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MORTGAGE- 'h Tax Clause (Revised 1962) Hutfman sad Felton 8 Walt, Walton, Ne. 68461 <br />~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Elvin L. Scranton and Cheri Scranton, husband <br />and wife <br />~', (Mortgagor ) <br />of Hall County, azxl State of Nebraska , in rnnsideration of the sum of <br />Forty Thousand and no/100--------------------------------($40,000.00)----------DOLLARS <br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto Commercial National Bank & Trust Company <br />(Mortgagee ) <br />~ Hall County, and State of Nebraska the following described premises <br />situated in Ha12 t:,ouaty, and State of Nehiaska to-wit: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter (NW~)_ of Section Twenty (20) <br />Tawnshig Twelve (121 North Range Nine.{3)_ West of the 6th P,M,t in Ha12 County, Nebraska <br />and described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the said Northwest Quart <br />{NWk}, thence Northerly along the west line of said Northwest Quarter tNw41, a distance <br />of Four Hundred Ninety Seven and Three Hundredths. (437,03) feet; thence Easterly Paralle <br />to the South line of said Northwest Quarter {Nwtsl-, a distance of One Hundred Seventy Fi.v <br />(175.0) feet, thence Southerly parallel to the West line of said Nert:~west Quarter iNwtsl. <br />a distance of Four Hundred Ninety Seven and Three Hundredths (447,031 feet to the South <br />l;ne of said Northwest Quarte_ fNw41; thence Westerly along the South line of said North <br />taest Quarter {AiW}), a distance of One Hundred Seventy Five (175.01 feet to the place of <br />beginning and containing 1.98 acres more or less, <br />1~ee ialent9on bc®g Sa oanvey hereby an aEsolute title in tee simple induding all the rights of homestead and dower. <br />TO fiAiv'E AND TO HOLD the prrraisea above described, with ail the appurtenances thereunto beioagirtg unto the <br />said rsnrt~ee and to 1tS heirs and assigns, forever, Arovided always, and these presents are upon the ezpreaa <br />zzv+ditiotr tha# ii the ataresaid rmttsagats their heirs, ezecutars, admix*~+~tors or assigns shall pay of cause to be <br />plaid to the saw tnartgagee its heirs. a:ecutars, administrators nr A~~, the sum of Forty Thtwsand and <br />x~J1iTA-- -- --------------{$40.000.00) ------Dollars, payable as foHoas, to-wit: <br />Entire principal and accrued Dollars on r3>e day of l9 <br />interest due and payable ~f)nHars nn the 18th day of August 19 80 <br />Dalian nn the day of 19 <br />Dntiars oa the day of 19 <br />Dollars oa the day o{ 19 <br />with iamtresi rbereoo at 3-2 - ~ per cent per anautn, payable annually aA aceordiag is the team and e8ect of <br />a aarain Frorniasorv roue ~ said Elvin L. Scranton and Cheri Scranton, husband and wife <br />}~qg taaetl date with th~we presents, and shall pay aH razes and asses$ments lesied upoa said real estate. and aH other razes, <br />hsaes nazi ~ levied upem this mortgage or the note n•h£dt this mortgage is gi+en to secure. before the same becomes <br />ddiarpxmt, std keep the leriMittgs on said prerttises iasuted for the sum of 3 23JA loss. if aay, payable to <br />the said mot3brtgee, then these ptxseais m be F`oid, atlterwiee m be an<' remain is #ttll farce. <br />f'1' 3S FL1R't'HEft AGREED ti) That i# tbP saij mnitgagar shat! tail to pay such tazm- or ptotttre such insurazKe, the <br />area rtsnrt@~gee may pay such taz~ and prentre and: ;~ *~^ce: and the arm so advanced, with interest at 12.5 per cent <br />tz ~e psis 'ny mid moriXatnar. asd ttsis mnrSga~e atm3i sESrad as scvesritp far the roe. i~) ~i'Ztat a failure W Pay any of said <br />mtatey, Sher prindpal nr interest w~tten the same better due, ar a failure to comply wish any of the foregoing agreements, <br />s3adi tya®e the witde asm nt mmey herein scouted to bectaoe due aad collectible at once at the option of the mortgagee, <br />9iPsed the 2$th day of August ~~ ?.S , <br />~ ~ ~• '~ <br />._. _. ,~rf <br />prt~aoe 4 . ~ ..._.._.._... <br />i[e of .t <br />-~ ~1n ~ ~~aii1'on <br />~'~'s'~ °., / ~.~ Cheri Scranton <br />Si'A1E Oig'...__._...._NebzaS}ra _ __.__.. .. Ctatnty d. _ .Hall <br />Reteaea sae, a ~9 pabtic gnaiiLnd far said covaty, penoaslly r°.,y. Elvin L. Scrartan and Cheri <br />5tsaatta€m, I~sbaIId and wife <br />itaiasra is tae !a he tSp idte7tioai prufrm tv perms wbn :agnad the foreEaag ~^ +>~~t artd admowladged the ezecvtioa <br />t~lde6f ~@ ~tD ~#4 ~' ar-fhHt t Y#. 8nd-t}aed- <br />....-.....-.......Notary Public. <br />.°-----..--.,__.._----..____.___---.._.._.._....._.... _-..-.Reg. of Deeds <br />By_.......___...._ ..............__....__ .__._ ...._ .... _.._ ....Deputy <br /> <br />$TA14~ t~ __.._......____.,._______.... ,_____ _.._ 3 $Atered oa nu*nerical imies and filed far record <br />1}~ in the Ragistes of I)aeds Offiae of said County the <br />~fSaaal,T -~_....._._._._.__~_.._.._.-.._T__...._.. <br />,+dg ai.-_,..._...~.e...._,._.____..._., 19_.,.._-. afi_...T..._.f,_......._.o'da~Jc and..........._---.-.......minutes .,- ..............._bt., <br />aid reraaedad tut Hcak..._.__...__...._._,_....__..af__~~._,._....__., page......_......_...---..._....._.......... <br />