~Q- ~
<br />- • t _~ .y
<br />That the Mortgagor wilt pay the indebtedness as -hereinbefore, prcwided.
<br />That Lhe Mortgagor is~the owner a[ said property'in fee stinple and has goad tight and lawful authority to sell sort
<br />convey the same and that the acme is free and slear~ofany lien~or encumbrance; and that Mortgagor wilt warrant and defend the
<br />titje !o said prpmlgpsagainst- the'el'ainis ~~ all `}xt9nns whort>_vnever. ~- - -
<br />Tn pay iiruriertiadely when due and~pitVAble alj-general tax 'special taxes, speutal aps,~mentc, water charges, sewer--serv-
<br />ice charges. and other taYC4 and chases again t said property, and all tax:> levied on the debt uru red hereby, and to furnish the
<br />Afartgagee, upon •re9ttest; xyth~ the orvgina2 ne ilu}>iicate irceipls ihetefar. Th, ~fortgagar agrees tfiat there .half tx• acidecl to -
<br />earh monthly paytnent requin~ri '-:ereunder ar tinder the evidruco of d-bt sra.ured h~rrh}~ an amonnt esGmat.°d hy- the Sfr,utgagee
<br />to Ir sufficieiti io. ezra3le the It4nrigagne io pay. as they hrnme doe. a17 taxx'r, a~essmenis, sort .aimitar charges u}ran the prem-
<br />ises suhjret thereto; any deficiency iw>causr of the insut{•icienry of such additinna! pa.~ments shall hr forthwith deposited by tha
<br />RSor{gag-tu x-i[}e the t{orthagee utnn demand hy- fhe \i;:rtgat;ee..any~ default c!nder this pa:a€rrph shalt !:r> :h~<R:e,i a ;I..Iautt in
<br />pai°mt nt of fasts, ascrcvt:u~nis, or similar charges m}uired here,mder.
<br />The Moriga~or agrees that there shat! atsn ha added in ractt monthly }xaynsent c+f principal anti interest reryui red hem
<br />under an am«atnt estimatc•ti by the ]tortgager to 1r suf6cirnt t., r,^at lc t!:<• lfnre€x:;r~ t .
<br />nrentium :rn any itaatranar xai :, }'ay. a-. rt h<•.:,nz.>c due- ihr- insu rarer
<br />} x.' deliverrri ic, the S.Sortgager Art drfici.-asp ix-taus of th.• uxut4iriencr r,t ,cuch addi[i, slat ~i~t--
<br />ments shalj M forthw-ith drpacited ht- the :f:,rigagor x;ih ihr• \fc,rtapec uFx,n aemana by iSo \t,artgagv.:inv default under ihts
<br />parag; rapty sha}I he dammed a drfaulz an t}ee ,»yntont of insnranre 'pn•minms If the pnlirt or Fwhries depn itad ore snch as homy
<br />owners nr alt risk }x~jicirs. and t?:e ;}e(~sit~ arc iasatTrrient io ;,a ihr .°nr.r, pn•miurn, vhe \lortgage<• n- ~ ;tpply the deposrt a,
<br />pay prxmiums+an rrsks tryuired ti he insured hr this mo-rtga;;e `
<br />Payments made 6c- zhe 'mortgagor under the aLx,ao parsgraph. n:at-. ai the option of tle<- Slortt;agee, he h,>ld hy~ it area
<br />Yw:mirtaed x;th c,thrr such funds or its nxro fnm!s f.~r the payment of such ;terra, a:x3 until _~ apF;lie-•d, such payments an• hemhv
<br />p12dF *d as sc"<-vr3ir f<ar }±e nr,t~t+ri hs+.,rrv r,t the rn.,rt_~„- i>...obt<-,?,.,-„
<br />To pnxan+ ~3 >li<- r ,and ai ntan f„r ih,= haneq z~r 1f rt - t;ee •3a -r the of ih:v merigaee „sigma! po;nv>~ end
<br />~rasw-al. i7aerror c3e ~ • ~~i t.•a.t >_ - y,e }w•f;,m Ih,~ rs - ; ~ „f n-' u. h , ~.[ -,. r - rrr,t~ afatnat fire .fret other nsurahtr
<br />Iaasatxte, cssua7fir_r, grad rnntangrncu~ as t.f:c Afartgagee mht- reGuit>=, i.r. zsn amount er}ual to the indebte.9nesu .-erurid by this
<br />Mortgage, ;and in ttempanie> ar:Y}aat,i< !., t?•~.~ !liorcahnr. ,, ,... L..+ }+aesh3,• . iauso v. ,.., - , , soil :n f•,rrn ac~aptahle to the \iort:;a~
<br />$re_ In the s>x-ent an. 4x,i -. - t rx z - t - r - t r ~ - iv -i; - }:t-a r. \I ar n _ ~~. :,,. _ -
<br />impr~~•.nts, pav the pr<-^tiu.a t xr r c ;} .. a.a~ t,,.~ ,n, .t m: a au vn l 7..tinh,: ~ th - t t at to - st _ t
<br />forth ~ said note until :.a+d and .its!- !a ".u.-<,1 3 , t~:,:= n.,,n,~;=' <Pa+Iure ;nth; s a.i .3 ih \L=,rtg, t,<-[ ,., t:.r t,:h .u<h c -r.,•~aia
<br />v are herr~in required „a t- xu ° ';. t>_se ~ r mt. ~ { . .i -- !. r •,ra?i at it t .r. ,.f ik,~ ti~*rt t;af;<v°. ~.,n•t.t ut,• a .l.•iac;tt
<br />under ihr terms of 2ha+n:--, .e ,ge Th a; .r.r...+....:.?: , .., ,,. •.n.a,l ... -t.• ,...,. :H ..,~tau!t, ,;,motors a^ umrnt ut ih.• ac.
<br />warned prrnaium. ,r.•
<br />Any sums rr..t,.:.:+ !,t rr.• `.7 -i€ager• r
<br />n t ~;tn.-t ~a he ~ r ci h} th< \h,rt~ager
<br />ant ap}xlred toward t?te }a ~•n~n ,r '., 3.3.t h r_h. .._ }. r !,. \1 t. a€ s- ch m. <•:tts~~r kF.ot.y „r sn
<br />pars may tae paad mrr t.• i'zt ~f..rtrsgr,r ta• Je= r.,.,, t.. '<~, a.r ., tn~: „r ,:, tu.:d-nrx hurldtn,,. in tnetr pla.t• or r anv
<br />other pur}xcxe nz ohjeact sal u~aclon- to th.- Mnn_z~<u ., a?:- :,. .n. _..- -_ ...e l:an on ib,r mortgage kx the fiat amr,unt -<cu r,>~~t hr re
<br />ity }mfxux• sac., payrtxrnt rvrr rr.si; prate
<br />T., pnun}nly n'}intr. r tore. , r rrbuald a x ~ mt. -mon! - n- .r hrreatt.-, ,-n. h 3 rrzsr :map }tr,_
<br />-tune 'da;'.uag+a3 or dectn,yYd r lrwp ,std premi -. a r~iirt ~~ sod r ;~atr ant r-e frr ,T an: ---tat-. L-n ~, nor iven or
<br />c}sim raf Can oat rspre>-d. . utk,rriiraatrd to the h n h ti. r -i - - $rr r }n emit 'tn s tau-tut en~e :, _ r anc uisaare ic• ert,t on
<br />aid prrgierty- rent !a } -:mit xaaze cur ~:rtd prrn.rsr.. n: r t .i,+ ant ,•t her art +a tr.zh, the i;n.prrtt h<~reht as nt i•t r,i ,ha31 Ywrninr
<br />Irss vaiaatdr, rn,r to dan>3ntsh t•r irnihaa }ts .aluc hs ury act ~-asrnn t.-, sri .., „ •,,i, wtth ati r.~,};r,r-.~memv of !aw ,eith rr.~a-t
<br />to the mortga~ prrmr~ an.t the use *.hem•t
<br />Ttwt :atawtsd the }en-n:t,.,-..u ant 3zsrt ihr n,,i ttr taken .,r ;9amaga`d ht r. ,,n,n „t anti puhhe• rm}.r .,. mrnt ur ev,ntemr:at>:-ut
<br />pruonading...7 under irk rtgitt .,f rn::tarnt :I.rntarr,, .+r rn any .,they manner. Sftr \f.~ri:;a),'er -hail Ia• nntttlaYi t ~ it} cvm4xnsa n.tn,.
<br />ayrards. aa~l anv stir r~ pet~nt r,r rrlkf ihcrrf.,r and .hall to entt2z t7, st its aPtittr.. io c.,mmetti~e. xpixar in and proaeentr in its
<br />ores a7tmr arty aetaam or praxetedang, -c,r to malt any tiunprrxncse .'r sett}.trek-nt i .~,nneciity: x~ith uch taking or damage All scirh
<br />r~#rnaraiian. av+archa, dtuna,tr-s. regirt as aetst+n and pna2ads arc hereby aasixn+-.3 .., the \7.utgaFs.•, rho n •. after dhlurting
<br />these'daaer+ ~ r•Fa azPerrraetx. ret}ease any rnrarrys ar. r~.e*rrsvrid by ii .,r aytply ihr acme +.r. any ixrdehirdttess ar~urett~'trra:hy. Thr Mort
<br />>~ atg:e~as.m aan+svte aartt fiui}ter aert~aaarass e*f any otanpenatxuua, axxin}>e, tiamgges., atxd ni't+is of aa•tron and Aroc'reds as the
<br />eaRX ~.
<br />2bat is ~ vif faiturr txt;ttrL.*m anc :af ttk enwnarxtc tt.-rYan, i#sr >farigag.'~• rosy do .,n t3;e 'alnrtgagar`s trrhalf e.rrti thing
<br />~ ~;'~ r!e Moripyr'F ~• alsts da say ad it n•.ap deem n~~aazt t., prrirct ihr ;ira thrmtf, that the .'ifartgaga+r sill
<br />rePL' W+oo d~eanad any rnnoae!vr, psid rv dia6urant.'1 bt' fise Rlnrtgagrr~ for any cd #hr atxww }atrynsrs and zir6 mnrtrys trtgettier with *~t
<br />iaRe~ t!`eredn at 'fide ra~tc pton~aded as said rnue ~alaa37 t+ex:•,mr sir mush additixxnaj indeMMrrfrx'_rss iaerrhv srcurrd .ard may t+r in-
<br />t~aied is tiny dei'ter fnruc}using true rrcxwtgagr and 2.r• paid ewt of the mn~ ur pmcs.rtts xrf r;>Ie of sacs! prrmitx>s if rest otfierwise -
<br />tawid: Batt it strait awit Sr ohtii+~+ir'* a}.m s3+a` =tlo+'tg'ager to inr7usrr ante the a~ali itta if any }ten, enaumtnanrr.. or claim to iwi-
<br />'~K> ac ~, 'txit n. xhutg herstia anxtrainod -slttil be conatryfw3 xy rrgyira+g the Mortgagor to advance any
<br />~' aqy sar~t pae3rmta star w do an}; act A><.-eurader; and that Mart,gargae s}ral! nri tncvr am personal lialalsty t.ecauez of any-
<br />~ti ~?a14Y ~ •er •aiHt b die, ~-
<br />I# t~ secret a$ thr• dciaedt by- 11?Eus'{fa{ar in the ptiymeni of any installment. as rrquirrr7 by the '~otr scru rcd hereby. er
<br />~ the ~ ed the' sbligattx3n za tlvs raoriXagr nr in the m~tr secured therein, the Mortgagc>F> shat! tom- entitirsi n, drelacr the
<br />riei~ attostred due aa3 paya$le wattxwt nniitse, and ihr AZt:rtgyg,re shat! tee entitled at its optian. witlx,ut n,t toe, either hv- itsrrlf
<br />°t' by a te[ciuet to ize apix;aptrrd by ihr scatrt thrraaf, and xvithrut regard in the itdt~uaty of any sexrtrity trrr the iralehtedness sr~
<br />c}teteil Iantairy: to aptfit itptm ateEi Lake c7 tlrr rm-,atg prr,tnises, and tc, c~itlect scut ret+eivr the rents, incurs and prnfita
<br />t'>~iettf, sad-igaply the rrtne, 3ca ca~a ~ erparatintt and sm7letiar., vpa~n tare indrbgextnc>ss +ecwrn+cf by {his mortgage, said trots.
<br />istiaea ~tnid 1riaRta Iter+ettg aai}tnrd in the- Idra'tgatcee as further at3carity far the paytment rsf a:ll indeh#edtress xrurrxl #aeratty
<br />TAe ~{'a strait )mast the paavrr W arsparnt any agent ur agents it mac desire far the purpme aI repainng said prrm-
<br />~< L '~ tesax; aE tltr r+em}s, nnantn^a and narcanr, and it may pay scut of said income all eY}tensrs inntrred ut rent-
<br />DaA rtL Sad ~ ~ the r~taf; tfar:aitrrm. Tate ha}artc4- rerraairring, it any, shall hr applied toward the
<br />d llte ~ Tjia atr`~nraeat ire ir. irrmirrate and ttexxpne null arad void upon release ui this rnortgage-
<br />~~
<br />
<br />