<br />That.-the Mortgagor wilt pay the indebtedness as.hereinbefare provided. _ - -
<br />That the ~vlortgagor Ss ttre dwner of said property in tee -simple and has good right and [awful authority to sell and
<br />convey the same_and that the ware is free and dear of any lien bi• encutnbratrrn; and that Sortgagor will warrant and defend ~tbe
<br />title to said premises ageing[ -tare claims of all per5ans-whomsoever.- --
<br />To pay iararediatety when due and payehle all-genera4 taxes, specie[ taxes, special asessmenLs. water charges, sever serv-
<br />ice charges, acrd oliyer fazes and charges against-said property; and al; fazax fouled an the debt .c -tired hereby, sad- to furnisfi the
<br />3Linrtgagee, open ~.reQuest. with -the original or duplicate receipts therefor. The ltortgagnr agree: that there shad M added to _
<br />each monthly payment-squired hereunder nr under the evidence of debt srrured hereb}' an amnp_ nt estimated by the ?tloctgagee
<br />to x suffrcrnrfY-,fir anatble.=fiat- ~fotigegee- to pa}, as they bee+me due, ail taxes, asset menu, and similar charges upon the pram-
<br />ices subject therein; env deficierry herauk- of the insuffieienr}• tit such additional pa}menLg <halt he fnrtMi~ith -deposifei! by the - -
<br />Mortgagur eitlr the. ..Aiort,gagc'z utx.n. demand h~ the .lfnrtgagee. Any de(ault under this paragraph shall tx deemed a r!e{ault in
<br />payment o{ fazes, assessments, nr similar charges mquimt hereunder- -
<br />The '.ltertgztgoz ages-f~s thst there shall al.;; hr as ed to e^arh m,-•nthly payment of principal and intrnst~ rr~uirn9 here.
<br />under ar. amnrEnf rstima;evl by the '\Ic,rtgagee ::, h' rufficirnt t:, enable the \lortgagee tr+ pay, ac it hecv,mrs due. the insuranm.
<br />premium nn any insuranxe }x,lic~- drirt~ered to the \lortga};cY Any deficient}- trcausc~ n{ the insufficiency of such additinnal pev-
<br />ment~ sttat! t*e fnrthw:th drposiiec? by the tlc,rteaFi,r with [he \inrtgagee u(tr~n demand by the \torfgagee. Any default under this
<br />paragraph shsll he c4eem }? s default in the #.,acm,°nt of insurance premiums. If the {s,lie}- ur policies dPpnsifed arp such as home- _
<br />awnen ;,: al; riot; fk titles, and the drpnsit+ an' ncutTicient t.' ,r y the cntitc• nn~mium, the \inrti;aFee may apply the deposit fn
<br />pay premium; on risks requin•d ;o !x: insu;e~3 by this mnrts;a:-., u
<br />Iratizrxeni; made by tae \tangagnr under the atwno psrahrsphs ma:. at the nptt.,r: of the \tortgagre, be held by it and
<br />Z+sminglyd ..-tic oboe soar &:nd: -:+r its „wn lunris fi.r :cr payment ni sath sums, and u;ntit cc, applicvl, such payments are hornhy
<br />;,; cai;.z;t s: county fur :he unpaid ha7antr +-f the m_,rt_a_r indeht.~dn~..c
<br />To pr+rure, dr,ro-a-r t. .r„t -natntain ivy ta.~ i+r::rfrt .d ihe~ ]f.,rt~ak-•<- .iuriug the 3tie of thvc mnrtkage e,riginal Ixi3icies and
<br />-.ewa±. ihrratiat, delive nut st i~a" t.-n :ia~. tx^f~.,n• the e,s,ir3tt..n :•f an~~ su,~h }><-,lir~.•.. :ncur:ns a.•aia.t {in• seal ,oboe s. - .~t.~~
<br />ha=sty, casualties, and ,1 rf:ngr r as th- 4iortga,'ee mat r.quE re, m an amnunt equal to the indebtedness +eavr~ by this
<br />93asst~a a;,d to tt*mtx ni v<r^_ tat ~,- t, ti \t.,rt~sger ,. rh i, pay.,bl,• rlaus«• in Cacnr of and in form acR (uahle to the Alortga-
<br />€n' la Yhr ea-eni ant }x;lsr= a n.,.t rr nr~<v} .,t „r i<~(..r>• ten aav, ,:f sis rapt=at:nn. the At„rt~,ag_>'• maa pox tier insurance tin the
<br />~:a} a-¢~enu. ;may t.tre ;tremium tnra jnr_ :nr+d so:h .tire, rt;al# I„~•,.mr ,.~im,><3ia;cip sue and ps.~ahir ..~itn tniarr^t at the rates set
<br />f: rib .^. eaid n,Rr ~nui pa,.l Bred _S~'7 !r ..z .f l , - r a f a~ c h s,n i}.. Af ri asor n t ish _urh n^,vt. sl-s
<br />as srr here ~ n-qutred - .. .. v. u - .3 ~., t t ~ 3"- .hail. t -h r.# t h< \1~-rtgagrn c.. n.titul.• a .:rfa~ilt
<br />urw<-r the Yprats r.{ :ht - -n, _,,ar;r -Thra~irS r, ,,, ?t .,, ... „ail. m see ...-nt ;,t - u,,. a r..t,t:ve an a.::,nmrnt ,~f the un-
<br />earned nrrrsaitun.
<br />an} wmc rr-r - }n -t \! .r:~acr.. ,,. rr ~ -t.t*-ta:;e ir,.u,ati ,,a ,I may he .•taim-,t h~- t!•e \1r,rE;; agee
<br />s=';d a{-plsn+d tr>wanf ih J_.' 'rt - h I. t- t ha '~ r ~t i -
<br />npunn nt th-~ \!-rt ages -urh - m..-. #u•r *:~h.~R• ,v m
<br />part ma± tr paid m,er t ~- 11 E_- - r „ -4-t -Ens .a-h to lilts nr to hairci-.t<w- }u t ~ ~ t, ;. e e +,: f„r am'
<br />.~.~ ~ purp•-r,a- ..r vhjee-. .aruta~t t: t;a tn,- li-. „-nr, r•.~ ri t,. tit :n dr, tent th.r 3ien .~n :h< mrrz~aar f~ r rti. ,u?( an,; _ erure:l h-rr
<br />3sy hrfa+rr w h payment 4t.:=r tsx:k place. ..• -
<br />7o pxuaptly rx;:air, r:-an n•t i am. -3 t. _ :..r ,n-,,n,. rr*,rnh n,4 r ~ - t ~ r # r n i rs Kltia h; may te.
<br />Z~ r ,:turns[; i or first n.ti rd, t,. w t .a :i ,, .t, i # ::ri+ir,.n and rr ~, ur and tn.~ t. n. ant -,w fi.-tnr.: It:•n +,r „thee lien :er
<br />< ° t
<br />cianv .,? l.irn Hat ezpn-slti~ .utx,ri Eat i .., t*t ..r. t ufr t - r t, .t - ~! u - a.t nuE:a v t rci;t .in
<br />said pn~rtt nor to ;ernru wa<ee .,n >aid { r -: i.u-; :r.. .. ,. an ' ;.the r .+. t -.:;rr<.+, 2t - ;.+m#k~n t n•ht r rtrd sha31 }~*avme
<br />3ea> rattrahk- nor ::, lrmtn .? . im}+aa t ~ a-~ ..-.. t ~. r ,t.n.. + n t. .a ...., ; u;n t., .. `.f taw w;th rr;pet-t
<br />to care marngag<v'I prrmrr.: asw the av ttr. r,... a . -
<br />Ttwl slxur;d to (. -e-n;:;r -ran. {.,ar, ,?.rr.~.-:i ! a- ,r ~iamag.rvt t -; {art #+uh. - } r .~rmrnt :,r tt,ndrmrairon
<br />;..r<+.^rt.3sng. ,a under th~ gh2 .~ .vt .t.ena.n ,.. ant , _her nlsnnr r. t-, 'U.. r, r;a~c4- ,hal! tw rntii,ect n• ::ll a"mta•nsatn.ns.
<br />steeds, and any ~:,trrc-r ;raymrnt :=r relief '?.,, :-,,. atr:i .hat: tw- ryfLtirt3 at it. ,~pi nrn. ti, tr~rarrrm•e. appear in and prai*cavtr in its
<br />naa name ant' artnm r cxz«~, ng, -: i.: ,-oL.r an ~ rm-. . - . i - t a:t'. .. h-a -r #~rnaE• -\3l such
<br />awards, derma,}; •c_ rig3at 1 aCtz ~ si~+r;• >;'~i< _.- ±~.-t-i;. a. Frm, ... Re .tart~ar,i< xt:;+ r at~, after d.Y3uctrng
<br />therzdrrr~ a~ ire t3~t~tsuis. rF.}aF;,E asS ttx:,rir.u-'~ rrc,s,.s.d ha tt :,r appi>: itte Same ear ant- indrhtrs.lnty. auv urea t:erch} The \ir,rt-
<br />g~raz ai~'rs to eztarzite aw^fa further asst&ar~•nty. r.{ aav ,~.enpzriva:n,u. am-arm, .lanxat-~. nrni right. a:( art;.,n arni pnw~r,-d. a, ttw
<br />Movtg~~ue troy naga~re
<br />Thai in case of farlute ten ;iericum any a.t tt • r,..riaarsta hrrr,r„ the 1}:-=r'tgggeF n;aa .i.. ,.r; ;f:e \inrtge(.,r~s hehatf rt rrt [hang
<br />iia xxw•earua<tad; that ttx Nt+rtgagre may also rio any aft ti may deem r:< wary t,. t~r.,trv7 the t,rn then•.sf. that t},r~ \lnragegc:r will
<br />Tr4r4' r $emand wry msare}•s pait# <rr 3ixtwssru4 }i}- the die=ells at•r~: fc,r an}- ;,I thi- ah,n~r tau r!><,c:•: and ruc?r mnnrys together ra~tth
<br />izs~izaa t3.rrtmt at the race pswsriex3 in seed torte stutS txa^umr s:, moth aat::rticrna! indc-tst. 3r>r~a~ }irreh.~ .>n-ure~d and may tw in-
<br />r3nelad ifl Hax• dr+rm faxt,clr+sing ibis mc:rtgagr and i< px,d .,tit ..i t1,,r rra,L ..r t,E.ex,.vvis tit sale of +,aid premt»rs if nut tithe-rw,se
<br />hard, flat rt shat! aat 2s- turt}igaton- ulw;rt t#>r !+turigsgre ir::nqurrr entr, the =a?ui;.t} .d ant tern. a cumhran:.-.. „r rta;m ,n a;i.
<br />staetsrg mmtys +ta alifa:c aathoryarrl, txst ncriht~ htrtyn c.,ntatnrd shat; }~. r:assirucd a€ :emu: rrrg [hr^ :ic.rtgagee to udvarvc .tr,•
<br />memya ~' stray such ptuta.r,t rear w der any art iw:trunder. and [teat Martgagac sfeatl rn,t :nraEr env persanal liatuhty txrauk „t ant -
<br />t~ u rear de err [treat bu du ieereuadar. - -
<br />Ia the- ra+eat of the de3auii ha hlcixtga,iur rn r?w- iwr mrnf uY any rnstallmrrt. a, reyuirrd by ti,t• tiote sca-u n.d hr rrt,~. ..
<br />is t1x perfnrtmagoe ad the ~ctdigatirm in this ma±.rtgagr ur in ti,e Herr sr-tired theri=by. the \4c,rfgage~<- .hall ter rnE,t3:•rl tr, des tar«. the"
<br />abLrttrzYf iresxr!?y dae and payable w,ihtwt aurfic.^. and [tar ~tor [gag x slur! he eriittrd at ffs :,;rtu,n. •.~ ith.,u: r;..tirr , ither h} :trtl
<br />td fay a rettiv+arr tis tr appcantrd iy fire euarri thrE't-c:t and xifheout regard ir. the a.7.r=va, : .C any .rr,; r,?. C,.r tt„ in,t.-k.?..,in.~~~ ,.~
<br />mired. #est4:ry. tr. +rtcr aF+m= and felt Ix.sses sun .-' tnr rn,;ag,>rt y,rernisex, arut Ya, tx,ttrzt and rrrt•tie the rents ,iG:ucs and pwtits
<br />;1res~n®f, ~ ably a41e aatme,.ks cea4r of a~t,-s#u,-z and ~t4ertien, open flee irrdefitedne,ss secured by this m;rrtgagr. said rents.
<br />ara~ns awl rire6ra b'iag }rrrrlhy as>jgae•d t., thr• M..rrgaewe~ a, ?urllkr >t.ct,rity 7nr Et.r i.~.y n.rnE +.>[ alt ,n:i.~t:Ee.7:.,,~::, ..,..,; r. I
<br />tuu rt~~
<br />The MurtCate+e a;trait hrvt• t{x }ccwrr t., aj,;„net err a at;rnt , r ar;r nEa .t seta} .ir,:rr {.,r the r..,rp, n; .,( rri.a,rinh ..n,.i i,re•m
<br />rack, rewsctag ~ rrat~ytrr; rite- rrrris, rex-~.-pure and ,tor-^.,nr<`--, and :t ma} pay s.ut of sa,.l +tu~nme alt ra; w•nr.r. inc'urrc.i to r.-Est
<br />+tR sad saatt~agi the zatot ark at tmikaecing t3fe rrntats thrr:dx+m The tvlttnrr rrrua,ning, ti an}', shalt }x. ap(.in•+t toward the
<br />dirrira+gr' rd the, *nuardtaz.` uade.3.trdmws Tiue aacagnnsrni ss to termrnatr and tw-+.Enr Hutt ao,i .,.irt ulx.n rr#x-a.+• ;,1 thu m,,rrtKaarr
<br />
<br />