces, asseastitents, insurance premiums and ground renzr as they fall :lue, <br />sudt e3tsvs shall het at $osmwut'a optiton, either promptly repaid tR} l3nrrowar er credited to Borrower an <br />mont2tly instaUtnentr of Fundti If the amount of the Fund., held by bender shall nut he ;utlicient to pay <br />toes, assea3ments, insurance premrutns and gtnund rents as they fall due, $nrrouer sttaG pay w Lender <br />any ataottnt necessary to ttsake up the deficiency wiiltin thirty day.. after noticr- from Lender to Bormsver <br />t~eguestrn;; paymeatt thercvf, or Borrower ehall, by an inrrpa=oe in ninth!>= installments of Fun<Js revolted. <br />rEpay the deficiency within the Fund accaunting Ir riorl. <br />upon pa~anent in full of all sunta secuwd by Ibis ?Mortgage, Lender hall a{;ply Funds betel ns ti o rt~dit <br />against all sums due. <br />