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sa- ~c~~~s <br />IORTGAGE _ <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. 23 , 686 <br />tarowAUMENSV~fIIESEpRESEN'rs:Tnat Lester L. Lucht and Diane E. Lucht, each in his and her <br />own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, whethu one or more, ut mttaidetation of the srtm of <br />Seventeen Thousand and No/100----------------------------------------------------- ntILLARS <br />loaned to said toortgagor try fine Fgttitahk $eu7d'mg and Loan Assocuta~rt of Grand !stand, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 1 ~O shares of starJt of <br />said ASSOCIATlG~t, Certificate No. L 23,686 , do terehy grant, convey and rrtotigsge mto the said ASSOCIATION the following <br />aescsbed real exam, situated 'at }{all County, Nebraska: <br />LOT FIVE (5) IN BLOCK ONE {1), AND THE EAST TWENTY FEET (E20') OF THE <br />EAST HALF {E~) Of LOT "C" IN ELM PLACE ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE <br />CITY OF BRAND i$LAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />cash sa lie tt=xinmts, lttmlitamrnts and sppmtertsna~ ttxrcuuto 'bebnping, iaciudirtg attacttect fluor a3xrit~s, aU wvdow scrzens, <br />at9ndow sbaaes, t.tiais, statta windows, awnings, holing, air ~rtdita~ning, and pltun'aing and water agtripment and ac rsmries thereto, puurpa, stoxs, <br />atfiri~atoa, sad ot0er frztrttzs and equipment crow or herufret aitadsed to or used m mmrectian viih slid real aisle. <br />.lad the said mortgagor has agreed and does irttrby agree that ~'r: mortgagor shat atni will pay all taxes acrd asessments levied or <br />tipoa sae! prey sad agar, this mortgage and rite bon:! se t b - fort rhr same strait become dt:lingtrdtt: to fwnish approxd <br />ire r~Yt tht b on said pterni,~es situipi in.itx mm of S 1 / , (~.~U payable to aid ASSOC141lON ctrl to delixr to said <br />A55[~ClATHRS the pirlioes fm said surrraam;and not m v~rmit ar pcrznn any wait on or abaci said premises: <br />!n cage of del'atsS in ihr ptaiorosaea of any of tl,t accts and rAartdiuaus of true ttttxxgage os tht ksarnt atcared htmby, the mortgagee shall, <br />on deed, be entitled to inaoediau ptsssessitm u the morteagtd prtmsstz and the mortgagor lxrcby ass~tts. trsnsfers and sets oxr w the <br />mort~e s8 the rests, rsv~tra sad income to he droved fra'tm ilx rwrty+agcd prtraisrs dsuiug sttcl; time as the rnart~aga vrrdthtrd~ss shall remain <br />aepaid; sad the miat~e siraH have xhe ptmr w aplatiat xry agrstt ar agwts x may dtarr far the purpvme of repaaittg aid premises and rentitrg <br />the same sad the reran, revatues arx! itresme, and tt may pay .wt of said urrnme si! eaptases of repauirtg said premoes and noxmty <br />aoasmaiaas sad tsgzsacs mcurtd le rraeatg sad tianagatg thr sane acrd of mlkstit¢ mntais therefrom; the bslana^ rettrainittg, i; any, to be <br />applied aaavita the dira~tage of said atisr>g~e iedebtedaess; titear rights of tt+r murtgzger may be::~„-:sue at any time during the ettistenrs of stsdt <br />rldarat, asegtectiae of say tpE,psriaty waive of the same. <br />Tbwe liereats, hovvevta, are ~ the Coaditaa:t, That if ilte said Martga$a,r siuit repay sad town an or befmt t[x mattvity of said sltatss by <br />pttyareat; pay tmniltty in said A55fX~..ttT11NS i?# thr state specified in the Band srcurtd hereby as iattttst and ptittci}ml on sled Man, on or before <br />for T1~resiieilt day draclt sad tra~v aavsih, tmtil said lrwt a fully paid; pay afl tare. sad asaesittrnis levied agai+tA said premises ami on this Mortgage <br />sad ibe 9md smaaed tbcrrbv, hra.:nt QtMrgtastcy^: futttish approved iaana,ee spew the btdlditgs rhtrri,n in the sum of S ~ ~ , DDD. OD payable <br />m said A3'SOCIAYlf~; telvY to said A~.S4CLATlON ttpan detnarrd ail marsey h+ a pa;d Y.x such lazes, assessments sad insurance cash interest at <br />ibe ~ trNt ibttn~n irx,rtt dau xaf paymeai all of valtii$ Martgsgor't,ercby ~~ ~t pay; pexrmr rw wash oa said prcmises;ktrp ctrl comply <br />a~ art ffie >rnel r>a.da~tf its for S ~ 7,ODD, DDittrs day givtn L+y tht =st Mrxitsr to raid ASSOCIATION, aad mntPlY <br />alit! aA rlte sngtseaoraes ddse Cuaaatastn and Bylaws of sad ASSOCIATION: titer iheae presents shall became nali and raid, otht:rwi: they <br />ia6 castle m faH t'txar sad tmiy he fora-ksod at ate option-~ for said ASSOCIATION after iatltrre flu tie tmnths w make aq of said <br />l~ey'aeaES es I+a rtes aaostths is antes is saakmg said mcattirty paymsu, as ss± keep and campiy with the atgraemeau sad caaditians of said Bmtd; <br />sad lfartpt~ar apses ao }we a macae appmisted fosxhw~nh m swat fora~uanm prct<mdergs. <br />B altos a say ~ i^ araa~aiµ+of the teal etatrm taattptgad ham, by sale :x uthtattrce, thm rise erttite nemtiaittg iadebtedttaa hereby <br />aat~od slug, at tbe:~txsa ttl' 3>jre !_,qmt~ able and later Aaocut5om cd'Gnad lsimd.'.~ve.6raska. besoase imaiediatalY ant and payable without <br />faatbta nattier, lard rite dte tinder sad bend, and say =xhn bad for soy additimta] atlvanoes made tbereuoaer, shall, fiom the <br />case atf ateecae of ~ ~rioe, base iniexs0 at the maxiswmt legal ram, and i3sa may ibm be iottxiOSed w ati~y the atmam dm rffi said <br />ttaed,and say ~ band for all adwnoes, tcsgtthm with aA store paid by said The F.gtetabk Buadbsg sad Loan Assoetatioa ui Grand !egad, <br />Alehimta for iatscanta:, irmesa~t:,and sbsisae~{g tzttasion e6atges, vritlt iaterti~ ibmm~. frcan date of payment ai rhr nuaimnto <br />Ns pncaadea m t!e Jkaad seaand istrby, vvLae the tmrf~ge tremams m eHea thr mortgrr~e tiny herWter advsoce additional errors to the <br />agiraua d sadd !fond, ibar aaggaa ctr suttoasots in iaaaest, +rbi:3+ attms shall be wxhin tie aectsity of this tumtga~ge the same as the fords orginally <br />ttta~a4d 7fteaely, the tool aaaeut of pt3aqul cola mat w cacaed ai say time the original amwtnt of this raottgage. <br />lltttoflllis 2Dth _ aa• of February A. a.. is80 <br />~~~-. <br />- .~6~~• <br />9'Iasle E. Ll~ht <br />SfA~f}Fwci<~ = Arsits 2Dtt1 dayaf Feltrudry Iq $D ,beforetne, <br />i~ atr !l,~ta_ <br />rte ttnderaiped, a Notary Fabric le and for sad tbunty, persottaUytatrnc <br />Lester L. Ltxdtt ilnt! Diane E. tucht, each in his and her own right, end as spouse of each <br />4r _.~ tv~ are perntnaliy known to <br />tae w tx the iarata~ ptaamfa was sas+a S are ar'ir:at to tht al,eavc ittstrtatirtrt as m~#gt~ar S and Lhey_~everaily <br />the and lastrrsmraa to ba tF~l r volvatasy art sad acad. <br />~illti~& snY htutd clad Nartraia! Saai tfae due atumaid. , ~ t.,t <br />~'r' t <br />~Ldi-cr . t ='sia ; ~~ - -- """ Notary <br />+uaar su r <br />r'~ <br />