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$0-- •ppG'~2i <br />(1) month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />with funds [e pay such premium to the Secretary of Hnusing and Urban Development pursuant to the <br />National Housing Act, as amended, and applicable Regulations [hereunder; or <br />(II} If and so long as said note of even date and this instrument are held try the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Development, a monthly charge /in lieu of a rrrorrgage irrsutnnce premium) which shall be in an <br />amount equal roone-twelfth (1?12) of one-half (1 J2} per cennam of the average outstanding balance <br />due nn the note computed without taking into aceount delinquencies or prepayments; <br />(b) A sum equal tp the ground ants, iF any, next dlte, plus the prentiunts that will next become due and payable on <br />policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessnten[s next due <br />on the mortgaged property fn11 as estimare<i L t• the :tl,trr~agce less all sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />number of months to elapse brtbre one taont}t prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, [axes and <br />assessments will become delinquent, stxh sums to he held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, pre- <br />miums. taxes and special aa-sessmrnts; and <br />(c} All payments mentiottrd in the twn preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />the nnre secured hereby shall be added utgrthar. and the ag-eregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />raclt month in a ripple payataent to be apclird by the Mnrtgagee to the following items in the order set forth: <br />(I) premium charges undrr the comract of insurance with the Secretary of Hnusing and Urban Development, <br />or mamthly char,=e ,rir: lieu of mortgage irtsuranrt larentiuntl, as the cam may be; <br />(II) grawnd repo. taxes. assessments. lire and other hazard insurance premiums; <br />(lli) inirresi on ihr note secured hereby,and <br />(iV) anuutizatiun of ihr principal of said nnte. <br />Any deficiency in ihr amount of any such sY=-trgate monthly payment shall, unira~.- madr Bond by ilte Mbrt- <br />gagor pricer to ahe due date of the next such pal went. constitute an runt of default undrr this mortgage. 7lte <br />Mongat;re may cnllect a "late chary" not to exceed f.n:r ants lyel for each dnilar (C 1) of each payment mote <br />than fifteen { I ~) days in arras to cua'cr the rxtr:r rxl,en~=• hte+dvrd in handling delinquent paymrnis, <br />11tai if fire wtal of the pa~ment_~ made by the 1lnrtgag,x under + n; of paragraph ° preceding shall exceed <br />the amount of pa>aent~ aetuall~' made 6y the 1k+rtgagee far ;:mund tints, taxes and assessment= or insurance pre- <br />miums, a= the case may bp, .?uch exrrc~, if the lawn is curtcnt, at the option of the 3iorrgagtar, snail ne credited by <br />the #lutt:;agee an vtb=equent pati'mtms to be made Ly tht• 1fiatt~awr, ur refunded to the llonganor lf, hnw'ever, the <br />-rcutth3y payments t~ 1N the 4ita•[gugor unaler =:~; of Iaragraph ? preceding shall itot he sufficient to pay ground <br />t>emt, tare= and asses-~ttrrnts ur in~tranra pri~mium~, ss ihr ra:=e msy ttz- wttt•It the same shall become due and pay- <br />able, rhea the Llortgagau sbal) pace to the ~ftangagee and atmaunt nece~saty to make up the deftcieney, on ar before <br />the date patron paytttetti of such ortrund mnts- taxes_ a--'-e„tnents nr in_-uranre pmmiums shall lx' due. tf ai ans. <br />time the llaaffaaor Mall lender [o the lbngagee•, in arcotdsnrt+ aaiih the proaisions of rite note -ecured hereby, <br />fitfl patxt.°nt of the entim indeisiedne-= rrptx•srnted thembti, tltc 11ortagee sftatl. in computing the amouni of a-tteh <br />indrhtttfrarss, a~redit xa the acrrtum of the \tnr;~etar ail pa~mrnts made under the ttrovistnns of i,: of paragraph _' <br />hert~of ufiith the Martg~ee has ru,t tx•,t.nx ,+bli,aicd in pad sal ahe ~cmtarc of flousiu_ and Crban Dcaclopment <br />snd ana balstace trmaininQ in iila" funds at-cur. uiyted under the pma isions of r ~• of oara~raph '3 heretaf- 1f ih+rre <br />s}iall bt+ a default under sn; t+f ihr pmai-tun- „t thi> mrartt*s,e re-uhin in s public =ale ,+f the rnrc•mi~e~ coat+rt~d <br />herrby_ ttr i3 the ikingarre ut-quin•~ tla+• propt'tt~ otherni-e after default- the \loripaxrt• shall apph, at the time of <br />the cumtrarnrrmen[ of =arch pmra'r•dinr~. or ai tiar tima• ahF prnpem i= r,thenaisr acyuimd, the balance thavi remain- <br />ia_ in ilae funds ac°rumulated untli-r of psr.+,zronh_' prep a•dinr..t- a a•r: dit a;;ain-t tha• amount r+f print ipal then <br />tx:m:ainin~ unpaid wader raid note_ and titan properla adiust ana payment, ehirh <hali haae been madr under +a' <br />iaf paragrxplt _', <br />~3_ Thai the '+ioriga?:.*r asdt pad gra,urtti Scnt,.:aae,_ ss,e,;mrnu_ Hater rate,. nai siher s•a,rrnmrrta! ar anunici}~; <br />;.hirers-nnr., ,H imrtitsruan,, f,v unich q~roa r,a.,n lur not bin maar herrinl+rtorr. snd in fir fault Ihrsro. ahr ',4nrtgagrr was <br />;+aa rise ;smr: attd that ihr 3ia+tt_'ag,*r a cell pr,,m;•t!+ arita er the ,at~ctai rrrei;,t; thrrrit+r t., the yioncacrr <br />^. 7?ae ?aiianga_s:or uiil pal aI? tsar, u bleb m: _ `,r !r; trd ul,.m the '.i;xtaagrr , :ntrrest m ,,lid era; r>tatr :tnd ii<tpra+a~z- <br />mrnts. a»d u};iah ma, t,r kamd ui+,an ihi~ ±^„?zat=c .:r the .iebt ,:cured ttereh~ +hut .m;a t,, the rafent t':aa ,uch t+ n,u ; raahihit- <br />:d ba is,a znd ,enia f;, the ratrnt t!tat ,uch wr;l n.,s T31.r thi; i„ar. u,rtn.,v,i, c+ut raciudtne cent inuantr t«a. Mate or Federal. <br />.nrp<~srtihn~#.?rt.~xrr.sria,F;~l.ttr ,firi_i-`,a:ctl;+.,:;nr=}tuuhEhrilaaragrr :-Fvn;r;:,t:s:n.:i?hi;undrr- <br />L~knF- ;ar d lire iiislweer is pr.+Itihnra ha :tnz :a.a rr,,-., .>; nrir+ftrr rai;nn fr,.m p ~ rng ;hr w a„air „r.~.^.-~ la,trnun i the att+rr- <br />;niai taat...v opt+n cite rendrra~ .+f :ny :,*ur? arnrrr pr.~dahittrtc ihr ;:.:;myna i,s ihr Vii.+rtcaEr,t ;•.; .rna ,uch i:rar;, ,,r tf ;uch lau <br />ar dr,nrrr pr. aides ih.Yt ant .~m,=unt „ a+atd t,a tree t#.krttu_a;,t -.h:;) hr rrr+iurt2 .,a ihr ;,t+:rtge~~e dzht. ihr St.,rtg:;grr snail hair <br />tttr right in Riir ninety a,i:' tsnrtrn Mxix ?<+ihr owner ,ai .1r ,*.7„nguged prrrna+r,. rr.luirmc ?hr n_; mrm .v ihr m.~; tc.,er <br />deft- If ;ui~h nt=zur t+r gia~rn-ihr ,.aced d: ht ,'t„I! brc+,mr sue- {+ar anir and :eikctihk at Ihr r+pstau.,n .+l .mid nmat~ fiery. <br />i,. T#tat +.tscwid he tali ta, teak sn~ sum .e keep ana aer.:~xnt pr,+, ceded f.,r to thi- \i+;ncagr, then the \ u> ;+1,- <br />3uVa- m.+-;+s}- ex ~rf ,rm ihr anme. snd .t14 rapettdatntri ,,, madr ,pall ht added t,~ fix ptinsiti:i >um a,a trg on the ahnar a:ntr. <br />snail t+r,t. ~ured ~trrreh~ . atui ,~ir.',i hrnr mtrrr>t ~t zhc rate ,rr t.,rtn to thc,a+.t n,=re. urtttl pasa <br />i°tui he i~rrhy as;icn,., tr n,;frr> ens >rt- a,rv t., :nr al,,rtgagrr- ta'+e :+;,pliro reuailtshe nny mrm „i ihr n,,ta and ail <br />+u~t>+rcutrd ~irc3 sn case ai a.~iclautt m th>' ,pert <n ntanar .4 .:n. of the trnttr =nd ,,,ndiu„n, d7 thu \{ortt::,ge /r the ,a:d <br />t,otr. xil inr rrais. rnrnut> and tna.arnr !. '-r ,ttt7:r.i t r„ni rite ~r„r?i:a~r+l I+rrmi>r, aurrrtm >- rh arms -„ *.hr m„rt:r,tr mdrhied- <br />atrsS sisni'i rrmatn urtyx-;.ra: stRa rlu y1 r y~gcc - r ti hn a r ',- t t., ~~X+uini ana :cent in sir i - : -„ai .1.-,err i..r a1,2 ~ afpit,e .af <br />re~se[ra~Rg wid gu'tauses and .+{ reruns the +ar=tr .,ad c<d tratrng ittr ?err,, rr~+rnur, .,na an.omr ~.ns tt peace ~a: ;+ut of >;iid in- <br />::amM> adi ta,ta"nsts of rcparrirts wtd grrmt>r, ,zitd atrcr„<,n :,,mm.t„rrn..,nd rapen,r~ mcurrrd in rrnttng and managing ihr <br />~au3r and cif r;dkc-ting, rerttxi> a#trrefrt,m- the fwinrt.r rrrataaznan, ti ana, t;, hr apnlaril tarwata; the sr.:h++rgz .al ,aid m„rtgagr <br />rr~MSS. <br />~_ 7ztat ter +*xil ktt~ ttae im{rirtrnarot riuu rvcung ,zt tact r,,ttrr errcard r+r, the cnvrty~:u_ril Ma+prrt}, msurrd :r>. rnas he <br />re~rr~rai ?r-ta time t;t rime ha rhr !at-c+rikat_+re -,.patfl:t !..>s he Prr :,r,.i ;+lircr htt=,a:s, .!fir, :, nu :~=nttngrn:fe. ;n ,u.h <br />Y9®i'31i'Bt!. 'read lire >G Gif tfrr3eatle 31 may LC 'Ci°ftW t~ t,a'thr \isafti`s~rr end u';I~ ~."~: n'.~t^: nllt. ``+hrn JL•r. .:ni r,tr!nttifttn c;n ;!lira <br />itastrrararrY taroai~t+n fcsr 3+a}meat a'tf whtcit h.s nn[ tarn made hrttunt,ct.,rr. ill m,urancc +ha;i hK :.,cried en :.vnpnntrs ~tp- <br />~na-td b} the Metrtraget and she;k+hcir> and arnru;,i, ahrrr;,f ,hall nr ncld h ihr yiartgaprr .,nJ h,,: r sn,i..ited ihr: eu+l.,;, <br />p.>H, ~C3auYS m isrttr of acrd m form acst{+iabtr to tix• l~,etg.+gce- In r,rnt vtro., fir-nkk,,r a sit gr.e unmr,iiytr n,!tr.r ha <br />rnad fiat-the 3~tu3p„aget, w{fu may' male prxna7 C+i ;t+sa if n,!t ntd~ac pit+mp75; na Si.;rihag,~r, :end ~r.,ch lnuu.,n: r :outpant c„n- <br />c'rrncd zx tterrhyautinxized attd ditreird to male ;+„; meat ft*t ~u~n I<a;s J:rorila nt flat liengattrr m,te:,a ,+i to the \tnrtgugot <br />;end ihr Mune kxnit}..nd t#ar ut, t,r :ni part iherrE=i n:„a t,c-;eppi:r+l h>, ihr Ri,:rtcaLrr at ft„~, nrttt either <br />M+tfar rrdtuticssa <~ tht iadrhicdttr>a hcrrha >rcurrd ;+r tithe rr;t,at ate+an .:r rrpeu ,+f ttar prah~,rrta u:+tn,,~cd In r; rnt ++f tar~.;o- <br />surt atfihia :tnatrigagr <u, atbea trura(or iu t~tit aao ihr ~ma+ttl;;~rd pct:prt~fl an rwn~ishtnrnt of fire mdrhtrdar,> ,r, o; eJ hurts, <br />ells, ~dtk <nd intrreet a~t19r k4.+rib,agur in and h, ery~ u,>nran.e ~-.bae. Ilarn nr ier,r sh~Sl Vin., t.,rhr p+urh,nrr„s ttrantrt <br />- y- That :,e;,d~tnanal and ionateral ee,rarua leaf the^_~+r.+errt .,1 rttr nrte dr..rit>r.l- an.t.~.!! ,u:~;;+.+hr.,.~mr .Sur undrr Inc, <br />xm.+rte_ ttrr ~34oaig huehy~ as>agn; ri the t+fortgagre ai3 pt.,irt, rr+rnaar,- : :,fur,- npM, ,,rid t-~nriit..,..i wing t,~ tfir <br />liCaaga~ar order an}°:FiUI sl! oil and g:t, ?ta sr> .+n sxtd prrnn,r,.. a+ui; ihr ,;:tit +, ;+e.r!; r .=r,.t te, rf l,t /ir the ,.:ntr .,nd appia <br />#Y~m in said ir«iehtrdm;; a; x~rll befort a, allrr drlauit rrt the t.+nuuk,,:- .,i ;t,i, s,i,•s t~~ge. uird rite ?t,:rtg:,grr ns.e: 9rrrtnid. cur <br />fee and rrc-tau :pay tirh 7aaa mom; wlrrn firer and pa yahk. but ,haU our ~ rrytin c.'. ,!= u+ d.! ihr ,,~,.knturrrt n r+, <br />and tar. came null and +ord uptan rrira,c of tins rnt>rt~a~r. <br />~...;,~rb~M tfit '. <br />4 ~.. '~ __- _. <br />