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<br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 2$ ,685 <br />Subject to L# 21,478 <br />IQdOWALLMENBYTF3FSEPRESEN'1'S:'!'bat James H. Sheeks, Jr. and Violet J. Sheeks, each in his and <br />her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, whether rme or rune, in r~detation of the snm of <br />Seven Thousand and No/100--------------------°----------------------------------- mLLARs <br />loatxd to sad mortgagor by Tlx Equitable Budding and Luau Assocesteon of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 70 shares of s[ndc of <br />said ASSOCIATfON, Certificate No. L 23:685 , da hereby grant, wt,vey srd taArtgage trrim the said ASSt~fAT10N the follovaiag <br />desai6ed rest estate, sitanted in flea County, Nebraska: <br />LOT FOUR (4} & THE NORTH TWENTY FEET (20') OF LOT FIVE (5), IN <br />BLOCK FOUR (4) OF THE THIRD ADDITION TO THE VILLAGE OF CAIRO, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Subject to prior martgage to the mortgagee herein, in the principal amount of Fifteen <br />Th~rtnatfd 115=000.00} dated January 24, 1975. <br />tagesiier ndti a8 tfu trixtneatx, hcrcditxnxsas and appurtrnarrtrs thrmunhi brlongrt;g, ttfcluderag attacfted flag wveriagv, all window a-rxus, <br />shadre. Lefm+$, strnn waridawvs, arnt„es, f+t'atmg. ate nd,iinne,>n,and pfumbing and water rgtripment and accessories therrto,pumps, stoves, <br />,ettigerators, and other ltAtares and egtuprxni tare av hereafter aitartud to oz :tsed in cannt~ii[rn witl: said real estate. <br />And v,lrsaeas the said mortgaigua has agreed and does hcre3» agm xhai fix mortgagor shall and wal pay all taxes and as.~ents levied or <br />aae>zod ~ sted preatuaes and upon this mortgage and tfu ix~r,d stx4red atureln ben,re tfa- amc slaafl fxcoax drlutgoeat; io furnish approved <br />ittsaraor ,gtoe Lbc fsra3diog c,e sad prcmers sittsatrd in tfx sum of 3 7 ,000. OD payable to Sid ASSOCIATION and 20 deliver to said <br />Accts aT~i tie poSaes for sad irtsuram:.; tad tf:a to commit or nrrnta any aasie on or about said ptrtnisst; <br />in enc of ddwh in ifx perfnrrnatuz ni any of the trans and a'+ndiircans ai thhis nxxtgagr or the bond sccsrred hereby. tlu roorigagee shall, <br />m dr'maad_ be tairtkd to m~edIDte snrstemort of the TI#~v tgiged prrm,5r5 and ti,e mortgagor hrreb.~ assegits, tnnsfets and arts oter to the <br />a8 tfx rents, reaearxs and trmome to M detiveaf from the mongrgrd prrmtses dtuirtg such tutu as :he rtvottgagr indebtedtxss shaD <br />aepaid: and the mort5ab!oe shaft hate the povvrr to appoint aey agent w agrnu ,t tmy drsirc far the purptrse aI repaitit,g sad premises and reatitg <br />tie sate ,cod ra8ediug tax rents, ravattxs atd rtfatmt, aed it taay pay nut of said iruva,~fe atl ezprnses of rntuititig seed prcnrees sod ttemm[y <br />maw tad rapntaes incurird in renting and tt,aur~g the carne amt of caikcting renufs therefrom; the balance remaining, if any, to be <br />a+ppp~y~ tavard tlx disdtngc of said r,mtigaee mdefnzdness: Lluse rigf+ts of fix mtxtgsgre frwy ix eznevni at any titer durvg tlx exestttta of nieh <br />dt~aa~, rn:t~ic of am irmp~tan~ rtaivcr of iM same. <br />There P4rsertts, fatv,cver, err tipxe ihr CarfdRann, That d tlx sad Marrtgagoa shaft repay seed lone, on at beiare the mattutty off said shares by <br />payafeat; pay mancthfy tai sad AS3tlCtA7l6N ,d fix sum s}aa~,fxd of t:x f4and saved hereby as utcrest and principal ,art seed loan, on or betote <br />tic Tvraftictta day al rxk and r+t'r')' rtamtfs,tuftif sad keen rs fully pa,d, pat all razes and asarssinents kvxxi agtinst seed ptea:xscs and uu this Mortgage <br />and !ie fitu,tf scwn+d tlxrrfn, luf.^,rc dd.>seprtuu c~. fxrnssh apprnned xmaraner uF,nn the buildings tiueroo zn the sum of 4 7 , Dfl©. OD ~yabk <br />m stall ASS(iCl.A77i)N: repny t,r sad AS.~t`fATItZN tgzRf demand afl meuxy- ba a pad i.r+ sarelf taz~, asrrsmxots tad itfstttari,x with interest at <br />the aaazanaar it;gar razz tiertvru f nm elate of pa;~rnrnt a8 aaf wfarch Mixegega>r hereby a{,rars rat pay: permit rra tvaue rm sad TMr^*•~; krrp amt a,mPly <br />vt:Qi ai tdx s atd as,daiams eat tl,r ktrrd r'av 3 ? DDD. OD this day gtv!ra by tfr card rdtrtt~ut to szgi ASSt7CtAT10N, and tvmpb <br />alo fix tnfpsraerais tai t~ is -metauticw sort eR' #~ws rai'sa,d A.,~'LYi3.iSlON; ekes, t~s pmts a~ :>rarc na:.u and acxid. ethrtwisr they <br />$ap ae~ at is8 f<rs~ and ma}' At tsxcr3+r»f ai the apticm sat i,`ic sa,u AaStJi: fATI~',1 nitre fat'sr,:e for ttucc tt,onifn to make any of said <br />pryaraas or be t rnuotis ra arrears ~ tatdcsr~ ~,d cot-+nikt3 3~5n~rs, ~ tar L~rp sell ~ uiy,ly w:ih eiu agrarntrnts and a,nditiotts sr! said Btned; <br />turd 1;otr~gcar agrees x, itxe a :rccercr nppt atef forth„vtfi m Huff forrchrsurr prtwxxufitfgt <br />ff time is say m t,+rmcrsitgf d the teat raaxe rrkutdPpaf ieer3n, by sale of otf,exwue, tMn ihr. rnttrc reIItaitW7Q, nNkbledrxa hereby <br />aoaned shah, at the r~+tian a~ TS,r Equrtal+k [ptsidufft and Lawu Assaciatwut of t:rtuad island, *:rbtada.Ixcomr mtrtxdiatety due and ptyabk wetl,uut <br />fratitter n,xanr, and fir anwmt rcana+tatxg due under ~ bond-, and auy ;rthcf hand for any additional adva[uzs made tiurcunder, shall, from the <br />~ of erf said r,ptx,n, teat b,rneu as ttx nraanaurit irgfl nee. and xhia raNar'tililgr may thw be foteckraatl m stLtsfy the auu,uat due on said <br />iand,attd tttry oaia lK,ad for addeitvnsi adautaes, ioprtiet sxh ah sumt pad by said The Etfuitabk titaldi„g a~ Loan Aaaueutioe of C.tatd (slated, <br />Zeta for aratrartax, teas and asauunrnrs. rani al,>ffraMSrg r.tgetisBCm dmgee. with mtert~ theircru, from dace of payment at the ttusimum <br />~~. <br />Aa i .~ tie $oad ttwnad ~a~Y, while tlgs mcstyga: rcSSaias m riTec-t t~ mtxtgags~c may Ira't-afro adv+ncz additional mm~ m fix <br />attakria of ~ SAnd. ihts ausigss xu sraaYaait as mt~est, a'tuch sums sfufl bt within fix sat-amty of this mtr<tgage the same as the funds otigiaally <br />imatad ii~iy, tie total atirtaoiS ~ ~~ deM ant to extxaed s: my titsx t#x ixigjnai antottai of the mnsigage. <br />r~~'" ~ 13th 3a~ ~i .~ebruarv n. o., i~ 80 <br />~ li, ~h~ks, Llr. rf lw ~ f~-~-._. -- <br />dit3lQt J. S~ <br />s#'w1T a~' d+Afi?CA> ~ L~ t;;x l 3 th day acid- February 19 BO , bef'orc roe, <br />tt©tt~irsv tl~ flAfA <br />the uodersigoed. a Noury ihihl[c m and fur sad C,muty, persotnily canoe <br />Jataes #I. Sheeks. Jr. and Yiolet J. Sheeks, each in his and her ownw~ght, and~es~~r~uof <br />~ o,r are <br />xs Yo lac tie rdeatead peranns whore Herne 5 are a(i`txed to rhr afw»Y insu_ttaeat a, mar[gague 5 and they xrreratly <br />~ tie ~ tasttsmrot to he their wlts,iary act arnf tlre+i. <br />df77ftEtS ray land and Notarra! Scat the date rdaresad. <br />)ry C.tfmm~waf eapi+ea f -.- <br />MtiFall >p /tGRml lfO'.4$t ;a- 3e~ heurtaka~ Nolan l'ubfu.. <br />., t ~ `slJf~ <br />1a.!'•n.€~:._~x , ,.. ._.: .~_~. ?363 <br />