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(- <br />THE MORTGAGOR FURTtIER t:OVENANTS AND AGREES: <br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as hereinbefore pr .. - '~ <br />:`~~ ~ ~ .. <br />That the' 14itittgagor is the- owner-df said- property lit -fee- simple .and has- good right and; law[ul authority to sell and` <br />mnvey the saint anfl'Etia£ihe same-is free and i~tear of-any lien or encvmhrance;-and that Aortgagor will warrant and defend the - <br />title to said premises against -f1te- claims of all persons whcurtsoever. - -- <br />To pay immediately when due and payable all general taxes; special taXPJ, special assessments, water charges, sewer serv- <br />~' ice charges; and other Lazes and charges against said property, and all -taxes levied on the debt secured hereby, and to furnish the <br />.~ Mortgagee. upon request, with the original ~ar duplicate receip£s therefor: The Mortgagor agrees that there shall be aitded to <br />each monthly payment requrred hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured hereby an-amount estimated by the hfortgagee <br />to be sulficent to enable the Mortgagee to pa1Y, as the}• become due, all taxes, assessments, and similar charges upon the prem- <br />ices subject-thereto; sn} deficiency because o[ the insufficiency o£ such additional paymenlz shall hx fu[thWith deposited by the . -, , <br />Mortgagor -wrtf, the 'Iidortgagee upon: demand by the A{ortgaget. Aay default under this paragraph shalt be rlreined-a default-in , <br />pa-vinent crf taxes, assesstnenGC nr similar charges required hereunder. <br />The A{artgagor agrees that there shall also be added to each monthly payment of principal and interest required here- <br />under an amount estrrrtatetl by the Mortgagee to be sufficient to enable the ?~lorigagee to pay, as it becomes due, the insurance <br />premium an any irrasuraract pralicy deft:=aced to the Mortgages. Any dr6ciency because of Fhe insuffecieta3• of such additional pay- <br />-._ menu shall 6e forthwith de(rositwt by the Mortgagor xith the \{artgagc upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this <br />paragraph shall be rk erred a defaukx in the payment of inwranre premiums. IE [he polic}~ or policies deposited are such as home- <br />otianexs or all risk policies, and the depacits are incudtcient fa pay the entire premium, the Mortgagee may apply fhe deposit to <br />pay pirvniums on risk required to be insured by this martgege. <br />?a}-rrrents made by the Afartgagor under the ahrn~e paragraphs may. at the option of the l{ortgagee, be held~hy it and <br />rammingled with other arch £umk ar its own turnis for the payment of such items, and until sa applied, such payments are hereby <br />pledged as setucity for the unpaid 6aFance of the mortgage itulrbtedness. <br />Ta procure, deliver Ia, and maintain for the berarfi[ of the btartgagrr during the life of this mortgage origins! policies aced <br />renewalf thereof, ddiaxmd ai least ten days before the ezpiration of am such policies, insuring against fire and usher insurable <br />harards, ravtralties, and contirngencicw a9 the Mortgagee tray require, in an amount equal to the indebtedrteaa secured by this <br />Mortgage, and in txunpanirs acceptable to the Martgagoe, with Ins payahlr clause in favor of and in form acceptable to the Afortga- <br />gee. {n the ascot an±• prdiry >, oat renewed an or Lrfnre ten days of it_+ expiration, the 'lfortgagee may procure insurances nn the <br />itrrprcae~menis pay the premium thereiar, and such sum s}:a11 Farc:rme immedtately due and payable with interest at the rate set <br />iarth in said torte untrl paid and shall he :xrurwd h} this m.+rtgagr. Failure un the part o[ the Mortgagor in furnish such renewals <br />as arc herein rcquirrd car facture ro pay any sums advam+r~tl hereunder shall, at the option of the \farlgagee, constitute a defau!! <br />etrtdtr the terms ai th mortgagr. The deliver} ed s+rch }r+rlicies shalt, in the went n, detain[, mnstftutr an a.Gignment a! Fhe un- <br />earned pmraium. <br />Anv sutras rmriax•d by t}re Mortgagee h>~ rrasan of loss or damage insured against rrta> he retained by the Mortgagee <br />axe applied toward !hr parrrteut o£ the drbx herebc wcurrd, ar, at the option of the Mortgagee, such autos -tither wholly ar in <br />part may ta- paid m,er to the Mortgagaz to M used to repair surn buildings ar to build new- buildings in their place or for an}• <br />other purpczst ar nb~eri saiisfactary to lire M:vtcagre w-ithout affecting the lien an the mortgage for the full amount secured here- <br />i»~ taefcue such pa}•rrrtrrt rs=tr tr,cak place. - <br />To promptly repair, restore car r<.bwid an} hu.ddrngs ,~r impm~ettaents now ur hrrraftr~r nn fhe• pTrmiu^s which ma>~ he- <br />awnt damaged ar tlestmyrfl: to keep said pmtnists in gaud mmiraan and repair and fret from an} mechanic's lees ar other tier, or <br />claim of lien sot ex.pre.;sly subordinated {u the lien herraF, cart io suSer ur ;rermit any unlaw'tul use at nr any nuisance to exist on <br />rain prtq,txty our to per:ait wash cart said premixes. mu tc• do any other act ..tarn^by the pnrperty hereby conveyed shaft faet<ime <br />leas aa}uablt, oar in dimiaide ar impair its valor by an}~ act c,r nmisxinn tz, art, to c:rml>la with all rrquirrmrnts of law w-ith respect <br />xa ttae nmztgnytrt pieatises and the use ihe•reaf. <br />3Ytai should iftz premises or any p>•rt thetNOf br taken or damaged M~ tvasc.n of any putalte rmpna. rrnent t+r .vndemnauon <br />pr_•aeiMding. ar wader t}w• right .S emtnert dcanain, :+ n any ,abet manner. the \fa•rigagr.• shall b.- a•nfit l:.' t,~ all ,*+,mprnsatsans. <br />awards, amt any ntkoer payment ar rrlitf thtrwfar, rtndrshal! he entitled. at it aptitua. to cummerrce, appear :n amt prosecute in its <br />aw3r rii.Rrr any action or prarceeding, or rr. make any rncnirr.`untse w seLt}emrni in tt*nnectirm wish su.^h Lal.irtg ar damage =lll such <br />comptaacatimt. awards, damages, nght zf atKion and pnx+r.-t9-q arc hereby asragrrd to the `afarigagee, whe may. alter de<lurting <br />ttarrelnom sli its rsp+mses, release any mzaaey_s sn nrr+eiard b}' it .~r apply the saint ..n an} indebteclnrss secvxed hereby The Mnrt <br />gain atgvices ic. Baia ~._, ftru~ier asrr;gstnr~ts ~r ary t~;ten.atnrn. awarvts, da-:.a; ~.. and n-1;hr~ _~ ai•ti!.n arvJ rrnre~{ he the <br />Mtat~er' may ~. <br />Tistd ra raca• a3 fadtire to per3aum as}~ cal t3tc• xx. rrsanis herrtn, the \furigagrc• nta~~ =sa on th.~ \Surtgag<~r~s I,rhalf ra-rn thing <br />ao aosrenantnd; tbat the Mrngagr•e may alsr+ do any art it rreay deem nearossary u* I>~~ the lira iherwaf: that ihr Mortgagan will <br />ray spin xtcetanti any nttareyY. paid to dis-twrs~ by fhe A{amgager fcr an>' of The ahc»ve purpr,;rs, and such mangy tugrthrt with '~ <br />iatrrnat t3trt+rwvn at r,#re rate pnnar3ea! n girl Harr ,hall t<,.~.•nrr : mw~h aatdrtruna! mdrl:t.slnr:,. hrrah7 -.-.urrd and m - fx• ir, r <br />t9rtdrtd as say rletTne i+m.+do®ag ttris itx+rtga{:e astd trc paid e,ut of ihr rrnli nr prca.-v:v-ds .af +;a.te ni aid Itrrnr:ar. ii n=et nrher..rar - <br />pttid; that! it s}tyd{ not Gtr nltt#;atwy upon flit MnrfgaGAr Tao itu;uite into the aalrciity sat any hen. encumfararu•es, nr claim in ad ~". <br />'~ moneys Ith atrewr atttltraiistvt. but xrattti.rtC hexan rvnia.ined .lash t+e n+vrsirvrd as requiring the AQartgagrt to advartcw any. <br />moaega fins rro' purpose ~ to +de :tsy art farmuitt#er, and tlia3 Afart;agar >hall nc•t tm-ur any p±r:uutal 9+ahilit}- h cause ,:i ar.; - <br />ii-saxY s1o a tit !a ~ il+erin9der. <br />la aia€ s++rept art ihr default try Mortgagor is ilia payment of any instatlmeni, ai requira~+I h} xhr Noce srcurrrl Feereby. nr <br />rat rite pesdatisanor sd 1ht ah}sgattae ie this naartgagr tv in the note secured itttrehy, itae Aiortgager shall kK rnt,tlyd to dec tart the <br />deiK ae~izt:red heatAtaq due scut payable wrthuu# natictE, arxt the Mortgagee ;stall br entiticti at ns ++ptran, without notx`e•, either try itarli <br />ear 3ry a ri+t+eaver tt. tar of ps•iaittt by fhe ztrurt thet4raf. and w~iihvut regard to the adr~uaci t,t any -+rcurit~~ f,.r the :ndrhtrdnr+.s :e- <br />eyr,ad tea yin etarir upcxa a~ iakr fa;..btesisaa =d ttte merrrgaged premises, acrd Le. ~~.tlr<'t grad rrc<=ne ihr rrnts.., and pre.nts <br />tlaareaL. a®d rapgly ttte aurae. ~ c=~= d upeta#ian and tullection, upon ihr indrbiee3nrss >F-cuted by- tfsi* m+~rtgagr, aid trots, <br />Sluts acrd pscaiq he+r+g Iaereby aacsgated to t3te Mnrtgagoe as furihrr srnxrit3- Jot ihr kw}r.M~nr ,.{ all indehtc-dx:PSV ~wcured hrrt•hy <br />'Z'kre+ 1 strati its u~! ttfe to ap•puint 'aay a(+wt or agents it may dtsine for flat l~rfrsea• .~t rrpai ring sand F,rrrn~ <br />, reartrteg tkse t~_ ~ tx.~- rs~k's., rx^~n;sas and r~..a:r, acrd :t rrray ;,sy out ::f csid nrvxr*nr ail rxprnses ancuxrert in cent <br />attg :cad managing the want acrd €at zxdlcu`tirag ttu~ rrtrtals ikar ref rx:,ni The bakan.;.r rrmaintng. tf any ~hafi t»~ apirhrd toward the <br />i~ of rhr mtutp~n ~.. This a5sigruraent x t.+ ttrminatr and ttra:-~utrr null and r.,trS uf.,n rrlra,r ~~f lhts martRat;a <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />