52-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-(With Tax Clause) (Revised 1962) - 7te Huamen Gemnl 6apply Hovae, Limoln, Nebr.
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Eugene T. Placzek and Claribel Placzek, Husband
<br />and Wife, each individually in his and her own right and as spouse of the other,
<br />of Hall - C~aty, and State of Nebraska , in consideration of the sum of
<br />sn head paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto The First National Bank of Grand Island,
<br />of Hall County, State of Nebraska the following described premises situated
<br />in -Hall County, and State of Nebraska , to-wit:
<br />Lot Two (2) in Biock Two (2) of Nortaandy Estates, an
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />The intaxrtiart bcia= to ramvey hex+h>• an absolute tick in fee single, iadudintt all the riFhta of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAY£ AND 'I'O HOLD the premises above described, with aii the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said
<br />m{al and rzr his, her or their heirs axd assigns fotever, Provided always, sad these ptesenta are upon the etrpress ~;:
<br />tarxiititm flat if the said mortgagors;, his, her or their heirs, e><eartnrs, adn.:nint~tors nr assigns shall pap or cause to be
<br />paid to the said mortgagee(s), ha, het or their heirs, ezeattars. administrators or assigns, the principal sum of S 17 , 718.18
<br />pagaHk as tetlowst to wii: _
<br />Principal ataottnt of $17,718.15; pltts accrued interest, due and payable on 3tme 30, 1980:
<br />{ asilt iauratat atxatdaug to tiro tmsat acrd d~ect of the mortsagora written
<br />_ promiwoty note bearirtt evert date with these presents
<br />sad sisalt pap at! tams sad arassrne:tw levied upon said real estate4 and all other 4asea, levier attd assessmeate keyed upat: this
<br />r>s ar the rrmc whitit thb teortsaga w !tom to raiaxm, hefo:e the same 6aeoenss detiaqueaL sad keep the buildings tw ;
<br />mid prsatiwa iawnd #or the nmt of 3 17,.'18_ 1$ , key if alp, papahk m the said tnortpgea, then rheas ptme»ta
<br />m ba trail, c3hsstrirs to Its std twmxin in fuif toroe.
<br />~' 314 ~8 ~~ tD it the ~! ~ ehaU m €~ tasee az ptt+sl.~ amt i~s:.';uw, i*.a
<br />i atiid t testy ptlp ratt3r tiaati sad pmevra stub isduranca; sad tiro sum sa adwaoed, vtith interact at lZ~g paz
<br />mat. ala9 $e by said >, slut thus tns rhtll statsd o rxvrity far rite s4tsra. t9) That a failure to Pap ally
<br />ad said tsaaep. ait,Mx ptmsoipal to isstarert, sdmrt the same becomes dtm, or a faiittse to raaapip vrith aey of the totegoing
<br />s6afi atatsa tiro +rtada ntm aQ hmein secured to henomr due sad aoUatuble as once at the option of the
<br />taaa-
<br />~~ ,tom 7111 dw~ Pebruarv , 18 BO .. °"~
<br />;~, ~- rr
<br />~~ . _ ,,.a([~ ug Placzek
<br />c-_ t le pisraear of ...,~_.~J~~~_'`~ ~~~~ _
<br />aribei Placzek
<br />iiebrasita.__......_..~._~_...._. CQUaty ai_..-.-- - Hall._...,......_....__..._._.~
<br />eatery pt~tic gaaii4d ~ slid conetp, persaaaiiy etmte Ettgene T. Placzek and
<br />Claribel Placzek
<br />r the ideetioat peen or pesstmtt who mead lire forsysna{ isetasiaatmt and admowledged the ettxartiam
<br />ha er tSrn~ sstlepo~ act and dswi jj..
<br />twri ~ tta4rt5sti rtatl °77~---_ y Feba~ai'Y_ ~ __ ^..~._._...... !~__ $~..
<br />ss~as:.._.,......-~~'.a~L...- , 19.0.#7 ~.,~±°-~'cra~ .rm~`,~ ~~',~~,,,p'74.LGrr_*1..,.Aio;erg Puitiie.
<br />3 ,. ~ a.. Entered an nttmariral tMias atxi flied for recxad
<br />W..~.=.-_-..e.».~~,~,-,.,,,_-....m...~..... is the Rsaietar ed Derda QBice of said (:aunty the ',
<br />t -.._.,•••~.•-..mss sL,.-...._..___._."...._...-.-.. .„ 19___.._..., at_____.. _..a'al+och and... .................._. minutes .. .. M.~
<br />a ..... _....__..._. ...
<br />aed namsdrd is ?Elook..m._,..-...~..,_..._.__. c#-......_~_._......_ ...............at paie..........,.............._.......
<br />.__._._..__.._ ................._....._......._...........................Reg. of Deeds j
<br />Rp..---._ ..................................................._..............._..__.....Deuuty
<br />