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,_ .- . <br />together. with-all tenements, hereditgments and apputtenances;belonging thereto. , <br />TO,HAVE AND TO HOED the above described premises with-all,the privilegesand appurtenances thereunto belonging including <br />all rents, issues and profits thereof unto Mortgagee, forever. And Mortgagor hereby covenants that Mortgagor is well and truly seized of <br />a good title ro flte premises above conveyed in the law, Sn tee simple, and has good right and lawful authority to convey the same, and <br />that the title so conveyed is clear, free -and uriiiecrimbered except as otherwise noted and that Mortgagor will forever warr9nt and de- <br />Q fend the same tta Mortgagee against atl Bairns whatsoever. <br />~. <br />This Alortga$e is given by Mprtgago(s tp secure the perfctrtnanee of each agrzzment contained herein, and to secure -the payment <br />of a loan in the amount of the Total of Payments shown above, which loan being evidenced by a promissory note bearing even date <br />huewith and which is further described above, <br />~ PROVIDED ALWAYS, and iltese presents are upon the expressed condition, that if the Mortgagt>rsshall-aay in full to-the Mott- <br />gageeapromissotynote bearing even date herewith in the amount set ti~rth above, payable in installments accoreting to the terms there- <br />of tagtther with interest as sei forth therein, and shalt pay all taxes anti assessments levied open said sealestate before the sartte be- <br />comes delinouent, andA-eep the buildings an said premises insured far a sum egttaI to the iddebtedriess secured- hereby, loss, if any; pay- <br />able to the said Mortgagee, titer these presents to be ntill and void, otherwise to he and remain in full farce, <br />TH1S AiORTC,AGE iS ALSO TO BE, AND CONI'iNUE TO 8E, FRAM TIME TO TIME, SECURITY FQR THfi PAYMENT <br />OF SUCH SUAi OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM TIME TO TIME IN THE FUTURE ARVANCE TO'iHE <br />MORTGAGOR AND EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLFMEN7'AL NOTE OR NOTES, BUT NOT TO EXCEED THE-TOTAL OF <br />~ ..iS.QQQ.QQ _ - _ ..... - .EXCEPT FOR ANY ADVANCES THAT MAY BE MADE TO PROTECT THE SECURITY dN AC- <br />CORDANCE WITH 'THE TERMS OF 7HIS MORTGAGE- <br />Additions) Terms and ('omtiti ins on the reverse of this agrzzment are made a part hereaf and incarporated herein. <br />IN ~1TTNESS Y491EREAF, thz said Mortgagors have executed these presents the d and year first above written. <br />Mort~gar <br />:r ~ e rvxc -- U- i <br />Aortgagor <br />STATE OF NE$RASKA } <br />l SS <br />COUNiY OF Hall ) <br />Oe ffiaj~_ day ~f ~'r hnra; *. . I98C1 , befarr me, the tmdetigned a Notary Pttblic, duly <br />o«ntrrissoaM arrd qualified far and in said state and n~unry, personsliy came Ra7er k. Loft & lat~rtrta R. Lu£t <br />to nse m be the idtnttcal ptrst+n ix petsans whasz taame is ar narttts are affued to [he taregoing instrument sad aclotawledged <br />t3se cxecutitm t rof to ~e his, her ar their wdtuttary art and deed. <br />iYttee~ >nY head and Natatial Seal tlx day a~td year last above w»tttn. <br />naotratuau-aaa.tam. ::' ,:_ : ~ :.. ; :. ~. ~ ~_ ~ .. <br />~EiiMEtft~ NOTARY PUBLIC ~- <br />^rora.#~.e.x ran <br />~ e expires tfite "'' ~`' day of , i 9 `!^ . <br />\i?hlt" SE£ t~Tli£R S!1)F l~0[t '+I)Id1770?~~.L T):R~SS affil t`O\DITIU~'ti <br />toes. tx ~. _ _ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />