<br />MflRTG~#flE
<br />THFS FNl)ENTU$E, maw this 1.~~3_.-- day of Febrtiary ~~_._: 18~Q__, by aiid bei9caen
<br />Joseph E. Weitzel and Nancy J. Weitzel, Husband and Wife,, each in his and .her otba iuht
<br />and as spouse o£ the other, -_
<br />-of u~t ~ Cotmiy, :3ebraska, as mortgagor-s.., and Grand Fslatd Trost Company of Brand lshrnd, a.tbrporetioa
<br />organized and et<t<ieciog under the hws of Nebraska with its principal office and phine of bt[siness at -Grand l:s}and.-.Nebraska as mart$ngea:~
<br />Cv"ITNESSETH: That mid mmtgagor_$__ , for and in taussidexation of thasum of -
<br />~, ur `.-
<br />Fi cit. $pvPn rlnFFarc anri [aft/1f)~ ~:t****~trtt*~**t,t~*~t*,t~****~#'**~>EI~u14rsK 5 45i. __=.___1.
<br />the mript of which is haaby acknoariadRe3. da ..- by Lhese presents mortgage and warrant uhta;613 tts ~~``s~rse~aarl
<br />_. ~. , aesiRttsc
<br />tonever, ail the fdbAing dearribed real efface, sitvattdm the Caunty of ____-- Aa l l -.
<br />and Stace of Nebraska, W-wit;
<br />Lot Eighteen {18), Black Fonr {4), Olde Mill Subdivision,
<br />City of GYand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />ToKot3+a with aft heating. air mntiitioning, lightit[g, and plumbing egttipmeat and futures. including screens, awnings. sttxm windows and
<br />dasrs aads~dtrae shades or blinds, used an ~ in tnaneetian with said preperty. whether the same are new located on said prapertr or hereafter
<br />P~ .
<br />"PO H.A~9: i1.VD 9C3 HOLD TH£ SrlMF:, rggMher with ati sad siaguMr the terlarnents. 6areditamenu end apputteaaates [harn[.,:n 6e•
<br />nr is amwi9e appaRaining, kapn~ar, and warr~aat the rifle io tixa same. a'aid mogagar s--- hereby covenant -_._ with said
<br />mutgagee that __-~ .hey--Hrt__.~_ , nt the delivery hwaof, the lawful owtlet__S- of the premises abar convecad and dexrihed.
<br />sad _...~~,._._.__ reread of n good and iaddaisible r-s[site of itsi~itance theteia, frt+e and clear oI ail encambrantrs, and that~he~r_wiil
<br />rranaat earl de#+md tare title ihetorn fleecy afTamst the claims and demands of all purees whcrnsoevas.
<br />3'NOYiFiED Ai.R itYS, and tbia iagtrummt rs ezatvtad aid d~~ered to secure she pacrnaat nt the sum of -_-- -
<br />E3,,-=' '~=•~•'StEi3K1 ~i'+Alr__1'ltlrt!i~~ r~'~.if'._;Sfven D: ]l ;rs nnri b$f1tHT Lk+LanJS-.5,~4? .lid ,
<br />rriila intateiat t~aOa, togacltrs sitih stub ctrar8es and advaates as nor be due and paytbk m said mortgagee under the terms and mnditinns
<br />d the ptmsinmv aota of erg data hearaitb and secured hereby, ezacuted by said mortgage.r_S._._ to said mnrtgagee, payable as aspresscd
<br />a>s~ arm. ~ is fxat°e tlx ~' of all tix trrr,.s ass ^^~+"-*~--~e caste tsar. Tl~ :w~-~ ai sad are hteby iac~ga~tea'
<br />kraes by SiHa tedeuaeQ,
<br />it a tie aaossioa sad agta~nam of the parties berate that tads mortgage shall a}ao secure any forum adve^KK made to said r~rtgegor_~
<br />by said marrgagea, std ~' and au is+datitedarss is additicat w the aataunt abc.+r =rated abiti. said mangagnrs, or any- of than, mac awe ~u
<br />i aoid sex evsdeoaad, w•hethes hy- aata+, t+neit aaxnuar cv nrherwtse. This mortgage shall rrinain us full farce and affect betty c~en
<br />the patties ittsan sad tbetr baba. persaaai rv~teaaatttatirre., sucxasa[vs asd assigns, until all amnunts soured hereunder, itxludi»g future
<br />advances, am pawl is inL' wbb intmir~.
<br />3h _~._ heady aaeigra _. __... to swd tmartgae*ee aL ,wa,ra and inamte atisiag at nay and all times fmat Bard property xnd
<br />ha~ity aea4oraa said er its agent, ae na ttptian, upon ciefaait. to 7a$e rhar~ rd sari proporty sad eof}xt ail rtmts sad income
<br />tlr~ sad agPiS tiro aaaee to the peptt>ent of ioteaeat, ptitraigral, insurance premiums, tears, asemamemts, repairs nr improvements
<br />naeepalay tao asap aaat gueaptaty s tatoturtsiale [aanetttieat. ur to other chargaa or paytaants prcn~iriad ft>r hamia or is the ante hereby assured. This
<br />tart ttaaipaaetu. abadi tatsieae m bee teal the agpaid habtace tsf acid sort ffi fully paid.. 'The taking of poase.~roa hereunder shall in nn meaner
<br />ptaaaa[ o aa4aed tridamtygrs d sire ea~al£{pa ed trial wore by 3aeadmme or athsw^we..
<br />9716 fa~see of the toaaeatt ariw ~ iss tests baereaden~ at any time shall eat be can%tve:i ss e waives of its right to assert the
<br />aatae at nay freer rases, ~ m ittai¢ agrm std aakrrce Suitt ruan4il==~ ait}t all tbs trrtas sad previsions Q! said no[e and of this aa+rtgage.
<br />if acid aaaa ~ shall rnaae rRe be paid m said the emti[a• at~ant due it beretrnder, and under the temts and pmviswas
<br />d gaud seas baeaiy aat9eesd, ianhai~g ivtatte ad+ttnoaa, and nay ea-tesaiom rv raeea~ais t3~nof e: x.~..,.~[~...~ with tine [arms and provisimts
<br />sb+aae(. aced $aarid mae(+gpur _...~ _ aLrg eaanPly with aH rha pmviswsa ni aeid tsota a~ of this mortgage. then these presents shall be void:
<br />atitorwiaa ra oataafab fad boa anA. and mid mtatgaQee abFl be snarled to the posaeadan of all of acid property, and may, at its option,
<br />tba ~ aidd ~ a~ ~ t}wralry ~ tc ir~y t{ve and Payable, sad rrmY feraaicwe this mortgage
<br />jar tiiea +etY ea5ar ~ ataaso ~ paetaet as rigkt. A~ waived.
<br />7~ tmaetsaap atraU ha haadag :epee ataf aha{l eata~s w tine bmafit nt the hair, eaectltara, adtniaisuawra, strnceasars sad a&aigrts ai the
<br />ttetpeat3ve i hereto.
<br />f3i iVF77iE.S~a WNERiEXiF, said 3bt~lggcu'g___ ba ._.v~. hereunto aa[.__.__~~#.g._._ __ haad._~_the day and year first sbovr
<br />tat den..
<br />l
<br />_._,_._..__..__._.. ....__._..._._.._._,_.--~-.-._-.._w
<br />E. Wet ,~~r
<br />Nancy 3 eiC~el ~'
<br />~..,_
<br />